Viser treff 241-260 av 1436

    • Å snakke om eller fra kroppen - En psykomotorisk undersøkelse av langvarige bekkensmerter 

      Jensen, Torill Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-06)
      Bakgrunn: Det har vært mange myter og teorier knyttet til kvinners bekkensmerter gjennom historien. Langvarige bekkensmerter er fortsatt beskrevet som vanskelig å forstå i mye forskningslitteratur, og det er uklarhet rundt hvordan det bør behandles. En ny doktoravhandling konkluderer med at psykomotorisk fysioterapi kan være et fullgodt alternativ til tverrfaglig behandling for disse kvinnene. Ingen ...
    • Psykologers erfaringer av tverrfaglig samarbeid med psykomotoriske fysioterapeuter 

      Innleggen, Andreas Lillelund (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-02)
      Dette er en mastergradsoppgave i psykomotorisk fysioterapi ved Universitet i Tromsø – Norges arktiske universitet. Formålet med prosjektet var å få kunnskap om samarbeid mellom psykomotoriske fysioterapeuter og psykologer, fra psykologens perspektiv. Psykologer og psykomotoriske fysioterapeuter arbeider i helsevesenet og kan derfor ha overlappende pasienter hvor det kan være aktuelt å samarbeide. ...
    • Fortolkning av kroppslige væremåter: en kasusbeskrivelse i psykomotorisk fysioterapi 

      Liereng, Ole-Jonas (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-02)
      Background: Interpretation is a natural element in clinical encounters. The aim of this research was to explore more in depth interpretation as phenomenon in a clinical setting. The purpose has been to study how interpretations of bodily expressions and reactions is organised during a treatment session and analyse how it affects what takes place in the clinical encounter. Method and material: The ...
    • Virkelighetene vi lever i - En diskursanalyse av psykomotoriske førstegangsundersøkelser 

      Sørheim, Karlotte Falch (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-01)
      BAKGRUNN: Psykomotorisk fysioterapi er en kroppslig behandlingspraksis, med verbal dialog som et vesentlig middel til å gjøre fenomener felles og skape rom for intersubjektivitet. Diskurser kan betegnes som tatt-for-gitte forståelsesformer, som i stor grad uttrykkes gjennom språket. Gjennom diskursteori forstås språk som bidrag til å konstruere virkelighetsforståelser. Språkbruk i klinisk samhandling ...
    • Hvordan erfarte ektefeller til sykehjemspasienter besøksrestriksjoner under koronapandemien? 

      Kristiansen, Silje Marie Fagertun (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-05)
      Bakgrunn: Koronapandemien medførte beslutninger om inngripende tiltak som gjorde at store deler av samfunnet stengte ned i mars 2020. Et av regjeringens tiltak var å innføre strenge besøksrestriksjoner som i praksis medførte stengte sykehjem. En konsekvens av dette, var at de pårørende ikke kunne møte sine nærstående fysisk, før besøksrestriksjonene ble redusert våren 2020. Ektefeller som pårørende ...
    • Ungdoms erfaringer med rusoppfølging fra helsesykepleier 

      Pedersen, Linda (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-11-02)
      Bakgrunn: Denne studien handler om helsesykepleiers arbeid med ungdom som er under rusoppfølging. En helsesykepleier er spesialisert på helsefremmende og forebyggende arbeid rettet mot barn og unge, og dette kan blant annet favne rusoppfølging av ungdommer. Denne studien utforsker ungdommene sine erfaringer med rusoppfølgingen de har fått fra helsesykepleier. Problemstilling: Hvordan forstås ...
    • "Hvis man ikke veit om noe, har man vel heller ikke tenkt på det, vil jeg tro" En kvalitativ studie om eldre personers erfaringer med KOLS sykdom 

      Bruun, Hege Kathrine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-05)
      Bakgrunn: Denne studiens hensikt er å øke kunnskapen om oppfølging av eldre personer med KOLS ved å lære av deres egne erfaringer. KOLS er en økende sykdom, og så mange som 250 000 til 350 000 mennesker i Norge antas å ha KOLS. Det er ulike måter å følge opp eldre personer med KOLS på i kommunene, og faktorer som geografi og økonomi spiller inn på hvilke valg og muligheter som finnes. Problemstilling: ...
    • Lost in the loop - A qualitative study on patient experiences of care in standardized cancer patient pathways 

      Solberg, Monica; Berg, Geir Vegar; Andreassen, Hege Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-07)
      Background: The Norwegian health authorities introduced standardized cancer patient pathways (CPPs) in 2015, aiming to reduce practice variations across hospitals and regions, and improve the continuity, coordination and overall quality of the health care service provided to cancer patients. There has been few studies investigating this change, and that have looked into the organisational and economic ...
    • Infrastructural Complexity: A Mapping of Medication Management in Norway 

      Hertzum, Morten; Ellingsen, Gunnar Adelsten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Medication is key to the effective treatment of diseases but requires careful management to avoid errors that may harm patients. This study maps the Norwegian infrastructure for medication management. This infrastructure interlinks hospitals, nursing homes, home care, general practitioners, and so forth into an increasingly integrated record of each citizen’s medication. In spite of its electronic ...
    • Fatal and non-fatal breast cancers in women targeted by BreastScreen Norway: a cohort study 

      Tsuruda, Kaitlyn; Hoff, Solveig Kristin Roth; Akslen, Lars Andreas; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-04)
      Background - Many breast cancer survivors experience anxiety related to dying from their disease even if it is detected at an early stage. We aimed to increase knowledge about fatal and non-fatal breast cancer by describing how histopathological tumour profiles and detection modes were associated with 10-year breast cancer-specific survival.<p> <p>Methods - This cohort study included data from ...
    • Physiotherapy as part of collaborative and person-centered rehabilitation services: the social systems constraining an innovative practice 

      Forslund, Lina; Arntzen, Cathrine; Nikolaisen, Morten; Gramstad, Astrid; Eliassen, Marianne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-07)
      Background: A person-centered and collaborative practice is considered crucial in contemporary physiotherapy. These ideals are often embraced in theory but are difficult to put into practice. As problems and solutions are related, understanding and refining theory on practical problems can close the knowing-doing gap and link the problem to the development of possible solutions.<p> <p>Objective: ...
    • Suffering while resigning to an unacceptable violation of dignity 

      Hartviksen, Trude Anita; Aspfors, Jessica Marianne; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-22)
      Background: The interaction of health personnel with relatives is linked to the quality of care results in nursing homes. However, there is limited knowledge of how relatives perceive being an integral part of the nursing home context. This secondary analysis has its starting point in an ethical concern about relatives’ experiences in a previous study.<p> <p>Aim: To critically discuss relatives’ ...
    • A window of opportunities: Composing a relational space for living and telling sustainable stories to live by 

      Lyngstad, Mette Bøe; Blix, Bodil Hansen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-22)
      This article is based on experiences with the Dreamcatchers, a project involving people living with substance addiction, and their significant others, in which the participants composed and explored narratives through creative, collaborative processes. In the article, we think with a narrative composed by one of the participants in the project to learn from her experiences. Our thinking is inspired ...
    • The dose-response relationship of pre-menopausal alcohol consumption with age at menopause: a population study of 280 497 women in Norway 

      Langås, Julie Røgler; Eskild, Anne; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen; Bjelland, Elisabeth Krefting (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-03)
      Background: Previous research suggests that alcohol consumption is associated with high age at menopause. Yet, knowledge about the dose– response relationship is inconsistent. Thus, we studied the pattern of the association of pre-menopausal alcohol consumption with age at natural menopause.<p> <p>Methods: We performed a retrospective population-based study using self-reported data from 280 497 ...
    • How should tranexamic acid be administered in haemorrhagic shock? - continuous serum concentration measurements in a swine model 

      Lynghaug, Trine; Bakke, Håkon Kvåle; Fuskevåg, Ole Martin; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Dietrichs, Erik Sveberg (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11)
      Background: Tranexamic acid (TXA) reduces mortality in trauma patients. Intramuscular (IM) administration could be advantageous in low-resource and military settings. Achieving the same serum concentration as intravenous (IV) administration is important to achieve equal mortality reduction. Therefore, we aimed to investigate whether dividing an IM dose of TXA between two injection sites and whether ...
    • Family Caregivers’ Trajectories of Distress While Caring for a Person With Serious Mental Illness 

      Kalhovde, Anne Martha; Kitzmüller, Gabriele (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-31)
      Serious mental illness (SMI) can significantly impact the lives of individuals and their families. These families often experience great emotional distress over time due to the early onset of SMI, which in turn leads to long-term trajectories and only partial recovery. However, we do not fully understand the emotional distress of family caregivers. Thus, our aim was to enrich the understanding ...
    • Mammographic features and risk of breast cancer death among women with invasive screen-detected cancer in BreastScreen Norway 1996–2020 

      Moshina, Nataliia; Backmann, Heinrich August; Skaane, Per; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-08)
      Objectives We explored associations between mammographic features and risk of breast cancer death among women with small (<15 mm) and large (≥15 mm) invasive screen-detected breast cancer.<p> <p>Methods We included data from 17,614 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer as a result of participation in BreastScreen Norway, 1996–2020. Data on mammographic features (mass, spiculated mass, ...
    • Association of C-reactive protein with future development of diabetes: A population-based 7-year cohort study among Norwegian adults aged 30 and older in the Tromsø Study 2007-2016 

      Tong, Kit I; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter; Cook, Sarah (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-29)
      Objectives The extent to which observed associations between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and incident diabetes are explained by obesity and hypertension remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the association of hs-CRP with developing diabetes in a Norwegian general population sample.<p> <p>Design A cohort study using two population-based surveys of the Tromsø Study: ...
    • Personalized Breast Cancer Screening: A Risk Prediction Model Based on Women Attending BreastScreen Norway 

      Louro, Javier; Román, Marta; Moshina, Nataliia; Olstad, Camilla F.; Larsen, Marthe; Sagstad, Silje; Castells, Xavier; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-12)
      Background: We aimed to develop and validate a model predicting breast cancer risk for women targeted by breast cancer screening. Method: This retrospective cohort study included 57,411 women screened at least once in BreastScreen Norway during the period from 2007 to 2019. The prediction model included information about age, mammographic density, family history of breast cancer, body mass index, ...
    • Designing digital systems for rehabilitation practices 

      Ellingsen, Gunnar; Arntzen, Cathrine; Forslund, Lina; Nikolaisen, Morten; Eliassen, Marianne; Gramstad, Astrid; Manskow, Unn Sollid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-22)
      The trajectories of patients in need of long-term rehabilitation services are extremely complex. Therefore, strengthening the rehabilitation field requires increasing organizational resilience to ensure robust processes and efficient collaboration and communication. In this study, we explored how digital systems can promote organizational resilience in rehabilitation practices. Methodologically, ...