Now showing items 121-140 of 1479

    • Verdsettelse av Nordic Semiconductor ASA 

      Stenmark, Håkon Nilssen; Surlien, Stian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-11-22)
      Denne avhandlingen tar for seg en verdsettelse av Nordic Semiconductor ASA (NOD). Vi har ønsket å estimere aksjeverdien til NOD den 31.12.22 sammen med en anbefaling om å kjøpe, holde eller selge. Metoden vi har benyttet har vært å gjennomføre historisk regnskapsanalyse og strategisk selskapsanalyse som grunnlag for en diskontert kontantstrømanalyse. Sistnevnte vektes deretter mot en komparativ ...
    • Local food systems and community development: a symbiotic relation? A case study of three rural municipalities in Norway 

      Westskog, Hege; Solnørdal, Mette Talseth; Vindegg, Mikkel; Tønnesen, Anders; Sandnes, Thea; Grasbekk, Bård Sødal; Christensen, Ingrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-20)
      Policy makers and researchers are increasingly emphasising the need for more diversified and localised food systems. This study investigates relations between local food systems and community development, revealing how local food is linked with identity, social relations, and community pride. We also address barriers and enablers for developing such links. We conducted an in-depth case study of local ...
    • "Ledelse i spagaten" - Hvilke utfordringer møter mellomledere i Mattilsynet når det er forventninger fra organisasjonen om å drifte og utvikle samtidig? 

      Hansen, Siv June; Sjöbäck, Anna Maria (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-30)
      Mange offentlige virksomheter har i dag et høyt krav om å drive med utvikling, og mange har såkalt digital gjeld, noe som betyr at de ikke har klart å ha den forventede digitale utviklingen. Det har ført til at utviklingstempoet i mange offentlige virksomheter er veldig høyt, og det skjer kontinuerlige endringer i virksomhetene. Det er forsket mye på hvordan organisasjoner må tilpasse seg endring ...
    • Hvordan beholde de gode kandidatene? En kvalitativ studie på frivillig turnover og lederatferd i en apotekkjede 

      Rønning, Silje Brækkan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-06-01)
      Det sentrale temaet i denne oppgaven er frivillig turnover og lederatferd i apotek. Det er gjort en case-studie med intervjuer, hvor en av Norges største apotekkjeder er valgt som case. Oppgaven har følgende problemstilling: «Hvilken betydning har lederatferd for frivillig turnover av farmasøyter i apotek sett fra både en leder og et ansattperspektiv?» Studien viser at lederatferd har betydning ...
    • Lønnsomhetsvariasjoner i treningssenterbransjen 

      Nordgård, Einar Klæboe; Lund, Bjørn Herman (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-01)
      Etter lang tid med økende fokus på helse og trening, opplever treningssenterbransjen stor vekst og attraktivitet. Attraktiviteten har ført til en intens rivalisering. Bransjen er likevel ansett som meget lønnsom, tross store ulikheter omkring i Norge. Hvert område består av ulik sammensetning av aktører, og som resultat er det store geografiske forskjeller. Vi vil i denne studien undersøke forholdene ...
    • Residential Segregation, inequality, and mobility. A study case from Tromsø 

      Knutsen, Andreas (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)
      Income inequality and residential segregation are growing concerns in European capitals, including Norway, with potential negative societal implications. Income inequalities are increasing in Tromsø, while residential segregation regarding income groups seems to decrease. This study aims to investigate the likelihood of individuals relocating to neighborhoods with similar income levels, drawing upon ...
    • Vil tapet av effektiv prissikring utgjøre en vesentlig fare for Nordkrafts fortsatte drift? 

      Leonardsen, Aleksander Dahl (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-31)
      I senere år har økt volatilitet i strømmarkedet gjort at kraftkonsernet Nordkraft ikke lengre kan bruke terminkontrakter for å oppnå effektiv prissikring. Den manglende sikringen øker selskapets eksponering mot markedsrisiko. Denne avhandlingen er en casestudie som ønsker å undersøke om selskapets eksponering mot markedsrisiko vil utgjøre en så stor risiko at det er fare for fortsatt drift. ...
    • Effektivisering av Pasientreiser UNN 

      Paulsen, Vegard Ramfjord; Olaussen, Ivar Lager (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-31)
      Denne studien skal undersøke flere faktorer som har betydning for effektiviteten til Pasientreiser UNN. Det vil gjøres analyser innen henvisningskvalitet, for å belyse hvilke faktorer spesialisthelsetjenesten mener er mest fremtredende i «unødvendige innsendte pasienter». Dette var en nettbasert spørreundersøkelse som ble sendt ut til respondenter tilknyttet UNN sine tre sykehus: Tromsø, Harstad og ...
    • Assisting healthier and more sustainable online food choices through digital quality signals: Exploring preferences and segments 

      Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Menon, Vishnu R.G.; Larsen, Nils Magne; Fagerstrøm, Asle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-26)
      The current paper contributes to signalling theory by demonstrating the importance of digital quality signals in influencing consumer preferences for sales and segmentation in the context of marketing fresh fish online. We conducted a choice-based conjoint analysis with a latent class segmentation to analyse the significance of digital quality signals compared to traditional attributes online. The ...
    • A Relational Approach to Event Sustainability: Applying Actor–Network Theory and Foucauldian Discourse Analysis to a Music Event 

      Bertella, Giovanna; Tomassini, Lucia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-28)
      The framing of event sustainability should go beyond the greening of specific events and the event sector. Based on a relational approach, we used actor–network theory and Foucauldian discourse analysis to investigate the debate on a music event sustainability. We collected and discursively analysed online newspapers and social media data regarding this event’s sustainability. The findings showed a ...
    • Fra praktisk matematikk til matematikk for økonomer 

      Kristensen, Ørjan Fosdahl (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-12)
      Matematikk er et obligatorisk fag ved mange utdanninger, blant annet innenfor økonomi. Denne studien gir ny innsikt i hvordan økonomistudenter med praktisk matematikk fra videregående skole presterer på eksamen i matematikk. Regresjonsanalyse blir benyttet på utvalget av 1489 studenter fra Handelshøgskolen ved UiT i perioden 2016–2022. Over 60 % har praktisk matematikk som bakgrunn, slik at ...
    • Global standards and the philosophy of consumption: Toward a consumer-driven governance of global value chains 

      Karimova, Guli-Sanam; Heidbrink, Ludger; Brinkmann, Johannes; LeMay, Stephen Arthur (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-27)
      This study delves into the significant ethical criteria in the context of global standards. It addresses the moral wrongdoings and adverse side effects associated with global value chains as discussed in the business ethics literature. The methodology involves theoretical application and synthesis. The study employs ethical principles from deontology, consequentialism, and political cosmopolitanism ...
    • Using neural networks to examine trending keywords in Inventory Control 

      Sadowski, Adam; Sadowski, Michał; Engelseth, Per; Galar, Zbigniew; Skowron-Grabowska, Beata (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-27)
      Inventory control is one of the key areas of research in logistics. Using the SCOPUS database, we have processed 9,829 articles on inventory control using triangulation of statistical methods and machine learning. We have proven the usefulness of the proposed statistical method and Graph Attention Network (GAT) architecture for determining trend-setting keywords in inventory control research. We ...
    • The Impact on Environmental Taxes on Transportation and Storage Enterprises’ Development – The Case of Balkan Countries. 

      Sadowski, Adam; Misztal, Anna; Kowalska, Magdalena; Engelseth, Per; Bujak, Andrzej; Skowron-Grabowska, Beata (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-19)
      Sustainable development counteracts climate change and strives for a good quality of life. It is a development based on economic, social and environmental goals which should be evaluated. Environmental taxes have to ensure enterprises’ development follows sustainability principles. The basis of environmental taxes is a physical unit of harmful substance emissions with a proven negative impact on the ...
    • Cross-cultural co-creation of a tourist site: the emic and etic makings 

      Lee, Young-Sook; Mathisen, Line; Søreng, Siri Ulfsdatter (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-10-17)
      This chapter discusses how an Arctic destination, North Cape, is co-created through time and space aided by tourists' engagement. We present two cases: (1) Thai visitors to the North Cape; and (2) North Cape as a brand in South Korea, drawing on qualitative methods. We argue that cross-cultural co-creation in tourism experiences depends on the knowledge of different emic and etic perceptions of the ...
    • Sustainability and justice: farm animals in rural tourism and lessons to be learned 

      Bertella, Giovanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12)
      Farm animals are virtually ignored in tourism studies concerning sustainability and justice. This study argues that this conflicts with animal ethics and is a missed opportunity to reflect on sustainability and justice in tourism. It adopts an ecofeminist care ethics perspective and conducts autoethnographic research into farm animals, considered ‘silenced’ individuals belonging to a marginalised ...
    • A hands-on framework for the design and implementation of plant-based food experiences 

      Bertella, Giovanna; Brall, Vanessa; Berti, Lia (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      This chapter presents how to promote plant-based food consumption as both an ordinary and extraordinary experience. Studies on social, sustainability and experiential marketing are reviewed, and two cases in Arctic Norway are investigated that highlight the plant-based eating challenges of limited local production of vegetables and a dominant animal-based food culture. The cases concern a nonprofit ...
    • From propriety to validity in new ventures: A nine-year study of three startup companies 

      Oftedal, Elin Merethe; Foss, Lene; Rutherford, Matthew (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-10)
      New ventures introducing new technological innovations must, to survive, negotiate legitimacy with stakeholders who provide critical resources (e.g., Zimmerman and Zeitz, 2002). Legitimacy - “a generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, and definitions” (Suchman, 1995, p. ...
    • Using neural networks to examine trending keywords in Inventory Control 

      Sadowski, Adam; Sadowski, Michał; Engelseth, Per; Galar, Zbigniew; Skowron-Grabowska, Beata (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-27)
      Inventory control is one of the key areas of research in logistics. Using the SCOPUS database, we have processed 9,829 articles on inventory control using triangulation of statistical methods and machine learning. We have proven the usefulness of the proposed statistical method and Graph Attention Network (GAT) architecture for determining trend-setting keywords in inventory control research. ...
    • Impact of dynamic working capital management on operational efficiency: empirical evidence from Scandinavia 

      Yeboah, Samuel; Kjærland, Frode (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-16)
      Purpose - Consumer goods firms often tie up inventory and accounts receivable resources, creating cost and liquidity issues. Dynamic working capital management (DWCM) can mitigate these concerns and enhance operational profitability. The study investigates DWCM's impact on operational efficiency (OE).<p> <p>Design/methodology/approach - The empirical estimation uses pooled ordinary least squares ...