Now showing items 101-120 of 33233

    • Profiles of Occupational Therapy Students: A Cluster Analysis 

      Mørk, Gry; Gramstad, Astrid; Stigen, Linda; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Bonsaksen, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-17)
      While studies have examined predictors of study performance in various student groups, cluster analytic studies identify groups of students with similar characteristics. The purpose of this study was to explore relevant clusters of occupational therapy students and examine profile differences between participants in different clusters. A total of 177 first-year students from six occupational therapy ...
    • Exploring the variation in associations between socioeconomic indicators and non-communicable diseases in the Tromsø Study: an algorithmic approach 

      Svalestuen, Sigbjørn; Sari, Emre; Langholz, Petja Lyn; Vo, Chi Quynh (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-11)
      Aims: We contribute to the methodological literature on the assessment of health inequalities by applying an algorithmic approach to evaluate the capabilities of socioeconomic variables in predicting the prevalence of non-communicable diseases in a Norwegian health survey. Methods: We use data from the seventh survey of the population based Tromsø Study (2015–2016), including 11,074 women and ...
    • The role of gender, stress, and social support in parents' pandemic well-being: A cross-national study 

      Thorsteinsen, Kjærsti; Heijens, Marie; Parks-Stamm, Elizabeth J.; Froehlich, Laura; Martiny, Sarah E. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-15)
      Objective The goal was to investigate whether and how the well-being of mothers and fathers was differentially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in four European countries and whether differences in stress and social support explain observed gender differences. Background Previous research documents that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on many people's lives and that some groups, ...
    • Secular trends in mental health problems among young people in Norway: a review and meta-analysis 

      Potrebny, Thomas; Nilsen, Sondre Aasen; Bakken, Anders; Soest, Tillman von; Kvaløy, Kirsti; Samdal, Oddrun; Sivertsen, Børge; Aase, Heidi; Bang, Lasse (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-16)
      There is a growing concern that the mental health of recent generations of youth is deteriorating, yet the etiology of these secular changes is not fully understood. We aimed to review the evidence on trends in mental health problems among young people in Norway. Seven large-scale repeated cross-sectional studies were included in this study, comprising 35 cross-sectional data collections between ...
    • Økobevisst fotografi. Fremvekst av nye praksiser og tenkemåter. 

      Stien, Hanne Hammer; Fjellestad, Marthe Tolnes (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-13)
      Current practices of eco-conscious photography, informed by the ongoing climate crisis and post-humanist theory, share characteristics such as collectivity, co-creation, and pro- cess orientation. By way of examples from the UK and the Nordic region, we investigate how these aspects are made (in)visible within the framework of photographic institu- tions: artist-led organizations, photographic ...
    • The impact of spawning pink salmon (Onchorhynchus gorbuscha) on the water quality of northern Norwegian rivers 

      Hansen, Eline Helen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-05)
      Since the 2017 invasion of pink salmon in northern Norwegian rivers, increasing populations of the odd-year stock have continued to return and are further expanding their range southwestwards. A relatively short time from its first invasion and the pink salmon's strictly 2-year life cycle, gives a unique opportunity to compare the pink salmon's effect on the riverine system, during a season with its ...

      Plata, Izabela (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      The rising number of forcibly displaced people has led to an increased need for refugee camps, which provide temporary shelter and safety for those unable to return home. Despite being designed for short - term use, many camps evolve into long - term settlements, bringing challenges related to safety, infrastructure and community integration. This project explores whether current refugee camp designs ...
    • Concentrations and patterns of organochlorines (OCs) and perfluoro-alkyl substances (PFASs) in eggs of two Arctic seabird species and their relationship with eggshell thickness 

      Os-Trandem, Emilie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-16)
      Despite the remoteness of the Arctic, long-range transport of anthropogenic organohalogenated contaminants (OHCs) has led to their detection at high concentrations in various Arctic animals for decades. Seabirds have been commonly used as biomonitors of OHCs, and the current study investigated the concentrations and patterns of organochlorines (OCs) and perfluoro-alkyl substances (PFASs) in eggs of ...
    • Mapping and assessing Eelgrass (Zostera marina) distribution and growth parameters in two Ramsar-sites 

      Kristiansen, August (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is a keystone species in coastal ecosystems that provides several crucial ecosystem services such as, habitat formation, carbon sequestration, and coastal protection. This thesis aims to map and assess the distribution of eelgrass and the performance parameters, eelgrass coverage, epiphyte coverage, and shoot height at two Ramsar sites: Sørkjosleira, and Kobbevågen in ...
    • Grazed vs the Ungrazed: Herbivory Effects on Leaf Nutrient Content and Chemical Defense 

      Noteboom, Hyronimus Bernardus Tabor (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Despite growing evidence of herbivory's influence on plant nutrient dynamics in the Arctic tundra, the short-term effects on leaf nutrient and phenolics contents across different tundra habitats and dominant plant species remain underexplored. This study enhances our understanding by analyzing the impacts of a 2-year herbivore exclusion (involving Svalbard reindeer and migratory geese) on ...
    • Estimating effects of river runoff, predation, and fish carcasses on intertidal macrobenthic community and food-web structure in a sub-Arctic estuary 

      Hoppmann, Frederike (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Coastal benthic organisms play an essential role in many ecosystem functions, such as organic matter utilization and regeneration of nutrients. In northern Norway, coastal ecosystems experience snowmelt-induced increased river runoff in early summer, arrival of poleward migrating predators, and invasive pink salmon runs, potentially affecting macrobenthic communities and food-web structures. This ...
    • Growth responses of seedlings along encroachment gradients of the allelopathic plant Empetrum nigrum 

      Aalstad, Guro Hedemann (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      Empetrum nigrum is a native evergreen shrub distributed in alpine and circumpolar areas that is currently encroaching into new habitats. This is an allelopathic plant that releases secondary metabolites, which has a negative impact on seed germination and seedling growth. The species has been recorded to expand in altitude and latitude parallel to a warmer climate and is encroaching into new habitats. ...
    • Spatial segregation by sympatrically breeding Antarctic and Snow Petrels. 

      Philippot, Gildwin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      Sympatrically breeding species may face intense competition for resources, which can lead to various forms of segregation to mitigate competitive pressures. Segregation of space or habitats is one possible strategy, particularly when species share similar diets and foraging behaviors. This study examines the differences in space and habitat use between Antarctic and Snow Petrels (Thalassoica ...
    • Motivations and Effects of Volunteer Divers Restoring Norwegian Kelp Forests 

      Remøe, Ingvild Berge (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      Kelp forests are in decline worldwide due to increasing anthropogenic pressures. Along the coastline of Northern Norway, spanning 15,000 kilometers, sea urchins have transformed the seabed from biodiverse kelp forests into barren grounds dominated by sea urchins. To address this issue, the initiative The Guardians of the Kelp engages volunteer divers in Northern Norway in monthly clearing events to ...
    • Arctic Shrub Expansion: Implications for Stream Benthic Invertebrate Community Structure & Function 

      Satter, Robin Andrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      The Arctic is rapidly warming and this increase in temperature has been found to drive range expansion of tall shrubs in the Arctic tundra ecosystems. Although the consequences of shrub expansion have been studied in the terrestrial tundra, effects on tundra stream ecosystems remain understudied. Riparian tall shrubs, such as willows, can provide stream ecosystems with leaf litter and shade, enhancing ...
    • Maturation patterns and genetic diversity of the spinytail skate Bathyraja spinicauda 

      Amannt, Charlotte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-14)
      With the expansion of fisheries into deeper waters and climate change, it is increasingly important to determine the status of the species affected by these changes. One of these species is the spinytail skate Bathyraja spinicauda, an understudied skate species with vulnerable life history traits such as slow maturation and a low number of offspring. To address the lack of basic knowledge about the ...
    • Lost and Found: Reassessing Ringed Seal Abundance in a Key Fjord System in Svalbard After a 20-Year Hiatus 

      Rams i Ríos, Marc (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-15)
      Ringed seals (Pusa hispida) in Svalbard, Norway, are thought to be declining due to the impacts of climate change in the region, particularly due to a significant reduction in the extent of landfast sea ice that they rely on for breeding. The only available survey of ringed seals in Svalbard took place in 2002, so is now over twenty years old. Here, we address this data gap by conducting UAV aerial ...
    • Hybridkontor i oljeselskap 

      Digernes, Jonas; Løkkevik Bratland, Aina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-12-21)
      Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan bruk av en hybridkontormodell, hvor ansatte kan tilbringe noen dager i uken på hjemmekontor, påvirker ansattes arbeidsytelse i oljeselskapet Okea ASA. Studien fokuserer på overgangen til hybride arbeidsformer etter covid-19-pandemien. For å vurdere påvirkning på arbeidsytelse undersøkes faktorer innenfor områdene arbeid-hjem balanse, motivasjon og lederstøtte. ...
    • Hvilke suksessfaktorer kan bidra til etterlevelse av anskaffelsesregelverket i norske kommuner? 

      Eide, Jørgen Aas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-30)
      Norske kommuner foretok innkjøp for mer enn 240 milliarder kroner i 2022. Disse innkjøpene reguleres av lov om offentlige anskaffelser, som blant annet har som formål å fremme effektiv bruk av samfunnets ressurser. Denne målsetningen operasjonaliseres gjennom et omfattende regelverk som inneholder bestemte prosedyrer for hvordan det offentliges innkjøp skal gjennomføres. Dersom regelverket brytes, ...
    • Verdsettelse Equinor ASA 

      Nilsen, Ståle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-25)
      Oppgavens hovedformål og problemstilling er å kartlegge underliggende verdier i Equinor ASA ved årsslutt 2021, og basert på daværende aksjekurs på Oslo Børs anbefale kjøp, hold eller salg av aksjen. Studiet er en dokumentstudiet med bruk av offentlige kilder. Prosessen for kartlegging av underliggende verdier er utført gjennom 4 hovedprosesser. Som et første steg i kartleggingen er det utført en ...