Management of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in Russian hospitals adheres to international guidelines
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Journal articleTidsskriftartikkel
Peer reviewed
Kontsevaya, Anna; Bates, Katie; Schirmer, Henrik; Bobrova, Natalia; Leon, David A.; McKee, MartinSammendrag
Methods - This study used data from a prospective observational cohort of 1128 suspected patients with myocardial infarction recruited in both PCI and non-PCI hospitals across 13 regions and multiple levels of the health system in Russia. The primary objective was to examine the use of reperfusion strategies in patients with STEMI.
Results - Among patients reaching PCI centres within 12 hours of symptom onset, the vast majority received angiography and PCI, regardless of age, sex and comorbidity, in line with current European Society of Cardiology guidelines.
Conclusion- Patients reaching Russian hospitals are very likely to receive appropriate treatment, although performance varies. The best hospitals can serve as beacons of good practice as PCI facilities continue to expand across Russia where geography allows.