Psykomotorisk fysioterapi som en del av behandlingen for pasienter med spiseforstyrrelser
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Master thesisMastergradsoppgave
Børsum, KarineAbstract
Research is done regarding eating disorders and the treatment of eating disorders. However, looking at eating disorders and physiotherapy, especially norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy, the research is rare. The research shows that treatment mostly include psychological therapies and medication, and is not so often addressed to the body itself. And this despite the fact that this disorder is so much about the body. The aim of this study is to look at the contributin of norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy in the treatment of patients with an eating disorders.
Research data was produced at a special unit for eating disorders, using in-depht interviews of the team members. A psychomotor physiotherapist and the other most important team members, with other words a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a nurse specialized in mental health, were interviewed. The research data was analyzed using systematic text condensation as analyzing method. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the theory of norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy, phenomenology of the body and interprofessional collaboration.
The findings of the interviews clearly suggest that norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy contributed with something that was different and complementary to the other treatments methodes. The findings also suggests that the general physiotherapy knowledge of the psychomotor physiotherapist was important for the treatment. And as last the results show that it was not the norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy or one of the other treatment methods on their own that was regarded as most important for this reatment concept. The treatment concept as a whole and collaboration at the unit were very important parts of the treatment.
UiT Norges arktiske universitetUiT The Arctic University of Norway
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