Growing up with chronic arthritis: the confusing matter of classification
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Journal articleTidsskriftartikkel
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Disease classification in rheumatology is a matter of debate, in paediatrics between International League Against Rheumatism (ILAR) classification ‘pros and cons’, as well as between paediatric and adult rheumatologists. Indeed, there is no consensus yet about how we should name the disease of adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in childhood. The non-concordance of adult and paediatric classifications for chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases is confusing for caregivers, and above all for our patients. Will they be ‘lost in transition’, as phrased by McDonagh and Viner, when their disease stays the same, but gets a new name? Will their treatment be modified according to this new name and the corresponding recommendations for adult disease management? Yes, it is definitely time to think about a thorough modification of the ILAR categories of childhood chronic arthritis.