Det juridiske fakultet: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 1475
Ansvarsgrunnlag for utvikleren av kunstig intelligens
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-20)Temaet for denne avhandlingen er erstatningsansvar for utvikleren av kunstig intelligens. Avhandlingen avgrenses til å behandle vilkåret om ansvarsgrunnlag. Ved drøftelsen av vilkåret om ansvarsgrunnlag tar avhandlingen utgangspunkt i noen valgte ansvarsgrunnlag; det alminnelige subjektive ansvaret, produktansvaret og det ulovfestede objektive ansvaret. Hovedproblemstillingen er når og i hvilken ... -
Positive obligations to protect life and health according to the ECHR The limits of the positive obligations and the balancing of rights, focusing on the rights of children during the Covid-19 pandemic.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-03)This thesis provides an analysis of the limits of the positive obligations to protect life and health according to the ECHR. Measures imposed by States during the Covid-19 pandemic is presented, and used when analyzing the balancing of rights that was done, or should have been done, before and during the pandemic, with a focus on the rights of children, especially the right to respect of private ... -
Pbl. § 19-2 - Adgangen til å dispensere fra LNFR-områder i kommuneplanens arealdel
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-02)Masteravhandlingen tar for seg adgangen til å dispensere fra LNFR-områder i kommuneplanens arealdel i medhold av pbl. § 19-2. -
Theorizing Ocean Governance: A Framework combining Governance, Science, and Law
(Book; Bok, 2024)Ocean governance is emerging as a field of study drawing on and combining different knowledge domains, including governance, science, and law. Assumptions of these three knowledge domains and their relationships are rarely discussed. This study attempts to contribute to such discussion by theory-building: investigating the governance-science and governance-law interfaces in an ocean governance ... -
The Dispute over the Geographical Application of the Svalbard Treaty: Into a New Phase, An Essay in Honor of Ted L. McDorman
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-24)Under the 1920 Treaty concerning the archipelago of Spitsbergen (Svalbard Treaty), the contracting parties recognize the full and absolute sovereignty of Norway over the archipelago. The sovereignty is to be exercised subject to the stipulations of the Treaty, which include equal rights of the contracting parties to fish and hunt on the territory of Spitsbergen and its territorial waters. Consistent ... -
Beyond equilibrium thinking: dynamic area-based management tools in a changing ocean
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-15)Area-based management tools (ABMTs), including marine protected areas (MPAs) are often static and fail to reflect the dynamic realities of marine ecosystems. Marine ecosystems are characterized by their embodiment of constant change, which is further amplified by anthropogenic stressors, particularly climate change. ABMTs and MPAs are, however, premised on an implicit assumption of environmental ... -
After the Dust Settles: Selected Considerations about the New Treaty on Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction with Respect to ABMTs and MPAs
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-06)The recent adoption of a new agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction has been welcomed as a historic achievement that will herald a new era of marine conservation and global ocean governance. This article aims to raise and discuss some questions, as the dust settles, and to analyze selected aspects of the text of the new Agreement, ... -
Implementing Precaution in the Legal Framework for Seabed Mining in the Arctic
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-09-01)The object of this thesis is to examine and assess how a precautionary approach has been incorporated and implemented in the legal regimes for seabed mining in the Area and on the Norwegian continental shelf in an Arctic context. -
Overlevering etter den europeiske arrestordre: utviklingen av regelverket for den europeiske arrestordre, og forholdet til EMK artikkel 6.
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-03)Avhandlingen presenterer og redegjør for utviklingen fra regelverket om utlevering, til et forenklet system for overlevering etter den europeiske arrestordre. Avhandlingen søker også å finne terskelen for når en arrestordre må avslås, som følge av at overlevering vil være i strid med "fair trial" kravet i EMK artikkel 6 nr. 1. Drøftelsen baserer seg på praksis fra EMD, Høyesterett og EU-domstolen. -
Surrogati og retten til respekt for privatlivet og familielivet - Gir retten til respekt for privatlivet og familielivet rettslig grunnlag for å legalisere surrogati i Norge?
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-02)Etter norsk rett kan man ikke inngå rettsgyldige avtaler om surrogati i Norge, men det er likevel adgang for nordmenn å reise til utlandet med hensikt om å inngå en surrogatiavtale der. I denne avhandlingen undersøkes blant annet hva som er gjeldende rett i Norge om surrogati. Det redegjøres også for hva retten til respekt for privatlivet og familielivet innebærer, og hvordan denne retten stiller ... -
Etterretningstjenestelovens regler om tilrettelagt innhenting i møte med retten til privatliv i EMK artikkel 8
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-02)I avhandlingen blir det redegjort for reglene om tilrettelagt innhenting, og vurdert om disse krenker retten til privatliv i EMK artikkel 8. For å besvare problemstillingen trekkes avgjørelsene Centrum för Rättvisa og Big Brothers Watch inn. Disse avgjørelsene tar for seg tilsvarende regelverk i Sverige og Storbritannia, og det blir derfor foretatt en komparativ analyse av disse regelverkene opp ... -
Formodningsregelen Hva skal til for å fastslå uforenlighet?
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-02)I tvister mellom en næringsdrivende og en forbruker er det sentrale problemet ofte om en vare er mangelfull eller ikke. Ved flere av disse sakene blir et av hovedspørsmålene om mangelen var til stede ved kjøpsinngåelsen, eller om den er et resultat av forbrukerens egne uaktsomhet. I slike tilfeller kan det være vanskelig å peke på hvem som skal bevise hvorvidt mangelen forelå ved risikoens overgang ... -
Læren om ulovlig eller utilbørlig ervervede bevis i straffesaker
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-12-13)Avhandlingen utreder for læren om ulovlig eller utilbørlig ervervede bevis i straffesaker. Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke hvorvidt dagens regel tilstrekkelig ivaretar borgernes rettssikkerhet, eller om det er behov for en regelendring. -
The Roles of Cities, Industries, and Public as Stakeholders in Combating Marine Plastic Pollution within the Framework of the Emerging Plastic Regime (Plastic treaty) Why are these stakeholders relevant and how should they be included in the plastic regime
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-07-01)Marine plastic pollution presents a critical issue that impacts numerous nations and populations. Various international treaties currently address different sources of marine pollution, primarily structured around a conventional state-centric conception. Despite these efforts, these frameworks have not successfully prevented the influx of plastic waste into marine ecosystems. To date, no single ... -
Climate change law and law of the sea through the lens of regime interaction: A regime interaction study
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-28)The fact climate change and the ocean are interrelated in a physical sense opens up the question whether the same can be said for the regimes governing them. While it appears obvious that they should interact, it is not clear that they do. At the first glance it seems that the climate change regime and the law of the sea regime do not take account of each other. The core instruments of the law of ... -
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: Transforming Corporate Reporting Landscapes
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-11)The degradation of the environment represents one of the greatest impacts on society and simultaneously harbors one of its greatest challenges. It would be reasonable to address this issue by targeting the largest contributors to the problem, namely the economy and the activities of economic undertakings. Be it overfishing the oceans, destroying habitats and carbon sinks by deforestation, or the ... -
The interaction between the BBNJ Agreement and the ISA regulatory regime: a case study on the EIA and ABMT
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-05)The imminent exploitation of the deep seabed needs to be tackled with measures for the protection of the marine environment. The ISA has already in place a regulatory regime that partially addresses the protection of the marine environment, in combination with the regulation for the development of the exploitation of the deep seabed. However, in the middle of this regulatory landscape, the BBNJ ... -
Arctic Emergencies: Exploring the Legal Scope of Emergency Measures under the BBNJ Agreement to Protect Vulnerable Marine Biodiversity in the Central Arctic Ocean
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-31)The adoption of the BBNJ Agreement in 2023 was a milestone for the protection of marine biodiversity in the areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) of the oceans as it created a global legal basis for the adoption of marine protected areas (MPAs) in such ABNJ. The Central Arctic Ocean is the region selected for this research as it aligns with the geographical scope of the BBNJ Agreement and ... -
Bioenergy at the Intersection of the EU's Legal Frameworks for Biodiversity and Energy and Climate Change: Are Forests Protected?
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-31)This thesis examines the protection of forests within the EU legal framework on the example of energy production from forest biomass, as it is at the very crossroads of biodiversity protection and energy and climate change law. The protection of forests and climate change mitigation are highly intertwined, as the disappearance of forests accelerates climate change, which in turn leads to the ...