Viser treff 193-212 av 813

    • Effects of Cognitive-behavioral and Psychodynamic-interpersonal Treatments for Eating Disorders: A Meta-analytic Inquiry Into the Role of Patient Characteristics, and Change in Eating Disorder-specific and General Psychopathology in Remission. 

      Solvang, Birgitte; Moberg, Leif Tore Ledaal (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-03)
      Background: Knowledge about the outcomes of different psychotherapeutic approaches for eating disorders in terms of remission is limited. Also, knowledge is limited about how therapies and patient characteristics interact to affect outcomes, and by which therapeutic processes. Method: Reports on the psychotherapeutic treatment of eating disorders by CBT and PIT were searched. Rates of remission and ...
    • Effects of dichotic listening on gait domains of healthy older adults during dual-tasking: An exploratory observational study 

      Castro-Chavira, Susana Angelica; Gorecka, Marta Maria; Vasylenko, Olena; Rodriguez-Aranda, Claudia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-28)
      <i>Background</i> - Identification of the cognitive mechanisms behind gait changes in aging is a prime endeavor in gerontology and geriatrics. For this reason, we have implemented a new dual-task paradigm where an auditory attentional task is performed during over-ground walking. Dichotic listening assesses spontaneous attention and voluntary attention directed to right and left-ear. The uniqueness ...
    • The effects of experiencing stereotype threat and internal attribution of failure among women’s intentions to drop out from university 

      Kofoed Eriksen, Tina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-05-10)
      The aim of the present study was to investigate why women drop out from university, with specific focus on female students from science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We developed three hypotheses based on stereotype threat theory (Steele & Aronson, 1995) and attribution theory (Heider, 1958). The hypotheses were as following: H1) The experience of stereotype threat is related to ...
    • Effects of Experimentally Induced Pain on Value-Based Decision-Making in Healthy Adults 

      Klakegg, Ina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Every day we make decisions that influence our well-being. Because of this, it is crucial that we make the most optimal decisions possible in order to minimize unnecessary loss or suffering. Some groups might be more vulnerable to making maladaptive choices, such as those suffering with chronic pain, which is associated with various cognitive impairments. As it currently stands there is not a clear ...
    • Effects of gonadectomy and dihydrotestosterone on neuronal plasticity in motivation and reward related brain regions in the male rat 

      Huijgens, Patty Thalia; Snoeren, Eelke; Meisel, Robert; Mermelstein, Paul (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-06)
      Gonadal hormones affect neuronal morphology to ultimately regulate behaviour. In female rats, oestradiol mediates spine plasticity in hypothalamic and limbic brain structures, contributing to long‐lasting effects on motivated behaviour. Parallel effects of androgens in male rats have not been extensively studied. Here, we investigated the effect of both castration and androgen replacement on spine ...
    • Effects of instagram sports posts on the athletic motivation of female elite athletes: Do they inspire or backfire? 

      Weber, Silvana; Olsen, Marte; Martiny, Sarah E. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2021-10-08)
      The social networking site Instagram provides users with an abundance of photos and information in many domains including sports. The posts are often intended to inspire and motivate users. We argue that the display of success and failure of professional athletes may influence elite athletes’ own sports ambitions. Research has shown that exposure to positive ingroup stereotypes and exposure to ...
    • The effects of perceived dominance in persuasion 

      Stefansson, Jon Karl (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05)
      An experimental investigation of the relationship between communicator dominance and persuasion is reported. In the study, persuasion was examined as a function of experimental treatments that differed only in the perceived dominance of stimulus embedded within a text. Perceived dominance of the stimulus is operationally defined as the degree to which the stimulus makes the recipient feel ...
    • Effects of perinatal fluoxetine exposure on novelty-induced social and non-social investigation behaviors in a seminatural environment 

      Sylte, Ole Christian; Johansen, Jesper Solheim; Heinla, Indrek; Houwing, Danielle; Olivier, Jocelien D.A.; Heijkoop, Roy; Snoeren, Eelke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-23)
      Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are increasingly prescribed as medication for various afective disorders during pregnancy. SSRIs cross the placenta and afect serotonergic neurotransmission in the fetus, but the neurobehavioral consequences for the ofspring remain largely unclear. Recent rodent research has linked perinatal SSRI exposure to alterations in both social and non-social ...
    • The Effects of Perinatal Fluoxetine Exposure on Social and Non-Social Investigation Behaviors in a Novel Environment 

      Johansen, Jesper Solheim; Sylte, Ole Christian (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-07-31)
      Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are increasingly prescribed as medication for various affective disorders during pregnancy. SSRIs cross the placenta and affect serotonergic neurotransmission in the fetus, but the neurobehavioral consequences for the offspring remain largely unclear. Recent research has linked perinatal SSRI exposure to alterations in both social and non-social ...
    • Effects of self-instructed stimulus-affect plans on indirectly measured and self-reported evaluative responses 

      Martiny-Huenger, Torsten; Roth, Jenny (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-06)
      Repeatedly experiencing a specific stimulus-affect contingency influences subsequent evaluative responses towards the respective stimulus (e.g., evaluative conditioning). In the present research, we provide further evidence that verbally processed stimulus-affect contingencies in the form of if-then plans have comparable evaluative consequences. We present three studies (N = 323) in which participants ...
    • Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation for treating depression: A modeling study 

      Csifcsak, Gabor; Boayue, Nya Mehnwolo; Puonti, Oula; Thielscher, Axel; Mittner, Matthias (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-02-28)
      <p><i>Background</i>: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) above the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (lDLPFC) has been widely used to improve symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD). However, the effects of different stimulation protocols in the entire frontal lobe have not been investigated in a large sample including patient data.</p> <p><i>Methods</i>: We used 38 head ...
    • Effects of verbal tasks with varying difficulty on real-time respiratory airflow during speech generation in healthy young adults 

      Gullsvåg, Malin; Rodríguez-Aranda, Claudia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-15)
      Objective: Respiratory function is linked to sensory, affective, and cognitive processes and it is affected by environmental constraints such as cognitive demands. It is suggested that specific cognitive processes, such as working memory or executive functioning, may impact breathing. In turn, various lines of research have suggested a link between peak expiratory airflow (PEF) and cognitive function. ...
    • The Effects of Virtual Reality on Procedural Pain and Anxiety in Pediatrics 

      Nordgård, Rikke (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-12-15)
      Distraction and procedural preparation techniques are frequently used to manage pain and anxiety in children undergoing medical procedures. An increasing number of studies have indicated that Virtual Reality (VR) can be used to deliver these interventions, but treatment effects vary greatly. The present study is a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that have used VR to reduce procedural ...
    • The effects of virutal reality on procedural pain and anxiety in pediatrics: A systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Nordgård, Rikke Kathrine; Låg, Torstein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-15)
      Distraction and procedural preparation techniques are frequently used to manage pain and anxiety in children undergoing medical procedures. An increasing number of studies have indicated that Virtual Reality (VR) can be used to deliver these interventions, but treatment effects vary greatly. The present study is a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that have used VR to reduce procedural ...
    • Effekt av internettbasert kognitiv åtferdsterapi (ICBT) for vaksne pasientar med depresjon og angstlidingar i ordinær helseteneste: ein systematisk gjennomgang 

      Berntzen, Maiken Lied; Hovland, Hanne Sørebø (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-02)
      I forskingssetting tyder det på at internettbasert kognitiv åtferdsterapi (ICBT) er ei effektiv behandling for vaksne med depresjon og/eller angstlidingar. Korleis ei slik behandling vil overførast til ordinær helseteneste veit ein derimot mindre om. Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke ICBT sin effekt innanfor ordinært helsetenestetilbod. Ein systematisk gjennomgang av studiar som nytta ICBT ...
    • Effekt av traumefokusert behandling av psykose 

      Fjellbekkmo, Elisabeth Johansen; Vikøren, Sofie Nilssen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-01)
      Forskningslitteraturen viser til en dokumentert relasjon mellom traumer og psykose, der forekomsten av traumer er funnet signifikant høyere hos personer med psykose. Til tross for evidensbasert traumebehandling, så er det fortsatt en tendens til at pasientgruppen likevel ikke får denne behandlingsformen. Formålet med litteraturgjennomgangen var å undersøke effekt av evidensbasert traumebehandling ...
    • Effekten av kognitiv og dynamisk depresjonsbehandling; Meta-analyser med fokus på temporale aspekter. 

      Johnsen, Tom Johan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-03-27)
      Denne artikkelen presenterer meta-analyser med fokus på den tidsmessige utviklingen av kognitiv atferds (KAT) og dynamisk terapi mot depresjon. Ved å bruke BDI som utfallsmål og årstall for studie som prediktor, ble meta-regresjonsanalyser utført på grunnlag av effektstørrelser (hedges g) pre/post intervensjon for 98 studier (totalt 2831 pasienter) utført mellom 1977 og 2012. Det ble også utført ...
    • Effekten og virksomme mekanismer i 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-assistert psykoterapi for langvarig posttraumatisk stresslidelse (PTSD). En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang 

      Winther, Rune Aleksander (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-04)
      Psykoterapier for posttraumatisk stresslidelse (PTSD) som benyttes i primærhelsetjenesten, har høye frafallsrater og gir ikke adekvat behandlingseffekt for opptil halvparten av pasientene i klinisk setting. Farmakoterapi blir anvendt sammen med eller uten psykoterapi i behandling av PTSD, men fører ofte ikke til en tilfredsstillende bedring og kan føre til problematiske bivirkninger. Formålet med ...
    • Effekter på omsorgskvalitet for personer med demens ved bruk av personsentrert omsorg. 

      Moseng, Henriette (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-08-01)
      Norge kan i løpet av kort tid forvente en eldrebølge. Dette skaper utfordringer for eldreomsorgen, og det blir et område ved helse- og omsorgstjenester det bør settes fokus på. Demens er den hyppigste årsaken til at eldre innlegges i sykehjem. Sammen med behovet for demensomsorg vokser det frem ulike tilnærminger til hva denne omsorgen skal bestå i. En av disse er personsentrert omsorg. Ved ...
    • "Eksistensiell omsorg" i bachelorutdanningen i sykepleie - En dokumentanalyse 

      Tornøe, Kirsten; Hillestad, Adelheid Hummelvoll; Breistig, Sigrund; Rosenvinge, Jan H; Pettersen, Gunn; Sørlie, Venke; Hegertun, Rigmor; Eriksen, Liss Trine; Bakland, Maria; Prause, Daniel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-22)
      Bakgrunn: Sykepleiere møter pasienter der kunnskaper og ferdigheter innen eksistensiell omsorg kan utgjøre en stor forskjell i hvordan pasientene håndterer eksistensielle utfordringer. Både helse- og utdanningsmyndigheter har klare forventninger om at sykepleiere har den nødvendige kompetansen til å ivareta pasientenes eksistensielle behov. En viktig forutsetning er da at undervisningstilbudet ved ...