Recent additions

  • Den rettskildemessige betydningen av FNs erklæring om urfolks rettigheter i norsk rett 

    Hansen, Thor André (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-01-15)
    Avhandlingen tar for seg en systematisk fremstilling av rettskildemessige betydningen av UNDRIP
  • Avskjæring av utilbørlig ervervede bevis etter tvisteloven § 22-7 

    Kolodiy, Vilora (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-12-16)
    Oppgavens tema er bevisforbud som følge av utilbørlig bevisinnhenting. Denne avhandlingen søker å klarlegge rekkevidden av begrepet utilbørlig, samt balansegangen mellom de overordnede hensynene som gjør seg gjeldende ved håndheving av tvl. § 22-7 i lys av den teknologiske utviklingen som har skjedd de siste årene. I avhandlingen vil det blant annet undersøkes hvilket gjennomslag personvernhensynet ...
  • Soknets rettsstilling i Den norske kirke 

    Mortensen, Oda Henriette Bavda (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-12-16)
    Temaet for avhandlingen er soknets rettsstilling i Den norske kirke. Avhandlingens problemstilling vil knytte seg til instruksjonsmyndighet i Den norske kirke. Dette innebærer at det skal undersøkes hvorvidt det finnes en adgang for soknets interne styringsorganer å instruere hverandre, og i hvilken grad øvrige kirkelige styringsorganer kan instruere soknets organer. I forlengelse av dette skal det ...
  • Varsling av kritikkverdig forhold etter Arbeidsmiljøloven 

    Stenstrøm, Vetle (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-12-15)
    I et samfunn under stadig utvikling trenger vi en rettstilstand som klarer å henge med i denne. Arbeidsretten er blant rettsområdene som er under stadig utvikling, hvor både lover og retningslinjer har sin naturlige plass i arbeidslivet. Behovet for utvikling av de nasjonale reglene er et resultat av internasjonale forpliktelser, bl.a. implementeringen av EU-direktiver. Regjeringen Støre som tiltrådte ...
  • Barns rettslige vern mot mishandling i nære relasjoner 

    Andersen, John Nils (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-12-15)
    Tema for avhandlingen er barns rettslige vern mot mishandling i nære relasjoner. Det sentrale i avhandlingen vil være å undersøke hvilke menneskerettslig vern barn har, samt å klarlegge hvor den nedre grensen for straffansvar etter straffeloven § 282 ligger.
  • Fjernleverbare tjenester i en global verden 

    Breivik, Joakim (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-12-15)
    Temaet for avhandlingen er fjernleverbare tjenester etter merverdiavgiftsloven. Hovedproblemstillingen er om reglene i norsk rett er tilstrekkelig tilpasset EUs merverdiavgiftsdirektiv og OECDs retningslinjer for merverdiavgift. Sentrale spørsmål er hvordan norsk rett har valgt å innrette sin merverdiavgift og hvilke forskjeller det eventuelt er med EU og OECD.
  • Hvordan kan staten rette opp en krenkelse av den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjonen? 

    Eikrem, Daniel (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-12-16)
    Avhandlingen undersøker hvordan staten kan rette opp en krenkelse av den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjonen (EMK) på bakgrunn av kravet som offer etter artikkel 34. Den tar først for seg bakgrunnen for at statene har en slik mulighet, sett i lys av prinsipper som gjør seg gjeldene for konvensjonen. Deretter hvilke krav som må være tilstede for at et individ skal ha klageadgang etter EMK. Under ...
  • Er skjevdelingsbestemmelsen kvinnediskriminerende? 

    Launy, Aleksander (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-12-13)
    Oppgaven ser på hvordan de økonomiske forskjellene mellom menn og kvinner, bidrar til at kvinner er i en økt risiko for å komme i en dårlig økonomisk situasjon etter endt ekteskap, som følge av utviklingen av skjevdelingsbestemmelsen.
  • Lærlingers stillingsvern etter gjeldende rett 

    Johansson, Ulf Morten (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-12-11)
    Avhandlingen tar noe kortfattet for seg hvilke rettigheter og plikter en lærling har etter opplæringslova. Oppgaven gjør også noen betraktninger om det nye lovverket som er vedtatt, men ikke i kraft.
  • Building a comprehensive framework to tackle plastic pollution in the marine environment - A case study on the Arctic 

    Thevenoux, Pierre (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-09-15)
    This thesis evaluates to what extent the international legal framework for plastic pollution caters for the Arctic specifics. Plastic pollution is an increasing issue in the world oceans. Since the 1930s and 1940s plastic has been used ever more through packaging and other applications. Several elements corroborate that statement. First, by focusing on the actual state of industrial plastic ...
  • RFMO adaptation to climate change - A case study of redistribution of fish stocks in the North-East Atlantic 

    Haukås, Pernille (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-09-01)
    This thesis explores how the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) is addressing the impacts of climate change, specifically the redistribution of fish stocks.
  • Protecting Sharks from Overexploitation: The Role and Impact of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations 

    Soguel, Ophelia (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-09-01)
    Sharks are essential to the maintaining of healthy marine ecosystems. In the last decade, despite existing rules, shark mortality has risen. This is due to a variety of threats, the main one being exploitation. As shark species are of transboundary nature, cooperation is key to their conservation and management. Such cooperation has been exercised by States through Regional Fisheries Management ...
  • Soundproofing the oceans: International regulation of underwater noise from shipping activity in the Arctic 

    Bielecka, Maja (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-09-01)
    Due to climate change and the reduction of sea ice in the Arctic, we are witnessing increasing levels of shipping activity in this region. Unfortunately, this development also entails damaging consequences; one of them being anthropogenic underwater noise. Noise pollution may have adverse effects on the marine environment of the Arctic, particularly marine mammals who rely on sound for essential ...
  • Climate Change and Transboundary Aquifiers: Necessitating Legal Reforms for Climate-Resilient Transboundary Aquifier Management. 

    Sharad, Moulshree (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-08-30)
    Climate change poses significant challenges to the sustainable management of transboundary aquifers, crucial freshwater sources for multiple nations. This paper examines the legal frameworks governing these vital water resources and identifies the need for substantial revisions to address the evolving environmental conditions. Through a detailed analysis of current international laws and agreements, ...
  • Identifying obstacles in the effectiveness of legal regimes and protection laws for the Caspian Seal 

    Vedadi, Azin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-08-19)
    The subject matter of exploration in this thesis is identifying the obstacles and intricate details surrounding the inevitable demise of the Caspian Seal, a remarkable mammal that exclusively resides in the vast expanse of the Caspian Sea. The question revolves around unraveling the complex dynamics behind the remarkable shift in the Caspian Sea Seal population, which has been a notable decline from ...
  • The regulations protecting and preserving the marine environment under the law of the sea from acts of sabotage or terrorism against offshore oil and gas installations in the event of transboundary environmental pollution 

    Strohmeyer, Anne (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-09-01)
    The thesis focuses on the legal basis regarding the coastal state's measures against transboundary environmental pollution following an act of terrorism or sabotage against offshore oil and gas installations. Whereas states have an obligation under the law of the sea to protect and preserve the marine environment from activities under their jurisdiction and activities from their vessels, the law of ...
  • Norway Pipelines Jurisdiction under LOSC. Implement Security Measures to Protect Norwegian Pipelines in the North Sea. 

    Ho, Dominique Wei-Fun (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-09-01)
    The recent sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines emphasizes the critical need to safeguard submarine pipelines. Given Norway's extensive network of submarine pipelines in the North Sea, the protection of these assets is vital. This study seeks to determine if Norway, as a pipeline-laying state, together with its entities Equinor and Gassco, can legally implement security measures on their pipelines ...
  • Between Exploitation and Sustainability: A Critical Environmental Analysis of Norway's Seabed Mining in Light of UNCLOS and Domestic Law 

    Roti, Brage Sebastian (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-08-31)
    This thesis explores the balance between Norway’s ambitions for seabed mining and accompanying environmental and legal obligations, rooted in both domestic and international law.
  • Is Europe’s nature allowed to evolve? A research on natural dynamics within the Habitats Directive’s Special Areas of Conservation 

    Halbertsma, Jean-Pierre (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-31)
    The thesis asks whether the Habitats Directive allows natural dynamics of succession and natural disturbances to alter habitats in special areas of protection (Natura 2000 sites). A literature review of relevant ecological papers discusses the context, function and role of these dynamics. The ecological findings provide the necessary perspective for the interpretive legal doctrinal research used in ...
  • The linkage between legislation and adjudication: The impact of arbitration tribunal decisions on energy policy and regulatory framework 

    Le Roux, Ida (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-31)
    With the proliferation of Investor-State Dispute Settlement cases pertaining to renewable energy, it has been observed that arbitration tribunals are gradually assuming the role of de facto contributors to energy and climate policymaking, exerting influence on the regulatory framework. In light of this context, the objective of this study is to analyze the impact of international arbitration cases ...

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