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dc.contributor.authorWalquist, Mari Johannessen
dc.contributor.authorEilertsen, Karl-Erik
dc.contributor.authorElvevoll, Edel Oddny
dc.contributor.authorJensen, Ida-Johanne
dc.description.abstractHypertension, a major health concern linked to heart disease and premature mortality, has prompted a search for alternative treatments due to side effects of existing medications. Sustainable harvesting of low-trophic marine organisms not only enhances food security but also provides a variety of bioactive molecules, including peptides. Despite comprising only a fraction of active natural compounds, peptides are ideal for drug development due to their size, stability, and resistance to degradation. Our review evaluates the anti-hypertensive properties of peptides and proteins derived from selected marine invertebrate phyla, examining the various methodologies used and their application in pharmaceuticals, supplements, and functional food. A considerable body of research exists on the anti-hypertensive effects of certain marine invertebrates, yet many species remain unexamined. The array of assessments methods, particularly for ACE inhibition, complicates the comparison of results. The dominance of in vitro and animal in vivo studies indicates a need for more clinical research in order to transition peptides into pharmaceuticals. Our findings lay the groundwork for further exploration of these promising marine invertebrates, emphasizing the need to balance scientific discovery and marine conservation for sustainable resource use.en_US
dc.identifier.citationWalquist, Eilertsen, Elvevoll, Jensen. Marine-Derived Peptides with Anti-Hypertensive Properties: Prospects for Pharmaceuticals, Supplements, and Functional Food. Marine Drugs. 2024;22(4)en_US
dc.identifier.cristinIDFRIDAID 2265852
dc.relation.journalMarine Drugs
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2024 The Author(s)en_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)en_US
dc.titleMarine-Derived Peptides with Anti-Hypertensive Properties: Prospects for Pharmaceuticals, Supplements, and Functional Fooden_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US

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