Mastergradsoppgaver i geologi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 287
Climate and sea-ice development between 890 and 1660 CE in SW Greenland revealed by marine diatom studies
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-24)This thesis presents the results of august Sea Surface Temperature reconstructions from marine diatom assemblages in samples from core Ga3-2 retrieved from Narsaq Sound, inside the Ikersuad fjord, South Greenland. The diatom samples provide a high-resolution (~30-year) reconstruction dating between 890 and 1660 CE (common era). The results show variable conditions with warm periods between 960 and ... -
Late Quaternary tephra stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on lake sediments from North and Northeast Iceland
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-07-12)Due to Iceland’s position in the middle of the North Atlantic, the island is highly sensitive to oceanic and atmospheric fluctuations, which lead to changes in the environment. These fluctuating environmental conditions in addition to Iceland’s high volcanic activity make it a strategic study area for paleoenvironmental and tephra studies. Lake sediments contain information about such past climate ... -
Grounding-line fan formation during an Early Holocene readvance of Aldegondabreen, Svalbard.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-12-10)In this study, two ridge-shaped cross-valley sedimentary landforms, in the lower forefield of Aldegondabreen, a small valley glacier on the west coast of Spitsbergen, Svalbard, were studied to reconstruct the Holocene glacial history of Aldegondabreen prior to the Little Ice Age. Sedimentological and geomorphological methods were used in conjunction with radiocarbon dating to examine the sediments ... -
Characteristics and failure mechanisms of the unstable rock slope Dusnjárga
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)Large slowly creeping rock slope deformations, with an annual displacement in the range of millimeters to centimeters, have been prone to rapid catastrophic failures in the past. This master thesis focuses on the unstable rock slope of Dusnjárga in Northern Norway. A sudden rapid failure of Dusnjárga would pose a threat to the local society in Lille Altafjord and Burfjord, due to potential secondary ... -
The effect of lithology and microstructure on the deformation of unstable rock slopes in northern Norway
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-14)Rock avalanches are a type of natural catastrophe in Norway with very high consequences, and the alpine landscape makes Troms and Finnmark County the region with the highest frequency of unstable rock slopes. The bedrock geology is highly relevant to assess and understand the failure mechanisms, and mechanical properties that influence deformation in rock slopes. Pre-existing structures and lithological ... -
Sedimentology and architecture of a deep-water turbidite system; Kongsfjord Formation, Finnmark, northern Norway
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-15)The Kongsfjord Formation is a Late Precambrian deep-marine sedimentary succession exposed along the northern coastline of the Varanger Peninsula, northern Norway. Several studies in the 1970s and 1980s led to the recognition of the Formation as an ancient submarine fan system and to the identification of several architectural elements, including lobes and channels. However, there are no published ... -
The Use of Foraminiferal Geochemistry to Investigate Methane Seepage at the Svyatogor Ridge, Arctic Ocean
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-12)Methane is a greenhouse gas contributing to contemporaneous global warming, and seepage is one of the ways through which it migrates from the deep sedimentary basins, all the way up to the hydro- and atmosphere. The study of methane seepage is still young as scientists are yet to discover most seep sites as well as seep associated biological species. A record of past methane seepage can be derived ... -
A Quantitative Analysis of Seasonal and Regional Forcing on the Terminus of Store Glacier, Greenland, from High Resolution Photogrammetry
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-01-15)A quantitative analysis of seasonal and regional forcing on the terminus of Store Glacier, Greenland, from high resolution photogrammetry for the period between 10 May 2014 and 13 June 2014. Imagery is analyzed through ImGRAFT processing to create a detailed velocity and strain rate for the proglacial mélange and glacial terminus in order to investigate changes to glacial calving dynamics during ... -
Reconstruction of the Kråknes landslide event, Alta
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-15)On June 3rd, 2020 a major quick clay landslide occurred at Kråknes in Alta municipality, Northern Norway. The landslide event destroyed eight buildings and was estimated to be 650 meters wide and 40 meters high. Two days later, another landslide occurred, this time causing the old E6 road above the previous landslide area to slip out towards the sea. People lost cabins and other valuable possessions, ... -
Struktur- og Intrusjonshistorie for pegmatittiske gangsvermer knyttet til den paleoproterozoiske Ersfjordgranitten, Vest-Troms Grunnfjellskompleks
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-03-31)Vest-Troms Grunnfjellkompleks er marginen og kontinuasjonen av det Fennoskandiske Skjold under de Kaledonske skyvedekkene. WTBC har utviklet seg gjennom flere fjellkjededannelser, dannelse av riftbassenger, høy- til lav-metamorf omvandling og flere episoder med bimodal magmatisme. Dette gjør at WTBC er et viktig studieområdet for å forstå jordas utvikling i Arkeikum og Palaeoproterozoikum. Formålet ... -
Gas seeps in the Barents Sea – how does the geology influence the natural and well related seeps?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-07-15)This thesis examined gas flares found in the Cruise log 20-2 from CAGE and correlated them to subsurface seismic data in south of Barents Sea. The cruise log passed several hydrocarbon discoveries/fields such as Goliat, Caurus/Langlitinden, Norvarg and Wisting/Hanssen. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the relationship between shallow geology and the observed gas flares and seabed leakages. ... -
The geochemical signature of Cu mineralisation preserved in stream sediments from the Alta-Kvænangen Tectonic Window, Northern Norway
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-13)The Paleoproterozoic Greenstone Belts of Fennoscandia are metamorphosed and deformed volcanic and sedimentary basins with a high metallic ore potential. One of those, the Alta-Kvænangen Tectonic Window (AKTW), is exposed as a window below the Caledonides of Northern Norway. The Kåfjord area located within the AKTW hosts numerous known Cu occurrences. The Cu mineralisation in Kåfjord occurs mostly ... -
Geochemical characteristics of sediment- and mafic rock-hosted Cu deposits in the Kåfjord area, Alta-Kvænangen Tectonic Window, Northern Norway
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-06-15)The Precambrian Alta-Kvænangen Tectonic Window (AKTW) located in the northern part of Norway, hosts different types of copper mineralization. Some of Cu occurrences have been previously mined, but their geochemical and stable isotope characteristics have not been a subject of detailed investigations, and therefore the relevant ore-forming processes are still poorly understood. This study, brings new ... -
The Mjølnir Impact Crater in the central Barents Sea - a potential hydrocarbon system?
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-15)A meteor impact event on the Bjameland Platform in the Norwegian Barents Sea about 142 ± 2.6 million years ago formed the Mjølnir Impact Crater. The structure has diameter of 40 km impacting the Mesozoic stratigraphy, and has previously been investigated with emphasis on the dynamics of the impact, the structure formation, sedimentation and post-impact tectonics. Impact structures have proven to be ... -
Neoglacial plateau ice cap behaviour in Central Spitsbergen constrained by subglacially preserved vegetation.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-06-15)Cold-based glacial ice is well known to preserve underlying landforms produced by earlier processes but can also preserve pre-existing organic material and vegetated ground. With current rapid climate warming, overall glacier retreat in the Arctic is exposing formerly ice-buried in situ vegetation at the margin of cold-based ice bodies. Radiocarbon dating of this vegetation constrains the timing of ... -
Gas migration and sealing modelling in the Haapet Dome area, Norwegian Barents Sea - analysis of seismic anomalies and water column data
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-15)Seismic interpretation, water column data, and well information have enabled a thorough review of shallow amplitude anomalies and subsurface faulting, in conjunction with possible migration pathways in the Haapet Dome area. The processed water column data from the MAREANO-program was presented and evaluated in accordance with potential gas leakage from the seafloor. Water column imaging illustrates ... -
Reconstruction of the paleocenaography west of Lofoten during the Last Glacial Maximum
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-15)<p>A 513 cm long sediment core from the Lofoten Contourite Drift at the continental slope west of the Lofoten Islands has been investigated. The aim was to reconstruct the paleoceanography during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The Lofoten Contourite drift was relatively protected by the Lofoten Islands from the ice streams of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during LGM. <p>An age model was constructed ... -
Characterizing slope processes along the Piggtind mountain ridge, using 2D InSAR
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-15)Large rock slope deformations potentially evolving into catastrophic rock avalanches pose an eminent threat to the Norwegian society. A comprehensive characterization of their kinematic behavior, progressive slope development, and current deformation rates are thus required for hazard management. Njunnás and Piggtind/Skulvatindane are two adjacent rock slopes located in Troms County, Norway. Both ... -
Rockfall and snow avalanche impact dynamics for road protection design at Svarthola, Senja. A hazard evaluation aided by numerical models and physical formulas
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-14)Rockfalls and snow avalanches are a major natural hazard and common phenomenon in mountainous areas in Norway, endangering people and infrastructure. Svarthola, on Fv 862, Senja, is a 100 m long unprotected stretch of road that experiences a high frequency of mass movements. The road is situated at a tunnel portal, between a 100 m high cliff and the fjord. As such, it is the only short access route ... -
Environmental impact of sediment-hosted stratiform iron deposits: an on-land vs. submarine tailing simulation. A study of the stratiform iron mineralization in Dunderland Valley.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-14)This thesis studies possible environmental impacts of tailings from the stratiform iron deposits. The study was conducted on selected mineralized samples from the Dunderland Valley, Nordland, simulating on-land and submarine tailing disposal conditions. The Dunderland Valley mineralization is hosted by Neoproterozoic (Tonian, 800-730 Ma) meta-sedimentary sequence of the Caledonian Uppermost ...