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dc.contributor.advisorFulsås, Narve
dc.contributor.advisorRem, Tore
dc.contributor.authorHansen, Poul Henning Gustaf
dc.description.abstractI fokus för denna studie står läsaren och bokmarknaden under tiden för det moderna genombrottet, och då framför allt perioden 1879–90. Studien bygger på en komparativ undersökning av tre olika typer av bokinstitutioner, som tillsammans kan sägas ha utgjort ett tvärsnitt av dåtidens svenska bokmarknad: Gumperts bokhandel i Göteborg, sockenbiblioteket i Munka-Ljungby och Sjöbloms lånebibliotek i Lund. Från dessa tre institutioner har omfattande försäljnings- och lånejournaler bevarats. Ett urval bestående av sammanlagt 44 000 lån och köp från de tre institutionerna utgör grunden för undersökningen. Tack vare de omfattande arkivmaterialen har det varit möjligt att följa läsare från alla samhällsskikt, och se mönster vad gäller tillgång till och val av litteratur – något som forskningen länge efterlyst. Studien visar att den läsande allmänheten var mycket segmenterad och att faktorer som ekonomi, utbildning, geografi, kön och ålder var avgörande för tillgången till litteratur och läsning. Studien visar även på enskilda författares stora popularitet, exempelvis Topelius, Flygare-Carlén och Strindberg. Undersökningen belyser vidare sockenbibliotekets betydelse för en mer jämställd bokkonsumtion. Vid sekelskiftet hade de flesta tillgång till böcker, och även det moderna genombrottets litteratur fanns inom räckhåll för dem som så önskade.en_US
dc.description.abstract<p><b>English abstract</b></p> <p>This study focuses on the reader and the book market in Sweden during the dynamic era of the Modern Breakthrough, with emphasis on c. 1879–90. It is a comparative study of three principally different kinds of literary institutions, which together constitute something of the backbone of the contemporary Swedish book market: Gumpert’s bookshop in Gothenburg, the parish library in Munka-Ljungby, and Sjöblom’s commercial lending library in Lund. From these three institutions, which served readers from all sections of society, extensive sales’ and borrowers’ records have been preserved. On the basis of these sources, using a theoretical and methodological framework from the fields of book history and sociology of literature, the study contributes to knowledge about the readers of the time, their access to literature and their preferences, as well as of their relation to the Modern Breakthrough literature. The study finds that the reading public of the period was highly segmented, and that access to literature was dependent on a number of factors. At the same time, the three institutions and their activities were, in different ways, part of, and contributing to, an on-going democratisation process of society as a whole, and increasingly, people from all layers of society could access their literature of choice – although, for a long time, economy, education and geography would be decisive factors for who would read what.</p>
dc.description.popularabstractThis study focuses on the reader and the book market in Sweden 1879–90. Three literary institutions, which together can be said to represent the backbone of the Swedish book market of the time, are studied: Gumpert’s bookshop in Gothenburg, the parish library in Munka-Ljungby, and Sjöblom’s commercial lending library in Lund. These institutions catered to all sections of society. Sales’ and borrowers’ records from the three institutions allow us to trace individuals’ book consumption through time, and to see which authors were most in demand. The study contributes to knowledge about the readers, their access to literature, and their literary tastes. An important finding is that the reading public of the period was very segmented, and that factors such as economy, education, geography, gender, and age would be decisive for who would read what. Nonetheless, as a comparison of two neighbouring farmers’ book lending demonstrates, these factors were not deterministic: individual tastes still shine through.en_US
dc.descriptionPhD thesis from UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Submitted December 2017. The dataset can be accessed on request at <a href=></a>.
dc.identifier.citationHansen, P.H.G. (2017). <i>Modern Reading: Swedish Book Consumption during the Late Nineteenth Century</i>. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway. ISBN 978-82-8244-197-1. <a href=></a>
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2018 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Humaniora: 000::Historie: 070::Moderne historie (etter 1800): 083en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Humanities: 000::History: 070::Modern history (after 1800): 083en_US
dc.titleModern Reading: Swedish Book Consumption during the Late Nineteenth Centuryen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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