Viser treff 81-100 av 817

    • «Så om det er det her som har påvirket psyken min eller ikke…»: En kvalitativ studie om sammenhengen mellom hjerteinfarkt og PTSD 

      Rogogjerd, Mari; Røberg Bråten, Karoline (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-12)
      Bakgrunnen for denne studien er forskning som tilsier at en stor andel pasienter som overlever et hjerteinfarkt sliter med psykiske helseplager i tiden etter, samt evidens som antyder at de psykiske vanskene hos denne pasientgruppen kan være relatert til PTSD. Formålet med denne kvalitative studien var å eksplorere de psykiske reaksjonene et utvalg av disse pasientene har hatt etter hjerteinfarktet, ...
    • Hvordan Påvirker Bruk av Sosiale Media Studenters Livskvalitet? 

      Stømner, Harald (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-12-03)
      Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan bruk av sosiale media påvirker studenters livskvalitet, ved hjelp av allerede eksisterende forskning. Sosiale media blir stadig en større del av samfunnet, og gir brukere muligheten til å enkelt kommunisere med hverandre og holde seg oppdatert på hva som foregår i deres sosiale kretser. Samtidig blir sosiale media ofte knyttet til negative konsekvenser for brukere, ...
    • Psykologifaget og individuell frigjøring 

      Aandahl, Jakob Biftu (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-08-23)
      Temaet for denne litteraturoppgaven er kritisk psykologi. Man kan definere kritikk som en metode for å rette oppmerksomhet mot forutsetninger som skjuler seg i vårt vanlige handle- og tenkesett (Madsen, 2012a, s.742). Kritisk psykologi innebærer å ta et metaperspektiv på de faglige forutsetningene som ligger til grunn for det perspektivet faget anlegger på virkeligheten. Disiplinen «kritisk psykologi» ...
    • Exploring the Relationship Between Feeling of Rightness and Recall: A Study Challenging Dual Process Theory 

      Tveit, Nora (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-04-28)
      Tidlig forskning på bedømming- og beslutningstaking antyder at vi har to systemer som tas i bruk når vi tenker: et raskt, intuitivt system (system 1) og et langsommere, mer overveiende system (system 2), referert til som toprosessteorien. Gjennom resonneringsoppgaver har denne forskningen vist at system 2 produserer normativt korrekte svar, og system 1 produserer feilaktige intuitive svar, og at ...
    • Man Enough to Care: Masculinity Threat and Misfit of Men Studying Communal Occupations 

      Lund, Ingvild Marie Hansen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-04-28)
      Fra en ung alder har menn internalisert kjønnsstereotypier av hva det vil si å være en "ekte" mann. Maskulinitetstrussel er frykten en mann opplever når de internaliserte kjønnsstereotypene ikke opprettholdes, de føler at maskuliniteten deres blir truet. I denne studien tar vi sikte på å undersøke om det å fremheve viktigheten av omsorgstrekk for mannlige studenter – men ikke kvinnelige studenter – ...
    • Social Jetlag and its Relation to Procrastination: The Possible Moderating Role of Daytime Fatigue and Affect 

      Færevaag, Klaus Svartdal (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-04-28)
      This study aimed to assess the relationship between Social Jetlag (SJL) and procrastination among university students. SJL may occur when our biological circadian sleep clock is delayed as compared to our social clock (e.g., getting up early for work), causing an accumulation of sleep debt during the week. This may predict several maladaptive behaviors for students, such as procrastination. ...
    • The Role of Need for Cognition in the Association Between Work Demands and Home Outcomes 

      Rødfjell, Lenita Benedicte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-04-28)
      Kjærlighetsrelasjoner er en viktig del av våres liv og forskning viser til at kontekstuelle utfordringer (f.eks., arbeidsmengde), kan negativt påvirke slike relasjoner–et eksempel på jobb–til–liv konflikt. Arbeidet man utfører blir stadig mer komplekst og ansatte må utføre oppgaver som er både ukjente og utfordrende. Selv om slik kvalitativ arbeidsmengde er utbredt blant ansatte, vet vi lite om ...
    • Enhancing Leadership effectiveness in Virtual Teams: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership on Exhaustion and Job Satisfaction 

      Moe, Thea Victoria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-04-28)
      Fremveksten av virtuelt arbeid og bruken av virtuelle teams i organisasjoner, ble intensivert av den nylige globale COVID-19-pandemien, og derved også behovet for å forstå hvordan en leders effektivitet kan bli påvirket i virtuelle arbeids kontekster. Denne studien undersøker den potensielt modererende rollen til transformasjonsledelse på forholdet mellom virtuelle teams og leder effektivitet, gjennom ...
    • Drop-out and transfer-out intentions: The role of socio-cognitive factors 

      Nemtcan, Efim; Sæle, Rannveig Grøm; Gamst-Klaussen, Thor; Svartdal, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2020-12-23)
      Academic attrition is a worldwide problem representing a significant economic loss and a disadvantage for students in terms of health and career prospects. We focus on the roles of academic skills, academic self-efficacy, and students' integration in exploring their relation to attrition intentions. Based on existing research, we expected a negative relation between academic skills and attrition ...
    • Safety in Avalanche Terrain: A mixed method study on how Norwegian backcountry skiers plan, conduct and evaluate trips 

      Stette Haarberg, Ingrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-04)
      Every year backcountry skiers are victims of avalanches, and human errors are recognized as one of the most important factors in explaining why these accidents happen. We used an embedded mixed method design, in which the qualitative data was given priority, in order to investigate how backcountry skiers plan, conduct and evaluate trips in avalanche terrain. In all, a sample of 23 backcountry skiers ...
    • Kystnatur og livskvalitet: En empirisk studie med vekt på hvordan avisoverskrifter om oljeutvinning påvirker opplevelsen av naturbilder fra Lofoten 

      Rui, Mira (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-01)
      Vi undersøkte om mediers fremstilling av debatten rundt oljeutvinning kan påvirke følelsesmessige opplevelse av lofotnatur. I en eksperimentell del av studien ble en randomisert halvdel av deltakerne presentert for avisoverskrifter som var positive til oljeutvinning i Lofoten. Den andre halvparten ble presentert for overskrifter som var negative. Deltakerne rapportere enighet eller uenighet med ...
    • Aberrant uncertainty processing is linked to psychotic‑like experiences, autistic traits, and is reflected in pupil dilation during probabilistic learning 

      Kreis, Isabel; Zhang, Lei; Mittner, Matthias Bodo; Syla, Leonard Parks; Claus, Lamm; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-28)
      Aberrant belief updating due to misestimation of uncertainty and an increased perception of the world as volatile (i.e., unstable) has been found in autism and psychotic disorders. Pupil dilation tracks events that warrant belief updating, likely reflecting the adjustment of neural gain. However, whether subclinical autistic or psychotic symptoms affect this adjustment and how they relate to learning ...
    • Aberrant uncertainty processing is linked to psychotic-like experiences, autistic traits, and is reflected in pupil dilation during probabilistic learning 

      Kreis, Isabel; Zhang, Lei; Mittner, Matthias Bodo; Syla, Leonard Parks; Lamm, Claus; Gerit, Pfuhl (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-28)
      Aberrant belief updating due to misestimation of uncertainty and an increased perception of the world as volatile (i.e., unstable) has been found in autism and psychotic disorders. Pupil dilation tracks events that warrant belief updating, likely refecting the adjustment of neural gain. However, whether subclinical autistic or psychotic symptoms afect this adjustment and how they relate to learning ...
    • Aberrant uncertainty processing is linked to psychotic‑like experiences, autistic traits, and is reflected in pupil dilation during probabilistic learning 

      Kreis, Isabel; Zhang, Lei; Mittner, Matthias Bodo; Syla, Leonard Parks; Lamm, Claus; Pfuhl, Gerit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-28)
      Aberrant belief updating due to misestimation of uncertainty and an increased perception of the world as volatile (i.e., unstable) has been found in autism and psychotic disorders. Pupil dilation tracks events that warrant belief updating, likely refecting the adjustment of neural gain. However, whether subclinical autistic or psychotic symptoms afect this adjustment and how they relate to learning ...
    • Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial 

      Haugen, Tina; Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Friborg, Oddgeir; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Mork, Paul Jarle; Mikkelsen, Gustav; Elklit, Ask; Rothbaum, Barbara O.; Schei, Berit; Hagemann, Cecilie Therese (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-21)
      Background Sexual assault and rape are the traumatic life events with the highest probability for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can have devastating consequences for those aficted by the condition. Studies indicate that modifed prolonged exposure (mPE) therapy may be efective in preventing the development of PTSD in recently traumatized individuals, and especially for people who ...
    • Situational Cues in Thoughts About the Future: Relationships With Self-Reported and Actual Self-Regulation Success 

      Kristiansen, Ingar Mikkola; Martiny-Huenger, Torsten; Parks-Stamm, Elizabeth J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-10)
      Based on stimulus–response learning accounts, we argue that including situational cues in thought about intended actions is an important aspect of self-regulation success in general and in successfully implementing delayed intentions. Accordingly, in Study 1 (N = 328), we replicate a previous study and show a positive relationship between the self-reported inclusion of situational cues in thoughts ...
    • Effects of instagram sports posts on the athletic motivation of female elite athletes: Do they inspire or backfire? 

      Weber, Silvana; Olsen, Marte; Martiny, Sarah E. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2021-10-08)
      The social networking site Instagram provides users with an abundance of photos and information in many domains including sports. The posts are often intended to inspire and motivate users. We argue that the display of success and failure of professional athletes may influence elite athletes’ own sports ambitions. Research has shown that exposure to positive ingroup stereotypes and exposure to ...
    • Timed Up and Go in People with Subjective Cognitive Decline Is Associated with Faster Cognitive Deterioration and Cortical Thickness 

      Borda, Miguel Germán; Ferreira, Daniel; Selnes, Per; Tovar-Rios, Diego Alejandro; Jaramillo-Jiménez, Alberto; Kirsebom, Bjørn-Eivind; Garcia-Cifuentes, Elkin; Dalaker, Turi Olene; Oppedal, Ketil; Sønnesyn, Hogne; Fladby, Tormod; Aarsland, Dag (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2022-04)
      <p><i>Introduction:</i> Early markers of neurodegeneration provide an opportunity to detect, monitor, and initiate interventions in individuals who have an increased risk of developing dementia. Here, we investigated whether the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test is associated with early brain neurodegeneration and whether the TUG test could be a marker of cognitive decline in people with subjective cognitive ...
    • Note to first-year university students: Just do it! In the end, the fact that you study may be more important than how you study. 

      Sæle, Rannveig Grøm; Dahl, Tove I.; Sørlie, Tore; Friborg, Oddgeir (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-20)
      Education is important to society, yet many students do not complete the educations they start. In the present study of 426 students at a Norwegian university, we examined the predictive value of study-related variables with regard to student status one and five years after initial enrollment (stayers versus dropouts). The logistic regression analyses indicated that older students and students who ...
    • Neuroendocrinology of sexual behavior 

      Ågmo, Anders j (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-08)
      One of the consequences of sexual behavior is reproduction. Thus, this behavior is essential for the survival of the species. However, the individual engaged in sexual behavior is rarely aware of its reproductive consequences. In fact, the human is probably the only species in which sexual acts may be performed with the explicit purpose of reproduction. Most human sexual activities as well as sex ...