Viser treff 123-142 av 162

    • Referral and treatment practices in Orthodontis: a questionnaire study to dentists and dental hygienists in Troms County 

      Mathisen, Linda Kristin Bøe; Eriksen, Christel Bruun (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06-08)
      Objective: The purpose of this study was to find out how screening and referring arrangements of patients with malocclusions was working between different dental professional groups in the public dental health services in Troms County. We also wanted to find out to what extent general dentists in Troms County were involved in interceptive orthodontic treatment. Material and Methods: The study ...
    • Relationship between dental age, skeletal maturity and chronological age in young orthodontic patients. 

      Lund, Erlend; Tonje, Tømmervold (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-16)
      Abstract Objectives: The aim of this study was to find out in what extend the dental age and skeletal maturity relate with the chronological age, in a sample of 50 subjects in the range 7 – 16 years old, from the Northern part of Norway Subjects and methods: The subjects were all patients who had received/were undergoing orthodontic treatment at the Public Dental Service Competence Centre of ...
    • Reliability of reproducing intercuspal position by hand articulation on dental casts without using an occlusal index 

      Kantola, Kristina Garfjell; Møller, Guro (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-27)
      The aim of this study was to examine the accuracy of reproducing maximal intercuspal position (IP) on dental casts without using a wax-index as compared with the IP determined by the wax index on the same models. The material consisted of dental casts, which were taken from 15-year old adolescents as part of oral examinations during the ”Fit Futures – part of The Tromsø Study”. All dental casts ...
    • Replacement of a single missing tooth in maxilla : factors to consider 

      Skogekker, Vegard Haug; Sørensen, Karoline; Hustad, Kyrre Aas; Skogen, Katrine Horn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-06-12)
      Background: In dentistry when replacing a single missing tooth in the maxilla, the choice of treatment is often between either a fixed partial denture (FPD) or a single dental implant. The challenge is to utilize relevant factors in treatment planning, achieving benefit for the patient. This article focuses on the factors that should be taken into consideration in decision-making. The investigation ...
    • Resin composite or ceramic inlays/onlays in posterior permanent teeth : a review of the literature 

      Breistrand, Joakim Lund; Juliussen, Øyvind (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-06)
      Objective: To compare the clinical survival and long-term costs of extensive composite restorations to ceramic inlays and onlays. The hypothesis was that ceramic inlays and onlays can be more tooth substance saving and long-term economic for the patient than composite restorations. Methods: The dental literature, predominantly since 1990, was reviewed for prospective clinical studies of longevity ...
    • Resistensutvikling og resistensgener relatert til bruk av klorheksidin og natriumhypokloritt i odontologisk praksis - En litteraturstudie fra 2000 til 2020 

      Løkaas, Karoline Ingeborg; Bie, Nikoline von Selchow; Paulsen, Fredrik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-18)
      Bakgrunn: Formålet med studien er å undersøke eksisterende resistens og risiko for videre resistensutvikling forbundet med bruk av klorheksidin og natriumhypokloritt. Dette i relasjon til bakterier i odontologisk praksis. Metode: Vi har laget en systematisk oversikt over forskning som omhandler mikrobiell resistens knyttet til desinfeksjonsmidler relevante i odontologisk praksis. På bakgrunn av ...
    • Retinerte permanente 1. og 2. molar. En litteraturstudie 

      Zdralovic, Faruk; Skogly, Bjarte Johan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-04-20)
      Målsetting: Målet med denne oppgaven var å sammenfatte prevalens, etiologi og behandling ved retensjon av 1. og 2. molar, og undersøke om det er en forskjell mellom klinisk erfaring blant pedodontister og kjeveortopeder ved Tannhelsetjenestens kompetansesenter i Nord-Norge (TkNN) og hva som finnes i litteraturen. Metode: Fagartiklene i oppgaven ble hentet fra PubMed og andre odontologiske ...
    • Risk factors for erosive tooth wear in a healthy lifestyle 

      Kynsveen, Birgit; Sæterstad, Maren Lunde (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-19)
      Dental erosive wear is of growing concern among clinicians, and it is of general belief that the prevalence of erosive wear among children, adolescents and young adults has increased. The aim of this study was to investigate risk factors for erosive tooth wear in a group of physically active people in a training centre in Tromsø, Norway. The hypothesis was that individuals with a pronounced healthy ...
    • Role of hormones in bone formation and resorption: A literature review [How hormones; adiponectin, angiotensin, cortisol, erythropoietin, insulin, parathyroid hormone, oxytocin, sex hormones, affect bone remodeling] 

      Tunheim, Eirin Grinde (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-01-05)
      The study aims to present the current research literature on hormones and its influence on bone remodeling and metabolism; an emphasis is given the disease of dry socket and bone related diseases such as periodontitis and osteoporosis. This thesis’ overview may be helpful by motivating the discovery of new approaches to address these diseases. There is plenty of available research about hormones ...
    • Samarbeidet mellom hjemmetjenesten og den offentlige tannhelsetjenesten i Troms 

      Bremer, Eirik Samuelsen; Berntsen, Hanna Aksnes; Pedersen, Inger-Ann (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-18)
      Bakgrunn: Personer som mottar hjemmesykepleie har ifølge Lov om tannhelsetjenesten rett til gratis tannbehandling fra den offentlige tannhelsetjenesten (DOT). Samtidig viser tall fra Statistisk sentralbyrå at på landsbasis er det under en fjerdedel som benytter seg av dette tilbudet. Man vet at levealderen har steget jevnt siden 1950-tallet og man forventer at den fremdeles kommer til å stige de ...
    • Selvopplevd oral helse hos eldre i Troms i alderen 67 til 79 år 

      Stormo, Johanne A.; Kristiansen, Kristina B.; Pettersen, Bente K. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-20)
      Mål med studien: Målet med oppgaven var å kartlegge den selvopplevde orale helsen hos et utvalg eldre i aldersgruppen 67 til 79 år i Troms fylke. Vi ville også undersøke hvordan den selvopplevde tannhelsen påvirkes av tannstatus, munntørrhet og selvopplevd generell helse. Material og metode: Oppgaven baserer seg på materiale innhentet fra prosjektet «Tromstannen – munnhelse i Troms fylkeskommune» ...
    • The sheep head model for educational purposes in periodontal and oral surgery for dental undergraduates. Systematic review and laboratory investigation 

      Pedersen, Lisbeth Christina; Richardsen, Stina Marie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-20)
      Animal teaching models for a variety of surgical procedures in dentistry have been developed more than 50 years ago. In this study a systematic review was conducted to identify animal cadaver models and teaching outcome in regards to teaching dental undergraduates periodontal and oral surgery. The systematic review created a basis, and an examination of the sheep maxilla for its suitability as a ...
    • The sights and sounds of dental treatment. Negative emotions and pain experience 

      Aarøen, Line; Bredesen, Ida (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-16)
      The dental treatment situation is full of sensory impressions for the patient. This can be the sound of drilling or scaling, sights of blood or needles or the sensation of pain. These sensory impressions might induce negative emotions for the patient. In this study we want to investigate the relationship between sensory impressions (sights and sounds), emotions, and pain experience. We also want ...
    • Snus intervention among dental personnel in Norway 

      Kverneng, Alexandra Hansson; Rustad, Julie Marie Børnich; Kvitvær, Katrine Nystad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-02-06)
      Objectives: The aim of our study was to investigate dentists' and dental hygienists' practices concerning snus cessation in the dental clinics, and to map if they have enough knowledge about snus. We also wanted to see if there are differences between dentists and dental hygienists in cessation activity and successfulness, and what methods are used for intervention. Methods: A questionnaire was ...
    • Snusbruk blant avgangselever ved videregående skoler i Tromsø 

      Jakobsen, Sandra Marie; Hansen, Katrine Gullhav; Johansen, Werner; Johansen, Lisa Søreide (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-16)
      Bakgrunn I perioden 1995-2005 økte markedsandelen for snus fra 5 % (286 tonn) til 11 % (587 tonn) av den totale tobakksomsetningen i Norge (1). I 2004 ble røyking på offentlig sted forbudt i Norge, og kan ha bidratt til økt bruk av snus. Produksjonen av snus har også forandret seg, og stadig flere produkter av typen porsjonssnus, med ulik størrelse, smak og innpakning har kommet på markedet, og ...
    • Soldaters munnhelse- og kostholdsvaner. En kvantitativ pilotundersøkelse basert på spørreskjemadata fra førstegangstjenesten. 

      Lillegård, Hanne Johansen; Engel, Tim Niklas; Strand, Sara Kristine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-04-28)
      Introduksjon Til tross for at de fleste sykdommer i munnen kan forebygges, er flere tilstander fortsatt vanlige og betraktes derfor som folkehelseutfordringer. Denne pilotstudien hadde til hensikt å kartlegge munnhelse- og kostholdsvaner til soldater i førstegangstjenesten, både i felt-, leirtjeneste og hjemmesituasjon. Videre ville vi undersøke hvilke vaner, og eventuelt hvilke av bakgrunnsfaktorene ...
    • Standardized and individualized vertical bitewing radiographs for a digital x-ray system 

      Pedersen, Camilla; Steffenakk, Siv; Henriksen, Sara Anette; Thon, Elizabeth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05-29)
      Intraoral radiographs are important tools for diagnosing, monitoring and evaluating the treatment of infrabony lesions. However, different beam angulations between exposures may give a wrong interpretation when evaluating them. A technique that is useful for monitoring bone loss and regeneration is the use of subtraction radiography. This technique is also very sensitive for changes in projection ...
    • Stress among dental students. A survey from Arkhangelsk, Russia. 

      Myrvold, Birgitte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-14)
      Et tverrsnitt studie som ble utført blant tannlegestudenter i Arkhangelsk, Russland. Hensikten med studiet var å se nærmere på graden av oppfattet stress blant tannlegestudentene. Det ble samlet inn personlige bakgrunnsdata av deltakerne i tilegg til at studentene skulle score intensiteten av stress som de hadde blitt utsatt for den siste måneden. Det ble brukt en "Dental Environment Stress Scale" ...
    • Tann- og munnstell hos eldre i institusjon 

      Andreassen, Therese; Rist, Ingeborg; Solstrand, Tina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-19)
      Many studies show that the daily oral hygiene habits and dental care of elderly patients in nursing homes, are not satisfactory and that this poses a risk for both oral and general health. A growing number of seniors have kept their own teeth, and will be a large group of patients for us to treat as future dentists. The aim of this study was to survey attitudes exist among dental and nursing staff ...
    • Tannbehandlingsangst blant den samiske befolkningen i Finnmark. En del av Tannhelse i Nord-prosjektet 

      Partapuoli, Ul-Juhan; Tellefsen, Ole Mahtte Eira (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-19)
      Abstract Introduction: There is a lack of knowledge regarding dental anxiety among indigenous people and therefore, it is important to learn more about this condition. Dental anxiety can be a challenge for both patients and clinicians. The aim was to investigate if there were any differences in dental anxiety between people of Sámi and Norwegian origin. Materials and methods: 2,493 individuals, ...