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  • Morphological analysis of mass-transport deposits in Cenozoic sediments at the Southern Vøring Margin 

    Pálóczy, Péter Béla (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-08-30)
    This thesis builds an evolutionary history of recent times for a region of the Southern Vøring margin west of the Vigrid Syncline, focusing mainly on the morphological traits of mass-transport complexes and selected internal structures. The scenario covers the last 0.8 million years, the three later periods of Naust time. Preliminary research was done on pertinent geological processes and features ...
  • Investigating limitations of RAMMS:Debrisflow as a slushflow simulation tool: Using numerical modelling as a tool to predict slushflow runouts 

    Hansen, Vilde Edvardsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-30)
    Slushflows are defined as rapid mass movement and occur when water-saturated snow (slush), rapidly moves downslope as a flowlike process. The high-water content of the flow results in high density and mobility flow that poses a significant danger to everything in its path. To predict how slushflows navigates the terrain, numerical modelling is a valuable tool. The output of the simulations would ...
  • Geomorphological study of unstable rock slope deformation on Stáluvárri, Kåfjorden, Troms 

    Nypan, Iver Magnarson (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
    Unstable rock slope failures are catastrophic hazards with a long history in Norway. A large portion of these have been detected within Troms County, with a high percentage of them the Lyngenfjorden fault zone. Stáluvárri, a mountain in Kåfjord commune, is such a slope with detected bodies undergoing slow displacement rates. Bedrock compositions on the slope has abundant mica schists, with a thrust ...
  • The origin and evolution of LCT pegmatites in Helgeland, northern Norway: stable isotope evidence from tourmaline (δ11B) and garnet (δ18O, ∆’17O) 

    Schickhoff, Amelie (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-06-07)
    The processes leading to formation of rare-element enriched granitic pegmatites are controversially debated amongst petrologists and economic geologists. Two contrasting genetic models discuss the necessity of a parental granitic pluton as the magma source versus an anatectic origin via partial melting of metasedimentary rocks. Geochemical tools such as the analysis of stable isotopic compositions ...
  • Fluid Flow and seafloor gas seepage studies of Tampen Spurr 

    Olayiwola, Isaiah Oluwamayowa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-16)
    The southern areas of the North Sea are shallow waters with a depth of roughly 50m, which includes the German section, Dutch section, Danish and the UK sector of the North Sea. The north of the North Sea is much deeper but generally less than 200m, except within the Norwegian Trough/Trench towards the northeast, the only region of deep waters. Significant oil and gas discoveries have been made within ...
  • Snowdrift Analysis using FlowCapt FC4 and LiDAR Data at Fv. 53 Tyin-Årdal 

    Ovesen, Mikael Jay Strand (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
    The wind is essential in distribution of snow and the degree of avalanche danger. There are a lot of uncertainties regarding quantification of wind-transported snow, which is of importance for local avalanche warning and Remote Avalanche Control Systems (RACS) - which is conducted by Skred AS along Fv. 53 (County Road 53) Tyin-Årdal. A snowdrift sensor, FlowCapt 4 (FC4), is installed along this ...
  • Characteristics and failure mechanisms of the Sieidi unstable rock slope 

    Kaltenrieder, Fabrice (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
    Seidi is an unstable rock slope at the western end of the Sørfjord in Tromsø municipality, Troms County, northern Norway. It displays clear signs of rock slope deformation: an offset at the crest, multiple scarps, talus and loose material and a bulging slope. The objective of this work is to interrogate the failure mechanics in order to determine the degree of control lithology and bedrock structure ...
  • Dating and analysis of the Hinlopen Megaslide, northern Svalbard 

    Hooton, Georga-Marie (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
    During a research cruise in the summer of 2022, a number of sediment cores were collected from the main headwall scar area of the Hinlopen Megaslide, northern Svalbard. In this study two of those sediment cores have undergone 14C AMS radiocarbon dating and a multi-proxy analysis to determine an accurate age for the slide deposits in this location. The results have been calibrated using the ...
  • Marine- and Lacustrine Deposition of Eskers 

    Hinrichsen, Teitur (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-16)
    The future stability of modern marine-terminating ice sheets is of great concern as an increased rate of retreat might mark the onset of their collapse. An increased rate of retreat is accompanied by an increase in meltwater and sediment discharge at the ice margin which has prompted research to focus on the drainage system of marine-terminating ice sheets. Recent discoveries of eskers at water-terminating ...
  • A sedimentary insight into the coastal and environmental evolution of Hollendarbukta, Isfjorden: Early Holocene to present 

    Simmons, Luke (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-13)
    Dramatic physical and biological shifts are occurring in the Arctic in response to rising surface air temperatures. Sedimentary coastal environments are particularly sensitive to these changes as they form at the interface between the terrestrial and shallow marine realm. The need to investigate sedimentary archives from coastal environments is crucial, to understand how they have responded during ...
  • Newly found evidence of the Late Devonian extinction by microtektites in black shales: Sellersburg, Indiana, USA 

    Nedelchev, Emiliyan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-16)
    Our planet has experienced at least five major mass extinction events, which have occasionally brought the flora and fauna to almost complete collapse , yet they have been pivotal in the evolution of life as we know it. This thesis explores potential causes of mass extinctions, focusing particularly on the Late Devonian mass extinction event, which is the least understood of the major five. Over the ...
  • Morphology and structural, stratigraphic setting of volcanic deposits at Skoll High on the Vøring Plateau 

    Andersen, Rasmus (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
    The voluminous igneous complexes that are present in the sedimentary basins of the volcanic rifted Vøring Margin have recently gained attention due to their promising potential for carbon sequestration. Although there have been major improvements in the field of intra- and subbasalt imaging and subbasalt sequences over the past decade, the emplacement mechanism, stratigraphical setting, structural ...
  • Molecules and Morphotypes – Exploring benthic foraminiferal biodiversity in seep-influenced habitats 

    Holm, Villads Dyrved (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
    Beneath the seafloor, methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is trapped in ice-like structures, prone to destabilization and gas release in a warming climate. Gas releases through the seabed concentrated in seeps, creating unique ecosystems, hostile to some lifeforms but able to sustain others. Foraminifera have proved useful in biodiversity and ecosystem quality assessment due to their ubiquity in ...
  • Sedimentological and geochemical investigations of hydrothermally impacted sediments at the Aurora vent field, Fram Strait 

    Bjørnå, Eivind Urbye (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
    Hydrothermal vents are the result of the interaction between seawater and magma and occur at regular intervals along mid ocean ridges. The first visual confirmation of plumes was done in 1977. The detection of hydrothermal plumes has both provided indirect evidence for their existence and a resolution of the occurrences . In deep ocean with low sedimentation rates, hydrothermal plumites have the ...
  • The Roles of Light Absorbing Particles in the Norwegian Arctic Snow 

    Olanrewaju, Olasubomi Quadri (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-08)
    Light absorbing particles (LAPs) such as black carbon (BC) and dust can reduce snow albedo and have a positive radiative forcing. Previous studies investigating LAP in snow in Tromsø focused on black carbon (BC) also called elemental carbon because it has human sources, but dust should also be considered because, while largely from natural sources, it is present in higher concentrations. To quantify ...
  • Origin and Economic Potential of Lithium-mineralized Granitic Pegmatites in Helgeland, North Norway 

    Lomotey, Reginald Mensah (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-08-04)
    A comprehensive set of analytical techniques, encompassing geological, petrographic, mineralogical, and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic compositions, was employed to investigate a relatively poorly known pegmatite field located in Helgeland, North Norway. The Paleoproterozoic basement gneisses in the area have U-Pb zircon crystallization ages between 1870 ± 12 and 1811 ± 6 Ma, meaning that they belong to ...
  • Palaeoceanographic and climate changes during the Holocene in Hinlopen Strait, northern Svalbard 

    Hosseini, Mehdi (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-20)
    This study investigates the paleoceanographic changes in the Hinlopen Strait, situated between Spitsbergen and Nordaustlandet, through a multi-proxy analysis of sediment core HH15-1280-GC (439 m water depth). Located near the Polar Front, this region is highly sensitive to even minor alterations in the ocean circulation and climate, which can be reconstructed from marine sediment records. The core ...
  • Multiproxy reconstruction of past methane emissions at Storfjordrenna Pingos site (South of Svalbard) during the last deglaciation 

    Paavilainen, Anne (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
    The main ambition of this thesis was to study the relationship between isotopic signature of fossil foraminifera and past methane emission at Storfjordrenna Pingos site (South of Svalbard) during the last deglaciation in context of past climatic changes. Two gravity cores, the core 1070 from the flank of the presently inactive gas hydrate pingo 5 (GHP5) and the core 1069 from the top of the ...
  • An investigation into the causal factors of the Kråknes landslide 

    Sandnes, Torgrim (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-15)
    On the 3rd of June 2020, a landslide measuring 600 meters long and 160 meters wide initiated along the shoreline at Kråknes, in Alta municipality in Troms and Finnmark County. The landslide was comprised of a series of smaller slides, which destroyed eight houses and a caravan in the process. Fortunately, no human lives were lost in the event. Due to the widespread presence of sensitive clays along ...
  • Climate and sea-ice development between 890 and 1660 CE in SW Greenland revealed by marine diatom studies 

    Enguídanos, Eira Triguero (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-11-24)
    This thesis presents the results of august Sea Surface Temperature reconstructions from marine diatom assemblages in samples from core Ga3-2 retrieved from Narsaq Sound, inside the Ikersuad fjord, South Greenland. The diatom samples provide a high-resolution (~30-year) reconstruction dating between 890 and 1660 CE (common era). The results show variable conditions with warm periods between 960 and ...

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