Viser treff 201-220 av 236

    • "This odd mix up" : intersectional spaces in Virginia Woolf’s Between the acts 

      Oboza, Alina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-11)
      This thesis sets out to examine the physical, private/domestic and public/national space, as well as the complex interrelations between them, as represented in Woolf’s last novel, Between the Acts (1941). My method involves a gradual broadening of the perspective. I begin by studying the representation and symbolism of physical objects and spaces of Pointz Hall – the novel’s setting, before moving ...
    • Sexuality in Toni Morrison’s works 

      Holm, Birgit Kristine Aas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-12-01)
      Toni Morrison’s narratives explore a wide range of interrelated topics such as gender, love, race, abuse and oppression. Morrison’s three novels Sula, The Bluest Eye and Love all inquire into how individuals, and especially women and children, are affected by the patriarchal and sexist attitudes which pervade African American communities. In my thesis I want to explore how Morrison portrays sexuality ...
    • Les relations de pouvoir entre hommes et femmes dans Monsieur Vénus, La Marquise de Sade et La Jongleuse de Rachilde 

      Broust, Adeline Flora Isabelle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-15)
      This thesis is about balance of power between men and women in three of Rachilde's novels. It analyzes the relations and interactions between the male and female characters, and the evolution of these aspects throughout the three novels, which were published over a period of 16 years. Rachilde was a french woman writer who got famous at the age of 24, when her first novel, Monsieur Vénus, published ...
    • Om forholdet mellom ord og bilde i Tove Janssons novelle "Svart-vitt. Hommage à Edward Gorey" 

      Solberg, Silje Elise (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-01)
      Oppgaven tar som tittelen tilsier for seg forholdet mellom ord og bilde i Tove Janssons novelle "Svart-vitt. Hommage à Edward Gorey". Som inngang til en lesning har jeg valgt å fokusere på den forbindelsen som synes å finnes til den amerikanske illustratøren Edward Gorey og hans billedbok Västra flygeln (The West Wing). Undersøkelsen av ord-bilde forholdet er gjort med utgangspunkt i Hans Lunds ...
    • “The past becomes an everlasting regret” : the interrelations between past, illusion and gender in three selected plays by Tennessee Williams 

      Sojtaric, Majda (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-11)
      The interrelations between past, illusion and gender in The glass menagerie, A streetcar named desire and Summer and smoke by Tennessee Williams.
    • The quotidian, childhood memory and the changing tone of comedy as the elements of Saul Bellow's humanistic vision in "Herzog". 

      Woroniecka, Urszula Joanna (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-06-01)
      In the 1964 novel "Herzog" by Saul Bellow, protagonist Moses Herzog's obsession with academic issues proves impractical and does not help him solve his mental and emotional crises. Instead, his absurd ambition to reach a synthesis of all theories leads him to withdraw from everyday life. Only by discarding intellectualism and embracing simple values is Herzog finally able to regain peace. This ...
    • "Kjærleiken gjev oss eit andlet" : ein analyse av Hanne Aga: Bror sorg 

      Eriksen, Hilde Kat. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1991-10)
      Hovudoppgåva ”- Kjærleiken gjev oss eit andlet” drøftar poesiromanen Bror sorg av Hanne Aga, ut frå eit psykoanalytisk og narratologisk perspektiv. Teoretisk kviler analysen på den franske psykoanalytikeren Jacques Lacan sine teoriar, ei fortolking av klassisk freudianisme basert på strukturalisme og post-strukturalisme. Dei narratologiske omgrepa i analysen er henta hos den franske litteraturteoretikaren ...
    • Hamsuns forhold til embetsmenn 

      Søderberg, Torunn Elisabeth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-11-20)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg Hamsuns syn på embetsmenn. I mange av Knut Hamsuns bøker finner vi et svært aggressivt syn på embetsstanden, og da særlig sørnorske embetsmenn. Oppgaven undersøker hva denne aggressiviteten skyldes, og hvordan forfatteren portretterer enkelte av gruppens representanter. Med bakgrunn i det som kommer til uttrykk i bøkene, viser oppgaven at Hamsuns embetsmannstyper preges ...
    • Nature, identity and Indian survival in Louis Owens' Wolfsong 

      Mikalsen, Kenneth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-06-01)
      The thesis analyzes the novel WOLFSONG by Louis Owens with particular focus on how in the novel Native American versus Euro-American relationship with nature and environment are presented. Furthermore, the thesis examines how the novel makes use of different imagery and characterizations in order to challenge perceptions around the complexity of American Indian identity, particularly countering the ...
    • White exploitation, dehumanization and racial identity : the history of slavery and race relations in William Faulkner’s Go down, Moses. 

      Eliassen-Bakkejord, Merethe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-06)
      Through seven interrelated stories, Faulkner explores in Go Down, Moses the effects of slavery and the changing relationship between blacks and whites as he traces the different branches of the McCaslin family tree through three generations of whites and four generations of blacks, from the Civil War and into the 1940's. In my thesis I want to explore the relationship between the black and white ...
    • "What's happened to this family anyway?" : the disintegration of the American family in selected plays by O'Neill, Miller, and Shepard 

      Mathisen, Kari (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-06)
      This thesis examines the disintegration of the American family as depicted in selected plays by Eugene O’Neill, Arthur Miller, and Sam Shepard. Four plays are central: Long Day’s Journey into Night (1956), Death of a Salesman (1949), Buried Child (1978), and True West (1980). (Journey and Salesman constitute my major focus and serve to generate my thesis statement, while Buried Child and True West ...
    • Turning her life into fiction : autobiography, narrative perspectives and memory in Doris Lessing’s The Memoirs of a Survivor. 

      Arntsen, Ann-Christin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-12-17)
      In this thesis Doris Lessing’s experimental autobiography The Memoirs of a Survival is explored, and I aim to show that Lessing has experimented with the combination of autobiography and fiction in a rather complicated manner; by testing of the relationship between identities and characters, by reconstructing her childhood memories as if experienced by someone else, by exploring possible consequences ...
    • Variations on a theme : the role of music in Toni Morrison´s Jazz 

      Berre, Tone (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-11-17)
      African American music and contemporary African American literature are connected both thematically and structurally. This thesis examines the various ways in which Toni Morrison draws on the cultural traditions of her ancestors, especially blues and jazz music, in creating her sixth novel, Jazz. My analysis includes the important contexts of the history and culture of black Americans from slavery ...
    • Ljudmila Ulitskajas Medea i ee deti : en studie av Ulitskajas fremstilling av enkeltmenneskers liv og skjebne i sovjetperioden og samfunnet som formet dem. 

      Velsand, Birgit (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-11-17)
      En analyse av romanen Medea i ee deti (Medea og hennes barn) og hvordan de ble preget av sovjetsamfunnet.
    • Surrogate mothers, surrogate mistresses, and surrogate memories : a comparative study of the re-presentation of the feminine possessed in “The Bear” by William Faulkner and Borderline by Janette Turner Hospital 

      Heggelund, Marte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05)
      The thesis aims to investigate the feminine surrogates in the worlds of Ike McCaslin (“The Bear”) and Jean-Marc Seymour (Borderline). Thematically speaking, the main problems facing the protagonists of ”The Bear” and Borderline revolve around their constant struggle for self-definition. The lack of strong mother figures in childhood creates obvious and deep problems for both protagonists’ attempts ...
    • Telling stories : invasion and isolation in J.M. Coetzee's In the heart of the country and Waiting for the barbarians 

      Solhaug, Sigrid Ingeborg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-15)
      In this thesis the themes of isolation and invasion are explored in J. M. Coetzee's novels In the Heart of the Country and Waiting for the Barbarians. Issues concerning the ambiguity of meaning, identity as problematic, and authorship and history writing as questionable, are central for Coetzee's writing. Coetzee deconstructs the myth of the Other and other binary oppositions. As a postcolonial ...
    • Livsfragmenter : en studie av selvframstilling i Knut Hamsuns kortprosa 

      Karlsen, Linn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-19)
      Oppgaven er en studie av forholdet mellom fiksjon og virkelig i lys av litterær selvframstilling. Formålet er å sammenligne Knut Hamsuns kortprosa med biografisk materiale.
    • Den nye gamle komedien : Aristofanes og South Park : en komparativ analyse av det obskøne, det satiriske og det fantastiske 

      Fagertun, Thoralf (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-15)
      I overgangen mellom den gamle og den nye komedien i det antikke Hellas, forsvinner tre livlige virkemidler fra genren: Det obskøne, det satiriske og det fantastiske. Aristofanes’ komedier, som er de eneste bevarte verkene fra den gamle komedien, gjør utstrakt bruk av denne virkemiddeltrioen. Resultatet er en type komedie som preges av seksuelle og skatologiske ord og referanser, grov satirisering ...
    • Beyond imagination : the moral versus the aesthetic : philosophical and literary influences in John Banville's Frames trilogy 

      Monsen, Maria Kristine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-11-26)
      The main focus for my thesis will be on John Banville’s Frames trilogy (2001) and the author's rendering of the limitations and possibilities of the aesthetic individual. In order to show how the tension between the aesthetic and the moral existence is illustrated by Banville’s protagonists, I have also included in my analysis certain literary and philosophical influences that I have found relevant. ...
    • Chronikalische Strukturen zwischen Archiv und Kritik : Gottfried Arnolds Unparteiische Kirchen- und Ketzerhistorie 

      Andersen, Marit (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-11-15)
      Die Arbeit ist eine Zusammenfassung von den Verfolgungen der Ketzer von den ersten Jahrhunderten bis an das 17. Jahrhundert. Die Untersuchung dieser Verfolgungen zeigt, dass die katholische Kirche und vorher die Heiden und Juden immer die Ketzer verfolgten, aufgrund, dass die Ketzer von den Leuten beliebt waren, und deshalb die Macht und die Positionen der Geistlichkeit und der Obrigkeit drohten. ...