Viser treff 281-300 av 2059

    • Un "chín" sobre la variedad dominicana 

      Danielsen, Ruth Esther Castro (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-30)
      En este trabajo de máster presentaremos la manera en que los hablantes dominicanos perciben su propia variedad del español y otras variedades. Para ello nos basaremos en la distinción entre actitudes afectivas y actitudes cognitivas. Se analizará la variedad dominicana a través de una encuesta, realizada a hablantes nativos del país. También se analizará un pequeño grupo de extranjeros pertenecientes ...
    • Demokrati, medborgerskap og ingenting. 

      Johansen, Marina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-30)
      I denne masteroppgaven har jeg sett nærmere på hvordan Janne Tellers roman Intet kan skape refleksjon og debatt rundt de to tverrfaglige begrepene demokrati og medborgerskap i et klasserom ved å være et slags demokratisk vrengebilde. Jeg har brukt litterær analyse og nærlesing som metode, og modellert et undervisningsopplegg via begrepet dialogisk undervisning. For å få faglig tyngde i tolkningen ...
    • I reč Сěsarʹ: Titlo-abbreviations in Old East Slavic 

      Skjølsvold, Jens Kristian (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-20)
      In this thesis I research the use of a diacritic mark know as a titlo and its use in Old East Slavic. Available literature suggests that titlos were used by Muscovite scribes to abbreviate words that denoted objects which were regarded as particularly sacred. However, literature on Old Rusian and Middle Russian handwriting, and Slavic paleography suggest that titlo-abbreviations may have been used ...
    • Hallo, ich heiße .... und ich bin .... Jahre alt: Der lexikalische Ansatz im Fremdsprachenunterricht in Norwegen 

      Edvardsen, Runar Iver (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      "Kommunikasjon" er et av læreplanens kjerneelement, mens derimot eksplisitt språkviten står ikke sentralt i LK20. Dette masterarbeidet er derfor en utredning av den leksikalske fremgangsmåten i andrespråksinnlæring som beskrevet av Lewis (2008). Her stilles det fire spørsmål: 1. Hva er den leksikalske fremgangsmåten?, 2. er den leksikalske fremgangsmåten forenbar med LK20?, 3. Er prinsippene fra den ...
    • Det unaturlige i det fantastiske. Unaturlig narratologi i Astrid Lindgrens fantasy-roman Bröderna Lejonhjärta 

      Brunborg, Anne Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      Det har lenge vært vanlig å tolke Bröderna Lejonhjärta (1973) av Astrid Lindgren med utgangspunkt i den doble tiltalen. I denne oppgaven undersøker jeg hvorvidt det går an å lese romanen med utgangspunkt i en tredje tolkningsinngang. Denne tolkningsinngangen bygger på en hypotese om at Gud har drømt fram Nangijala. I arbeidet med å undersøke denne hypotesen har jeg benyttet meg av unaturlig narratologi ...
    • Marcos cognitivos, lenguaje político y populismo: Un análisis de los discursos de Santiago Abascal y Pedro Sánchez durante la moción de censura de 2020 

      Bølset, Fredrik Andersen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      The goal of this thesis is to analyse the political discourse, during a Motion of no confidence, of Santiago Abascal, leader of the right wing party Vox, and Pedro Sánchez, prime minister belonging to the labour party, in 2020. Through an analysis of the values, rhetorical devices and cognitive frameworks of the two politicians, this thesis analyses to what extent the label 'populism' can be applied ...
    • La pragmática de la comunicación aérea: Un estudio de la formación de conflictos en incidentes aéreos 

      Jørgensen, Eirik Storli (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-13)
      The goal of this master’s thesis is to study pragmatics in the context of aviation communication, within specific interactions between pilots and air traffic controllers, with the intention of discovering possible shortcomings related to how these speakers communicate their intentions that lead to dangerous situations. This study will look at transcripts from two separate aircraft incidents where ...
    • "Tar De livsløgnen fra et gjennemsnittsmenneske, så tar De lykken fra ham med det samme." Intertekstualitet i Vigdis Hjorths Femten år. Den revolusjonære våren (2022) 

      Årvik, Kristine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-12)
      Denne masteroppgaven er en studie av intertekstuelle referanser i Vigdis Hjorths Femten år. Den revolusjonære våren (2022). Bakgrunnen for dette er en tydelig referanse til Henrik Ibsens Vildanden (2019) i romanen. Jeg har villet se nærmere på hva dette innebærer for leserens forståelse av romanen. Jeg foretar en nærlesing av Femten år med fokus på intertekstuelle referanser til dramaet, og jeg ...
    • Darstellung kultureller Vielfalt in deutschsprachigen Ländern: Eine Analyse der norwegischen DaF-Lehrwerksreihe Momente für Deutsch Niveau I und II. 

      Rabben, Remy Andreas (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-13)
      Ein zentraler Teil des Kernelements interkulturelle Kompetenz (interkulturell kompetanse) im norwegischen Lehrplan für Fremdsprachen ist das Verständnis von kultureller Vielfalt (forståelse av kulturelt mangfold). In dieser Masterarbeit wird untersucht, inwiefern und wie eine Lehrwerksreihe für Deutsch als Fremdsprache auf Niveau 1 und 2 in der weiterführenden Schule (videregående skole) die kulturelle ...
    • Spiele im DaF-Unterricht für Fortgeschrittene (Niveau II und III): Lehrerhaltungen und Erfahrungen 

      Barstad, Kristian Nøst (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-10)
      Spill finnes overalt. Mye av det vi omgir oss med på daglig basis inneholder spill eller «spillifiserte» elementer. Dette finner man i alt fra markedsføring til undervisning, og det er vanskelig å komme unna. Selv om spill er overalt, er det vanskelig å sette klare grenser på hva et spill virkelig er og hva som ikke kan kalles for spill. Denne masteroppgaven er en flermetodisk undersøkelse som nettopp ...
    • Documenting heritage language experience using questionnaires 

      Rodina, Yulia; Bayram, Fatih; De Cat, Cecile Marie-Rose; Tomić, Aleksandra (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-23)
      Introduction: There exists a great degree of variability in the documentation of multilingual experience across different instruments. The present paper contributes to the “methods turn” and individual differences focus in (heritage) bilingualism by proposing a comprehensive online questionnaire building on existing questionnaires and the experience of using them to document heritage bilingualism: ...
    • To make and unmake souls: Fiction as a tool for dehumanisation and rehumanisation 

      Sve, Henrik A. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      This thesis investigates the dehumanising and rehumanising power of literature, illustrating the points with examples from novels, most prominently Philip Roth's 2004 novel The Plot Against America. It argues that the kind of fiction we consume influences how we think, and that we must be critical readers in order to not get swept away by a dehumanising narrative. Antisemitism will be a major focus, ...
    • En kuratert reise i Synnøve Persens kunstnerskap. Samisk revitalisering, avkoloniserende arbeid og kunstnerisk fornyelse 

      Domaas, Andrea Klemetzen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      Denne oppgaven er en undersøkelse av fire kunstverk av Synnøve Persen - Skábma/ Mørketid (1978), Glássadiibmu/ Glassklokken (1982), Labyrint I (2009), og Crystal World - the Horizon/ Kristálla máilbmi - Albmeravda/ Krystallverden - horisont (2014). Gjennom disse verkene ser vi Persens kunstneriske utfoldelse gjennom nesten 40 år, og den samiske kunstens stadige fornyelse. Vi ser en evig vilje til ...
    • The "Blackness of Blackness". The city and identity in Toni Morrison’s Jazz and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man 

      Næss, Patrick (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      This thesis aims to explore identity and individuality when entering and living in the city for African Americans in the 1920s. More specifically I aim to explore how migrating North from the South caused a crisis of identity for many African Americans and why this happened. Principally through looking at the novels Invisible Man and Jazz, but also through using essays on the city and identity from ...
    • Feitskam i sosiale medier. En undersøkelse av fire influencere på Instagram 

      Johnsen, Birgitte C. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-13)
      Denne masteren gjør en empirisk case analyse på fire kroppspositive influencere på Instagram ved å studere feitskam som et fenomen på sosiale medier. Hvilke typer poster produserer influencerne? Hvilke poster engasjerer mest? Hvilken type brukerengasjement er mest vanlig? Finnes det likheter/ulikheter mellom disse influencerne? Stuart Halls kommunikasjonsmodell og teorien om representasjon sammen ...
    • Finding the Self through Travel: A Psychoanalytic Analysis of Self-Discovery and Transformation in Travel Writing 

      Rodrigues, Cassia Djamila Torres de Melo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-12)
      My thesis addresses the themes of self-discovery and transformation in travel literature. The travel writing narrative reinforces a cultural and personal consciousness in which mobility, observation, curiosity, accuracy, and imagination become qualities fundamental to understanding oneself. Journeys of self-discovery are a popular form of narrative in travel literature. Using Paulo Coelho’s The ...
    • ‘No, she’s not going anywhere’: Subversions of Virtuous Passivity and Condemned Agency in Modern Retellings of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and ‘Snow White’ 

      Franzén, Andrine Østeng (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-12)
      This thesis examines how the depictions of femininity found in traditional versions of the fairy tales ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and ‘Snow White’ are challenged in modern retellings from the 20th and 21st centuries. Analysing Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s version of these tales in their historical context, this thesis details how portrayals of femininity are reduced to the archetypes of the passive angelic ...
    • Challenging the topics of interracial friendship, immigration, and racism by taking them into the 9th and 10th grade classroom. An analysis of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie´s Americanah and Roald Dahl´s The Big Friendly Giant and how to teach them in secondary school 

      Auran, Marte Mediaas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-06-11)
      This thesis examines two literary works, Roald Dahl´s children´s fiction book, The Big Friendly Giant, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie´s realistic fiction novel, Americanah. It explores how these books can be used to teach students in secondary school about topics such as racism, immigration, prejudiced behavior, and stereotypes, as well as interracial friendship. Kelly Oliver´s theory on subjectivity ...
    • Facilitation of critical thinking and ethical awareness by reading dystopian literature 

      Myrvang, Gabriel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      This thesis explores the potential of dystopian literature to facilitate critical thinking and ethical awareness, drawing on the theories of Martha Nussbaum and Wayne C. Booth to provide a theoretical framework for analysis. The study focuses on two classic dystopian novels, George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. It analyzes how these novels invite reflections on ...
    • Being at the Centre of a Scandal – Exploring the Complexities of the Sexual Deviant. Queer Counterspaces and their Effect on Character Development and Self-Actualisation in The Picture of Dorian Gray and Giovanni’s Room 

      Kristensen, Cathrine Sofie Ekløv (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      This thesis addresses literary representations of queerness in public and private places. Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner’s 1998 essay ‘Sex in Public’ addresses the public’s association with sexuality and the idea of counterpublics. This thesis aims to use this idea of counterpublics in association with queer spacing, Michel Foucault’s concept of heterotopias, and the concept of the deviant. I ...