Now showing items 1-20 of 155

    • Diversity studies 

      Vitikainen, Annamari (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Diversity Studies refers to a broad variety of studies that takes diversity – incl. cultural, religious, ethnic, linguistic, gender, sexuality, ability, age, and class – as one of its central focuses, and looks into the effects of one or several types of such diversity to a variety of social, political, economic, etc. phenomena. This entry discusses some of the background questions and normative ...
    • A global framework for integrating public health into well-being: why a public well-being system is needed 

      Lippai, Laszlo; Tarko, Klara; Tanyi, Attila Geza; Kollanyi, Zsofia; Arapovics, Maria; Vitrai, Jozsef (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-06)
      There is a growing focus on public health initiatives that prioritise well-being. The main question of our study is whether this, in its current form, can really represent a new response to the challenges of previous strategies, or whether there is a greater chance that it will essentially reproduce the problems associated with the paradoxical situation of public health.Based on a review, analysis ...
    • I See and Hear Things Differently Now - Students` Experiences of the ERASMUS+ Project Voices of Women 

      Meling, Lise Karin; Meland, Aud Torill; Mittner, Lilli (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-12-20)
      The interdisciplinary ERASMUS+ project Voices of Women (VOW) commenced in January 2022, bringing students and teachers from Norway, the Netherlands, and Germany together. One of the main objectives of VOW was to familiarize students and audiences with art songs created by women composers from 19th and 20th century Europe. <p> <p>The purpose of this article is to present results from the research ...
    • Social Cohesion and the Struggle for Power in Diverse Societies 

      Dos Santos Duarte, Melina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      This article critically examines Nils Holtug’s contribution to the debate on social cohesion within liberal democratic societies, particularly in response to the challenges posed by increasing immigration-driven diversity. More specifically, it focuses on his utilization of the social capital framework to solve the “progressive’s dilemma”. As a solution to this dilemma, Holtug proposes the promotion ...
    • De tre gapene i den tradisjonelle vitenskapsfilosofiens historie: en feministisk kritikk 

      Dos Santos Duarte, Melina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-12)
      Denne artikkelen systematiserer den feministiske kritikken av den tradisjonelle tilnærmingen til vitenskapsfilosofiens historie innenfor de tre gapene – kunnskapsgapet, prosedyregapet og virkelighetsgapet. Kunnskapsgapet viser hvordan mangel på representasjon og inkludering av ulike sosiale grupper har ført til en intellektuell fattigdom som undergraver vitenskapens evne til å generere relevant ...
    • ”Berätta för väst”: Vittneslitteratur från Gulagarkipelagen 1946–1953 

      Anden, Anna Lovisa (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-29)
      Testimonial literature from the Gulag Archipelago, published between 1946 and 1953, highlights the interactive dimension in the encounter between witness and recipient. Whereas the Nazi camps were well-documented after the war, the network of camps, prisons, settlements, and exile sites constituting the Gulag system, containing large contingents of political prisoners and ethnic minorities, were ...
    • How Do Cellists and Sounds 'Become' With Each Other? Exploring the Entanglements of Artistic Research and Agential Realism 

      Buyken, Evelyn; Losleben, Katrin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024)
      Music and bodies ‘become’ through co-creational processes of sound and different human and non-human bodies within social contexts. We conducted in-depth micro-phenomenological interviews with six cellists to understand better the relationship between musicians – traditionally understood as those who produce sounds – and the sounds themselves. This novel method allowed us to zoom in on the moment ...
    • Exploring consent as an aesthetic experience through applied theatre with people living with dementia 

      Mittner, Lilli; Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens; Dalby, Karoline (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-31)
      The process of giving or obtaining consent is typically seen as a series of language-based actions, either documented on a written form or communicated verbally. However, both methods can present challenges when engaging with individuals living with dementia. This paper explores how to understand consent as an aesthetic experience through applied theatre practices. We draw on data from 12 applied ...
    • Når diagnosen definerer problemet. En analyse av problemforståelser i Demensplan 2025 

      Lotherington, Ann Therese; Mittner, Lilli (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-29)
      Regjeringens Demensplan 2025 danner grunnlaget for norsk politikk på demensfeltet. Det er et styringsdokument for demensomsorgens tjenester og en premissleverandør for forståelser av demens i samfunnet. Hensikten med artikkelen er å undersøke hvordan demens forstås i planen, og hvilke konsekvenser forståelsen får i praksis. Med Carol Bacchis «Hva er problemet?»-tilnærming som analyseverktøy finner ...
    • The Role of Trust in LGBTQ+ Refugee Status Determination (RSD) System 

      Vitikainen, Annamari; Lenard, Patti Tamara (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-03)
    • I See and Hear Things Differently Now – Students’ Experiences of the ERASMUS+ Project Voices of Women 

      Meling, Lise Karin; Meland, Aud Torill; Mittner, Lilli (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-20)
      The interdisciplinary ERASMUS+ project Voices of Women (VOW) commenced in January 2022, bringing students and teachers from Norway, the Netherlands, and Germany together. One of the main objectives of VOW was to familiarize students and audiences with art songs created by women composers from 19th and 20th century Europe.<p> <p>The purpose of this article is to present results from the research ...
    • Sexisme og rasisme i Kants etikk 

      Nilsen, Fredrik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-12)
      Den «offisielle» etikken til Kant, slik den presenteres i de etiske hovedverkene fra den kritiske og sen-kritiske perioden, er universalistisk og upartisk. Universalistisk vil si at alle mennesker er inkluderte i det moralske fellesskapet, mens upartisk betyr at etikken gjelder uavhengig av blant annet kjønnsmessige og etniske skillelinjer. I flere førkritiske verk, samt i Antropologiforelesningene, ...
    • Seksuelle rettigheter og ideen om nøytralitet: Fra Habermas til Nussbaum og tilbake igjen 

      Jakobsen, Jonas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-12)
      Med utgangspunkt i en kritisk sammenligning av Jürgen Habermas og Martha Nussbaum drøfter jeg hvordan den politiske filosofen bør begrunne seksuelle rettigheter og hvorvidt en slik begrunnelse bør tilstrebe nøytralitet i forhold til religiøse, kulturelle eller andre kontroversielle doktriner og livsformer. På den ene siden hevder jeg at Habermas’ prosedurale rettighetsbegrunnelse lider av et moralsk ...
    • Migration and discrimination: exploring the pathways of a more integrated research agenda 

      Baycan-Herzog, Esma; Vitikainen, Annamari; Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-01)
      This special issue consists of four articles, contributed by David Owen; Désirée Lim, Sahar Akhtar and (as co-authors) Mollie Gerver, Miranda Simon, Patrick Lown and Dominik Duell. These contributions address issues related to migration policies with the aim of bringing normative theories of migration and discrimination into dialogue. These theories describe the various types of discrimination ...
    • Annotated Bibliography Postcolonial/Decolonial Texts 1952-2020 

      Losleben, Lisa Katrin; Wong, Julia; Wigstøl, Oda Nigist (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024)
      The creation of this systematic bibliography of postcolonial and decolonial texts was supported generously by the department for gender equality and diversity (Likestillings- og mangfoldsutvalget) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in 2020. The overarching project aimed at analyzing power relations in the classroom of a university in Sápmi. The bibliography provides a rough chronological overview ...
    • Kant on Peace and Conflict 

      Himmelmann, Beatrix (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      On the one hand, Immanuel Kant is famous for his idea of “perpetual peace”; on the other hand, he argues that human beings need antagonism and conflict in order to develop and flourish. By emphasising both the requirement of peace and the productivity of conflict, Kant pays tribute to the inherent ambivalence of human nature that his well-known phrase of man’s “unsociable sociability” (ungesellige ...
    • Anti-immigrant backlash: the Democratic Dilemma for immigration policy 

      Kapelner, Zsolt Kristóf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-01)
      Anti-immigrant backlash has emerged in recent years as a considerable threat to democracy. In many countries illiberal and anti-democratic political forces driven in part by anti-immigrant sentiment have damaged or threaten to damage the proper functioning of democratic institutions. Should policymakers try to avert this threat by implementing more restrictive immigration policy? If they do ...
    • Consequentialism and Its Demands: The Role of Institutions 

      Tanyi, Attila Geza; Miklos, Andras (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-17)
      Consequentialism is often criticized as being overly demanding, and this overdemandingness is seen as sufficient to reject it as a moral theory. This paper takes the plausibility and coherence of this objection—the Demandingness Objection—as a given. Our question, therefore, is how to respond to the Objection. We put forward a response relying on the framework of institutional consequentialism we ...
    • Should We Increase Young People’s Voting Power? 

      Angell, Kim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-28)
      This paper argues that democratic collectives have reason to increase the voting power of their younger members. It first presents an intuitive case for weighted voting in general, before drawing support from a prominent principle of democratic inclusion – the all affected principle. On a plausible understanding of that principle, a decision may affect people to varying degrees, and this ...
    • Substituted Decision-making 

      Andersson, Anna-Karin Margareta (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      A core principle of medical ethics states that patients should be allowed to determine whether they wish to accept or refuse treatment, if they possess the relevant decision making capacity at the time treatment decisions need to be made. In cases where patients lack capacity to make decisions regarding their own treatment, substitute decision makers must make such decisions for them. This chapter ...