Now showing items 61-80 of 267

    • æ sitt med klump i halsen når æ skriv det hær : dialekt i skriftspråket i debattforum knytt til tre norske nettaviser 

      Evjen, Liv Ragnhild (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-05-18)
      Denne studien tar for seg bruk av dialekt i skriftspråket i debattar på tre norske nettstader. Nettstadene heiter, Fjordaglimt og og er knytt til nettavisene (Avisa Nordland), og gjennom nettsamfunnet Origo. Materialet som ligg til grunn for analysen, er sett saman av debattinnlegg som er publisert i diskusjonsfelta under saker som dei tre ...
    • Une étude de l'expression adverbiale du coup 

      Malm, Katrine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-01)
      L’objet de ce mémoire est l’expression adverbiale du coup. Nous avons observé que même si cette expression est couramment utilisée, il est difficile de décider de son interprétation dans certains contextes, et par conséquent il est aussi difficile de décider de son utilisation. De plus, nous avons l’impression qu’elle n’est pas beaucoup décrite dans la littérature linguistique. Par cette étude, nous ...
    • Optimality theory and other theories of the mind : a system architecture comparison 

      Mikalsen, Karl-Erlend (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-01)
      In this thesis Optimality Theory is described in as non-linguistic terms as possible with the goal of making it possible to compare it to other theories of the mind, especially with regards to GEN, CON and EVAL. GEN is the generator of output candidates, CON are the available constraints and EVAL is a structure that evaluates the constraints based on some criteria. Connectionism, Motivational ...
    • In support of the full access full transfer hypothesis : evidence from error patterns in the second language acquisition of English articles 

      Jiang, Yueqiu (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-12)
      The English article system is complicated for L2 learners. Article errors usually happen in L2 article acquisition. Article errors are not random. The two main error patterns are article overuse and article omission. This thesis argues that the Full Access Full Transfer hypothesis (FAFT) can account for these article errors. The Fluctuation Hypothesis is proposed to address article overuse in L2 ...
    • The interplay of synonymy and polysemy : the case of arrojar, echar, lanzar and tirar 

      Skallman, Emma (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05)
      The knowledge associated with lexical items can be seen as including relations of meaning across words and relations of meaning within a single word. Words that share a similarity of meaning are said to be synonyms. A word that has multiple meanings is termed polysemous. This study focuses on a set of Spanish verbs that exhibit both these features: arrojar, echar, lanzar and tirar (all can be glossed ...
    • "Engelsk er ikke nok i reiselivsbransjen" : eine Studie zur Schülermotivation für das Deutschlernen unter Berücksichtigung der Tourismusbranche in Tromsø 

      Matt, Amelie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05)
      Norwegian students become less and less motivated to take German as a foreign language while Spanish, supposedly easier to learn and more enjoyable, becomes more popular. Simultaneously, the growing Norwegian tourist industry has an increasing demand for qualified workers with German language skills. This thesis analyzes the above thematic by questioning high school students on their attitude ...
    • Die mehrfache Vorfeldbesetzung im Deutschen 

      Jensen, Franziska Christine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05-31)
      This master thesis discusses the unusual phenomenon of multiple constituents in German verb second sentences. The approach is based on the topological field model. After dividing apparent multiple fronting from actual multiple fronting, several example sentences are discussed. For the analysis of two arguments in front of the finite verb a brief survey confirming the grammatically judgment completes ...
    • Retroflex suffixation in Beijing dialect 

      Liu, Zhiyin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05-31)
      The aim of this thesis is to explore the phonological opacity of the retroflex suffixation in Beijing Dialect. The retroflex suffixation contains a series of phonetic variables in the main syllable and a phonological opacity. With respect to the former analysis of a phonological approach, there arises variable issues in divergence, including the underlying form of the retroflex suffix, the underlying ...
    • Davvisámegiela nullasubjeavttaid ohcan: Unna pro ja stuorra PRO 

      Nystad, Ritva (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06-01)
      Dát dutkkus gieđahallá davvisámegiela nulla subjeavttaid. Davvisámegiella gullá gielaide, main subjeaktasátni ii álo leat oidnosis. Dán barggus iskkan, mo dán sáhttá čilget generatiivva syntávssa vuođul. Dutkansuorgin lea minimalismma prográmma. Subjeavtta ja vearbba gaskasaš soabadeapmi lea dehálaš unna pro oktavuođas ja lean dás čájehan, mo unna pro doibmá. Infinihttahámit gusket ges stuorra PRO:ii ...
    • Nasjonsrelaterte stedsnavn på Svalbard : hvilke nasjoner har satt flest spor etter seg? 

      Ulvang, Oddvar Magnus (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-10-29)
      Temaet for denne avhandlingen er nasjonshegemoniet innen stedsnavn på Svalbard, et norsk område med et areal på størrelse med Nordland og Troms fylker til sammen. Her har mange forskjellige nasjoner satt spor etter seg i stedsnavna i forbindelse med vitenskaps- og fangstekspedisjoner. Svalbard ble i 1925 en del av Norge, men før dette har nordmenn, svensker, russere, briter, tyskere, hollendere og ...
    • Cognitive metaphor in the West and the East : A comparison of metaphors in the speeches of Barack Obama and Wen Jiabao 

      Wong, Wai Yee Christine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-15)
      The thesis discusses the metaphors used in the speeches of US President Barack Obama and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. The framework is Cognitive Metaphor Theory, which introduces the idea that cognitive metaphors are conceptualizations or patterns of thought, not lingusitic phenomena, although these metaphors give rise to linguistic metaphors. The metaphorical mapping, the relations between conceptual ...
    • Address forms in Persian based on Iranian movies 

      Derakhshan Rokni, Tina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-11-15)
      The present thesis: “Address forms in Persian language based on Iranian movies”, investigates address forms as socio-linguistic forms which are directly related to social factors such as age, gender and social class. In the Persian language there is a strong tradition of addressing each other in various ways, changing from one context to another. Addressing is a universal phenomenon, but the rules ...
    • El sexismo en el lenguaje: Estudio de los sustantivos de profesión 

      Norbeck, Helene (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05)
      Denne masteroppgaven handler om kjønnsdiskriminert språk i spansk. Målet for oppgaven er å se i hvilken grad en mannssentrert (androsentrisk) kultur gjenspeiler seg i det spanske språket. Dette gjør jeg ved å studere et utvalg spanske yrkestitler, da jeg tror at yrkeslivet kan reflektere eventuelle kjønnsforskjeller i samfunnet og således i språket. I første omgang vil jeg se om yrkestitlene har så ...
    • Los dobles participios en español: Estudio de corpus 

      Svensen, Kristina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-14)
      Some verbs in Spanish present in their non-finite verb form of past participles the possibility of possessing both a regular and an irregular form: 'Freído'/'frito'(fried), 'imprimido'/'impreso' (printed), etc. It is well known that the past participle may function both as a verb and as an adjective, and this universality makes it particularly interesting to observe how these doublets of participles ...
    • Infinitiiva davvisámegiela syntávssas minimalismma teoriija vuođul 

      Partapuoli, Marja K. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-14)
      Dán čállosis geahčan movt infinitiiva doaibmá davvisámegiel syntávssas. Čilgen infinitiivvaid minimalismma teoriijja vuođul. Go lean minimalismma teoriija geahččan, de lea mu váldogáldun leamašan Adger (2004) Core syntax. A mimimalist approach. Geahčan dušše daid osiid minimalismma teoriijas, main lea mearkkašupmi mu bargui. Geahčan álggus infinitiivvaid mat leat modálavearbbaide komplemeantan, ja ...
    • Modal-dependence and naturalness in phonology: confronting the ontogenetic question 

      Collins, Joe (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-21)
      Phonologists have long debated the role of phonetics in phonological theories. A key point in this debate is whether or not phonological computation is to be regarded as modally-independent, that is, whether or not facts about the articulatory and perceptual organs are regarded as external to the phonology. This dissertation argues for a form of grounded phonology, by drawing on findings in ...
    • Directionality in Applicatives : A Comparative Study on English and Mandarin Chinese 

      Zhang, Fuping (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-29)
      In my thesis, I will explore applicatives in ditransitive constructions in Mandarin Chinese and English. In English we only find Low Recipient Applicatives while in Mandarin we have both Low Recipient Applicatives and Low Source Applicatives, in addition to High Applicatives of a certain kind. Motivated by the puzzle of IO interpretation in English, I compare these two languages with respect to their ...
    • Popularitetsutviklinga for fornavn i Sør-Troms 1820-1910 (bibelske navn, moveringer og nordiske navn) 

      Nilsen, Truls (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-10-31)
      I denne avhandlinga har jeg undersøkt popularitetsutviklinga for fornavn i Sør-Troms i perioden 1820-1910. Fokuset har jeg lagt på de tre mest interessante navnekategoriene som en kan finne i denne perioden: de bibelske navnene, moveringene og de nordiske navnene. Undersøkelsen er basert på folketellingene i 1865, 1900 og 1910, og jeg undersøker både kvinnenavn og mannsnavn. De bibelske fornavnene ...
    • Aspectos de sociolingüística del español de Cádiz: formas de tratamiento y actitudes lingüísticas 

      Jobsen, Lone (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-11-01)
      The aim of this thesis is to provide a study of sociolinguistic aspects of the Spanish variety spoken in Cádiz, city in the province with the same name, located in Andalucía. The focus will be on the following subjects: the linguistic attitudes of the community in Cádiz towards their own speech and the use of the address forms in the same city, concentrating on the young generation. Here, the main ...
    • Kvinnenavn i Nord-Norge og Agder på 1800-tallet. Forskjeller i navnetilfanget 

      Fagerheim, Sissel Johanne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-04-04)
      Oppgaven "Kvinnenavn i Nord-Norge og Agder - forskjeller i navnetilfanget" går ut på å undersøke navnetilfanget blant kvinner i de to landsdelene. Jeg har bl.a. undersøkt i hvilken grad kulturimpulser fra omverdenen, religiøs tilknytning og geografisk plassering har hatt innvirkning på navngivningen. Oppgaven omfatter perioden 1800-1900, og det metodiske fundamentet er markørnavnmetoden. Denne går ...