Diet, dietary supplements and dietary change in cancer survivors and cancer-free persons : the Norwegian Women and Cancer study and the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
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Doctoral thesisDoktorgradsavhandling
Skeie, GuriSammendrag
This thesis focuses on diet and dietary change in women who have breast or colorectal cancer, compared to cancer-free women in the Norwegian Women and Cancer study (NOWAC; Kvinner og kreft). The use of dietary supplements in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) is also described. Finally, the association between use of cod liver oil and other supplements and survival among patients with solid tumours from the NOWAC-study is presented. Cross-sectional results from the NOWAC-study showed that the differences in diet among women with breast cancer (n=666) and healthy women (n=54 314) were not very large, but women with breast cancer ate more fruits and vegetables. Particularly women who had answered the questionnaire less than five years after diagnosis differed from healthy women. There was also a lower level of physical activity and more dietary supplement users among these women. Change in diet among women who got colorectal (n=130) or breast cancer (n=563) compared to changes among cancer-free women (n=43 154) was evaluated in a follow-up study over almost six years. Those who got breast cancer increased fruits and vegetables intake more than cancer-free women did. Milk intake was unchanged among those who got colorectal cancer, and decreased among cancer-free women. Body mass index and alcohol consumption increased similarly in all groups. Smoking cessation was more common among cancer survivors. Women with breast cancer answering the questionnaire more than 2.4 years after diagnosis reported larger changes than those answering closer to diagnosis. Women diagnosed in stage 2 reported larger changes than women diagnosed in stage 1. The comparison of dietary supplement use in the EPIC-study (n=36 034) revealed a clear North-South gradient, with almost ten times as many female users in Denmark as in Greece. The difference was even larger among men. Among Norwegian women 61.8% were users, compared to 67.0% among Danish women. Vitamins, minerals and combinations of them were most commonly taken in most countries. Cod liver oil and other oil-based supplements were common particularly in Norway and the UK. Within the NOWAC-study we studied survival rates among those who developed solid cancers (n=2 997) in relation to use of cod liver oil and other dietary supplements before diagnosis. Whole-year users of cod liver oil and of other dietary supplements had increased survival, particularly lung cancer patients. Occasional use of other supplements also increased survival. The effect persisted even after adjustment for age, stage and smoking. Some of the effect might be a result of factors we could not adjust for. More research is needed in order to clarify the association. Avhandlinga dreiar seg om kosthald, kosttilskot og endringar i kosthald hos kvinner som har bryst- eller tarmkreft, jamført med kreftfrie kvinner i Kvinner og kreft-studien. I tillegg skildrar ho bruken av kosttilskot i European Prospecitve Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC). Til slutt blir assosiasjonen mellom bruk av tran og andre kosttilskot og overleving blant pasientar med kreftsvulstar frå Kvinner og kreft presentert. Tverrsnittsstudien frå Kvinner og kreft viste at skilnadene i kosthaldet til kvinner som hadde brystkreft (n=666) og friske kvinner (n=54 314) ikkje var så store, men kvinner med brystkreft åt meir frukt og grønsaker. Det var særleg kvinner som hadde fylt ut spørjeskjemaet mindre enn fem år etter diagnosen som skilde seg frå friske kvinner. Det var også eit lågare nivå av fysisk aktivitet og fleire brukarar av kosttilskot blant desse kvinnene. Oppfølgjingsstudien såg på om kosthaldet endra seg blant kvinner som fekk tarmkreft (n=130) eller brystkreft (n=563) jamført med kreftfrie kvinner (n=43 154). Dei som fekk brystkreft auka inntaket av frukt og grønsaker meir enn kreftfrie kvinner. Mjølkeforbruket var uendra blant dei som fekk tarmkreft, og minska blant kreftfrie kvinner. Auken i kroppsmasseindeks og alkoholforbruk var lik mellom gruppene. Røykeslutt var vanlegare blant dei som fekk kreft. Kvinner med brystkreft rapporterte større endringar om dei svara på siste spørjeskjema meir enn 2.4 år etter diagnosen enn før dette tidspunktet. Dei som fekk brystkreftdiagnosen i stadium 2 gjorde større endringar enn dei som fekk diagnosen i stadium 1. Samanlikninga av kosttilskotsbruken i EPIC-studien (n=36 034) synte ein tydeleg nord-sør gradient, med nesten ti gonger så mange kvinnelege brukarar i Danmark som i Hellas. Blant menn var skilnaden endå større. Det var 61.8% brukarar blant norske kvinner, mot 67.0% blant danske kvinner. Vitaminar, mineral og preparat med både vitaminar og mineralar var vanlegast i dei fleste landa. Særleg i Noreg og Storbritannia var også tran og andre oljebaserte kosttilskot vanleg. Innanfor Kvinner og kreft-studien såg vi på overlevingsratane blant dei som fekk kreftsvulstar (n=2 997) i høve til om dei hadde teke tran eller andre kosttilskot før diagnosen. Dei som brukte tran eller andre tilskot heile året hadde noko auka overleving, særleg dei som fekk lungekreft. For andre kosttilskot såg ein også effekt av bruk 1-6 gonger i veka. Effekten var der sjølv etter justering for alder, stadium og røyking. Noko av effekten kan ha kome av faktorar vi ikkje kunne justera for. Meir forsking trengst for å underbyggja resultata.
The papers of the thesis are not available in Munin. (1, 3 and 4 due to publishers' restrictions.):
1. G Skeie, A Hjartåker and E Lund: 'Diet among breast cancer survivors and healthy women. The Norwegian Women and Cancer study', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2006, 60(9):1046-54 (Nature). Available at
2. Guri Skeie, Anette Hjartåker, Tonje Braaten and Eiliv Lund: 'Dietary change among breast and colorectal cancer survivors, and cancer free-women in the Norwegian Women and Cancer cohort study' (manuscript). Later published in Cancer Causes and Control, Volume 20, Number 10, December 2009. Available at
3. Guri Skeie et. al.: 'Use of dietary supplements in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition calibration study', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) 63, S226–S238 (Nature). Available at
4. Guri Skeie, Tonje Braaten, Anette Hjartåker, Magritt Brustad and Eiliv Lund: 'Cod liver oil, other dietary supplements and survival among cancer patients with solid tumours', International Journal of Cancer, Volume 125 Issue 5, Pages 1155 - 1160. Available at
1. G Skeie, A Hjartåker and E Lund: 'Diet among breast cancer survivors and healthy women. The Norwegian Women and Cancer study', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2006, 60(9):1046-54 (Nature). Available at
2. Guri Skeie, Anette Hjartåker, Tonje Braaten and Eiliv Lund: 'Dietary change among breast and colorectal cancer survivors, and cancer free-women in the Norwegian Women and Cancer cohort study' (manuscript). Later published in Cancer Causes and Control, Volume 20, Number 10, December 2009. Available at
3. Guri Skeie et. al.: 'Use of dietary supplements in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition calibration study', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) 63, S226–S238 (Nature). Available at
4. Guri Skeie, Tonje Braaten, Anette Hjartåker, Magritt Brustad and Eiliv Lund: 'Cod liver oil, other dietary supplements and survival among cancer patients with solid tumours', International Journal of Cancer, Volume 125 Issue 5, Pages 1155 - 1160. Available at
Universitetet i TromsøUniversity of Tromsø
ISM skriftserie, nr 105Metadata
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- Doktorgradsavhandlinger (Helsefak) [743]
- ISM skriftserie [161]
Copyright 2009 The Author(s)
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