The sick-listed : an under-recognised resource in handling sickness absence
Permanent lenkeÅpne
Fleten, N. and Johnsen, R.: «Reducing sick leave by minimal postal intervention: a randomized, controlled study», Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 2006;63:676–682 (accepted version). Published version available at (PDF)
Nils Fleten, Roar Johnsen and Olav Helge Førde: «Length of sick leave – Why not ask the sick-listed? Sick-listed individuals predict their length of sick leave more accurately than professionals», BMC Public Health 2004, 4:46 (PDF)
Nils Fleten, Roar Johnsen and Bente Skipenes Østrem: «Reliability of sickness certificates in detecting potential sick leave reduction by modifying working conditions. A clinical epidemiology study», BMC Public Health 2004, 4:8. (PDF)
Thesis introduction and appendices (PDF)
Doctoral thesisDoktorgradsavhandling
Fleten, NilsSammendrag
In July 1993, several measures to stimulate return to work, like Active Sick Listing, formal decisions on sick leave beyond 12 weeks and commitments for employers to consider potential job adjustment were incorporated. The role of sickness as main cause to be entitled sickness benefits was simultaneously emphasised. However, despite av increasing focus on improving the necessary medical certificates required for sickness benefits, and on follow-up of sick-listed within the National Insurance Offices (NIOs), the sickness absence in Norway gradually increased from 1994.
Paper 1 of the thesis is not available in Munin due to publisher's restrictions:
1. Fleten, N.; Johnsen, R.; and Østrem, B.S.: «Sykmeldte tror tiltak på arbeidsplassen kan redusere sykefravær», Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1999; 119: 3730-4. Check availability
1. Fleten, N.; Johnsen, R.; and Østrem, B.S.: «Sykmeldte tror tiltak på arbeidsplassen kan redusere sykefravær», Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1999; 119: 3730-4. Check availability
Universitetet i TromsøUniversity of Tromsø
ISM skriftserie, nr 87Metadata
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