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dc.contributor.advisorSollid, Hilde
dc.contributor.authorPesch, Anja Maria
dc.description.abstractI denne studien utforskes diskursive vilkår for barnehagelærers språklige praksis med flerspråklige barn. Studien er en kvalitativ etnografisk kasusstudie av to barnehagers språklige praksiser, en i Nord-Norge og en i Tyskland. Studiens formål er å få større innsikt i hvordan forståelser av flerspråklighet i barnehagen skaper rom for barnehagelærers flerspråklige praksis og for samarbeid med barnas foreldre. Språklig praksis forstås som pedagogisk språklig praksis knyttet til barnehagelæreres rolle i barnehagen som kontekst. Studiens datamateriale består av relevante styringsdokumenter for barnehagen, bilder av barnehagens semiotiske landskap, feltnotater om barnehagelærernes språklige praksis og intervju med barnehagelærere og foreldre. Ved hjelp av Bakhtins konsepter om ytring, talesjanger, stemme, diskurs og ideologi studeres barnehagelærernes og foreldrenes språklige praksis som neksus av diskurser om flerspråklighet knyttet til barnehagen som institusjon. Barnehagelærernes språklige praksis, deres og foreldrenes syn på flerspråklighet knyttes videre til diskurser makronivå. Dette gjøres ved hjelp av Jørgensens og Garcia og Li Weis syn på flerspråklighet, neksusanalysen og språkideologiske perspektiv. Et fellestrekk ved barnehagene er at de anser flerspråklighet som ressurs. Det rådende synet på flerspråklighet er imidlertid ulikt. Mens flerspråklighet først og fremst forstås som dualitet som består av morsmål og norsk, er synet på flerspråklighet i den tyske barnehagen mer dynamisk og knyttet til et syn på språk som ressurs i kommunikasjon. Analysen viser hvordan ulike syn på flerspråklighet blir konstruert både på institusjons- og individnivå, og hvordan de både er knyttet til og stiller spørsmål ved ressurssynet som ramme. Det blir tydelig hvordan barnehagelæreres syn på flerspråklighet er knyttet til deres egen språklige praksis på den ene siden og forståelser av barnas språklige praksis på den andre siden. Når det gjelder foreldresamarbeid peker datamaterialet spesielt på motsetninger mellom barnehagens og foreldrenes syn på flerspråklighet og hvordan de innvirker på forståelsen av hverandres språkvalg og praksiser. Funnene brukes for å drøfte hvordan diskursene om flerspråklighet på mikro- og makronivå henger sammen og hvordan de skaper rom og rammer for barnehagelærernes språklige praksis og for samarbeid med barnas foreldre.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study explores discursive conditions for teachers’ linguistic practice with multilingual children. It is a qualitative ethnographic case study of the linguistic practice in two ECEC institutions, one in Norway and one in Germany. The aim of the study is to gain insight into how views on multilingualism in ECEC create space for teachers’ multilingual practice and for cooperation with parents of multilingual children. Linguistic practice is to be understood as pedagogical linguistic practice, connected to the teachers’ role in the ECEC context. The study’s data material consists of relevant ECEC policy documents, photos of the ECEC’s semiotic landscapes, field notes on ECEC-teachers’ linguistic practice and interviews with teachers and parents. By using Bakhtinian concepts of utterance, speech genres, voice, discourse and ideology, the teachers’ linguistic practice is studied as nexus of discourses on multilingualism connected to ECEC as institutional context. The teachers’ linguistic practice, their views and the parents’ views on multilingualism are then related to discourses on the macro level. Jørgensen’s and Garcia and Li Wei’s views on multilingualism, nexus analysis and perspectives from language ideology are used as theoretical and methodological framework. One feature both ECECs have in common is that they view multilingualism as a resource. The prevailing view on multilingualism, though, is different. While the Norwegian ECEC first and foremost view multilingualism as dual, consisting of a mother tongue and Norwegian, the German ECEC has a more dynamic view on multilingualism connected to a view on language as resource in communication. The analysis shows how different views on multilingualism are constructed on both the institutional and individual level, and how they both relate to and question the resource perspective. This sheds light on the connection of the teachers’ views on multilingualism and their own linguistic practice on the one hand and their perspective on the children’s linguistic practice on the other hand. Regarding cooperation with parents, the data material points towards contrasts in teachers’ and parents’ understanding of multilingualism and how they influence their views on each other’s practice and choice of language. The study’s findings are used to discuss the connection of discourses on multilingualism on the micro and macro level and how they create space and limits for ECEC-teachers’ linguistic practice and their cooperation with parents.en_US
dc.description.abstractDie vorliegende Studie untersucht diskursive Bedingungen für die Sprachpraxis pädagogischer Fachkräfte mit mehrsprachigen Kindern in Kindertageseinrichtungen. Die Studie ist eine qualitativ angelegte ethnographische Case-studie über die sprachliche Praxis in zwei Kindertageseinrichtungen, einer in Norwegen und einer in Deutschland. Ziel der Studie ist es, einen tieferen Einblick in den Zusammenhang vom Verständnis von Mehrsprachigkeit und der mehrsprachigen Praxis pädagogischer Fachkräfte in Kindertageseinrichtungen sowie deren Kooperation mit Eltern von mehrsprachigen Kindern zu bekommen. Die empirischen Daten der Studie bestehen aus relevanten Leitlinien und Rahmenkonzeptionen für Kindertageseinrichtungen, Fotos der semiotischen Landschaften in den Einrichtungen, Observation der Sprachpraxis der Fachkräfte und Interviews mit Fachkräften und Eltern. Mit Hilfe von Bakhtins Konzepten Äußerung, Genre, Stimme, Diskurs und Ideologie, wird die Sprachpraxis der Fachkräfte als Nexus von Diskursen zur Mehrsprachigkeit im Rahmen der Kindertageseinrichtung als Kontext erforscht. Die Sprachpraxis der pädagogischen Fachkräfte, deren Verständnis sowie das Verständnis von Mehrsprachigkeit unter den Eltern wird weiter in Zusammenhang mit Diskursen auf der Makroebene betrachtet. Als theoretischer und methodologischer Rahmen dienen hier Jørgensens sowie Garcia und Li Weis Modelle von Mehrsprachigkeit, die Nexus Analyse sowie sprachideologische Perspektiven. Ein gemeinsames Merkmal beider Kindertageseinrichtungen ist deren explizites Verständnis von Mehrsprachigkeit als Ressource. Das vorherrschende Verständnis von Mehrsprachigkeit in den Einrichtungen ist dagegen unterschiedlich. Während in der norwegische Einrichtung Mehrsprachigkeit vor allem als Dualität, bestehend aus einer Muttersprache und Norwegisch, verstanden wird, ist das Verständnis von Mehrsprachigkeit in der deutschen Einrichtung eher dynamisch und an ein Verständnis von Sprache als Kommunikationsressource geknüpft. Die Analyse zeigt, wie unterschiedliche Verständnisse von Mehrsprachigkeit sowohl auf institutioneller als auch auf individueller Ebene konstruiert werden, wie diese an die Ressourcenperspektive anknüpfen, sie aber auch in Frage stellen. Es wird deutlich wie das Verständnis von Mehrsprachigkeit der pädagogischen Fachkräfte auf der einen Seite im Zusammenhang mit ihrer eigenen Sprachpraxis und auf der anderen Seite mit ihrem Blick auf die Sprachpraxis der Kinder steht. Bei der Zusammenarbeit mit Eltern weisen die Daten vor allem Gegensätze im Verständnis von Mehrsprachigkeit bei Fachkräften und Eltern auf, sowie dessen Zusammenhang damit wie Eltern und Fachkräfte gegenseitig ihre Sprachpraxis und Sprachwahl verstehen. Auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Studie wird abschließend der Zusammenhang von Diskursen zur Mehrsprachigkeit auf der Mikro- und Makroebene, sowie Raum und Begrenzungen für die Sprachpraxis und die Zusammenarbeit mit Eltern durch die pädagogischen Fachkräfte diskutiert.en_US
dc.description.popularabstractThis study explores how kindergarten teachers use language with multilingual children in kindergarten, how they understand multilingualism and how they cooperate with the children’s parents. I have carried out fieldwork in two kindergartens, one in Norway and one in Germany. Fieldwork lasted for approximately half a year in each kindergarten, and document analysis, observation, photos and interviews were used as methods for data collection. I observed how kindergarten teachers used language with multilingual children, what they emphasized and focused on. The interviews were used to discuss the kindergarten teachers’ ideas and beliefs about multilingualism and language in general. Moreover, we talked about specific situations I had observed. Cooperation with parents of multilingual children was also a topic. I took photos of visual expressions of multilingualism in the kindergartens and carried out an analysis of the most important policy documents for kindergartens in both countries. The analysis focused specifically on how multilingualism is understood in the documents and which guidance they give for work with multilingual children in kindergarten. I also carried out interviews with parents of multilingual children about their choice and use of language at home as well as about their cooperation with the kindergarten teachers. The kindergartens’ different location and national guidelines made it possible to compare the teachers’ beliefs on multilingualism and emphasis in their work with multilingual children, which made implicit understandings clearer. Both kindergartens viewed multilingualism as a resource, but this resource perspective had different limits, which among other things were related to the national guidelines. The study also shows how the teachers’ beliefs on multilingualism were connected to how they legitimized and valued both their own and children’s choice and use of language. Regarding cooperation with parents, the data material points towards contrasts in teachers’ and parents’ understanding of multilingualism and how they influence their views on each other’s use and choice of language. Especially in the Norwegian kindergarten, the findings show a field of tension between acknowledging multilingualism and including the children’s different mother tongues in kindergarten on the one hand and a strong obligation towards developing their skills in Norwegian on the other hand. This relates to the emphasis and focus in the national guidelines in Norway. The findings contribute to both the kindergarten sector and Early Childhood Teacher Education. The resource perspective on multilingualism has been criticized for being a normative and moral term, leaving it to the single kindergarten or kindergarten teacher to decide what it actually means. This study emphasizes the importance of discussing and questioning beliefs on multilingualism by showing their impact on work with multilingual children in kindergarten. Moreover, it raises the question how kindergartens meet parents with multilingual children, how teachers and parents view each other’s knowledge and whose beliefs may have the greatest authority. These are important issues to discuss for teachers working in kindergarten and for teachers working in Early Childhood Teacher education, preparing students for work in kindergartens with a growing linguistic diversity.en_US
dc.publisherUiT Norges arktiske universiteten_US
dc.publisherUiT The Arctic University of Norwayen_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2018 The Author(s)
dc.subjectVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Pedagogiske fag: 280en_US
dc.subjectVDP::Social science: 200::Education: 280en_US
dc.titleÅ skape rom for flerspråklighet. En studie av diskursive vilkår for barnehagens språklige praksis med flerspråklige barnen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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