Munin: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 35846
Three-dimensional modeling of diffusion-gravity flows in ice-covered lakes
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-03-03)When a solid inclined surface is submerged in a quiescent stratified fluid, the combined effects of buoyancy forces and diffusion generate an upward gravity flow along the slope. Thermally stratified ice-covered lakes remain in a nearly quiescent state and are potentially prone to this effect. We use three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling to investigate the diffusion-gravity flow and its impact on ... -
Toward the integration of speciation research
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-16)Speciation research—the scientific field focused on understanding the origin and diversity of species—has a long and complex history. While relevant to one another, the specific goals and activities of speciation researchers are highly diverse, and scattered across a collection of different perspectives. Thus, our understanding of speciation will benefit from efforts to bridge scientific findings ... -
The Ethical Food Tourist
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2025-03-03)The exploration of food tourism as a phenomenon and food tourists as consumers raises numerous ethical considerations. This chapter is about food tourism and ethics and focuses on the concepts of sustainability and slowness. It discusses the complexity of such topics using two case studies from Italy: one a plant-based café and the other the owner and manager of an agritourism business. These cases ... -
A multi-stage multi-criteria dynamic decision-making framework for fishing route planning and optimization
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Fishing is a main activity in the Barents Sea. Improving fishing vessel trip planning is a feasible way to improve fishing efficiency, profitability, sustainability and at the same time reducing accidental risk from hazardous weather conditions and reducing environmental impact by reducing fuel consumption. Today, fishing trip planning and route optimization is all up to skippers`s experiences. ... -
Misconfiguration of Cluster and IoT Systems Recovery: Extended Experiments
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-08-15)Containerized cluster systems and edge devices are vulnerable to security breaches when configuration errors occur. In this paper, we propose more experiments on the self-healing approach for misconfigurations that adopt a Markov Decision Process to determine the optimal recovery action or policy that maximizes performance metrics. The experiments conducted are an improvement on our previous ... -
Strategies in Digital Child Protection
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-07-21)Digital child protection faces numerous challenges in ensuring the safety and well-being of children in the digital age. This chapter highlights key strategies for handling these challenges and discusses Norway's digital strategy, which focuses on leveraging digitalization for societal development and public services, including child protection. The strategy encompasses initiatives related to digital ... -
Diversity studies
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Diversity Studies refers to a broad variety of studies that takes diversity – incl. cultural, religious, ethnic, linguistic, gender, sexuality, ability, age, and class – as one of its central focuses, and looks into the effects of one or several types of such diversity to a variety of social, political, economic, etc. phenomena. This entry discusses some of the background questions and normative ... -
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2025-01)In an earlier reflection, we drew on our experiences, especially in Indigenous contexts, to consider how detachment connects with abstraction (Huru, Andersson & Wagner, 2023). We described abstraction as a process that attaches an idea to an experience—e.g., the realization that a line carved into a bone can represent a real thing, or five such lines, or the symbol 5 referring to the five lines. But ... -
‘It’s just not fear’ – Fictional Narratives’ Role in the Development of Pupils’ Perception of Justice and Morality
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Education is an investment. Although this claim is both controversial, cynical, and ultimately misguided, it holds some truths. The core of education is to allow children, adolescents, and young adults to develop not only the skills, knowledge, and values that are necessary to participate and thrive in society, but also prepare them to cultivate human values, such as a sense of justice, ethics and ... -
Hva kan forklare populariteten til tjenestedesign som metode for forbedring av organisatoriske praksiser?
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)I løpet av de siste årene har tjenestedesign vokst frem som en populær og ofte foretrukket oppskrift for endring og forbedring av organisatoriske praksiser (Pettersen m.fl., 2021; Risvand Mo, 2021; Moldenæs, Pettersen & Røvik, 2024). Et søk i mediearkivet Atekst på søkeordet «tjenestedesign» viser blant annet en jevn økning i redaksjonelle omtaler av konseptet. Søket viste ett treff i 2001, ni treff ... -
Velg tjenestedesign! Hva skjer da, og hvordan virker det?
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)I dette kapitlet studerer vi bruken av tjenestedesignmetodikk i forbindelse med Utdanningsdirektoratet sitt arbeid med å innføre en ny læreplan i det norske skoleverket. Den nye læreplanen er et resultat av arbeidet med fagfornyelsen i Norge, og tjener som forskrift til opplæringsloven. 1 Ifølge Kunnskapsdepartementet er fagfornyelsen den største endringen av norske læreplaner for grunnskolen og ... -
A Conctruction for the Transmission of Growth: On Metaphors in Education
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Metaphors are ubiquitous in education. In this paper an attempt is made to explore two questions that are thus pertinent: Why – and is this an unhappy state of affairs? Using the interaction-view of metaphor as analytical frame (Black 1954/55), a possible mechanism behind metaphor-generation in education is identified. According to the interaction view, metaphors function by a mechanism of ... -
Industrial CO2 capturing by mass cultivation of microalgae (diatoms): Processes, sustainability and applications
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-06-03)In the 2012–2013 academic year, a research group at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, with expertise in the physiology and ecology of planktonic microalgae, took on the challenge to test industrial mass cultivation of certain species of microalgae. This ambition was driven by the increasing focus on photoautotrophic (photosynthetic) microalgae as future biofuels, as well as a source of feed and ... -
The sustainable development goals, human rights, and the capability approach in an Arctic context
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-06-03)This chapter discusses how an industry–university collaboration between ferrosilicon producer Finnfjord AS in northern Norway and UiT The Arctic University of Norway contributes to the mission of operationalising the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The core of the project is to capture CO2 by means of microalgae cultivation on an industrial scale. The microalgae, rich in omega-3 ... -
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Literature is an institution per se, as is justice, and these two institutions enact each other in complex ways. Justice appears in many forms from divine right and religious ordainment to metaphysical imperative and natural law, to national jurisdiction, social order, human rights, and civil disobedience. What is just and right has varied in time and place, in war and peace. A sense of justice ... -
The Legacy of Semaus Heaney's North
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)“What is history? What is love? What is justice? Sanity? Reason? Do the gods really exist, and does it matter?” Professor of law Yxta Maya Murray (2015, 137) certainly asks the grand questions in “Punishment and the Costs of Knowledge,” many of which will be recognized in Shakespeare’s drama, in French philosophy, and by people who appreciate the “good literature” that “summons powerful emotions” ... -
Why is it so difficult to understand why we don’t understand human systemic lupus erythematosus? Contemplating facts, conflicts, and impact of “the causality cascade paradigm”
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-28)n attempts to understand systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), we find ourselves in the intellectual cross-point between nosology, pathogenicity-oriented science, philosophy, empiricism, and qualified conjectures. A vital consequence in science theory is that scientific hypotheses that are not critically investigated are in danger of being transformed into scientific dogmas. This statement has ... -
Immunological signatures from irradiated cancer-associated fibroblasts
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-06)Introduction: Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are abundant and influential elements of the tumor microenvironment (TME), giving support to tumor development in multiple ways. Among other mechanisms, CAFs are important regulators of immunological processes occurring in tumors. However, CAF-mediated tumor immunomodulation in the context of radiotherapy remains poorly understood. In this study, ... -
Fusjon – den endelige energiløsningen for menneskeheten?
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-08)Siden andre verdenskrig har det pågått et storstilt internasjonalt forskningsprosjekt med mål om å bruke fusjonsprosesser til å lage ren elektrisk energi for menneskeheten fra tilnærmet ubegrensede ressurser. Det pågår nå et storstilt kappløp for å utvikle den første demonstrasjonsreaktoren. Denne artikkelen gir en kortfattet beskrivelse av historien bak og status for kappløpet, og den avsluttes med ... -
Bioeconomic analysis of Norwegian reindeer husbandry in the face of crowberry encroachment
(Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2025-03-21)Allelopathic encroachment of <i>Empetrum nigrum</i> (crowberry) is impacting the Norwegian reindeer husbandry. This thesis first explores both the negative and positive impacts of crowberry, and then analyses the effect of its encroachment on the husbandry under climate change. The thesis consists of four papers, one qualitative study conducting systematic literature review of <i>Empetrum nigrum</i>, ...