Artikler, rapporter og annet (helse- og omsorgsfag): Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 832
Facilitating a safe and caring atmosphere in everyday life in forensic mental health wards - a qualitative study
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-08)Purpose: To explore healthcare professionals’ experiences with facilitating a safe and caring atmosphere in patients’ everyday lives in forensic mental health wards.<p> <p>Methods: This qualitative study employed interviews with 16 healthcare professionals working shifts in two forensic mental healthcare wards in Norway. Data were analysed using phenomenological hermeneutic analysis. <p>Results: ... -
Developing professional competence in an unfamiliar setting: Practice learning in Zambia
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-29)Background: Higher education needs to provide students with competencies to meet the health and social needs of a society characterised by increased globalisation and diversity. Occupational therapy students from Norway expressed that learning experiences outside their comfort zone within Zambian placements, have had a profound impact on their professional competence.<p> <p>Aims and objectives: ... -
The level of health anxiety before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-24)Background<p> <p>Concerns about disease and an increase in health anxiety levels are expected consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there have been few longitudinal studies of health anxiety in the general population during this time period. The aim of this study was to examine health anxiety levels before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in an adult, working population in Norway. <p>Material ... -
Women’s experiences and views on early breastfeeding during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: quantitative and qualitative findings from the IMAgiNE EURO study
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-10)Background Little is known about women’s experience of care and views on early breastfeeding during the COVID19 pandemic in Norway.<p> <p>Methods Women (n =2922) who gave birth in a facility in Norway between March 2020 and June 2021 were invited to answer an online questionnaire based on World Health Organization (WHO) Standard-based quality measures, exploring their experiences of care and views ... -
Challenges in using patient involvement principles in substance use treatment
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-13)Background - Health professionals are responsible for implementing patient involvement (PI) in the choice of treatment approach. Previous studies within the field of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment have shown positive patient experiences with PI. However, little is known about challenges experienced by health professionals in converting principles of PI into clinical practice.<p> <p>Aims ... -
Mammographic density and interval cancers in mammographic screening: Moving towards more personalized screening
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-21)Purpose: The European Society on Breast Imaging has recommended supplemental magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) every two to four years for women with mammographically dense breasts. This may not be feasible in many screening programs. Also, the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer suggests not implementing screening with MRI. By analyzing interval cancers and time from screening to ... -
Effectiveness and acceptability of the physical exercise and dietary therapy in a healthy life center
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-17)Objective - The high burden of eating disorders (EDs) and limited availability of treatment speaks of a need to explore new avenues for treatment delivery. To understand if new treatment avenues are helpful and acceptable to patients, we investigated the effectiveness of Physical Exercise and Dietary Therapy (PED-t) in participants with bulimia nervosa or binge-eating disorder, and acceptability ... -
"En stein i lomma kan bidra til trøst: En kvalitativ studie av helsesykepleiers bruk av gjenstander i helsedialoger i skolehelsetjenesten»
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-29)Helsesykepleieres mandat er å arbeide helsefremmende og forebyggende basert på retningslinjer for skolehelsetjenesten. Retningslinjene viser at helsedialoger i skolehelsetjenesten kan bidra til sunne helsevalg hos skoleelever. De fleste norske tenåringer rapporterer om god fysisk og psykisk helse. Likevel kan utfordringer tilknyttet ungdomsalderen, være starten på psykiske helseplager inn i voksenlivet. ... -
Digital ethical reflection in long-term care: Leaders’ expectations
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-04)Background - Healthcare leader support and facilitation for ethics work are of great importance for healthcare professionals’ handling of ethical issues, moral distress, and quality care provision. A digital tool for ethical reflection in long-term care was developed in response to the demand for appropriate tools.<p> <p>Research aim - This study aimed to explore healthcare leaders’ expectations ... -
Impact of multimodal interventions targeting behavior change on hand hygiene adherence in nursing homes: An 18-month quasi-experimental study
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-07-25)Background - Nursing home residents are vulnerable and frail, and hand hygiene adherence is often too low to prevent transmission of infections. This study’s aim was to investigate whether interventions targeting behavior change can improve hand hygiene adherence in nursing homes.<p> <p>Methods - Over 18 months, 22 nursing home wards participated in this quasi-experimental study. Three intervention ... -
Rehabilitation models that support transitions from hospital to home for people with acquired brain injury (ABI): a scoping review
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-31)Background - Research shows a lack of continuity in service provision during the transition from hospital to home for people with acquired brain injuries (ABI). There is a need to gather and synthesize knowledge about services that can support strategies for more standardized referral and services supporting this critical transition phase for patients with ABI. We aimed to identify how rehabilitation ... -
Fish intake and pre-frailty in Norwegian older adults - a prospective cohort study: the Tromsø Study 1994–2016
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-05)Background Pre-frailty is an intermediate, potentially reversible state before the onset of frailty. Healthy dietary choices may prevent pre-frailty. Fish is included in most healthy diets, but little is known about the association between long-term habitual fish intake and pre-frailty. We aimed to elucidate the longitudinal association between the frequency of fish intake and pre-frailty in a ... -
Intended, Unintended, Unanticipated? Consequences of Social Distancing Measures for Nursing Home Residents During the Covid-19 Pandemic
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-28)During the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Norwegian health authorities introduced social distancing measures in nursing homes. The aim was to protect vulnerable residents from contracting the potentially deadly infection. Drawing on individual interviews with nursing home managers and physicians, and focus groups with nursing staff, we explore and describe consequences the social distancing ... -
Dokumentasjonspraksis og bruk av elektronisk tiltaksplan for døende pasienter i sykehjem – en mysteriefokusert studie
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-07-15)Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) er en tiltaksplan og et dokumentasjonsverktøy som har til hensikt å kvalitetssikre omsorg ved livets slutt. I Norge er 329 sykehjem registrerte brukere av tiltaksplanen. Planen finnes i både papirbasert- og elektronisk format. Hensikten med denne studien var å utforske dokumentasjonspraksisen når elektronisk tiltaksplan brukes til døende pasienter i sykehjem. Studien ... -
Aktuelle forskningsområder for bioingeniører innen medisinsk biokjemi
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018)<p><i>Innledning.</i> Bioingeniørfaget er lite synlig i helsevesenet. Å identifisere forskningsområder innen biokjemisk laboratoriemedisin, kan være et ledd i å synliggjøre yrket. Mer forskning innen bioingeniørfaget er viktig for å kunne evaluere nye behandlingsteknikker, utvikle evidensbasert praksis og bedre pasientbehandling. Dette prosjektet er andre del av en studie som undersøker aktuelle ... -
Diagnostiske PET - radiofarmaka i Norge - klinisk bruk og utvikling
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-23)Hensikt - Formålet med denne artikkelen er å gi en oversikt over bruk og utvikling av PETradiofarmaka i Norge.<p> <p>Kunnskapsgrunnlag/Metode - Artikkelen bygger på innrapporterte tall over antall administrasjoner av radiofarmaka fra helseforetakene til Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet (DSA). Det ble benyttet ikke-systematisk litteratursøk i PubMed og Google Scholar frem til ... -
Perspectives of people with Parkinson's disease and family carers about disease management in community settings: A cross-country qualitative study
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-02)Aim: To explore perceptions of people with Parkinson's disease and family carers about the use and impact of health and social care services, community and voluntary sector resources for the management of Parkinson's disease.<p> <p>Background: Resources from outside the formal health care system and collaborations between different levels and sectors could address the unmet needs of people with ... -
Re-traumatization of torture survivors during treatment in somatic healthcare services: A mapping review and appraisal of literature presenting clinical guidelines and recommendations to prevent re-traumatization
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-25)Abstract Rationale The number of torture survivors is on the rise, posing issues for their care in healthcare settings. Even healthcare experts with training in refugee care are unaware of the health difficulties faced by torture survivors. Any medical evaluation or treatment has the potential to re-traumatize torture survivors, thereby reactivating trauma symptoms without applicable guidelines ... -
Trends in the use of home care services among Norwegians 70+ and projections towards 2050: The HUNT study 1995–2017
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-26)Background - Life expectancy (LE) is increasing worldwide, while there is lack of information on how this affects older individuals' use of formal home care services.<p> <p>Aim - We aimed to decompose LE into years with and without home care services and estimate projected number of users towards 2050 in Norway for people 70 years or older.<p> <p>Methods - This study is based on a sample of ... -
Diagnostiske PET-radiofarmaka i Norge - klinisk bruk og utvikling
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-23)Utviklingen av undersøkelses- og behandlingsmetoder innen nukleærmedisinsk positronemisjonstomografi (PET) har økt i omfang og kompleksitet.<p> <p>Bruken av PET-radiofarmaka har økt og blitt mer spesifikt rettet mot ulike sykdomstilstander.<p> <p>Målsetningen med denne artikkelen er å gi en oversikt over bruk og utvikling av bildediagnostisk PET-radiofarmaka i Norge.