'Loyalty by Obfuscation: Aleksandr Sokurov's Dni zatmeniia vs the Strugatskii Brothers' A Billion Years before the End of the World'
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Journal articleTidsskriftartikkel
Peer reviewed
Rogatchevski, AndreiSammendrag
This article seeks to rectify two misconceptions that have been following Aleksandr
Sokurov’s award-winning sf film Days of Eclipse (Dni zatmeniia; USSR 1988) almost since
its release. The first is reflected in the claim that the film – with its odd mix of enigmatic
fictional scenes and documentary footage that would not look out of place on a visual
anthropology course – is not only difficult to fathom but downright ‘anti-explicatif’ (Ostria
The second has been expressed in a statement that Days of Eclipse ‘has altered
everything but the names of the principal characters’ (Moskvina 45) in the Strugatskii
brothers’ story it has adapted, A Billion Years Before the End of the World (Za milliard let do
kontsa sveta, 1976-77; see Strugatskie 1988: 3-148).3
Even Boris Strugatskii himself said of
the film that, ‘significant, powerful and sui generis exceptional’ as it may be, it is ‘far
removed from both the original book and the last version of the authors’ script’ (Strugatskie
2001: 648). I will argue that there is enough left of the source material in the film to help the
viewer make sense of it – especially if the viewer has a prior knowledge of the source
material. I will also try to explain why Sokurov has opted for obscuring the Strugatskiis’
message as his book adaptation strategy. Finally, I will attempt to categorise Sokurov’s
approach to film adaptation in the context of some of his other films, as well as some
Strugatskii-related films by other directors.
This is accepted manuscript version. Published version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3828/sfftv.2015.12