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dc.contributor.advisorBjertnaes, Lars
dc.contributor.authorSuborov, Evgeny
dc.description.abstractVentilator-induced lung injury after pneumonectomy, a life-threatening complication of excessive one-lung mechanical ventilation Lung edema after lung resection is associated with a mortality of 50–100% and no cure. In sheep we found that removal of one lung followed by excessive one-lung ventilation triggered a severe lung injury with lung edema. This is a novel model of acute lung injury (ALI) in a large animal. Inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase improved oxygenation, but did not prevent lung edema from developing.en
dc.description.popularabstractLung edema after resection of a lung is a life-threatening subtype of ALI. Excessive mechanical ventilation with low end-expiratory pressure may result in damage to the lungs, referred to as ventilator - induced lung injury (VILI). Studies of VILI in small mammals have demonstrated an involvement of the nitric oxide (NO) pathway. We and other investigators have shown that NO synthase inhibitors modulate various subtypes of ALI. We speculated if removal of one lung followed by excessive one-lung ventilation and zero end-expiratory pressure promotes VILI and whether this subtype of ALI is attenuated by the inhibitor of endothelial and inducible NO synthase (NOS), methylene blue, or the inhibitor of neuronal NOS (nNOS), 7-nitroindazole. After surgical removal of one lung, the anesthetized sheep was randomized to groups of protective or injurious ventilation, consisting of tidal volumes of 6 and 12 ml/kg, respectively. In sheep exposed to injurious ventilation with excessive tidal volumes and zero end-expiratory pressure, lung edema occurred in concert with derangement of gas exchange that were uninfluenced by methylene blue. In contrast, infusion of an inhibitor of nNOS, improved gas exchange, most likely by reinforcement of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, but did not influence the pulmonary edema development. Thus, our experiments do not indicate a major role of nitric oxide or its metabolites in the pathogenesis of this condition. Nevertheless, other compounds should be investigated for potential effects on this subtype of acute lung injury.en
dc.descriptionPapers 1 & 2 of the thesis are not available in Munin: <br/>1. V.V. Kuzkov, E.V. Suborov, M.Y. Kirov, V.N. Kuklin, M. Sobhkhez, S. Johnsen, K. Waerhaug and L.J. Bjertnaes: 'Extravascular lung water after pneumonectomy and one-lung ventilation in sheep', Critical Care Medicine (2007), vol. 35, no. 6:1550-1559. Available at <a href=></a> <br/>2. E.V. Suborov, V.V. Kuzkov, M. Sobhkhez, M.Y. Kirov and L.J. Bjertnaes: 'The effects of methylene blue on ovine post-pneumonectomy pulmonary oedema', Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (2010), vol. 54, no. 9:1089–109. Available at <a href=></a>en
dc.publisherUniversity of Tromsøen
dc.publisherUniversitetet i Tromsøen
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2012 The Author(s)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Clinical medical disciplines: 750::Lung diseases: 777en
dc.subjectVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Klinisk medisinske fag: 750::Lungesykdommer: 777en
dc.subjectVDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Basic medical, dental and veterinary science disciplines: 710::Human and veterinary science physiology: 718en
dc.subjectVDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Basale medisinske, odontologiske og veterinærmedisinske fag: 710::Human og veterinærmedisinsk fysiologi: 718en
dc.titlePostpneumonectomy pulmonary edema and the nitric oxide pathway : experimental studies in sheepen
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen

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