Now showing items 101-120 of 778

    • Family Caregivers’ Trajectories of Distress While Caring for a Person With Serious Mental Illness 

      Kalhovde, Anne Martha; Kitzmüller, Gabriele (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-31)
      Serious mental illness (SMI) can significantly impact the lives of individuals and their families. These families often experience great emotional distress over time due to the early onset of SMI, which in turn leads to long-term trajectories and only partial recovery. However, we do not fully understand the emotional distress of family caregivers. Thus, our aim was to enrich the understanding ...
    • Mammographic features and risk of breast cancer death among women with invasive screen-detected cancer in BreastScreen Norway 1996–2020 

      Moshina, Nataliia; Backmann, Heinrich August; Skaane, Per; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-08)
      Objectives We explored associations between mammographic features and risk of breast cancer death among women with small (<15 mm) and large (≥15 mm) invasive screen-detected breast cancer.<p> <p>Methods We included data from 17,614 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer as a result of participation in BreastScreen Norway, 1996–2020. Data on mammographic features (mass, spiculated mass, ...
    • Association of C-reactive protein with future development of diabetes: A population-based 7-year cohort study among Norwegian adults aged 30 and older in the Tromsø Study 2007-2016 

      Tong, Kit I; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter; Cook, Sarah (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-29)
      Objectives The extent to which observed associations between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and incident diabetes are explained by obesity and hypertension remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the association of hs-CRP with developing diabetes in a Norwegian general population sample.<p> <p>Design A cohort study using two population-based surveys of the Tromsø Study: ...
    • Personalized Breast Cancer Screening: A Risk Prediction Model Based on Women Attending BreastScreen Norway 

      Louro, Javier; Román, Marta; Moshina, Nataliia; Olstad, Camilla F.; Larsen, Marthe; Sagstad, Silje; Castells, Xavier; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-12)
      Background: We aimed to develop and validate a model predicting breast cancer risk for women targeted by breast cancer screening. Method: This retrospective cohort study included 57,411 women screened at least once in BreastScreen Norway during the period from 2007 to 2019. The prediction model included information about age, mammographic density, family history of breast cancer, body mass index, ...
    • Designing digital systems for rehabilitation practices 

      Ellingsen, Gunnar; Arntzen, Cathrine; Forslund, Lina; Nikolaisen, Morten; Eliassen, Marianne; Gramstad, Astrid; Manskow, Unn Sollid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-22)
      The trajectories of patients in need of long-term rehabilitation services are extremely complex. Therefore, strengthening the rehabilitation field requires increasing organizational resilience to ensure robust processes and efficient collaboration and communication. In this study, we explored how digital systems can promote organizational resilience in rehabilitation practices. Methodologically, ...
    • Older high-cost patients in Norwegian somatic hospitals: A register-based study of patient characteristics 

      Lønhaug-Næss, Morten; Jakobsen, Monika Dybdahl; Blix, Bodil Hansen; Bergmo, Trine Strand; Hoben, Matthias; Moholt, Jill-Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-04)
      Objective Two-thirds of the economic resources in Norwegian hospitals are used on 10% of the patients. Most of these high-cost patients are older adults, which experience more unplanned hospital admissions, longer hospital stays and higher readmission rates than other patients. This study aims to examine the individual and clinical characteristics of older patients with unplanned admissions ...
    • Emplacing reablement -Co-creating an outdoor recreation model in the rural Arctic 

      Eliassen, Marianne; Sørensen, Bodil Anita; Hartviksen, Trude Anita; Holm, Solrun; Zingmark, Magnus (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-26)
      Reablement aims to enable older persons with functional decline to re-engage in meaningful activities. The benefits of engagement in outdoor activities are significant; however, reablement services primarily target function in indoor environments whereas descriptions of outdoor activities are sparse. The aim of this study was to create a model that integrates outdoor recreation into reablement. ...
    • Early screening outcomes before, during, and after a randomized controlled trial with digital breast tomosynthesis 

      Holen, åsne Sørlien; Bergan, Marie Burns; Lee, Christoph I.; Zackrisson, Sophia; Moshina, Nataliia; Aase, Hildegunn Siv; Haldorsen, Ingfrid S.; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-01)
      Purpose: To describe and compare early screening outcomes before, during and after a randomized controlled trial with digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) including synthetic 2D mammography versus standard digital mammography (DM) (To-Be 1) and a follow-up cohort study using DBT (To-Be 2). <p><p>Methods: Retrospective results of 125,020 screening examinations from four consecutive screening rounds ...
    • Norwegian radiologists’ expectations of artificial intelligence in mammographic screening – A cross-sectional survey 

      Martiniussen, Marit Almenning; Larsen, Marthe; Larsen, Anne Sofie Frøyshov; Hovda, Tone; Koch, Henrik Wethe; Bjørnerud, Atle; Hofvind, Solveig Sand-Hanssen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-08-23)
      Purpose: To explore Norwegian breast radiologists’ expectations of adding artificial intelligence (AI) in the interpretation procedure of screening mammograms.<p> <p>Methods: All breast radiologists involved in interpretation of screening mammograms in BreastScreen Norway during 2021 and 2022 (n = 98) were invited to take part in this anonymous cross-sectional survey about use of AI in mammographic ...
    • Torture survivors’ experiences of receiving surgical treatment indicating retraumatization 

      Schippert, Ana Carla Soares Portugal; Dahl-Michelsen, Tone; Grov, Ellen Karine; Sparboe-Nilsen, Bente; Silvola, Juha Tapio; Bjørnnes, Ann Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-17)
      Due to the invasive nature of surgical procedures and the involvement of medical personnel, torture survivors may experience re-traumatization during surgical treatment. This study aimed to explore torture survivors’ experiences of re-traumatization during surgical treatment as well as the process by which trauma-related emotions and responses are evoked during surgical treatment for torture ...
    • Motor control and skill acquisition in pediatric physical therapy: an enactive proposal 

      Sørvoll, Marit; Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Girolami, Gay L (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-13)
      Theories of motor control and skill acquisition strongly influence and guide various fields of clinical practice. In last decades, changes in theoretical frameworks related to the conceptualization of brain plasticity, functional structures within the child, and environment have led to a revision of therapy approaches progressing from therapist-driven to child-initiated approaches. Even though ...
    • Samskapende velferdsinnovasjon – Ny kompetanse på vei mot «fellesskapskommunen»? 

      Bjørnerud, Anne Merete; Kobro, Lars Ueland (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2021)
      Alle kommuner er «fellesskapskommuner». Det har vært selve ideen med kommuner som institusjon helt fra fenomenet oppsto i 1830-årene og fram til vår tid. Hvorfor da en slik undertittel på rapportens førsteside? Det er fordi det i flere år har vært rettet et spesielt fokus på at velferdstjenester må utvikles mer med brukere i sentrum, som aktive partere i ulike praksisformer på ulike felt. Den nye ...
    • Research Assessments 

      Andreassen, Hege Kristin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      How should research be assessed? This is a core question in all institutions supporting research activities. To legitimise their existence, their autonomy, and their power, higher education institutions need tools for assessment that can verify their position as society’s guardians of truth and critical thinking. In addition to regular evaluation of performance on an institutional level, usually ...
    • Kunnskap og vilje, men uten myndighet? : sykepleieres erfaringer med samhandling om legemiddelgjennomgang hos hjemmeboende eldre 

      Devik, Siri Andreassen; Alteren, Johanne; Olsen, Rose Mari (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-07-06)
      Fokusgruppeintervjuene i denne studien viste at hjemmesykepleiere erfarer å ha kunnskap og vilje, men liten myndighet i tverrfaglig legemiddelgjennomgang for hjemmeboende eldre. Data ble analysert ved hjelp av kvalitativ innholdsanalyse og resulterte i to hovedkategorier med tilhørende underkategorier: Aktørenes ansvar og oppgaver (sykepleieren, legen, farmasøyten) og Organisasjonens betydning for ...
    • Å skape handlingsrom for pasientsikkerhet i sykehjem. Sykepleieres erfaringer med å delta i simulering in situ på sykehjem 

      Lindgren, Sari Johanna; Høgbakk, Mona Lahm; Evju, Anne Svelstad; Wiklund Gustin, Lena (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-01-08)
      Some patients in nursing homes require extra attention to enable staff to detect and manage deterioration at an early stage. Nursing skills are vital to make systematic observations and assessments of a patient’s condition. It is challenging for nurses in nursing homes to make professional decisions without being able to consult other nurses. To improve the quality and safety of health care for ...
    • Utøvelse av kunnskapsbasert praksis i sykehjem 

      Pedersen, Karin Ravn; Tingvoll, Wivi-Ann (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-01-08)
      Evidence-based practice (EBP) is one of the core skills in nursing, and it has received increased attention in official documentation and parliamentary announcements. The objective of this chapter is to develop knowledge about how EBP can be employed in nursing homes. The chapter is based on the experiences of nursing students during their project work on health promotion and prevention in a nursing ...
    • Kulturell trygghet for den samiske pasienten i møter med helsevesenet 

      Nymo, Randi Inger Johanne (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-01-08)
      This chapter focuses on how nurses should act towards Sámi patients in order to promote cultural safety in meetings with the healthcare system. The method applied is a secondary analysis of interviews of 12 persons, as well as participatory observations. The findings show that there still are barriers between health personnel and Sámi patients due to the historic legacy and lack of knowledge. The ...
    • Snubletråder og suksessfaktorer. En analyse av jobbspesialisters erfaringer med Utvidet oppfølging 

      Arntzen, Cathrine; Schönfelder, Walter; Munkejord, Mai Camilla (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Mange unge voksne erfarer utenforskap ved at de ikke er i jobb eller utdanning. Arbeid har stor betydning for medborgerskap, sosial deltakelse, tilhørighet, verdighet og identitet. I NAV satses det i økende grad på å ta i bruk ordinære arbeidsplasser som opplæringsarena for å få personer med større bistandsbehov ut i ordinært arbeid. Tiltaket Utvidet oppfølging innebærer å ansette jobbspesialister ...
    • En analyse av arbeidssøkeres erfaringer med å få oppfølging: "Jobbspesialisten ble min redning" 

      Munkejord, Mai Camilla; Arntzen, Cathrine (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Når vi er opptatt av å utvikle kvaliteten i oppfølgingstjenestene i NAV er det viktig å lytte til arbeidssøkerne for å høre hva de har å si om den oppfølgingen de får. I dette kapittelet vil vi analysere dybdeintervjuer med 16 arbeidssøkere, 8 kvinner og 8 menn i alderen 20-35 år. Disse hadde, på intervjutidspunktet, fått oppfølging fra en jobbspesialist mellom 4 og 16 måneder. Hele 12 av de 16 ...
    • Crisis Management in Norwegian Nursing Homes During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Pragmatism and Performativity 

      Krane, Martin Sollund; Arntzen, Cathrine; Tingvold, Laila; Moholt, Jill-Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-22)
      Background: The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 imposed a severe crisis on nursing homes in Norway. Despite criticism in evaluations pointing to inadequate preparedness, nursing homes managed to keep infection and mortality rates low. Enhanced knowledge of crisis management in the aftermath of a crisis is important for preparedness and future crisis management and can contribute to ...