Now showing items 821-840 of 4949

    • Climate-controlled submarine landslides on the Antarctic continental margin 

      Gales, Jenny A.; Mckay, Robert M.; De Santis, Laura; Rebesco, Michele; Laberg, Jan Sverre; Shevenell, Amelia E; Harwood, David; Leckie, R. Mark; Kulhanek, Denise K.; King, Maxine; Patterson, Molly; Lucchi, Renata G.; Kim, Sookwan; Kim, Sunghan; Dodd, Justin; Seidenstein, Julia; Prunella, Catherine; Ferrante, Giulia M. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-18)
      Antarctica’s continental margins pose an unknown submarine landslide-generated tsunami risk to Southern Hemisphere populations and infrastructure. Understanding the factors driving slope failure is essential to assessing future geohazards. Here, we present a multidisciplinary study of a major submarine landslide complex along the eastern Ross Sea continental slope (Antarctica) that identifies ...
    • The Heliconoides Modified Dissolution Index-HMDI: Do methane seepage environments affect the preservation state of Heliconoides inflatus? 

      Beccari, Valentina; Almogi-Labin, Ahuva; Basso, Daniela; Panieri, Giuliana; Makovsky, Yizhaq; Neururer, Christoph; Hajdas, Irka; Spezzaferri, Silvia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-24)
      Pteropods are holoplanktonic molluscs presently endangered because their fragile aragonitic shell is very sensitive to ocean acidification. The preservation of pteropods, and in particular of the mesopelagic Heliconoides (Limacina) inflatus, has been used to assess aragonite saturation state in Quaternary sediments (Limacina Dissolution Index, LDX) as an inferred proxy for climatic changes. Three ...
    • Deep-water sand transfer by hyperpycnal flows, the Eocene of Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway 

      Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas; Helland-Hansen, William; Johannessen, Erik P.; Eggenhuisen, Joris T.; Pohl, Florian; Spychala, Yvonne T. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-11)
      Flood-generated hyperpycnal flows are dense, sediment-laden, turbulent flows that can form long-lived, bottom-hugging turbidity currents, which undoubtedly transport large volumes of fine-grained sediments into the ocean. However, their ability in transferring sand into deep-water basins is debated. This study presents sedimentological evidence of sandy hyperpycnal flow deposits (hyperpycnites) in ...
    • An investigation into the causal factors of the Kråknes landslide 

      Sandnes, Torgrim (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-15)
      On the 3rd of June 2020, a landslide measuring 600 meters long and 160 meters wide initiated along the shoreline at Kråknes, in Alta municipality in Troms and Finnmark County. The landslide was comprised of a series of smaller slides, which destroyed eight houses and a caravan in the process. Fortunately, no human lives were lost in the event. Due to the widespread presence of sensitive clays along ...
    • A comparative study of lens-less and lens-based optical imaging using full electric field analysis 

      Sommernes, Jon-Richard (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-13)
      The focus of this thesis is to investigate the feasibility of a lens-less label-free microscope system, and compare this with a conventional lens-based microscope. The imaging performance of conventional microscopes are greatly dependent on the objective lens, due to their inherent physical space constraint and spherical aberrations. We, therefore, will investigate the conceptual feasibility of a ...
    • Advances in understanding subglacial meltwater drainage from past ice sheets 

      Simkins, Lauren M; Greenwood, Sarah L.; Winsborrow, Monica; Bjarnadóttir, Lilja Rún; Lepp, Allison (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-17)
      Meltwater drainage beneath ice sheets is a fundamental consideration for understanding ice–bed conditions and bed-modulated ice flow, with potential impacts on terminus behavior and iceshelf mass balance. While contemporary observations reveal the presence of basal water movement in the subglacial environment and inferred styles of drainage, the geological record of former ice sheets, including ...
    • The Hambergfjellet Formation on Bjørnøya – sedimentary response to early Permian tectonics on the Stappen High 

      Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas; Strand, Mathias; Paulsen, Christian Oen; Simonsen, Bjørn; Røstad, Jostein; Mørk, Atle; Mørk, Mai Britt Engeness (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-14)
      On Bjørnøya, the exhumed crest of the Stappen High, the lower Permian (Cisuralian) Hambergfjellet Formation represents the only exposed part of the Bjarmeland Group carbonate platform, which occurs widely elsewhere in the subsurface of the Barents Shelf. A complex stratigraphic architecture has earlier been noted for the Hambergfjellet Formation and thickness estimates range from c. 50 to more than ...
    • Can big data and random forests improve avalanche runout estimation compared to simple linear regression? 

      Toft, Håvard B.; Müller, Karsten; Hendrikx, Jordy; Jaedicke, Christian; Bühler, Yves (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-05)
      Accurate prediction of snow avalanche runout-distances in a deterministic sense remains a challenge due to the complexity of all the physical properties involved. Therefore, in many locations including Norway, it has been common practice to define the runout distance using the angle from the starting point to the end of the runout zone (α-angle). We use a large dataset of avalanche events from ...
    • Capturing Nutrition Data for Sports: Challenges and Ethical Issues 

      Sharma, Aakash; Czerwinska, Katja P; Johansen, Dag; Dagenborg, Håvard (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023-01)
      Nutritionplaysakeyroleinanathlete’s performance, health, and mental well-being. Capturing nutrition data is crucial for analyzing those relations and performing necessary interventions. Using traditional methods to capture long-term nutritional data requires intensive labor, and is prone to errors and biases. Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods can be used to remedy such problems by using Image-Based ...
    • Using machine learning to provide automatic image annotation for wildlife camera traps in the Arctic 

      Thom, Håvard; Bjørndalen, John Markus; Kleiven, Eivind Flittie; Soininen, Eeva M; Killengreen, Siw Turid; Ehrich, Dorothee; Ims, Rolf Anker; Anshus, Otto; Horsch, Alexander (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017)
      The arctic tundra is considered the terrestrial biome expected to be most impacted by climate change, with temperatures projected to increase as much as 10 °C by the turn of the century. The Climate-ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT) project monitors the climate and ecosystems using several sensor types. We report on results from projects that automate image annotations from two of the ...
    • Critical echo state network dynamics by means of Fisher information maximization 

      Bianchi, Filippo Maria; Livi, Lorenzo; Jenssen, Robert; Alippi, Cesare (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017-07-03)
      The computational capability of an Echo State Network (ESN), expressed in terms of low prediction error and high short-term memory capacity, is maximized on the so-called “edge of criticality”. In this paper we present a novel, unsupervised approach to identify this edge and, accordingly, we determine hyperparameters configuration that maximize network performance. The proposed method is ...
    • Temporal overdrive recurrent neural network 

      Bianchi, Filippo Maria; Kampffmeyer, Michael C.; Maiorino, Enrico; Jenssen, Robert (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017-07-03)
      In this work we present a novel recurrent neural network architecture designed to model systems characterized by multiple characteristic timescales in their dynamics. The proposed network is composed by several recurrent groups of neurons that are trained to separately adapt to each timescale, in order to improve the system identification process. We test our framework on time series prediction tasks ...
    • Large-Scale Mapping of Small Roads in Lidar Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 

      Salberg, Arnt Børre; Trier, Øivind Due; Kampffmeyer, Michael C. (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017-05-19)
      Detailed and complete mapping of forest roads is important for the forest industry since they are used for timber transport by trucks with long trailers. This paper proposes a new automatic method for large-scale mapping forest roads from airborne laser scanning data. The method is based on a fully convolutional neural network that performs end-to-end segmentation. To train the network, a large set ...
    • Density ridge manifold traversal 

      Myhre, Jonas Nordhaug; Kampffmeyer, Michael C.; Jenssen, Robert (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2017-06-19)
      The density ridge framework for estimating principal curves and surfaces has in a number of recent works been shown to capture manifold structure in data in an intuitive and effective manner. However, to date there exists no efficient way to traverse these manifolds as defined by density ridges. This is unfortunate, as manifold traversal is an important problem for example for shape estimation in ...
    • Kontinuitet i overgangen fra skole til universitet - Implikasjoner av Fagfornyelsen for MNT-fagene 

      Pedersen, Ida Friestad; Huru, Hilja Lisa; Coucheron, David Andre (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023-03)
      Med LK20 Fagfornyelsen innføres det nye læreplaner i skolen, der antall kompetansemål i de ulike fagene er noe redusert for å gi mer rom til dybdelæring, samt at læreplanene i matematikk og fysikk har et større fokus på utforsking, modellering og bruk av numeriske metoder enn tidligere (Ludvigsen et al., 2015; Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2020, 2021). I dette bidraget presenterer vi hvordan en gruppe ...
    • Bracing for turmoil: temporalities of livelihood adaptation among informal workers in Facatativá, Colombia 

      Staupe-Delgado, Reidar; Diaz Villarreal, Luis Eduardo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-19)
      his study considers temporal aspects of livelihood adaptation in times of turmoil by drawing on interviews with informal street vendors in Facatativá, Colombia. By engaging a ‘time stories’ perspective, this article aims to provide a better understanding of how livelihood responses to shocks emerge from (and are constrained by) individuals’ initial and changing assumptions about the continued ...
    • Spatial Changes in Gas Transport and Sediment Stiffness Influenced by Regional Stress: Observations From Piezometer Data Along Vestnesa Ridge, Eastern Fram Strait 

      Plaza-Faverola, Andreia; Sultan, Nabil; Lucchi, Renata Giulia; El bani Altuna, Naima; Ramachandran, Hariharan; Singhroha, Sunny; Cooke, Frances Ann; Vadakkepuliyambatta, Sunil; Mohamed, Mohamed Mahmoud Ezat Ahmed; Rasmussen, Tine Lander (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-25)
      Gas transport through sediments to the seabed and seepage occurs via advection through pores, faults, and fractures, and as solubility driven gas diffusion. The pore pressure gradient is a key factor in these processes. Yet, in situ measurements for quantitative studies of fluid dynamics and sediment deformation in deep ocean environments remain scarce. In this study, we integrate piezometer data, ...
    • Eddy Detection in the Marginal Ice Zone with Sentinel-1 Data Using YOLOv5 

      Khachatrian, Eduard; Sandalyuk, Nikita V.; Lozou, Pigi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-24)
      The automatic detection and analysis of ocean eddies in the marginal ice zone via remote sensing is a very challenging task but of critical importance for scientific applications and anthropogenic activities. Therefore, as one of the first steps toward the automation of the eddy detection process, we investigated the potential of applying YOLOv5, a deep convolutional neural network architecture, to ...
    • SAR and Passive Microwave Fusion Scheme: A Test Case on Sentinel-1/AMSR-2 for Sea Ice Classification 

      Khachatrian, Eduard; Dierking, Wolfgang; Chlaily, Saloua; Eltoft, Torbjørn; Dinessen, Frode; Hughes, Nick; Marinoni, Andrea (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-14)
      The most common source of information about sea ice conditions is remote sensing data, especially images obtained from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and passive microwave radiometers (PMR). Here we introduce an adaptive fusion scheme based on Graph Laplacians that allows us to retrieve the most relevant information from satellite images. In a first test case, we explore the potential of sea ice ...
    • Prototyping a Diet Self-management System for People with Diabetes with Cultural Adaptable User Interface Design 

      Lee, Eunji; Årsand, Eirik; Choi, Yoon-Hee; Østengen, Geir; Sato, Keiichi; Hartvigsen, Gunnar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2014-08-22)
      Diet management is a critical part of diabetes selfmanagement. This project developed a working prototype application on Android-based mobile phone called SMART CARB that assists people with diabetes to self-manage their diet. The system particularly focused on monitoring carbohydrate intake in order to control their blood glucose levels. The project was positioned as a research extension to the ...