Now showing items 1-20 of 1041

    • Home Energy Management System for a Residential Building in Arctic Climate of Norway Using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring and Deep Learning 

      Kianpoor, Nasrin; Hoff, Bjarte; Østrem, Trond; Yousefi, Mojtaba (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-06)
      Residential buildings can actively participate in energy management strategies by integrating advanced metering infrastructure to have a reliable and stable distribution system. This paper introduces a novel home energy management system (HEMS) framework to minimize total electricity costs by optimizing the charging of an electric vehicle (EV). The methodology incorporates a non-intrusive load ...
    • A Network-based Set Covering Model for Charging Station Location Problem: A Case Study in Norway 

      Yu, Hao; Sun, Xu; Thordarson, Diana Santalova; Solbakken, Kine; Solvang, Wei Deng (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-02-25)
      Due to the worldwide concern about excessive greenhouse emissions and global warming, vehicles with cleaner sources of energy, e.g., electricity, hydrogen, etc., have been increasingly introduced into the market. Apart from the regulations and government incentives, the distance convenience and accessibility to charging stations have become one of the most important success factors to promote the ...
    • Solenergi i Longyearbyen 

      Nystad, Jonas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-02-01)
      Denne rapporten presenterer og drøfter implementering av større mengder solkraft i energisystemet i Longyearbyen. Solkraft er ikke det første man tenker på når man nevner Svalbard, men som absolutt viser seg å ha et potensial så langt nord. Mye på grunn av midnattssolen og kaldt klima. Det eksisterer allerede noen installasjoner av solkraft i og rundt Longyearbyen. Disse har blitt kartlagt og ...
    • Editorial: Supply Chain Transformation for Pursuing Carbon-neutrality 

      Pourhejazy, Pourya; Wycislak, Slawomir; Solvang, Wei Deng; Ericson, Åsa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-28)
    • Investigating the Influence of Oil Shale Ash and Basalt Composite Fibres on the Interfacial Transition Zone in Concrete 

      Jhatial, Ashfaque Ahmed; Novakova, Iveta; Gjerløw, Eirik (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2024-02)
    • Damage Accumulation in the Hybrid Composite Material Reinforced by Oil Shale Ash (OSA) Powder and 3D-Knitted Fabric Subjected to Mechanical Loading 

      Kononova, Olga N.; Krasnikovs, Andrejs; Vavaliya, Umesh; Macanovskis, Arturs; Lasenko, Inga; Kannathasan, Karunamoorthy Rengasamy; Jafarli, Ilgar; Novakova, Iveta; Motlep, Riho; Vaišnoras, Mindaugas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-02-23)
      Hybrid reinforcement in a composite material (CM), in many situations, allows better govern material mechanical properties. Polymer matrix CM plate is reinforced with small particles and macro-fibers. Particles are oil shale ash (OSA) powder, macro-fibers – basalt fiber threads im-pregnated by matrix material. With the goal to find out elastic properties of the matrix- polymer with OSA, samples with ...

      Melichar, Tomáš; Vasas, Silvestr; Bydžovský, Jiří; Keprdová, Šárka; Dufka, Amos; Novakova, Iveta (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      This paper presents research on the changes in the properties of cement-bonded particleboard modified with particulate mixture (PM). PM replaced 4% of the binder (cement) and 4% of the filler (spruce chips). The cement-bonded particleboards were tested for physical (bulk density, swelling, linear expansion due to relative humidity changes) and mechanical properties (modulus of rupture and modulus ...
    • The Effect of Raw Materials and Mechanical Activation Stages on Properties of Foamed Concrete 

      Baronins, Janis; Shishkin, Andrei; Lusis, Vitalijs; Giosuè, Chiara; Goljandin, Dmitri; Novakova, Iveta; Kekez, Sofija; Korjakins, Aleksandrs; Gorelikovs, Dmitrijs; Gavrilovs, Pavels (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-16)
      This study investigates the impact of high-energy milling on foamed concrete, which is crucial for its lightweight and insulating properties. The research uses a two-rotor disintegrator for milling cement, sand, and microsilica to evaluate the mechanical properties of foamed concrete produced with a high-speed homogenizer in a novel two-stage process. Comparisons are made between non-milled, ...
    • Machine Learning-Based Sales Forecasting During Crises: Evidence from a Turkish Women's Clothing Retailer 

      Kizgin, Kiymet Tabak; Alp, Selcuk; Aydin, Nezir; Yu, Hao (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-22)
      Background Retail involves directly delivering goods and services to end consumers. Natural disasters and epidemics/pandemics have significant potential to disrupt supply chains, leading to shortages, forecasting errors, price increases, and substantial financial strains on retailers. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for retail sectors to prepare for crisis impacts on sales forecasts ...
    • Production scheduling of additively manufactured metal parts 

      Ying, Kuo-Ching; Lin, Shih-Wei; Pourhejazy, Pourya; Lee, Fei-Huan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-23)
      The production of metal products is one of the main areas where supply chains benefit from adopting additive manufacturing (AM). Optimizing the production process facilitates the widespread adoption of AM by improving know-how and reducing costs. This study offers a twofold contribution to facilitate the implementation of Ad ditive Manufacturing Scheduling Problems (AMSPs) for producing metal ...
    • Modification of glass screen printed electrodes with graphene quantum dots for enhanced power output in miniaturized microbial fuel cells 

      Mao, Yuvraj Maphrio; Amreen, Khairunnisa; Calay, Rajnish K; Banerjee, Aritro; Goel, Sanket (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-02)
      This paper demonstrates screen-printing technique, Glass Screen printed (GSP) on glass layer with Graphene Quantum Dots (GQDs) via drop casting approach to manufacture electrodes for Miniaturized Microbial Fuel Cells (MMFCs). MMFCs are viable options to sustainably operate low-power devices such as sensors, implantable medical devices, etc. However, the technology is still not fully mature for ...
    • Old and new on the Peetre K-functional and its relations to real interpolation theory, quasi-monotone functions and wavelets 

      Dalmo, Rune; Samko, Natasha Gabatsuyevna; Persson, Lars-Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-10)
      The Peetre K-functional is a key object in the development of the real method of interpolation. In this paper we point out a less known relation to wavelet theory and its applications to approximation theory and engineering applications. As a new basis for further development of these studies we present some known properties in the form appropriate for further applications and then derive new ...
    • Healthcare waste management and antimicrobial resistance: a critical review 

      Abosse, Jirata Shiferaw; Megersa, Bekele; Zewge, Feleke; Eregno, Fasil (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-30)
      The rapid growth of populations and urbanization has led to a significant increase in healthcare waste, posing serious health risks. A search on Google Scholar identified seven relevant articles from Ethiopia that examine the relationship between improper waste management in healthcare facilities (HCFs) and the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes. This review aims to highlight key concepts, ...
    • Durability of Wood–Cement Composites with Modified Composition by Limestone and Stabilised Spruce Chips 

      Melichar, Tomáš; Dufka, Amos; Dvořák, Karel; Bayer, Patrik; Vasas, Silvestr; Novakova, Iveta; Schwarzova, Ivana; Bydžovský, Jiří (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-23)
      Limestone (LS) and stabilised secondary spruce chips (SCs) utilisation in wood–cement composites is still an unexplored area. Therefore, the main objective of the research presented here is the assessment of the long-term behaviour of cement-bonded particleboards (CBPs) modified by LS and SCs. Cement (CE) was replaced by 10% of LS, and spruce chips by 7% of SCs. The test specimens were stored ...
    • Augmented reality projections as a tool to enrich simulations in health care education: Combining AR projector technology with manikins 

      Brustad, Tanita Fossli; Pedersen, Aleksander; Høgbakk, Mona Lahm; Wangberg, Silje C (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-24)
      The advancement of augmented reality in recent years has increased the interest and potential of using the technology in various fields. In health care education augmented reality is becoming a popular tool, together with manikins, to enhance realism of patient interaction for students in a learning environment. The purpose of this research was to study an augmented reality projector and its ability ...
    • Homogenization of nonlocal spectral problems 

      Piatnitski, Andrei; Rybalko, Volodymyr (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-11)
      We consider a spectral problem for convolution-type operators in environments with locally periodic microstructure and study the asymptotic behavior of the bottom of the spectrum. We show that the bottom point of the spectrum converges as the microstructure period tends to zero, and identify the limit in terms of an additive eigenvalue problem for effective Hamilton–Jacobi equation. In the periodic ...
    • A multi-objective approach for the integrated planning of drone and robot assisted truck operations in last-mile delivery 

      Mokhtari-Moghadam, Ali; Salhi, Abdella; Yang, Xinan; Thanh Nguyen, Trung; Pourhejazy, Pourya (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-10)
      Supply chains are experiencing a major transition driven by changing customer expectations, environmental concerns, and technological development. Considering the surge in e-commerce since the pandemic, the path forward for affordable, responsive supply chains is autonomous last-mile delivery. Drone and robot technologies complement the last-mile delivery’s operational requirements and hence ...
    • Fault Tolerant Flight Control for the Traction Phase of Pumping Airborne Wind Energy Systems 

      Mohammed, Tareg; Oland, Espen; Fagiano, Lorenzo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-02)
      A fault-tolerant control approach is proposed, for a pumping airborne wind energy system (AWES) comprising a tethered fixed-wing aircraft with integrated propellers for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL). First, the flight control design for the traction phase of the system, when the tethered aircraft has to fly in loops using the rudder, is presented. Then, the presence of the propellers, that ...
    • Large-Scale Reverse Pumping for Rigid-Wing Airborne Wind Energy Systems 

      Mohammed, Tareg; Busk, Jørgen; Oland, Espen; Fagiano, Lorenzo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-25)
    • Modelling ductile fracture in an Al alloy with crystal plasticity models 

      Khadyko, Mikhail Aleksandrovich; Frodal, Bjørn Håkon; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-24)
      Crystal plasticity models enhanced with coupled or uncoupled damage and fracture criteria give an opportunity to account for the role of microstructure in ductile fracture, most directly representing the local variations of stress and strain fields inside and between the grains, voids and particles. Some computationally efficient crystal plasticity, damage and fracture models have recently been ...