Viser treff 161-180 av 1445

    • Staff perceptions of support for early menarche in Australian primary schools: a qualitative study 

      Sivertsen, Nina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-11)
      The age of the onset of menstruation, termed menarche, has been declining for decades worldwide. Approximately 12% of Australian girls reach menarche between eight to 11 years of age. Current health and physical education subject guidelines from the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority state that puberty education should be introduced to students between year levels five to six ...
    • Mental health, wellbeing, and support needs of nursing students – ‘Help! I’m overwhelmed, I need an extension’ 

      Sivertsen, Nina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-27)
      High and increasing prevalence rates of mental health problems among young people mean that youth mental health is a key priority for policymakers worldwide.
    • Pushed to the Fringe – The Impact of Vaccine Hesitancy on Children and Families 

      Sivertsen, Nina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-15)
      Vaccine hesitancy has been described as any delay or refusal of vaccines despite their availability and is increasing in Australia and other middle to high-income countries. The aim of this study is to gain a deep understanding of the experiences and influences on vaccine hesitant children and their families. A qualitative interview approach was undertaken with vaccine hesitant parents and pregnant ...
    • First Nations people often take on the ‘cultural load’ in their workplaces. Employers need to ease this burden 

      Sivertsen, Nina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-31)
      It’s good practice for employers to consult staff when forming policies or guidelines. However, for some staff from diverse backgrounds, this creates extra work and pressure.
    • Jordmødres bruk av fødestillinger i forløsning av barnet og sammenhengen med egen preferanse, kvinners brukermedvirkning og rammefaktorer relatert til klinisk praksis - en tverrsnittstudie 

      Westre, Susanne Bakken; Andersen, Karina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-03-18)
      Abstrakt Tittel: Jordmødres bruk av fødestillinger i forløsning av barnet og sammenhengen med egen preferanse, kvinners brukermedvirkning og rammefaktorer relatert til klinisk praksis. Hensikt: Hensikten med studien er gjennom å kartlegge selvrapporterte fødestillinger jordmor har brukt siste året, å undersøke hvilke faktorer som påvirker bruk av fødestilling.   Metode: Tverrsnittstudi ...
    • Jordmødres erfaringer i møte med innvandrerkvinner i fødsel som ikke behersker det norske språk. 

      Abdulle, Amran Ahmed; Borrego, Natalia Rebeca Indset (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-03-15)
      Hensikt: Å utforske norske jordmødres erfaringer i møte med innvandrerkvinner i fødsel som ikke behersker det norske språk. Metode: Kvalitativ metode med åtte individuelle intervju. I dette studiet ble det brukt en hermeneutisk tilnærming og data ble analysert etter livsverden hermeneutikk. Funn: Funnene presenteres gjennom fem temaer: språkbarrierer kan gi disharmoni og hindre deltakelse, ...
    • "Det handler jo om hvordan en spør" : en kvalitativ metasyntese om fysioterapeuters tverrsektorielle samhandling 

      Frogum, Marit; Vik, Erlend; Forslund, Lina Karin Hellen Gulle; Eliassen, Marianne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-20)
      Bakgrunn: Helsetjenestens organisering med en inndeling i spesialist- og kommunehelsetjeneste krever i stor grad samhandling på tvers av sektorene. Fysioterapeuters praktiske tilnærming til faget kan skape utfordringer for samhandling på tvers av organisatoriske grenser med ulike kontekstuelle og kulturelle rammer. Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke fysioterapeuters intraprofesjonelle ...
    • Utøvelse og utvikling av radiografifaget i Norge. En kvalitativ studie 

      Egestad, Helen; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen; Fjellaksel, Richard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-18)
      Innledning - Økt arbeidstempo og mer krevende arbeidsoppgaver gjør at radiografer har behov for å videreutvikle kunnskaper og ferdigheter. Hensikten med studien var å undersøke hvordan norske radiografer opplever arbeidshverdagen og hvilke muligheter de har for å opprettholde og øke egen fagutvikling. <p> <p>Materiale og metode - Vi gjennomførte semistrukturerte intervjuer av ti radiografer fra ...
    • In situ simulation training strengthened bachelor of nursing students’ experienced learning and development process– a qualitative study 

      Karlsen, Karina Synnøve Pedersen; Nygård, Carina; Johansen, Lisbeth Gaustad; Gjevjon, Edith Lillian Roth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-15)
      Background In advanced clinical learning labs on campus, high-fidelity simulation has become an essential educational approach in the Bachelor of Nursing Education programme. However, simulation while in clinical placement, in situ, is rarely used in Bachelor of Nursing Education. The aim of the present study was to explore how in situ simulation training at a surgical hospital ward, according ...
    • Artificial intelligence-supported screen reading versus standard double reading in the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence trial (MASAI): a clinical safety analysis of a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority, single-blinded, screening accuracy study 

      Lång, Kristina; Josefsson, Viktoria; Larsson, Anna-Maria; Larsson, Stefan; Högberg, Charlotte; Sartor, Hanna; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen; Andersson, Ingvar; Rosso, Aldana (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-01)
      Background - Retrospective studies have shown promising results using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve mammography screening accuracy and reduce screen-reading workload; however, to our knowledge, a randomised trial has not yet been conducted. We aimed to assess the clinical safety of an AI-supported screen-reading protocol compared with standard screen reading by radiologists following ...
    • Optimizing the Pairs of Radiologists That Double Read Screening Mammograms 

      Gommers, Jessie J.J.; Abbey, Craig K.; Strand, Fredrik; Taylor-Phillips, Sian; Jenkinson, David J.; Larsen, Marthe; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen; Sechopoulos, Ioannis; Broeders, Mireille J.M. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-24)
      Performance characteristics of mammography readers influenced the performance of pairs, but specific pairing strategies did not result in significantly different overall performance compared with that resulting from random pairing strategies.<p> <p>Background - Despite variation in performance characteristics among radiologists, the pairing of radiologists for the double reading of screening ...
    • Screening outcome for interpretation by the first and second reader in a population-based mammographic screening program with independent double reading 

      Hovda, Tone; Sagstad, Silje; Larsen, Marthe; Chen, Yan; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-28)
      Background - Double reading of screening mammograms is associated with a higher rate of screen-detected cancer than single reading, but different strategies exist regarding reader pairing and blinding. Knowledge about these aspects is important when considering strategies for future use of artificial intelligence in mammographic screening.<p> <p>Purpose - To investigate screening outcome, ...
    • Early performance measures following regular versus irregular screening attendance in the population-based screening program for breast cancer in Norway 

      Thy, Jonas Evensen; Larsen, Marthe; Vigeland, Einar; Koch, Henrik Wethe; Hovda, Tone; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-11)
      Irregular attendance in breast cancer screening has been associated with higher breast cancer mortality compared to regular attendance. Early performance measures of a screening program following regular versus irregular screening attendance have been less studied. We aimed to investigate early performance measures following regular versus irregular screening attendance. Methods We used information ...
    • Experience of pain during mammographic screening by three different compression paddles 

      Moshina, Nataliia; Sagstad, Silje; Holen, åsne Sørlien; Backmann, Heinrich August; Westermann, L.C.; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-13)
      Introduction - Experience of pain during screening mammography is shown to affect further attendance negatively. We aimed to explore the experience of pain during screening mammography using three different breast compression paddles.<p> <p>Methods - Using a self-report questionnaire, we collected information on pain experienced during mammography from 938 women screened in Bodø at Nordland ...
    • AI Risk Score on Screening Mammograms Preceding Breast Cancer Diagnosis 

      Larsen, Marthe; Olstad, Camilla Flåt; Koch, Henrik Wethe; Martiniussen, Marit Almenning; Hoff, Solveig Kristin Roth; Lund-Hanssen, Håkon; Solli, Helene; Mikalsen, Karl Øyvind; Auensen, Steinar; Nygård, Jan Franz; Lång, Kristina; Chen, Yan; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-17)
      More than 38% of both screen-detected and interval cancers were assigned the highest artificial intelligence risk score on screening mammograms that preceded breast cancer diagnosis.<p> <p>Background - Few studies have evaluated the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in prior screening mammography.<p> <p>Purpose - To examine AI risk scores assigned to screening mammography in women who were ...
    • Personsentrert sykepleiefaglig ledelse og arbeidskultur 

      Drageset, Ingrid Marie Saga; Nicolaisen, Ragnhild Kristin; Johannessen, Karin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-29)
      The aim of this qualitative research project is to explore how person-centred nursing leadership can promote work culture in nursing homes. The focus is on leaders and caregivers at a department level in the nursing home. Interviews were analysed by content analysis and theoretical perspectives from person-centred nursing leadership. Professional cooperation, present and perceptive leaders, as well ...
    • National health registries – a ‘goldmine’ for studying non-communicable disease occurrence in Norway – the NCDNOR project 

      Nystad, Wenche; Hjellvik, Vidar; Larsen, Inger Kristin; Robsahm, Trude Eid; Sund, Erik Reidar; Krokstad, Steinar; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter; Grimsgaard, Anne Sameline; Langhammer, Arnulf; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav; Wisløff, Torbjørn; Lergenmuller, Simon; Dalene, Knut Eirik; Meyer, Haakon Eduard; Holvik, Kristin; Helgeland, Jon; Karlstad, Øystein; Ariansen, Inger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-10)
      To estimate occurrence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) over the life-course in the Norwegian population, national health registries are a vital source of information since they fully represent the entire non-institutionalised population. However, as they are mainly established for administrative purposes, more knowledge about how NCDs are recorded in the registries is needed. To establish this, ...
    • What is a High-Quality Moral Case Deliberation?-Facilitators’ Perspectives in the Euro-MCD Project 

      Jakobsen, Lena M; Molewijk, Bert; de Snoo-Trimp, Janine; Svantesson, Mia; Ursin, Gøril (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-05)
      The evaluation of the European Moral Case Deliberation Outcomes project (EuroMCD) has resulted in a revised evaluation instrument, knowledge about the content of MCD (moral case deliberation), and the perspectives of those involved. In this paper, we report on a perspective that has been overlooked, the facilitators’. We aim to describe facilitators’ perceptions of high-quality moral case ...
    • Er det nok å overleve en fødsel? 

      Johnsen, Maren; Nedberg, Ingvild Hersoug; Elvemo, Heidi (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2023-05-05)
      5. mai er den internasjonale jordmordagen! Visste du at jordmor er et av verdens eldste yrker? Fra tidenes morgen, verden rundt, i alle samfunn, har kvinner søkt støtte, kompetanse og trygghet under fødsel.
    • A window of opportunities: Composing a relational space for living and telling sustainable stories to live by 

      Lyngstad, Mette Bøe; Blix, Bodil Hansen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-22)
      This article is based on experiences with the Dreamcatchers, a project involving people living with substance addiction, and their significant others, in which the participants composed and explored narratives through creative, collaborative processes. In the article, we think with a narrative composed by one of the participants in the project to learn from her experiences. Our thinking is inspired ...