Viser treff 21-40 av 297

    • Mass Spectrometry Based Metabolomic and Lipidomic Analyses of Algal Biomass. 

      Antonsen, Magnus Andersland (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      Background: In a project at UiT - the Arctic University of Norway, the lipid profile of the microalgal biomass from the specie Porosira glacialis is mapped using HRMS lipidomic analyses to evaluate the potential for the biomass to be used as fish feed. At the same time, it is desired to screen the same biomass for bioactivities using bioassays in combination with HRMS metabolomic analyses. ...
    • Isolation and characterization of secondary metabolites from Arctic, Marine Invertebrates 

      Nyborg, Amalie Rebekka (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-11)
      The search for bioactive compounds, or genes in macro- and microorganisms from the sea, is termed marine bioprospecting. Marine bioprospecting aims to increase the utilization and value of marine biomasses and organisms with the purpose of developing commercial products. Because of the special condition of the sea, it is known that marine invertebrates have adapted chemical defense strategies to ...
    • Innvirkning av syklisk-di-GMP signalisering på antimikrobiell resistens i Acinetobacter baumannii. Undersøkelser av relativ genekspresjon og fenotypiske effekter hos transposon insersjonsmutanter i putative c-di-GMP signaliseringsgener. 

      Phung, Minh Chau Nguyen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-06-03)
      Antimikrobiell resistens (AMR) utgjør en av de tre viktigste helseproblemene i verden i dag, og kan medføre alvorlige konsekvenser ifølge Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO). Resistensutviklingen fører til terapisvikt mot infeksjonssykdommer som tidligere lot seg behandle av antimikrobielle midler og flere millioner menneskeliv kan gå tapt, hvis ikke tiltak iverksettes for å redusere forekomsten av AMR. ...
    • Collateral sensitivity in clinical Escherichia coli isolates 

      Tran, Jessica Nguyen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      <p><i>Background</i> At present time, antimicrobial resistance is emerging more rapidly than the development of novel antimicrobials, presenting a serious threat to how we prevent and treat infectious diseases. Several treatment strategies to counteract this development have been proposed, among these is the use of collateral sensitivity in clinical treatment. The ability to predict collateral ...
    • Validering av selvrapportert legemiddelbruk hos deltakere med koronarsykdom i Tromsøundersøkelsen 

      Truong, Kieu Nhi Lise (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      Bakgrunn: Hjerte- og karsykdommer er en fellesbetegnelse for sykdommer som involverer hjerte og blodårer. Det er en ledende årsak til død over hele verden. Flere epidemiologiske studier utføres for å undersøke årsakene til den økte sykdomsbelastningen. Ved å studere befolkningens mønster av legemiddelbruk og videre korrigere for feilbruk, kan vi redusere risikoen for nye hendelser og progresjon av ...
    • Fullstendighet av legemiddelinformasjon i innkomstjournaler fra akuttmottak i Helse Nord 

      Chan, Macty (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      Bakgrunn og formål: I den norske befolkningen er det et relativt stort bruk av legemidler. Bruk av legemidler kan føre til legemiddelfeil og legemiddelrelaterte problemer. Dette kan skje under informasjonsoverføring mellom omsorgsnivå som fra fastlege til sykehjem, eller også i samme enhet som mellom sykehusavdelinger. Mange av pasientskadene på sykehus er legemiddelrelaterte og mange innleggelser ...
    • The development of electrospun chloramphenicol containing wound dressing 

      Murugaiah, Anjanah (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-11)
      Wound healing is among the most complex processes in the human body that is greatly coordinated with a focus to rebuild tissue integrity and restore the skin´s protective barrier. The normal healing process is disrupted in chronic wounds, leading to delayed wound healing due to several underlying factors such as aging, obesity, and diabetes. Among chronic wounds 50 % are infected and up to 78 % of ...
    • Zwitterionic antimicrobial nanoparticles for biofilm therapy 

      Phung, Anna Ngoc (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-10)
      In recent years, many pathogenic bacteria have developed resistance against the existing antimicrobials, a phenomenon known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR). One of the many reasons contributing to the observed failure of current therapies, is the poor drug penetration across the microbial biofilm. Biofilms are small structural communities of bacterial cells that excrete an extracellular polymeric ...
    • Internett som en kilde til legemiddelinformasjon - en spørreundersøkelse blant apotekkunder 

      Sandsdalen, Vilde (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-06)
      Bakgrunn: Det er et økt fokus på at pasienter skal kunne være med på å delta i avgjørelser rundt egen behandling. For at de skal kunne gjøre dette er det viktig at de er i stand til å innhente god å forståelig informasjon om helserelaterte tema. Tidligere har det vist seg at helsepersonell slik som lege og farmasøyt har vært kilder som brukes mest. Men i dagens samfunn er bruk av internett utbredt, ...
    • Behavior of E. coli ST131 regarding the acquisition of a blaOXA-48 encoding plasmid 

      Anfinsen, Oda-Mari (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-11)
      Antimicrobial resistance has been a challenge ever since the discovery of antibiotics. The rising challenge of resistance has led to the increased use of last-resort antibiotics: carbapenems. It is predicted that a successful E. coli clone, ST131 is apt for the acquisition of carbapenem-resistance encoding plasmids. In this study, we aim to understand how E. coli ST131 respond to acquisition of ...
    • Mercaptoalkanol-derived self-immolative linkers for bioconjugates. Synthesis and analysis 

      Sengee, Myagmarsuren (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-01-11)
      Many of the anticancer compounds discovered through synthesis or bioprospecting activities are found to be equally toxic to healthy cells and tumors. Consequently, these compounds are not considered as promising drug candidates worthy of further study. This project seeks to develop a novel chemical toolkit that can be utilized to increase the therapeutic value of such toxic compounds by decreasing ...
    • Molecular Modelling of PDE3A Catalytic Domain 

      Antobreh, Andrea B. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-14)
      <p>Recent studies have highlighted the clinical benefits of regulating phosphodiesterase-3 enzymes. Inhibition of PDE3A has proven to aid in preventing and treating cardiovascularrelated disorders and platelet dysfunction. Hypothermia is a condition that can cause cardiac arrest. However, there are no suitable inotropic drugs that are effective for use under hypothermic conditions. Being able to ...
    • Biofilm-related characteristics in clinical isolates of Extraintestinal Pathogenic E. coli 

      Nilsen, Mia Mathisen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-10)
      The rapid increase in antibiotic resistance is one of the leading global health issues at present time. Bacteria’s resistance to antibiotic agents can be a thousand times higher when they are embedded in an extracellular biopolymer matrix, defined as biofilm. The biofilm state is a major driver of persistent infections, offering a challenge in providing adequate treatment. Biofilm producing E. coli ...
    • Functional analysis of signaling pathways activated by Anisomycin and Dexamethasone in two different breast cancer cell lines 

      Brown, Rosaline (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-12)
      While targeted therapy exists for ER-positive breast cancers, the treatment option for TNBC is conventional chemotherapy giving a poorer prognosis. It is therefore of interest to study molecular mechanisms and differences between MCF7 (ER-positive) and MDA-MB-231 (ER, PR, and HER2- negative). These cell lines are in vitro representative models for luminal A (non-aggressive) and basal-like (aggressive) ...
    • Hvor nyttige er nye legemiddelbehandlinger egentlig? 

      Moss, Johan Mikkelborg (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-21)
      Introduksjon: Legemidler blir ofte presentert i media som supermedisiner og gir inntrykket av at helseeffekten er enorm. Hvorvidt fremstillingen i media speiler virkeligheten er uklart. Statens legemiddelverk (SLV) metodevurderer legemidler for å undersøke om de er bedre enn nåværende behandling. Metodevurderingene inneholder ofte informasjon om QALY-gevinst. Hensikt: Primærmålet er å undersøke ...
    • Liposomal formulations for membrane active antimicrobials – Assuring safety through an optimised drug delivery system 

      Pettersen, Ann Kristin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-13)
      Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) and chronic wounds are major challenges for the healthcare system worldwide. The additional rapid development of antibacterial resistance and lack of successful treatment strategies increase the chance for infected chronic wounds to be fatal for the patient. Therefore, there is a need for more efficient dermal antimicrobial therapies. A class of promising ...
    • Molekylmodelleringsstudium av G-protein koblet østrogenreseptor (GPER) 

      Smith, Maria (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2017-05-15)
      G-protein koblet østrogenreseptor (GPER) har vist å ha en fysiologisk rolle i det reproduktive systemet, nervesystemet, endokrine systemet, immunsystemet og karsystemet. Den har også patofysiologisk rolle i flere forskjellige sykdommer inkludert kreft. G-protein koblet østrogenreseptor har blitt identifisert i nesten alle systemer i kroppen. Dermed er det en stor interesse for å få kjennskap til ...
    • The search of new negative allosteric GABAB receptor modulators using in silico and in vitro approaches 

      Hadi, Ali Muataz (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. GABA exerts its function on both ionotropic ligand-gated GABAA receptors and metabotropic GABAB G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Disruption in the GABAergic system has been associated with numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders in humans. These include developmental dysfunctions, epilepsy, sleep disorders, ...
    • Microfluidized liposomes for cellular uptake imaging: Optimization 

      Mork, Silje (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      Liposomes as drug delivery systems exhibit great potential to deliver active molecules to the targeted site depending on their various characteristics. However, these characteristics are dependent on the manufacturing procedures applied to prepare liposomes. Especially difficult is assurance of reproducible production in large volumes. Therefore an efficient up-scalable method for production of ...
    • Bruk av antibakterielle midler blant barn 0-3 år etter fødselssesong og fødselsår i Norge 2004-2017 

      Beckstrøm, Sanna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2019-05-14)
      Bakgrunn: Ettårig periodeprevalens for bruk av antibakterielle midler til barn i Norge er høyest før tre års alder. Forskriving av antibakterielle midler påvirkes av mange faktorer, og kartlegging av disse kan gi mulighet til å målrette intervensjoner for å redusere forskriving. Formål: De primære målene var å undersøke om fødselssesong predikerer alder ved første utlevering av antibakterielle midler, ...