Viser treff 241-260 av 2059

    • Davvisámi earutkeahtes oamasteapmi [Inalienability in North Saami] 

      Janda, Laura A; Antonsen, Lene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Inalienability in North Saami On the basis of corpus data (9.5M words 1997–2010) we claim that North Saami is developing a grammatical distinction between alienable and inalienable possession. In previous work we documented a language change in North Saami in which the possessive suffix as in girjji-id-easkka [] ‘their books’ is being replaced by an analytic construction with the ...
    • Russian dialectology in educating Slavists in Norway: experience and results 

      Lønngren, Tamara (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2020)
      The fact that a legendary Norwegian explorer Fridtjоf Nansen, who was a talented and highly educated man, knew very well the history and culture of the peoples of Northern Russia, is mentioned in almost every work dedicated to his planned expedition to the Kola Peninsula, which was never performed. However, there are no research works that mention the fact that his deep knowledge, which inspired him ...
    • The Russian Constructicon: A new linguistic resource, its design and key characteristics (Русский Конструктикон: Новый лингвистический ресурс, его устройство и специфика) 

      Endresen, Anna; Zhukova, Valentina; Mordashova, Daria; Rakhilina, Ekaterina; Lyashevskaya, Olga; Janda, Laura Alexis (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2020)
      We present a new open-access electronic resource named the Russian Constructicon that offers a searchable database of Russian constructions accompanied by descriptions of their properties and illustrated with corpus examples. The project was carried out over the period 2016-2020 and at present contains an inventory of over 2200 multi-word constructions of Contemporary Standard Russian. We prioritize ...
    • The internal structure of perfective adjectives: states and blocking 

      Fábregas, Antonio; Marín, Rafael (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-05)
      The goal of this article is to discuss the nature of so-called perfective adjectives in Spanish (desnudo ‘naked,’ suelto ‘loose’). We do so through a discussion of the problem that participles are blocked by perfective adjectives in some contexts (Dejó la habitación {limpia / ∗limpiada} ‘He left the room {clean / ∗cleaned}). We will argue that perfective adjectives contain in their internal structure ...
    • Partiklar i sørsamisk 

      Trosterud, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-30)
      The article presents the most central particles in Southern Sami, and argues that they constitute a separate part of speech different from adverbs. Most particles usually occur in the second position of the sentence, but several particles may also occur in second position in complex verb phrases, i.e. in third position in the sentence. A group of words have in previous research been treated as ...
    • Digitalisierung, Daten, Eigentum: Bildung im digitalen Kapitalismus 

      Pötzsch, Holger; Buck, Marc Fabian (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie Schulen, Hochschulen und Verwaltungsbehörden einem steigenden Druck zu Digitalisierung und Kommerzialisierung von Bildung begegnen können. Vor dem Hintergrund des Begriffes »Meta-EdTech« zeichnen wir zunächst den Einfluss kommerzieller Akteure auf Bildung und Lehre nach, bevor wir aufzeigen, dass Fragen von Eigentum an technischer Infrastruktur und an den durch ...
    • Work of a Slavist as an Example of Scientific Diplomacy: Olaf Broch’s Epistolary Legacy 

      Lønngren, Tamara (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
      <p>2017 marked 100 years since the October Revolution, the consequences of which are well known to everyone. 100 years ago Olaf Broch wrote to Aleksey Aleksandrovich Shakhmatov: «No matter how turbulent the times are, we should not forget about people, about individuals.»1 It is these words that contain the main idea of this article that shows Broch not only as a researcher, linguist and dialectologist ...
    • Er maskinoversetting fra nordsamisk nyttig for sørsamisk? 

      Antonsen, Lene (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-30)
      The article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of a rule-based translation program from North Saami to South Saami. As a tool for translators, the system can contribute to more text being produced in South Saami, both by using North Saami as an intermediary in the translation of texts from Norwegian and Swedish, and by translating texts that are originally written in North Saami. The system may ...
    • The long and the short of it: Russian predicate adjectives with zero copula 

      Nesset, Tore; Janda, Laura Alexis (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-01)
      The present article presents an empirical investigation of the choice between so-called long (e.g., prostoj ‘simple’) and short (e.g., prost ‘simple’) forms of predicate adjectives in Rus- sian, based on data from the syntactic subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus. The data under scrutiny suggest that short forms represent the dominant option for predicate adjec- tives. It is proposed that ...
    • Morphological transparency and markedness matter in heritage speaker gender processing: an EEG study 

      Luque, Alicia; Rossi, Eleanora; Kubota, Maki; Nakamura, Megan; Rosales, César Vargas; López-Rojas, Cristina; Rodina, Yulia; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-12)
      The present study investigated the qualitative nature of grammatical gender knowledge and processing in heritage speakers (HSs) of Spanish living in the United States. Forty-four adult Spanish HS bilinguals participated, completing a behavioral grammatical gender assignment task and a grammaticality judgment task (GJT) while their brain activity was recorded using electroencephalography (EEG). The ...
    • "Wandering in Fact and Fiction: Wordsworth´s Wanderer and Christopher Thomson" 

      Falke, Cassandra (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      Discussing Wordsworth’s poem “Goody Blake and Harry Gill,” Geoffrey Tillotson writes that “Goody herself . . . could not have given a more telling account of her way of life” (7). I wonder. Goody Blake, like other cottagers, had ample time to think, spinning days away in a house by herself. She may have participated more fully in the life of her community than Wordsworth did and therefore been able ...
    • Minnetale over Janne Margrethe Bondi Johannessen i Det norske videnskapsakademi 

      Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2022)
      Janne Bondi Johannessen ble medlem av DNVA så sent som i 2019. Hun rakk altså bare å være medlem i litt over et år før hun gikk bort 15. juni 2020, bare 59 år gammel. Hun forlot en aktiv og produktiv forskergjerning som ble brått avbrutt – og hennes utallige aktiviteter ble rett og slett hengende i luften: en konferanse, flere publikasjoner, et bokprosjekt, en redaktørgjerning, prosjektsøknader og ...
    • A prognosis for Sámi in Norway: Schools as key to revitalization 

      Vangsnes, Øystein A (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019)
      The paper presents three different prognoses for the future number of Sámi language users in Norway based on the contemporary number of children receiving instruction in Sámi in the Norwegian school system, either North, Lule or South Sámi. There exist three different curricula for the subject Sámi, one for first language pupils (Sámi 1), one for second language pupils (Sámi 2), and one for foreign ...
    • Analyzing polysemiosis: Language, gesture, and depiction in two cultural practices with sand drawing 

      Zlatev, Jordan; Devylder, Simon; Defina, Rebecca; Moskaluk, Kalina; Andersen, Linea Brink (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-26)
      Human communication is by default polysemiotic: it involves the spontaneous combination of two or more semiotic systems, the most important ones being language, gesture, and depiction. We formulate an original cognitive-semiotic framework for the analysis of polysemiosis, contrasting this with more familiar systems based on the ambiguous term “multimodality.” To be fully explicit, we developed ...
    • A Stranger in the Lexicon: The Aspectual Status of Russian смочь ‘be able, manage (to)’ 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      It has been claimed that Russian смочь ‘be able, manage (to)’ has a number of unusual properties relating to its expression of aspect and tense. A number of new kinds of data are brought to bear in this debate. This article compares смочь with its purported aspectual partner verb мочь using overall and longitudinal corpus data. It also compares the distribution of forms of смочь with those of other ...
    • Samisk Kunstnergruppe/Sámi Dáidojoavku 1978-1983. Annenhet eller avantgarde? 

      Hansen, Hanna Horsberg (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2011)
      På midten av 1970-tallet ble fem, unge samiske kunstnere, Synnøve Persen (f. 1950), Aage Gaup (f. 1943), Josef Halse (f. 1951), Ingunn Utsi (f. 1948) og Maja Dunfjeld (f. 1947), invitert av Norsk kulturråd til å lage utkast til utsmykking av Láhpoluoppal skole i Kautokeino kommune. Den samiske kunstneren Iver Jåks (1932 – 2007) og skolens arkitekter sto bak initiativet. Utsmykkingen sto ferdig 1980, ...
    • Mediating Everyday Life in Svalbard: Herta Grøndal's Photographs, 1950s-70s 

      Haugdal, Elin Kristine (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      A woman in a spotted dress sits in a living room equipped with modern furniture, carpets and cushions, a houseplant on a woven tablecloth, pictures and lamps on the walls, and in the corner a radio cabinet and a rocking horse for the children (Figure 1). She seems confident and relaxed, dressed up and ready to make her home a showcase for the photographer. As this woman is portrayed with two small ...
    • Can policies improve language vitality? The Sámi languages in Sweden and Norway 

      Lloyd-Smith, Anika; Bergmann, Fabian; Hund, Laura; Kupisch, Tanja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-29)
      Introduction: Language policies are often aimed at changing language behaviours, yet it is notoriously difficult to assess their effects. This study investigates language use and competence in the Indigenous Sámi populations of Norway and Sweden in light of the national-level policies the two countries have adopted.<p> <p>Methods: We provide a cross-country comparison of relevant educational, ...