Now showing items 41-60 of 275

    • Engineering geology of the Jettan rockslide, Kåfjorden 

      Berg, Jørgen Nicolai (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-15)
      The unstable rock slope (URS) Jettan is located at Nordnesfjellet in Kåfjorden municipality in Troms and Finnmark County, 800 m above the fjord. The rockslide has an estimated volume of 6 Mm3, and moving at a rate of up to 50 mm a-1. Jettan is considered a “high risk object” within the Norwegian unstable mountain framework. This is due to the potential displacement wave impact to housings, infrastructure ...
    • The relationship between shallow anomalies and gas-flaring on the flank of the Nordkapp Basin in the SE Barents Sea 

      Haldorsen, Joakim (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-18)
      This study investigates the north-east-subbasin of the Nordkapp Basin in the Barents Sea. Main focus has been on mapping shallow seismic anomalies from 3D data, their potential association with faulting and sub-surface structures, and further to compare the occurrence of seismic anomalies to possible gas-flares above the seabed from water column data. The stratigraphic intervals from Triassic to ...
    • Last Glacial Maximum – Holocene palaeoenvironment in Bessel Fjord and southwestern Dove Bugt, Northeast Greenland 

      Zoller, Kevin Michael (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-14)
      Marine studies reconstructing ice sheet conditions on the Northeast Greenland shelf and adjacent fjords since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) are sparse. As a result, the timing and origin of the deglaciation of the ice sheet over marine areas is not well constrained. This thesis aims to improve our understanding of the LGM, deglaciation, and Holocene ice dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) ...
    • Analyse av strukturer og bevegelsesdata i det ustabile fjellskredområdet Gámmanjunni 3, Kåfjord kommune, Troms og Finnmark fylke. Med vekt på kontrollerende faktorer, skråningsprosesser, bevegelsesdynamikk og skredmodeller. 

      Hansen, Anne-Marte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-15)
      Gámanjunni 3 er et av de ustabile fjellpartiene i Norge med høyest bevegelseshastighet. Hovedmålet med studiet er å sammenstille gamle og nye feltdata, bevegelsesdata og geofysiske data fra tidligere studier ved Gámanjunni 3 til en helhetlig geologisk modell i 3D, og undersøke hvilke interne og eksterne faktorer som kontrollerer fjellpartiet. I tillegg skal det fokuseres på bevegelsesdynamikk, ...
    • Stratigraphy, neo-tectonics and mass wasting of deep water drifts in the Fram Strait 

      Selsaas, Bjarte (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-15)
      The primary goal for this thesis was the reprocessing and interpretation of 2D seismic lines in the Fram Strait and West Svalbard Margin (WSM). Seismic data quality was significantly improved through the implementation of new processing steps that had previously not been applied, incl. e.g. burst removal and a more advanced type of migration. The reprocessed lines were acquired by CAGE over multiple ...
    • Ice-sheet Dynamics and Postglacial Sedimentary Processes of Coastal Søre Sunnmøre, Southwest Norway 

      Ossim, Steven Robert (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-15)
      Submarine glacial landforms have been identified and mapped in order to reconstruct ice sheet dynamics and to describe postglacial sedimentary processes of coastal Søre Sunnmøre in southwestern Norway which lies between 62 and 62.5⁰N. Landform identification has been accomplished through analysis of high-resolution multibeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetric data, backscatter data, LiDAR data, video ...
    • Fluid flow and faulting along the northern margin of the Loppa High 

      Binde, Cornelia Mentzoni (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-15)
      The Barents Sea is a large epicontinental sea and petroliferous basin, which is fairly unexplored compared to other regions of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). The structural configuration of the SW Barents Sea is characterized by a complex mosaic of structural highs, platforms and basins, reflecting the interplay between multiple tectonic phases. Late Cenozoic glacially induced subsidence and ...
    • Late Cenozoic erosion in the SW Barents Sea, and its influence on salt movement 

      Martinsen, Birgitta Saue (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      The late Cenozoic evolution of the southwestern Barents Sea shelf includes periods of uplift, erosion and glaciations. This part of the stratigraphy has been studied using 2D and 3D seismic data, with emphasis on the interplay between uplift, erosion and glaciations and salt movement. The study area comprises the Svalis, Samson and Norvarg domes and the Nordkapp Basin, where halokinesis has been a ...
    • Salt movements in three provinces in the southwestern Barents Sea: development, timing, and implications of regional structural differences 

      Thorsen, Truls (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      This study has investigated salt movements in the Nordkapp Basin, on the Loppa High (Svalis Dome) and on the Bjarmeland Platform (Samson- and Norvarg domes). The aim is to discuss how differences in salt growth potentially relates to the structural evolution of - and differences between - these three provinces. Evaluation of seismic 2D- and 3D data together with well correlation, allowed a regional ...
    • Kortejärvi Veiki moraine plateau - a key to the glacial history of northern Sweden 

      Lindqvist, Mimmi Adina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-03-30)
      In many parts of Scandinavia, the glacial history is more well established than in northern Sweden. The Veiki moraines in northeastern Sweden presumably store information about the Weichselian glaciations. The moraines were formed when stagnant ice was slowly melting under a thick debris cover, forming water filled sinkholes, that were left as elevated ice-walled lake plains when the ice finally ...
    • Geomorfologiske undersøkelser av skråningsavsetninger og -prosesser i Kåfjorddalen i Troms 

      Tresselt, Ragnhild Yanine Kjølseth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-12-13)
      Hovedformålet med denne oppgaven er å beskrive og tolke skredavsetninger og -prosesser i den sørvestre dalsiden i Kåfjorddalen i Troms. I tillegg blir det gjort en overordnet vurdering av hvordan sedimenttransporten kan ha vært gjennom holocen og hvordan skredaktiviteten forventes å bli som følge av klimaendringene. Fjorten skredvifter er beskrevet og tolket. Beskrivelsene og tolkningene av ...
    • Evolution of a rock slope failure at Skredkallen, Vannøya 

      Mikkelsen, Martin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-11-15)
      Rock slope failures are known major contributors to landscape evolution in alpine Norway, and also pose a threat to people and infrastructure in the present day. By examining the history of rock slope failures at active rockslide sites an understanding of recurrence intervals and triggering mechanisms can be achieved. The focus of this study is to form a complete picture of the evolution of an area ...
    • Geochemistry of rutile-bearing veins at Engebøfjellet, Naustdal, Norway. 

      Grane, Kristoffer (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-11-15)
      The Engebøfjellet eclogite, located in Naustdal, Norway, contain quartz veins with large rutile (TiO2) phenocrystals. Trace element composition of rutile deposited in veins and in the eclogite matrix was analysed with the use of LA-ICP-MS. The Nb content decrease with increasing V in the rutile, and contents of these elements vary depending on depositional environment. One quartz vein associated ...
    • Integrated Petrophysical and Seismic interpretation of Norne Field, Norway. 

      Khan, Adnan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-09-16)
      The aim of this thesis is to evaluate petrophysical properties and seismic interpretation of main reservoirs of Norne field in Mid Norwegian sea. Petrophysical evaluation helps in getting familiar with reservoir characterization using wireline logs data. The main concentration has been given to evaluate different reservoir properties i.e. porosity, shale volume, water saturation, hydrocarbon saturation, ...
    • Identifying the Controlling Factors on Variable Glacial Modification of Bedrock Dominated Areas in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard 

      van Boeckel, Mikis (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-07-05)
      This thesis aims to better understand the variability of glacial erosion along glacial troughs located in high latitude settings, through a case study of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. The research question of this thesis is to identify the controlling factors on variable glacial modification of the bedrock dominated areas in Kongsfjorden. Fieldwork was conducted to analyze bedrock structures and ...
    • Morfologisk og sedimentologisk studium av det moderne og hevede Storfjorddeltaet, Troms 

      Jensen, Lisbeth (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-07-05)
      Denne oppgaven består i å undersøke det aktive Storfjorddeltaet med hensyn på morfologi og sedimentologi. Den hevede delen av deltaet ble også undersøkt ved 3 snitt for å finne ut hvordan deltaet hadde progradert for omtrent 3000 år siden og frem til i dag. Kartlegging og flybilder ble brukt, i tillegg til siling av prøver og datering av materiale. Resultatet ble at deltaet er klassifisert som et ...
    • Source of CO2 in large Talc-Carbonate veins in serpentinites of the Zermatt-Saas Fee unit 

      Strømø, Tonje Katrin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-07-03)
      The Zermatt-Saas Fee zone represents an ophiolitic sequence within the Western Alps derived from the paleo ocean Liguro-Piemontaise. The melting of the Unterer Theodulgletcher glacier newly uncovered some Tc-Mgs and Atg-Dol veins within serpentinite host rock. Both the serpentinite and veins are fresh as they have been protected from weathering by the glacier, which makes this area ideal for ...
    • How is the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of foraminiferal tests influenced by methane seepage? 

      Bruvik, Kine Liland (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-06-05)
      The focus of this thesis is how methane seepage influences foraminifera l tests. Specifically, How how carbon and oxygen isotopes in planktic foraminifera tests are influenced by methane seepage. The study area is Vestnesa Ridge were four gravity cores were collected during a CAGE cruise in 2013. The cores were taken both from the southern side, where flares has have been recorded, and from the ...
    • Structural assessment and characterisation of the rock slope failure at Skredkallen, Vannøya. Structural analysis using field and desktop methods 

      Trønnes, Leif (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      The University of Tromsø has carried out multiple studies by master students on unstable rock slopes (URS) in Troms County, Northern Norway. This thesis differs from other studies in Troms as Skredkallen is located in Pre-Cambrian rocks as part of West Troms Basement Complex (WTBC). The rocks of the WTBC have been subjected to multiple phases of deformation, and the main structural features from ...
    • Structural assessment and characterization of the unstable rock slopes at Mellomfjellet, Nordreisa 

      Vik, Bernt Kristian Flekstad (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      The aim of this study has been to structurally assess and characterize the unstable rock slopes (URS) at Mellomfjellet using an interdisciplinary approach of structural geological analysis, geomorphological mapping, photogrammetry and remote sensing. The URS are located on the west-facing slopes of Mellomfjellet and display a dramatic geomorphology with deep ice filled fractures and clearly displaced ...