Now showing items 1-20 of 35708

    • Compliance by Design in AI Systems – Towards Compliance with Data Protection Regulation, The AI Act, and Cybersecurity Regulations in AI System Development and Deployment 

      Juliussen, Bjørn Aslak (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2025-03-07)
      <p>"Without prejudice to" is a term frequently used in EU technology regulations. Regulation 2024/1689 (The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act) is "without prejudice to" the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and recent cybersecurity regulations such as the Network and Information Security (NIS) 2 Directive and the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) are without prejudice to both the GDPR and the AI ...
    • Remember sustainability when identifying low-value clinical care practices in critical care 

      Højager Nielsen, Anne; Collett, Marie Oxenbøll; Lind, Ranveig; Jensen, Janet Frolund (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-23)
      In a recent editorial, Tume and Aitken (1) made the compelling argument to avoid low-value clinical practices, which are characterised by being of little or no benefit to patients (ineffective), not proportional to the cost (inefficient) or posing a risk of harm exceeding the potential benefits (unsafe) (1). Furthermore, Tume and Aitken argue that nurses in intensive care units (ICUs) are responsible ...
    • ‘Mind the gap’: tensions, transitions and tactics in Canadian and Norwegian community services for older adults 

      Ågotnes, Gudmund; Daly, Tamara; Choiniere, Jacqueline; Blix, Bodil Hansen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-23)
      This article compares community services provided to older adults living in Bergen, Norway, and Toronto, Canada. We investigate the gaps that are left unattended in the respective jurisdictions and consequently maintained by the organizations. Our findings reveal the importance of community organizations in positively influencing the initial transition from independence to needing more supports. Our ...
    • Sex Differences in Presentation, Treatment, and Survival in Patients Receiving Palliative (Chemo)Radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 

      Nieder, Carsten; Aanes, Siv Gyda; Dalhaug, Astrid; Haukland, Ellinor Christin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-30)
      Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze sex differences in a real-world cohort of patients who received palliative thoracic radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer. <p> <p>Patients and Methods: Retrospectively, baseline, treatment, toxicity, and survival data from a single institution were analyzed. The study included 181 patients (82 females, 99 males). ...
    • Return to Work After Breast Cancer Treatment: An Electronic Health Record-based Study in North Norway 

      Nieder, Carsten; Haukland, Ellinor Christin; Mannsåker, Bård (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-26)
      Background/Aim: Breast cancer treatment may interfere with work ability. Previous return-to-work studies have often focused on participants who were invited to participate after treatment completion. Participation varied, resulting in potential selection bias. This is a health-record-based study evaluating data completeness, both at baseline and one year after diagnosis. Correlations between baseline ...
    • Comprehensive Analysis of Blood Test Results Predicting Prognosis in Patients Undergoing Whole-brain Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases 

      Nieder, Carsten; Stanisavljevic, Luka; Mannsåker, Bård (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-31)
      Background/Aim: Blood tests, such as those included in the validated LabBM score (laboratory parameters in patients with brain metastases) predict survival after treatment of brain metastases. The model incorporates five test results [serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin, platelets and hemoglobin]. However, many other abnormalities, albeit less well-studied, may be ...
    • Palliative Radiation Treatment in Patients Managed With Advanced/Interventional Pain Therapy such as Pump-delivered Continuous Opioids 

      Nieder, Carsten; Jensen, Stine Maria F.; Nilsen, Solveig; Haukland, Ellinor Christin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-30)
      Background/Aim: The study aim was to analyze the feasibility and efficacy of palliative radiotherapy in patients receiving advanced/interventional pain therapy, such as epidural or spinal anesthesia or subcutaneous pump delivery of opioids. Endpoints such as pain relief, treatment in the last month of life and survival were evaluated. <p> <p>Patients and Methods: Different baseline parameters ...
    • Real-World Survival Outcomes in Patients with Different Types of Cancer Managed with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors 

      Nieder, Carsten; Aanes, Siv Gyda; Stanisavljevic, Luka; Mannsåker, Bård; Haukland, Ellinor Christin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-04)
      Introduction: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are now standard of care in systemic treatment for many types of metastatic cancer, often together with cytotoxic chemotherapy. Monitoring of treatment efficacy against clinical trial benchmarks in real-world populations and subgroups such as elderly patients is necessary. Based on the results of a previous study, we evaluated age-related survival ...
    • Placenta-associated biomarkers and pregnancy outcome in HPA-1a alloimmunization: A prospective cohort study 

      Nedberg, Nora Hersoug; Nystad, Mona; Ahlen, Maria Therese; Bertelsen, eirin listau; Guz, Katarzyna; Uhrynowska, Małgorzata; Dębska, Marzena; Gierszon, Agnieszka; Orzińska, Agnieszka; Husebekk, Anne; Brojer, Ewa; Staff, Anne Cathrine; Tiller, Heidi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-24)
      Introduction - Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) results from parental incompatibility in human platelet antigens (HPA) and subsequent maternal sensitization. The HPA-1a epitope is also expressed on placental tissue. Chronic placental inflammation and lower birth weight is observed more often in HPA-1a alloimmunized pregnancies, suggesting a placental component in the pathophysiology ...
    • Bilder kan si mer enn ord: Hvordan kan bruk av bilder bidra til helsefremmende dialoger for ungdom i skolehelsetjenesten? 

      Laholt, Hilde; Clancy, Anne Mary Gerard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-26)
      Helsedialogen ledet av helsesykepleier er en veletablert praksis i skolehelsetjenesten. Likevel finnes det få anbefalinger om hvordan disse dialogene bør gjennomføres. I et kvalitativt doktorgradsprosjekt fikk helsesykepleiere opplæring i fem visuelle metoder tilpasset skolehelsetjenesten. I denne artikkelen tar vi utgangspunkt i data fra workshopgruppen «mobilbilder» og to fokusgruppediskusjoner. ...
    • Sykepleiefaglig grunnlag i norske helsesykepleierutdanninger – en dybdeanalyse av pensuminnhold og abstraksjonsnivå 

      Laholt, Hilde; Clancy, Anne Mary Gerard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-12)
      Background: Norwegian public health nursing education is a postgraduate education in health-promoting and preventive community nursing with a focus on children, young people (0–20 years) and their families. It has its theoretical foundations in public health and nursing. Research from 2021 showed a clear public health focus, while the nursing foundation was less visible.<p> <p>Objectives: To ...
    • Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers 

      Tiegs, Scott D.; Capps, Krista A.; Costello, David M.; Schmidt, John Paul; Patrick, Christopher J.; Follstad Shah, Jennifer J.; LeRoy, Carri J.; Acuña, Vicenç; Albariño, Ricardo; Allen, Daniel C.; Alonso, Cecilia; Andino, Patricio; Arango, Clay P.; Aroviita, Jukka; Barbosa, Marcus V.M.; Barmuta, Leon A.; Baxter, Colden V.; Bellinger, Brent J.; Boyero, Luz; Bragina, Lyubov; Brown, Lee E.; Bruder, Andreas; Bruesewitz, Denise A.; Burdon, Francis J.; Callisto, Marcos; Camacho, Antonio; Canhoto, Cristina; Castillo, María M.; Chauvet, Eric; Clapcott, Joanne; Colas, Fanny; Colón-Gaud, Checo; Cornut, Julien; Crespo-Pérez, Verónica; Cross, Wyatt F.; Culp, Joseph M.; Danger, Michael; Dangles, Olivier; de Eyto, Elvira; Derry, Alison M.; Díaz Villanueva, Veronica; Douglas, Michael M.; Elosegi, Arturo; Encalada, Andrea C.; Entrekin, Sally; Espinosa, Rodrigo; Ferreira, Veronica; Ferriol, Carmen; Flanagan, Kyla M.; Flecker, Alexander S.; Fleituch, Tadeusz; Frainer Barbosa, Andre; Friberg, Nikolai; Frost, Paul C.; Garcia, Erica A.; García-Lago, Liliana; García Soto, Pavel Ernesto; Gessner, Mark O.; Ghate, Sudeep D.; Giling, Darren P.; Gilmer, Alan; Gonçalves Jr, José Francisco; Gonzales, Rosario Karina; Graça, Manuel A.S.; Grace, Mike; Griffiths, Natalie A.; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Guérold, François; Gulis, Vlad; Gutiérrez-Fonseca, Pablo E.; Hepp, Luiz U.; Higgins, Scott N.; Hishi, Takuo; Huddart, Joseph; Hudson, John; Imberger, Moss; Iñiguez-Armijos, Carlos; Isken, Mark W.; Iwata, Tomoya; Janetski, David J.; Kirkwood, Andrea E.; Koning, Aaron A.; Kosten, Sarian; Kuehn, Kevin A.; Laudon, Hjalmar; Leavitt, Peter R.; Lemes da Silva, Aurea L.; Leroux, Shawn J.; Lisi, Peter J.; MacKenzie, Richard; Marcarelli, Amy M.; Masese, Frank O.; McIntyre, Peter B.; McKie, Brendan G.; Medeiros, Adriana O.; Meissner, Kristian; Miliša, Marko; Mishra, Shailendra; Miyake, Yo; Moerke, Ashley; Mombrikotb, Shorok; Mooney, Rob; Moulton, Timothy; Muotka, Timo; Negishi, Junjiro; Neres-Lima, Vinicius; Nieminen, Mika L.; Nimptsch, Jorge; Ondruch, Jakub; Paavola, Riku; Pardo, Isabel; Peeter, Edwin T.H.M.; Pozo, Jesus; Prussian, Aaron; Quenta, Estefania; Reid, Brian; Richardson, John S.; Rigosi, Anna; Rincón, José; Risnoveanu, Geta; Robinson, Christopher T.; Rodríguez-Gallego, Lorena; Royer, Todd V.; Rusak, James A.; Santamans, Anna C.; Selmeczy, Géza B.; Simiyu, Gelas; Skuja, Agnija; Smykla, Jerzy; Sponseller, Ryan; Sridhar, Kandikere R.; Stoler, Aaron; Swan, Christopher M.; Teixeira-de Mello, Franco; Tonkin, Jonathan D.; Uusheimo, Sari; Veach, Allison M.; Vilbaste, Sirje; Vought, Lena B.-M.; Wang, Chiao-Ping; Webster, Jackson R.; Wilson, Paul B.; Woelfl, Stefan; Woodward, Guy; Xenopoulos, Marguerite A.; Yates, Adam G.; Yoshimura, Chihiro; Yule, Catherine M.; Zhang, Yixin; Zwart, Jacob A. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-30)
      Rivers and streams contribute to global carbon cycling by decomposing immense quantities of terrestrial plant matter. However, decomposition rates are highly variable and large-scale patterns and drivers of this process remain poorly understood. Using a cellulose-based assay to reflect the primary constituent of plant detritus, we generated a predictive model (81% variance explained) for cellulose ...
    • Lo informal: Habaneros In-Between System and Struggle: Navigating Cuba´s Economy as a Möbius Strip 

      Krøglid, Marius (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-12-04)
      Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Cuba's economy has been virtually at a standstill, trapped in a persistent state of stagnation following the loss of subsidies from the Eastern Bloc. Without subsidies from the Soviet Union, new economic dynamics, such as global tourism and digitalization, have played a decisive role in shaping the population's economic practices in contemporary times. Scarcity has ...
    • Diminishing warming effects on plant phenology over time 

      Lu, Chunyan; van Groenigen, Kees Jan; Gillespie, Mark Andrew Kusk; Hollister, Robert D.; Post, Eric; Cooper, Elisabeth J.; Welker, Jeffrey M.; Huang, Yixuan; Min, Xueting; Chen, Jianghui; Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg Svala; Mauritz, Marguerite; Cannone, Nicoletta; Natali, Susan M.; Schuur, Edward; Molau, Ulf; Yan, Tao; Wang, Hao; He, Jin-Sheng; Liu, Huiying (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-05)
      <ul> <li>Plant phenology, the timing of recurrent biological events, shows key and complex response to climate warming, with consequences for ecosystem functions and services. A key challenge for predicting plant phenology under future climates is to determine whether the phenological changes will persist with more intensive and long-term warming.</li> <li>Here, we conducted a meta-analysis of ...
    • Spielend bilden? Kritische Betrachtungen zu Videospielen vor deren Einsatz im Unterricht 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-04-23)
      Dieser Beitrag operationalisiert das spielontologische Cybermedia-Modell von Espen Aarseth und Gordon Calleja und stellt eine Matrize für eine systematische Evaluierung von Videospielen vor deren Gebrauch im Unterricht vor. Ausgehend von den Feldern Zeichen und Repräsentation, Spielregeln und- mechaniken, Materialität und politische Ökonomie sowie institutionelle Rahmen, ermöglicht die Matrize das ...
    • Introduction 

      Poto, Margherita Paola; Parola, Giulia (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Environmental law scholars and scientists have highlighted the conspicuous absence of awareness or obscured understanding of rights, particularly socio-environmental rights, within contemporary society.1 Therefore, there exists an urgent call for legal researchers to develop innovative strategies that can augment the comprehension of law, particularly targeting those who are most vulnerable and ...
    • CHAPTER I The Foundations: ECO_CARE 

      Poto, Margherita Paola; Parola, Giulia (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-04-18)
      This chapter outlines the primary objective of the ECO_CARE project: establishing a cooperative governance framework that legally recognizes water and communities as living entities with inherent rights. The chapter underscores the crucial role of water in sustaining life and argues for an ecologically integrated approach to water sustainability and governance, critically analysing the inadequacies ...
    • Morphological evidence supports splitting of species in the North Atlantic Sebastes spp. complex 

      Bruvold, Ingrid Marie; Hansen, Agneta; Lynghammar, Arve; Höffle, Hannes; Hanebrekke, Tanja Lexau; Tranang, Caroline Aas; Nedreaas, Kjell Harald; Nilssen, Einar Magnus; Saha, Atal; Johansen, Torild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-06)
      The redfishes (genus Sebastes) are long-lived, commercial species in the North Atlantic. Excessive harvest through decades has led to a decline in the mature population of golden redfish (Sebastes norvegicus) in Norwegian waters, which is currently considered severely depleted. Accumulating genetic evidence suggests a more complex structure within this genus in the North Atlantic, which has ...
    • Hydroclimate intensification likely aided glacier survival on Svalbard in the Early Holocene 

      Auer, Andreea-Gabriela; van der Bilt, Willem Godert Maria; Schomacker, Anders; Bakke, Jostein; Støren, Eivind W. N.; Buckby, Joseph; Cederstrøm, Jan Magne; van der Plas, Sander (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-11)
      Accelerated Arctic warming and wetting has global impacts, as the region’s glaciers and ice caps respond to variations in temperature and precipitation, impacting global sea-level change. But as the observations needed to calibrate models are scarce, predictions cannot confirm if increases in snowfall can help offset melt. Here, we analyze two 14,000-year-long glacier-fed lake sediment records ...
    • A comparative analysis of life-history features and adaptive strategies of Arctic and subarctic seal species-who will win the climate change challenge? 

      Ferguson, Steven H.; Higdon, Jeff W.; Young, Brent G.; Petersen, Stephen D.; Carlyle, Cody G.; Lea, Ellen V.; Sauvé, Caroline C.; Kohlbach, Doreen; Fisk, Aaron T.; Thiemann, Gregory W.; Florko, Katie R.N.; Muir, Derek C.G.; Hamilton, Charmain Danielle; Houde, Magali; Sudlovenick, Enooyaq; Yurkowski, David J. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-09)
      Understanding and predicting species range shifts is crucial for conservation amid global warming. This study analyzes life-history traits of four seal species (ringed (Pusa hispida (Schreber, 1775)), bearded (Erignathus barbatus (Erxleben, 1777)), harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus (Erxleben, 1777)), and harbour (Phoca vitulina Linnaeus, 1758) seals) in the Canadian Arctic using data from Inuit subsistence ...