• Import demand elasticities for farmed salmon in the European Union and United States. 

      Lodhi, Mohsin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-29)
      This research has been conducted to investigate the demand structure of farmed salmon in EU and US markets between 2002 and 2014, and moreover to find the impact of the financial crisis on the demand for farmed salmon. The analysis includes 155 monthly observations from January 2002 to November 2014 in respect of the quantity and value of farmed fresh and frozen salmon exported from Norway, Chile ...
    • In which way can the Break-Even Requirement benefit European football? A theoretical study of the contest model 

      Uglebakken, Erik Hernæs (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-06-01)
      The background of the introduction of the Break-Even Requirement (BER) by UEFA is the huge funding from rich owners and the significant debt of many professional European clubs. With the BER, the clubs gradually being forced to live within their means. Meaning that clubs cannot use more money than they earn. The purpose of this thesis is to find an answer on the question. To investigate the effects ...
    • Incentives for international environmental co-operation : the flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol 

      Mikkelsen, Eirik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2000-08)
      In this thesis I have taken a broad view on international environmental co-operation; What are the incentives, obstacles and ways to enhance participation and compliance with international environmental agreements. I have also looked at a more specific issue; The implementation of the “flexible mechanisms” of the Kyoto Protocol, and particularly joint implementation projects between an investor ...
    • Innovation in Small-Sized High-Growth Firms. A study of Norwegian Gazelle Firms 

      Thorbjørnsen, Ragnhild Nilssen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-11-30)
      This thesis studies innovation within 280 small-sized high-growth firms in Norway, with a main focus on the relationship between firm size, customer knowledge and innovative activity. Innovation is a present and future need for Norway. A study of the innovative activity within the high-growth firms is done by applying a Probit and a Tobit Type I model for corner solutions. It is found that firm size ...
    • Kan karaktersnitt i matematiske fag brukes til å predikere antall søkere til IT-studier? 

      Bless, Martin Nilsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-06-22)
      Digitalisering blir en større del av hverdagen. Som følge av dette blir etterspørselen etter arbeidskraft innenfor informasjonsteknologi også større. For å tilby arbeidskraft er utdanning viktig. Oppgaven skal vise hvilken funksjon utdanning har i tilbud av arbeidskraft, ved å se på karaktersnitt og hvordan dette påvirker søkertall. Mer spesifikt skal oppgaven se på hvordan karaktersnitt i matematikk ...
    • Kjøpermakt og vannsengeffekt 

      Anderson, Fridtjof (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-05-15)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg hvordan en horisontal fusjon mellom forhandlere i urelaterte markeder kan styrke disse forhandlernes kjøpermakt i møtet med en dominant produsent. Dette kan føre til at prisene disse forhandlerne betaler for innsatsfaktorene reduseres. Videre blir det vist hvordan dette kan føre til at kjøpergruppens uavhengige konkurrenter sine innkjøpspriser settes opp. Dette fenomenet ...
    • Labor market programs in Norway. Do labor market programs improve the job prospects for individuals with reduced working ability? An evaluation. 

      Hauan, Espen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-26)
      An econometric framework, anchored in the literature, is used to evaluate the effect of Norwegian labor market programs. In Norway, the social benefits can roughly be divided into: unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, work assessment allowance (WAA) and disability pension. Receivers of WAA are individuals that has been declared with reduced working ability because of physical/mental/social ...
    • Lockdown Policies, Social Distancing Behaviour, and Literacy: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Literacy on the Spread of Covid-19 

      Islam, Nazma (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-05-30)
      The major concern of the world in the wake of COVID 19 is how to mitigate the severity of the infection with effective policies and making sure of the overall welfare of the society. Social distancing should be mandatory through strict government policies because unaware people do not internalize all its benefits. Individual’s awareness about social distancing behaviour is vital to reduce the spread ...
    • The Lunch effect. Can it result in biased grading at universities? 

      Birkelund, Johan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-12-01)
      Examining exam results from an oral exam at a Norwegian university, reveals that there may be supporting evidence for the existence of a lunch-effect. Results suggests that censors are making the “easy” choices right before lunch, as compared with right after. The results are both a support to Danziger et al. (2011a) and to the existing literature on biased grading in general.
    • Norges boligmarked : en makroøkonometrisk prisvurdering 

      Simensen, Erik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-18)
      "[I]f the reason that the price is high today is only because investors believe that the selling price will be high tomorrow – when “fundamental” factors do not seem to justify such a price – then a bubble exists." – Stiglitz (1990) Med utgangspunkt i bobledefinisjonen til Stiglitz setter denne oppgaven seg fore å vurdere boligprisnivået i Norge over perioden 1985:1 – 2009:4. Ved å estimere den ...
    • Norway the odd country. The fear of Dutch disease, a democratic problem. 

      Mbanmbaane, Joseph-Annaelle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-12-07)
      The impressive increase of Norwegian national wealth since the 1970s is mainly attributable to endowment in natural resource and the well-working of institutions. This work highlights how in addition of the traditional man-made capital, human capital, and natural capital, the Norwegian model, relies greatly on a particular type capital that is not explicitly enough mentioned in economics, namely the ...
    • Ny regioninndeling av Norge. En kvantitativ økonomisk analyse 

      Ballo, Solveig (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2007-06-01)
      Tema i denne avhandlingen er, i tilknytning til den pågående offentlige diskusjonen, alternative regioninndelinger av Norge. Regjeringen ser for seg flere mulige løsninger: Dagens fylker med kanskje små endringer og en mellommodell med middels antall regioner eller landsdelsregioner (St.mld. 14: 2006 - 2007). Fra en samfunnsøkonomisk synsvinkel er det en naturlig forlengelse av dette offentlige ...
    • Patentering og innovasjon 

      Brækkan, Eivind Hestvik (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-03)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg innovasjon og patentering. I oppgaven blir det tatt for seg ulike hensikter som ligger bak bruken av patenter som virkemiddel for innovasjon, og ulike årsaker til forskjeller i innovasjonsnivå og patenteringsaktivitet blant innovative aktører. Det blir fokusert på samfunnsøkonomiske effekter av patenter, med et særlig fokus på hvordan patenter kan sies å henge sammen med ...
    • "Påvirket "Science"-saken etterspørselen etter fersk laks i EU" 

      Wiesener, Anders (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2006-12-20)
      Oppgaven undersøker om ettervirkningene fra Science-saken reduserte errerspørselen etter fersk laks i EU. Analysen bygger på EUs importkvote fra Norge, Storbritannia, Færøyene, Chile og Canada, samt en medieindex som måler antall artikler publisert med negativ omtale vedrørende giftstoffer i laks i perioden etter Science-saken. For å estimere effekten fra den negative medieomtalen brukes en utvidet ...
    • Power of love? 

      Veretenikova, Marina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-06-02)
      The detraditionalization in Norway is more marketed than in many other European countries. Women have more freedom to choose how much they want to work, what they want to study, and generally more freedom to decide how they want to live their lives. With detraditionalization, women gained more bargaining power also within the household, giving them more freedom to negotiate the equal distribution ...
    • Price Determination in Coffee Market: The Impact of Supply and Demand Shifts 

      Ssenkaaba, John (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-30)
      Coffee market prices have been unstable over time. Determining the relative impact of supply and demand shift on price is a subject of discussion in this thesis. I use an index approach that was first introduced by Marsh (2003) to estimate the annual shifts in demand and supply for the periods from 2005 to 2017. This approach gives estimates to change in demand and supply of a given commodity which ...
    • Price structure in football clubs. A theoretical approach using two-sided market models 

      Jørgensen, Bjørn Harald (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-02-16)
      Football (also known as soccer) is by far the most popular sport in the world with several billion fans worldwide. In this thesis the focus will be on two different sides of a football club, spectators and advertisers (sponsors). These two sides have fundamentally different incentives why they want to associate with a football club; the spectators have emotional incentives, while the advertisers ...
    • Production Planning in Fisheries Under Uncertainty. Stochastic Optimization and Scenario Generation - A Case Study 

      Larsson, Marius Runningen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-31)
      Uncertainty in the value chain of fisheries exists and as a result, a production model taking uncertainty into account is important for such a business to be efficient. A way to better plan under uncertain conditions is through the use of stochastic programming. The literature for which this is applied to fisheries is limited. Constructing, testing, and evaluating such a model's applications for a ...
    • Regional verdiskaping : mangfold eller spesialisering? 

      Karlstad, Malin Anitadatter (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-11-30)
      Oppgaven drøfter klyngefenomenet med et fokus på eksternaliteter. Et skille presenteres mellom de geografisk betingede Jacobs urbaniserings eksternaliteter mellom sektorer, og Marshalls lokaliserings eksternaliteter internt for sektorer. Identifisering av de ulike typene klyngeeksternalitetert blir drøftet ved hjelp av teoretisk modellering og eksemplifiserer ved en empirisk tilnærming. Videre ...
    • The Relationship Between Education and Health in Russia. Does Younger School Enrollment Improve Health Outcomes in Adulthood? 

      Jensen, Marius Johan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-29)
      This thesis investigates the causal relationship between schooling and health outcomes in adulthood. It attempts to clarify if younger enrollment in the Russian primary school improved health later in life. Research on causal inferences in social processes and public services is important because it can give policy makers information on how to allocate resources more efficiently and more equitably. ...