Early Markers of Metabolic Dysregulation in Obese Individuals - Identification at Baseline and Effect of Modest Weight Loss
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Doctoral thesisDoktorgradsavhandling
Isaksen, Victoria ThereseAbstract
Background: Evidence suggests that the link between obesity and chronic lifestyle disease is chronic, low-grade inflammation. Leptin and adiponectin play principal roles in inducing inflammation and promoting insulin resistance, resulting in metabolic syndrome. Our study aimed to find clinically feasible biologic markers to identify metabolically dysregulated obese individuals and to study these markers’ improvement with modest weight loss.
Methods: We included participants with either BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 or moderately elevated liver enzymes for liver ultrasonography and calculated their hepatorenal index (HRI). We measured fasting and postprandial triglycerides, insulin, glucose, leptin, adiponectin, and resting energy expenditure (REE) at baseline and after weight loss in participants with obesity. We used ROC analyses to assess test properties of HRI and L:A ratio for predicting other conditions of metabolic dysregulation. We assessed improvements in the above-mentioned variables after a weight loss of ≥ 5% using repeated measures analyses.
Results: HRI ≥ 1.17 could predict HOMA-IR ≥ 2.3 with 94% sensitivity and 70% specificity in obese participants. HRI ≥ 1.42 demonstrated low sensitivity and high specificity in all participants. L:A ratio ≥ 3.65 predicted delayed triglyceride clearance with PPV 0.86 and NPV 0.48 in obese participants. L:A ratio ≥ 1.88 was suitable for detecting 2/3 of insulin resistance, leptin resistance and delayed triglyceride clearance. HOMA-IR (-23.1%), REE:leptin ratio (+80.1%) and L:A ratio (-45.7%) improved in participants with weight loss ≥ 5%. Postprandial triglycerides did not improve with weight loss.
Conclusion: HRI and L:A ratio are feasible markers for detecting underlying metabolic disturbances and are feasible for monitoring the improvement of metabolic health during weight loss, whereas postprandial triglyceride measurements are not.
Bakgrunn: Overvekt og kjente følgetilstander er relatert gjennom kronisk, lavgradig betennelse. Leptin og adiponektin spiller sentrale roller i å fremme betennelse. Dette bidrar til insulinresistens og metabolsk syndrom. Formålet med studien var å finne enkle markører som kan skille mellom metabolsk syke og friske overvektige. Videre ønsket vi å undersøke endring med vektreduksjon.
Metoder: Vi rekrutterte deltakere med BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 og/eller lett forhøyede leverprøver, gjennomførte ultralyd av lever og kalkulerte hepatorenal indeks (HRI). Vi brukte dette til å predikere insulinresistens (forhøyet HOMA-IR). Dernest målte vi insulin, glukose, triglyserider, hvileforbrenning, leptin og adiponektin fastende og etter måltid hos deltakere med fedme ved start og etter konservativ behandling for vektreduksjon.
Resultater: HRI ≥ 1,17 kunne predikere insulinresistens med 94% sensitivitet og 70% spesifisitet hos personer med fedme. HRI-grensa ≥ 1,42 hadde lav sensitivitet men høy spesifisitet for å predikere insulinresistens. L:A ratio ≥ 3,65 kunne predikere forsinket triglyseridfall etter måltid, og L:A ratio ≥ 1,88 kunne predikere forstyrrelser i to av de tre ovennevnte markørene. HOMA-IR (-23,1%), REE:leptin ratio (+80,1%) og L:A ratio (-45,7%) bedret seg med vektreduksjon ≥ 5%. Forsinket triglyseridfall etter måltid bedret seg ikke med vektreduksjon.
Konklusjon: HRI og L:A ratio kan brukes for å oppdage underliggende metabolske forstyrrelser ved fedme. L:A ratio, men ikke triglyserider etter måltid, kan brukes til å følge metabolsk bedring ved vektreduksjon.
Has part(s)
Paper I: Isaksen, V.T., Larsen, M.A., Goll, R., Florholmen, J.R. & Paulssen, E.J. (2016). Hepatic Steatosis, detected by hepatorenal index in ultrasonography as a predictor of insulin resistance in obese subjects. BMC Obesity, 3, 39. Also available in Munin at https://hdl.handle.net/10037/10693.
Paper II: Larsen, M.A., Isaksen, V.T., Moen, O.S., Wilsgaard, L., Remijn, M., Paulssen, E.J., Florholmen, J. & Goll, R. (2018). Leptin to adiponectin ratio – a surrogate biomarker for early detection of metabolic disturbances in obesity. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 28(11), 1114-1121. Also available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.numecd.2018.06.020.
Paper III: Isaksen, V.T., Larsen, M.A., Goll, R., Paulssen, E.J. & Florholmen, J.R. (2023). Correlations between modest weight loss and leptin to adiponectin ratio, insulin and leptin resensitization in a small cohort of Norwegian individuals with obesity. Endocrine and Metabolic Science, 12, 100134. Also available in Munin at https://hdl.handle.net/10037/30040
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Isaksen, V.T., Larsen, M.A., Goll, R., Paulssen, E.J. & Florholmen, J. (2019). Replication data for: Correlations between modest weight loss and leptin to adiponectin ratio, insulin and leptin resensitization in a small cohort of Norwegian individuals with obesity. DataverseNO, V1, https://doi.org/10.18710/KRYLXN.Publisher
UiT The Arctic University of NorwayUiT Norges arktiske universitet
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