Viser treff 501-520 av 1420

    • Kritisk viktig, men samfunnsøkonomisk ulønnsomt … 

      Bardal, Kjersti Granås; Solvoll, Gisle; Mathisen, Terje Andreas; Østbye, Stein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2021-04-19)
      <p>Samferdselsprosjekter som oppleves som kritisk viktige lokalt og regionalt, vurderes ofte som samfunnsøkonomisk ulønnsomme. Med mange prosjekter som konkurrerer om begrensede offentlige midler, er det da svært viktig at beslutninger om hvilke prosjekter som skal prioriteres er velbegrunnede og gjennomtenkte. <p>Den samfunnsøkonomiske analysen skal – ved å synliggjøre tiltakenes samfunnsøkonomiske ...
    • The significance of knowledge readiness for co-creation in university industry collaborations 

      Mathisen, Line; Jørgensen, Eva Jenny Benedikte (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-10)
      This study explores value co-creation in university industry collaborations. The study is inspired by the constructivist approach to grounded theory and self-ethnography and based on interviews with 27 informants (eleven industry mentors and 16 academics) engaged in university industry collaborations. The findings suggest that co-creation depends on knowledge readiness and knowledge readiness develops ...
    • Intentions to Consume Sustainably Produced Fish: The Moderator Effects of Involvement and Environmental Awareness 

      Skallerud, Kåre; Armbrecht, John; Tuu, Ho Huy (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-18)
      The purpose of this study is to apply the conceptual framework of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to explain the consumption of sustainable produced fish in Sweden. We seek to understand the moderating role of food product involvement and environmental awareness as extensions of traditional constructs such as attitudes, social norms, and perceived behavioral control. The data were derived from ...
    • Framing Sustainable Healthcare Services 

      Engelseth, Per; Kozlowski, Remigiusz; Kamecka, Karolina; Gawinski, Lukasz; Glavee-Geo, Richard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-11)
      This paper develops an analytical framework using process thinking to achieve sustainable healthcare services. Healthcare is characterised by low economic efficiency. At the same time, it is embedded in ethical concerns related to society and nature. Healthcare is thus conceptualised as functionality in an ecosystem. The patient is woven into both nature and society. Given the complex nature of ...
    • Sustained Competitive Advantage Based on Industry-Specific Institutional Frameworks 

      Bertheussen, Bernt Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-10)
      This study investigates the relationships between industry-specific institutions, industry structure, and industry performance. The Norwegian Pelagic value chain’s harvesting industry and its processing industry comprised the empirical context. The study findings reveal that the harvesters (the fishers), on average, achieved nearly twice the return on assets relative to the processors. Furthermore, ...
    • Har teknisk analyse en investeringsverdi? En studie av daglige anbefalinger fra selskapet Investtech 

      Rasmussen, Katrine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-01)
      Det meste av forskning viser at markedet er effisient i svak form, men til tross for dette eksisterer det et marked for teknisk analyse. I denne oppgaven forsøker jeg å avdekke en investeringsverdi for investorer som benytter seg av tekniske analyser, da gjennom anbefalinger fra selskapet Investtech. Jeg har valgt å se på to mulige opphav til verdi; både om det skjer en reaksjon i markedet umiddelbart ...
    • Power Imbalance and the Dark Side of the Captive Agri-food Supplier–Buyer Relationship 

      Glavee-Geo, Richard; Engelseth, Per; Buvik, Arnt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-19)
      This paper highlights the dark side of power imbalance regarding its consequences in agri-food supplier–buyer relationships. We report on findings from two studies. The first study is based on a sample of 105 key informants, while study 2 is based on a sample of 444 key informants, all from the cocoa agri-food supply market of Ghana. While the first study focuses on the antecedents of power imbalance ...
    • Competitive balance: Information disclosure and discrimination in an asymmetric contest 

      Clark, Derek John; Kundu, Tapas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-14)
      We study a design problem for an effort-maximizing principal in a two-player contest with two dimensions of asymmetry. Players have different skill levels and an information gap exists, as only one player knows the skill difference. The principal has two policy instruments to redress the lack of competitive balance due to asymmetry; she can commit to an information-disclosing mechanism, and she can ...
    • Ambiguity tolerance and confusion avoidance in the intent to purchase farmed fish 

      Hoque, Mohammed Ziaul; Bashar, Mohammad Abul; Akhter, Farzana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-18)
      Aquaculture products are presently becoming a crucial part of consumers’ diets. However, asymmetric information regarding farmed fish exposes consumers to ambiguity and often makes them confused. Therefore, this study aims to ascertain the levels of ambiguity tolerance (AT) and confusion avoidance (CA) related to farmed fish and to test if consumers’ AT and CA influence their purchase intent (PI) ...
    • Designing an Accounting Course Module on Cost Allocation: Pedagogical and Didactical Considerations from a Norwegian Perspective 

      Timochenko, Konstantin Yurievich; Hansen, Odd Birger; Madsen, Dag Øivind; Stenheim, Tonny (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-13)
      This paper aims to elucidate some didactical and pedagogical issues related to the design of a course module on cost allocation, a pivotal topic in management accounting education at the undergraduate level around the globe. The module in question is specifically tailored to third-year undergraduates in business pursuing a major in accounting-related topics. As a theoretical back-drop, the paper ...
    • Entrepreneurship Education as a Strategy to Build Regional Sustainability 

      Hagebakken, Grete; Reimers, Christian S.; Solstad, Elsa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-26)
      Entrepreneurship education (EE) is a means to create economic activity and is of importance in the development of rural regions. Entrepreneurship education is generally conducted by three different methods: (1) teaching students about entrepreneurial themes, (2) developing the capabilities of becoming a successful entrepreneur for enterprise and (3) developing capabilities through enterprise by which ...
    • Framing Sustainable Exports in Theory and Practice 

      Engelseth, Per; Glavee-Geo, Richard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-26)
      Increasingly exporters need to take into consideration sustainable exports. This paper is an academic exercise that seeks to develop an analytical framework to demonstrate sustainable exports as a market embedded inter-organisational function. Influences of this investigation include institutional economics and sociology. The developed framework guides investigation of three published cases of ...
    • Fish quality and market performance: The case of the coastal fishery for Atlantic cod in Norway 

      Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun; Henriksen, Edgar; Joensen, Sjúrður; Bendiksen, Bjørn Inge; Hermansen, Øystein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-22)
      This study focuses on fish quality and resource utilization at the ex-vessel level of the value chain. Substantial waste in the form of reduced fish quality is revealed for Atlantic cod landed by the coastal fleet in Norway, with approximately 30% of the sampled cod from 399 catches downgraded, implying reduced value of products in onshore processing. By using an objective quality index for individual ...
    • A Surge toward a Sustainable Future: Organizational Change and Transformational Vision by an Oil and Gas Company 

      Jaber, Tahrir (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-13)
      <p>Context: reflecting the call being made by the United Nations to solve our current climate challenges and reduce companies’ CO2 emissions, there is a strong need for large corporations to not only employ the terminology of sustainable transitions, but to implement strategies and select new alternative sustainable solutions. <p>Objective: this study fills a gap in the literature by developing and ...
    • Workshop methodology design: Innovation-oriented participatory processes for sustainability 

      Bertella, Giovanna; Lupini, Sara; Romanelli, Cecilia Rossi; Font aulet, Xavier (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-03)
      Workshop methodologies based on overarching knowledge structures are necessary for a shift of the tourism sector towards sustainability. We adopted a participatory action research approach and designed a workshop methodology based on the main tenets and tools of the theory of change, design thinking, and sustainable business models. We tested this methodology within a project initiated by a destination ...
    • Hvordan opplever mellomledere i kommunal helse - og omsorgssektor sitt handlingsrom i strategiske endringsprosesser? 

      Aas, Elin Carina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-11-30)
      Å inneha rollen som mellomleder fremstilles i mange sammenhenger som den mest krevende rollen i en organisasjon, og beskrives som en som binder sammen organisasjoners operasjonelle og strategiske nivå. Med dette utgangspunktet vil mellomlederne kunne påvirke strategiske endringsprosesser. For å belyse denne problemstillingen har jeg valgt å undersøke hvordan mellomledere i kommunal helse – og ...
    • Effektivitetsanalyse og produktivitetsutvikling i norske sparebanker. En analyse av norske sparebanker for perioden 2014-2017 ved bruk av Data Envelopment Analysis og Malmquist produktivitetsindeks 

      Borkenhagen, Kristoffer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-02-26)
      Denne oppgaven analyserer effektivitet og effektivitetsutviklingen for norske sparebanker i perioden 2014-2017. Banknæringen i Norge reguleres av regjeringen i form av boliglånsforskrifter og andre regulatoriske krav. Banknæringen spiller en viktig samfunnsrolle for å tilby trygg og stabil finansiering til befolkningen. Datagrunnlaget for analysen er hentet fra Finans Norge sine årlige utgivelser ...
    • Hvor stor betydning har medarbeidersamtalen? En masteroppgave der vi undersøker hvordan ansatte i en norsk kommune vurderer medarbeidersamtalen 

      Eriksen, Anita; Bratteng, Siv (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-01)
      <p>Fenomenet medarbeidersamtalen kan synes å ha en variert betydning blant ansatte som har benyttet slike samtaler. Med dette som utgangspunkt ønsket vi å undersøke <i>medarbeidersamtalen</i> og hvilken betydning denne faktisk har. Vår problemstilling ble derfor «Hvor stor betydning har medarbeidersamtalen»? For å få svar på dette ble ansatte i Harstad kommune valgt ut til å besvare spørsmål knyttet ...
    • Faktorer som påvirker prisen på en cruisereise. En empirisk studie av prisdannelsen for Hurtigrutens cruisereiser langs norskekysten 

      Biti, Helge Tveit (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-31)
      Denne studien undersøker prisdannelsen til Hurtigruten AS ved hjelp av en invers etterspørselsmodell, hvor formålet er undersøke hvilke faktorer som bidrar til å forklare billettprisen til Hurtigruten og hvor stor innvirkning disse faktorene har på billettprisen. Det legges spesielt vekt på å undersøke hvilken virkning ulike kampanjer har på billettprisen. Til dette formålet blir det gjort en ...
    • Novelty in tourism experiences: the influence of physical staging and human interaction on behavioural intentions 

      Blomstervik, Ingvild; Prebensen, Nina Katrine; Campos, Ana Claudia; Pinto, Patricia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-15)
      Tourists’ tendency to choose new and different experiences and destinations is well known in tourism research and practice. By drawing on social exchange theory and service-dominant logic, the present study investigates how physical staging and human interaction influence behavioural intentions in experiences with varying levels of novelty. This relationship is tested using survey data collected ...