Viser treff 61-80 av 579

    • Overgangsjustis i Telemark 1945-1952 

      Borge, Baard Herman; Vaale, Lars-Erik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-06)
      I denne artikkelen settes det omfattende norske rettsoppgjøret slik det ble gjennomført i Telemark, inn i en større, internasjonal ramme. I mai 1945 var det autoritære NS-regimet falt, og en overgang tilbake til demokrati hadde funnet sted. I slike situasjoner må nye makthavere ta stilling til hvordan overgrep begått av deres forgjengere skal håndteres. En del land har avstått fra å straffeforfølge ...
    • Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment 

      Erikson, Niklas; Fagerstrøm, Asle; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Larsen, Nils Magne; Menon, Vishnu R.G. (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      Shopping carts, in general, should be suitable for carrying smart technology in the retail store environment. Also, a smart shopping cart can present verbal motivating stimuli to increase healthier food purchases. A conjoint experiment was used to test with a hypothetical purchasing task for young consumers (n=91) the potential of motivating stimulus on smart shopping carts to influence healthier ...
    • Startup Competitions Decoded: Unpacking the Phenomenon's Dimensions 

      Elmi, Malek; Bertella, Giovanna; Castriotta, Manuel (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023-09-18)
      Drawing on a typological theorizing style (Cornelissen, 2017), this paper investigates and deconstructs the fuzzy nature of startup competitions (Cornelissen, Höllerer and Seidl, 2021). Despite the pivotal role that startup competitions play in promoting innovation and shaping policies related to business creation and welfare there exists a scarcity of comprehensive research that thoroughly investigates ...
    • Digital forretningsmodellinnovasjon: Filmfestival i endring 

      Prebensen, Nina Katrine; Burmester, Michael; Aspvik, Preben (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2021)
      Publikum besøker filmfestivaler, alene eller sammen med andre mennesker, fordi de gir verdifulle opplevelser. Uansett motiver for å delta på en filmfestival er tilstedeværelsen avgjørende for øyeblikkopplevelsen. Digitalisering samt siste års pandemi har vist oss at denne tilstedeværelsen kan være digital så vel som fysisk. Nye, innovative teknologiløsninger kan hjelpe bedrifter og reisemål til å ...
    • Service branding: the role of innovative brand leadership 

      Skaalsvik, Hugo; Olsen, Bjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2014-10-21)
      This paper suggests and discusses a set of components which, the authors argue, will impact innovative brand leadership performance at the level of an individual service enterprise. The research design represents a holistic and systemic perspective to service branding and the methodology employed is conceptual desk research. A systemic model is suggested which depicts five influential components of ...
    • Management, markets and politics: Statistical screening for historical footprints in Arctic coal mining 

      Østbye, Stein; Sand, Jan Yngve; Westerlund, Olle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-29)
      The paper looks at the economic performance of the main (coal mining) company operating in Svalbard based on time series data from 1922 to 2006 and uses statistical techniques to detect structural breaks in economic indicators decomposed into components that the company control or influence and components that are exogenous. The analysis suggests distinctive historical periods and illustrates that ...
    • Nasjonalt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk - riktig intensjon, men feil virkemiddel 

      Ottesen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-02-11)
      Artikkelen stiller spørsmål om standardiserte læringsutbyttebeskrivelser på nasjonalt nivå kan hjelpe studenter til å oppnå et bedre kognitivt læringsutbytte. En endring i måten å utforme læreplaner på (input til undervisningsprosessen) leder ikke til økt læringsutbytte (output for studentene).<p> <p>Bruk av ISO 9001 som rammeverk for å styre en utdanningsinstitusjons tjenesteproduksjon avdekker ...
    • How risky is it? Perceived risk among Norwegian backcountry riders 

      Mannberg, Andrea; Jordy, Hendrikx; Markus, Landrø; Martin, Ahrland Stefan (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
      We use a hypothetical choice scenario to analyzefactors that affect the perceived risk of potentially risky backcountry terrain.Our results show thatfactors, which are expected to affect the objective level of risk (e.g., backcountry travel skills and experience), are correlated with the perceived level of risk. However, we also find suggestive evidence that social factors, which should not affect ...
    • Are they experts? Self-assessed backcountry skills among backcountry skiers in Norway and North America 

      Mannberg, Andrea; Hendrikx, Jordy; Johnson, Jerry (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
      We analyze how backcountry skiers’ perceived ability to manage avalanche terrain correlate with more objective measures of experience and skills, among 1209 backcountry riders in Norway and North America. We further analyze if self-assessed backcountry skills are affected by past experience of avalanches and close calls, risk attitudes, and demographics. Our results suggest that self-assessed skill ...
    • Do recent trends in forecasted avalanche danger affect our perception of the current avalanche hazard? 

      Mannberg, Andrea; Hovem, Finn Kristoffer; Terum, Jens Andreas (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2018)
    • Conditions for Implementing Innovating Telemedicine Procedures After Hip Arthroplasty 

      Kamecka, Karolina; Engelseth, Per; Staszewska, Anna; Kozlowski, Remigiusz (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020-10-13)
      Telemedicine technology offers a wide range of possibilities for improving various forms of healthcare services. These technologies can support and economize healthcare service processes including medical consultations, preparation for medical treatment and in the post-operative period. The increasing number of older people in developed countries increases the importance of telemedicine as a way ...
    • Contagious behaviour or not? Tourists' skills and practices in a Norwegian church 

      Smørvik, Kjersti Karijord (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-23)
      Tourist-to-tourist interaction takes place in many forms at attractions such as museums, churches and historical sites. In many settings, this interaction is a well-functioning part of the tourist experience, where tourists conform to the social norms that govern the attraction. However, interaction with other tourists can also devalue the experience; their presence may be perceived as challenging ...
    • Trust-based management control in inter-organizational relationships 

      Wærness, Kristian; Solstad, Elsa Anita; Bertheussen, Bernt Arne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-05)
      High levels of trust can reduce the risk of inter-organizational relationships failing. Also, high levels of trust between business partners can be advantageous as less time and effort are spent controlling the motives and behavior of a company’s counterpart. This case study explores the management control systems between two small Norwegian salmon farming companies engaged in a joint venture. ...
    • Suicide as globalisation's Black Swan: global evidence 

      SARI, Emre; Er, S. Tolga; Demir, Ender (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-28)
      Objectives - This empirical study investigated the relationship between globalisation and suicide rates. We examined whether there is a beneficial or harmful relationship between economic, political and social globalisation and the suicide rate. We also estimated whether this relationship differs in high-, middle- and low-income countries.<p> <p>Study design - Using panel data from 190 countries ...
    • Time-varying market efficiency of safe-haven assets 

      Okoroafor, Ugochi Chibuzor; Leirvik, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-29)
      This study investigates the hedge and safe-haven possibilities with bitcoin, gold and crude oil in different equity markets in the presence of time-varying market inefficiency. Our results indicate that periods of market inefficiency for the Bitcoin, gold and crude oil price positively influence their function as a hedge asset for the equity markets of Japan, China, the US, Europe and emerging ...
    • Clinical placement education during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic shapes new nurses: A qualitative study 

      Ravik, Monika; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild; Wighus, Marianne; Mofossbakke, Randi Garang; Haanes, Gro Gade (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-07-17)
      Background - Many newly qualified nurses experience transition challenges because they feel unprepared for the reality of the nursing profession owing to the theory-practice gap. Transition challenges amongst newly qualified nurses have profound consequences for the nursing profession and patient care. A detailed and nuanced understanding of the complexity in transition-related challenges during ...
    • Telling the story of a sustainable business model in Arctic luxury food tourism 

      Bertella, Giovanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Luxury gastronomy can be relevant to tourism in terms of sustainability. This study adopted the perspective of business models (BMs) as narratives to explore luxury gastronomy and sustainability in the case of a food project in Arctic Norway. This study focused on the story that drives, communicates and legitimises the project’s BM and its sustainability. The main findings suggest that the specific ...
    • HRM ved et veiskille: Hvordan kan vi tette gapet mellom forskning og praksis? 

      Nilsen, Elin Anita; Olsen, Trude Høgvold (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Den internasjonale forsningslitteraturen tegner et bilder av at HRM står ved et veiskille. Dette aktualiserer debatten om forskning/praksis gap, situasjonen der praktikerne er opptatt av sine ting og forskerne sysler med sitt, fordi det kan hemme kunnskapsutvikling. Vi har undersøkt utfordringene for HRM-praksis og HMR-forskning som løftes fram i forskningslitteraturen, hvordan disse utfordringene ...
    • A multi-criteria, composite index methodology to measure the suitability of target markets for the hotel industry 

      Gallego, Inma; González-Rodríguez, M. Rosario; Font aulet, Xavier (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-13)
      This article presents a multi-criteria methodology to identify target markets for the hotel industry, based on objective and quantitative criteria from official statistical sources, using five dimensions: volume, evolution, seasonality, length of stay and expenditure. The methodology allows tourism organisations to: i) identify market indicators that respond to their organisational goals; ii) ...
    • Suicide and economic uncertainty: New findings in a global setting 

      Er, Selahattin Tolga; Demir, Ender; SARI, Emre (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-21)
      This study extends the previous literature on the association between country-level economic uncertainty and suicide rate to 141 countries by introducing the World Uncertainty Index. We first examine the role of economic uncertainty on the suicide rates in a global setting for the period 2000–2019 and then analyzed if the association varied across different income groups. Our primary findings suggest ...