Viser treff 341-360 av 2061

    • Norwegian agreement clashes on the football field 

      Nesset, Tore; Janda, Laura Alexis (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Kibrik 2019 argues that a cognition-to-form approach to agreement is superior to the traditional form-to-form approach that is fraught with problems. We concur that it makes more sense to examine agreement from the perspective of cognitive representation and present a small study of how the semantics of adjectives contributes to the use of singular vs. plural agreement with Norwegian collective nouns ...
    • Gendered Agency and Subjectivity in Hanna Pylväinen's "We Sinners" (2012) and North American (ex-) Laestadian Women's Life Narratives 

      Jensen, Ellen Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-06-04)
      Despite the poly-vocal and heterogeneous gendered realities that come through in "We Sinners" and (ex-) Laestadian women's life narratives, from the perspectives of secular society and mainstream feminism, the role or place of North American Laestadian women—in the “home,” “social networks,” and “believer communities”—would likely be interpreted as laden with patriarchal oppression. This study aims ...
    • Name-calling: The Russian 'new Vocative' and its status 

      Janda, Laura Alexis (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-06-18)
      Henning Andersen (2012) points out that the Russian “new Vocative” (e.g., мам! ‘mama!’, Саш! ‘Sasha!’) presents a series of unusual behaviors that set it apart from ordinary case marking. Andersen argues that the Vocative should not be considered a declensional word form of nouns. The Russian Vocative is certainly an uncommon linguistic category, but does this entail setting up a new tran- scategorial ...
    • Guovttegielatvuođa ovddideapmi bargovugiid mielde sámeluohkáin 

      Hætta, Inga Maja Eira (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-29)
      I læreplanen kommer det tydelig frem hvor viktig det er å verdsette flerspråklighet ved å styrke elevenes identitet som flerspråklig og fremme deres flerspråklige kompetanse. Målet med masteroppgaven er å finne ut hvilke arbeidsmetoder lærere som underviser på samisk kan bruke for å styrke elevenes tospråklighet. For å svare på dette har jeg observert i en tospråklig klasse der elevene har samisk ...
    • Mobility, Place and Identity in Women's Road Narratives: A Spatial Analysis of Mona Simpson's 'Anywhere but Here' and Barbara Kingsolver's 'The Bean Trees' 

      Baakil, Miriam (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2018-05-29)
      This thesis sets out to explore women's road narratives in terms of mobility, place and identity. Since the publication of Jack Kerouac's masterpiece On the Road, road narratives have been a recurring feature in American literature and culture. However, the female aspect of this genre remains under-explored. Literary works by and of women on the road are generally overlooked. The muteness of this ...
    • Current issues and directions in Optimality Theory — Constraints and their interaction 

      Krämer, Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      This chapter provides a detailed outline of the types of constraint interaction that have been proposed by phonologists working in Optimality Theory (OT), demonstrating that constraints can be organized and interact in a wide variety of ways. It addresses the issue of the content or formalization of constraints, including functional grounding. OT was conceived as a generative theory of constraint ...
    • How to threaten in Russian: a constructionist approach 

      Zhukova, Valentina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-22)
      The article analyzes various linguistic means to carry out threats in Russian with special focus on 27 constructions tagged as “Threat” in the Russian Constructicon, a linguistic repository of more than 2200 constructions in the Russian language. The major purpose of the current study is to investigate what constitutes a threat in Russian and how threats are related to other constructions. Unlike ...
    • Una nota sobre los adjetivos de preferencia 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-24)
      Los adjetivos de preferencia (favorito, preferido, predilecto) tienen propiedades gramaticales que los diferencian de otras clases de adjetivos, asimilables o no a los superlativos. Este trabajo propone un análisis de su comportamiento que se basa en la idea de que, frente a otros adjetivos, estos elementos encabezan estructuras léxicas de relación donde ellos son el núcleo de la estructura, no ...
    • Messy episodes: Indigenous countersigns in Ludwig Choris’s diary and ethnographic portraits of Aleut, Kamchadal and Chukchi (1822). 

      Federhofer, Marie-Theres (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-26)
      Examining Ludwig York Choris’s diary, which was first published in 1999, and representations of Aleut, Kamchadal, and Chukchi people in his Voyage pittoresque autour du monde (Paris 1822), my article discusses methods of aesthetic and scientific visualization in an early nineteenth-century research expedition. The album was the outcome of Choris’s participation in the Russian circumnavigation of the ...
    • El sujeto colonial mulato en la poesía de Juan del Valle y Caviedes 

      Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      El presente libro incluye catorce trabajos que se enfocan en el estudio de diversos sujetos coloniales que vivieron en los virreinatos americanos entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. El enfoque de cada uno es diverso, como diversos fueron estos sujetos y también las distintas estrategias que utilizaron, no solo para encontrar mejoras dentro del sistema colonial sino, en muchos casos, para reivindicar una ...
    • Propiedades de las nominalizaciones de actividad y práctica 

      Fábregas, Antonio (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-31)
      The main goal of this article is to motivate the existence of a grammatically well-defined class of nominalisations expressing activities or practices, whose properties differentiate them froim event, quality or participant nominalisations. We will show that these nouns, deverbal or no, define different classes of general eventualities that are not ijnstantiated in specific time periods or points, ...
    • Syntactic Features 

      Svenonius, Peter (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      Syntactic features are formal properties of syntactic objects which determine how they behave with respect to syntactic constraints and operations (such as selection, licensing, agreement, and movement). Syntactic features can be contrasted with properties which are purely phonological, morphological or semantic, but many features are relevant both to syntax and morphology, or to syntax and semantics, ...
    • Morphology in Cognitive Linguistics 

      Nesset, Tore (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017-04-26)
      Cognitive linguistics and morphology bear the promise of a happy marriage. Cognitive linguistics provides theoretical concepts and analytical tools for empirical analysis, while morphology offers fertile ground for testing hypotheses and refining core concepts. It is no wonder, then, that numerous contributions to the field of morphology have been couched in cognitive linguistics, and that morphological ...
    • Instant annotations in ELAN corpora of spoken and written Komi, an endangered language of the Barents Sea region 

      Gerstenberger, Ciprian-Virgil; Partanen, Niko; Rießler, Michael (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-03)
    • Introduction 

      Lohndal, Terje (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      Human languages are inextricably a part of our mind/brain. No other animal has a comparable ability with the same complexity and richness that humans do. An important research goal is to better understand this ability for language: What is it that enables human to acquire and use language the way we do? One way of answering this is to argue that there are aspects of our biology that enable us to ...
    • Variation and change in Italian phonology: On the mutual dependence of grammar and lexicon in Optimality Theory 

      Krämer, Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016-12-01)
      In this paper I discuss the influence of language acquisition and borrowing on the reorganisation of grammar and lexicon in the development from Latin into Italian. We will have a look at the historical sequencing of the introduction of new phonological processes, velar palatalization, mid vowel breaking, and lateral palatalization, and how they conspire to create new contrasts or reintroduce contrasts ...
    • Verb Second Word Order in Norwegian Heritage Language: Syntax and Pragmatics 

      Westergaard, Marit; Lohndal, Terje (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
      In this paper, we investigate verb second (V2) word order in Norwegian heritage language spoken in the United States, i.e., in a situation where the heritage speakers have English as their dominant language. We show that not only the syntax of V2 may be affected in a heritage language situation, but that the number of contexts for this word order may also be severely reduced (i.e., non-subject-initial ...
    • Interpreting Violence, Violent Interpretations: Introduction 

      Falke, Cassandra (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      This chapter introduces the key terms of the edited volume: violence, interpretation, narrative, hermeneutics, and ethics. It articulates how interpreting violence refers both to the process of meaning-making involved in understanding representations of violence and to the potential violence involved in interpretive acts themselves. Drawing on the distinction between understanding and explanation, ...
    • Witnessing Extremity in Violent Narratives in Literature and Humanitarian Discourse 

      Falke, Cassandra (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Beginning with Heidegger´s definition of violence as that which exceeds and reformulates normality, this essay questions how violence can be ethically represented and interpreted. In their ability to establish norms and then carry us beyond the bounds of the familiar, novels are uniquely suited to represent violence as norm-shattering. Contrasting tendencies in contemporary novels representing ...
    • Promises, pitfalls and potentials of immersive journalism 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      When moving the discussion from VR-based interactive fiction to non-fiction genres such as immersive journalism, several issues of critical concern come to the fore: 1) How can the informants (or, indeed, the objects) of the immersive experiences implied by 360-degree journalism be adequately protected and how can they be properly included in the projects realized in their life worlds? 2) Which ...