Viser treff 201-220 av 2059

    • The synthetic perfect from Indo-Iranian to Late Vedic 

      Dahl, Eystein (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      This paper outlines the origin and development of the synthetic Perfect from Indo-Iranian, the reconstructed common ancestral stage of the Iranian and Indo-Aryan languages, to Vedic, the oldest attested stage of Old Indo-Aryan. Comparative evidence from Old Iranian, Homeric Greek and a number of other Indo-European languages shows that this morphological category ultimately stems from Proto-Indo-European. ...
    • The diachrony of ditransitives in Vedic Sanskrit 

      Dahl, Eystein (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Indo-Iranian in general and Old Indo-Aryan in particular is usually regarded as a morphosyntactically rather conservative branch of the Indo-European linguistic family. However, recent work (e.g. Cotticelli and Dahl Forthcoming) demonstrates that Early Vedic, the oldest attested variety of Old Indo-Aryan, shows a number of important innovations in its alignment system, including the establishing of ...
    • Menneskets "her" 

      Greve, Anniken (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Refleksjonen over stedet slik vi møter den hos Christian Norberg-Schulz, er nært knyttet til en refleksjon over mennesket. Denne filosofisk-antropologiske dimensjonen kan være litt skjult i mye av det andre han snakker om: sted, arkitekturhistorie, byggeskikker, stilhistorie. Så kan man spørre: Hvorfor er forståelsen av mennesket så vesentlig for forståelsen av byggekunsten og arkitektens virksomhet? ...
    • Imagination and Reality in Sami Fantasy 

      Fredriksen, Lill Tove (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      What is imagined and what is real? These are relevant questions in the fantasy novel Ilmmiid gaskkas (2013), written by Sami author Máret Ánne Sara and translated into English by Laura A. Janda as In Between Worlds (2016). The narrative depicts parallel stories, set above and below ground, and highlights an imbalance between our world on earth and that of our neighbours, the ulda-people in the ...
    • Nils-Aslak Valkeapää. A Powerful Poetic Manifestation 

      Gaski, Harald (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Nils-Aslak Valkeapää (1943–2001), or Áillohaš as he used as his artist name for a period of time, was the greatest Sámi multimedia artist. He made his debut as an author in 1971 with a book of essays, and is so far the only Sámi who has been awarded the prestigious Nordic Council’s literature prize, for his book of poetry and photographs Beaivi, áhčážan, 1989 (The Sun, My Father, 1997).
    • Juan del Valle y Caviedes 

      Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      La obra poética más conocida de Juan del Valle y Caviedes1 (Porcuna, Jaén, 1645-Lima, 1698) es la que corresponde a sus composiciones satírico burlescas. Estas se caracterizan por su relación con personajes históricos, acontecimientos y hechos circunstanciales de la vida en Lima en las últimas dos décadas del siglo xvii. Si bien problemas de transmisión textual no permiten todavía definir la ...
    • From the Origins of Government and Binding to the Current State of Minimalism 

      Alexiadou, Artemis; Lohndal, Terje (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      This chapter provides a review of the current Chomskyan approach to the study of human language, known as the Minimalist Program. It offers an overview of the central ideas that were central in shaping the program, in particular Government and Binding Theory. It presents an outline of what the essential ideas of the program are, focusing in particular on how the Minimalist Program is seen as a natural ...
    • The Language of All Nations: Defining the Human Rights Novel 

      Falke, Cassandra (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
    • Parsonages in the North in the 1600s and 1700s. 

      Hage, Ingebjørg (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      The aim of this article is to offer a description and analysis of the changes at the parsonages and in the parsons’ material conditions during the process of the protracted Reformation. The parson lived at the parsonage, and following the Reformation, he lived together with wife and children – the clerical family. The parsonage served a variety of functions: revenue-generating farm, family dwelling ...
    • Verb Second in Norwegian: Variation and Acquisition 

      Lohndal, Terje; Westergaard, Marit; Vangsnes, Øystein A (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      This chapter provides an overview of the micro-variation in Norwegian when it comes to Verb Second (V2) word order, both in the various dialects and in the two written standards. The variation is dependent on a number of factors, including clause type, type of initial element, and information structure. This overview demonstrates a rich inventory of micro-systems, raising the question of how children ...
    • On Spanish Dvandva and its restrictions 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      As noted by Bauer, real dvandva compounds –that is, coordinative compounds that properly express the aggregation of two different entities, not the intersection of properties in one entity– are extremely rare in English or Spanish. This article explores the empirical domain of dvandva compounding in Spanish, and notes that they are productive when not used as heads within their phrases. We propose ...
    • Ways of being a dative across Romance varieties 

      Fábregas, Antonio; Cabré, Teresa (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      In this article, we argue that the term dative can correspond to objects of a very different linguistic nature, even in typologically close languages. Specifically, in syntactic terms datives can be different from accusatives or identical to them at some point in the derivation; in the latter case, clashes between 3rd person clitics emerge. Our approach, then, argues that clitic incompatibilities ...
    • Datives and stativity in psych predicates 

      Fábregas, Antonio; Marín, Rafael (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
    • Initiators, states and passives in Spanish psych verbs 

      Fábregas, Antonio; Marín, Rafael (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020-12-08)
      The goal here is twofold: the first one is to point out the existence of at least two classes of Object Experiencer psychological verbs (henceforth, OEPV) in Spanish with respect to their passive behavior, casting doubt on Landau (2010), who proposes that passivization of OEPVs correlates with the availability of pseudo-passives in a language. The second one is to argue that passives of OEPVs match ...
    • Syntactic categorization of roots 

      Lohndal, Terje (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020-02-28)
      A root is a fundamental minimal unit in words. Some languages do not allow their roots to appear on their own, as in the Semitic languages where roots consist of consonant clusters that become stems or words by virtue of vowel insertion. Other languages appear to allow roots to surface without any additional morphology, as in English car. Roots are typically distinguished from affixes in that affixes ...
    • Language Acquisition, Microcues, Parameters, and Syntactic Change 

      Westergaard, Marit (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      Based on both historical and present-day examples, this chapter discusses the connection between language acquisition and language change, focusing on generative approaches such as the cue-based theory of acquisition and change and grammar competition models. A number of problems are pointed out, mainly related to the generally target-consistent nature of first language acquisition and children’s ...
    • Johan Rist: Knife, sheath, náhppi, and guottahat (with knife, scissor and nállogoahti) 

      Grini, Monica (Others; Andre, 2018)
      A glass case by the entrance at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science-building contains objects that captivates the eye and creates a desire to touch. Hard materials, like wood, has taken on the texture of smooth velvet – and rough materials, like branched horns, materialize as sleek and gleaming through the exquisite artistry of Johan Rist.
    • Exploring the Role of L2 Experience-Related Factors in Cross-Language Lexical Priming 

      Chaouch-Orozco, Adel; González Alonso, Jorge; Rothman, Jason (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      Research on multilingual lexical organization is coming to a consensus, led by a growing body of studies (e.g., De Groot, Delmaar & Lupker, 2000; Dijkstra, Grainger & Van Heuven, 1999; Kroll & Stewart, 1994; Van Heuven, Schriefers, Dijkstra & Hagoort, 2008), whereby the multilingual lexicon is seen as a unitary system and cross-linguistic competition occurs during lexical access. This increasing ...
    • Formal Linguistic Approaches to Adult Second Language (L2) Acquisition and Processing 

      Rothman, Jason; Bayram, Fatih; Cunnings, Ian; González Alonso, Jorge (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-06-25)
      The relative conformity with which (typically developing) children attain adult grammatical competence—ultimate attainment—and the similarity in developmental paths along which they progress is remarkable (e.g., Ambridge & Lieven, 2011; Clark, 2003; Guasti, 2002; Synder, 2007). This achievement is, however, so ubiquitous and mundane that we seldom marvel at it. Of course, monolingual adult grammars ...
    • Preregistration: The interplay between linguistic and embodied systems in conceptual processing 

      Bernabeu, Pablo (Preprint; Manuskript, 2021)
      This preregistration outlines a study that will investigate the dynamic nature of conceptual processing by examining the interplay between linguistic distributional systems—comprising word co-occurrence and word association—and embodied systems—comprising sensorimotor and emotional information. A set of confirmatory research questions are addressed using data from the Calgary Semantic Decision ...