Viser treff 41-60 av 273

    • Global Indigeneity on the Move. The World Drum - Afterlives, Drift Matter, and Object Agency 

      Kraft, Siv Ellen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      In October 2006 a drum embarked on what is possibly the most extensive journey of any drum at any time. The journey’s ambitions were similarly grand: to serve as a wakeup call to the needs of Mother Earth by linking people, things, and places. What follows is my take on this project in the context of the reclaiming of drums in Sápmi and globalizing discourses on Indigenous religion(s), as well ...
    • Extracted Frontiers: A Call from the North 

      Venovcevs, Anatolijs (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      From microchips to smartphones to electric cars, humanity’s dreams of techno-salvation are built on the crude materiality of extracted metals and minerals. This extraction conveniently avoids large population centres in affluent Western democracies and instead clusters around the world’s social peripheries. This slam poem, first presented as a spoken performance at the 8th Winter School of the ...
    • Forskning på de historiske trolldomsprosessene. Hva forteller rettsarkivene? 

      Hagen, Rune Blix (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2023)
    • Krigsmotstand og uavhengig journalistikk: Russiske journalister i eksil 

      Myklebost, Kari Aga (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-29)
      Et av de tydeligste uttrykkene for krigsmotstand i det russiske samfunnet finner vi hos russiske journalistmiljø i eksil. En akutt hardere sensurpolitikk og represjoner fra myndighetene etter 24. februar 2022 har provosert fram en bølge av emigrasjon og aktivisme blant russiske journalister. Denne artikkelen drøfter konsekvensene av den fullskala invasjonen av Ukraina og intensivert russisk statlig ...
    • Graves of the ‘Other’: Norway and the commemoration of soviet prisoners of war 

      Soleim, Marianne Neerland (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-10)
      The memory of other nationalities and their wartime suffering on Norwegian soil are mainly part of a local narrative. While the subject of Soviet prisoners of war is common knowledge in local historical studies, both oral and written, there is virtually no space for a living memory about the Soviet POWs on a national level. Despite forming the largest group of casualties on Norwegian soil during the ...
    • Augustine and Heidegger on Verticality and Everydayness 

      Dahl, Espen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-27)
      The first part of the article examines how Augustine’s notion of the everyday is mediated by his mystical ascensions, which give him the sense of height against which everydayness appears as oriented downward or fallen. These are the coordinates that make up the fundamental verticality of Augustine’s view. Heidegger’s understanding of everydayness was influenced by Augustine, particularly its ...
    • The Tyranny of the Models 2.0 

      Niemi, Einar a; Tjelmeland, Hallvard (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-03)
      Ein av dei store metodedebattane i førre hundreåret gjekk mellom historikaren Jens Arup Seip og statsvitaren Stein Rokkan. Kjernen i motsetninga låg i tittelen på Seips åtak på Rokkan på det nordiske historikarmøtet i 1974, «Modellenes tyranni». Rokkan svarte med artikkelen «Detaljenes tyranni».1 Seip trefte ikkje heilt med sin kritikk, for Rokkans modellar var ikkje lausrive frå den historiske ...
    • Preface to Vicki A. Hild's Henry Sinclair Casebook 

      Grohse, Ian Peter (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019)
    • Islam i Tromsø: en nordnorsk religion 

      Bratsvedal, Ine Rolseth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-20)
      Hva er islams historie i Tromsø? Hvordan har muslimer i Tromsø tilpasset livet i nord til islam, og islam til livet i nord? Hvordan har islam blitt en nordnorsk religion? Jeg forsøker å kaste lys over disse spørsmålene gjennom feltarbeid, intervju og undersøkelser av skriftlige kilder, samt ved å dra veksler på perspektiver fra religionshistorikeren Thomas Tweed.
    • On Boundaries and Areas in Local History Research 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 1997)
      Among the social sciences, history is characterised as the most particularising discipline - the discipline to the greatest extent studying the way definite actions, events and structures differ from time to time and place to place. A considerable part of Norwegian historical research deals with local areas, <i>kommuner</i> (municipalities), <i>fylker</i> (provinces) and other regions below the ...
    • Kulturarv som grunnlag for en nordvendt framtid - Sluttrapport 

      Arntzen, Johan Eilertsen; Nilsen, Gørill (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023)
      Prosjektet Kulturarv som grunnlag for en nordvendt framtid ble i 2020 gitt styøtte fra UiTs Strategisk utdanningsutvalgs Program for undervisningskvalitet i kategorien samarbeidsprosjekter med arbeidslivet. Prosjektet har jobbet med å øke det humanistiske disiploinfaget arkeologi sin erfaringsbasis og kunnskap om å skape begrepsmessig innsikt knyttet til praktiske- og praksisemner med relevans for ...
    • The Witchcraft Trial against Anders Poulsen, Vads  1692: Critical Perspectives 

      Willumsen, Liv Helene (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022-03-29)
      In this chapter, I will analyse a historical source that has attracted considerable attention during the last two decades, namely the court records of the trial of Anders Poulsen, 1692.1 The trial took place in the town of Vadsø in Finnmark, which is the northernmost district of Northern Norway. The reasons for this attention are multiple, and a few will be mentioned.
    • The Earldom of Orkney, the Duchy of Schleswig and the Kalmar Union in 1434 

      Grohse, Ian Peter; Magnussen, Stefan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-11-02)
      In August 1434, Erik VII, king of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, confirmed William Sinclair as earl of Orkney, thus ending a decade-long dispute over the hereditary nature of that island fief. Although surviving sources pertaining to Orkney tell us little about Erik VII’s motives, historians have traditionally pointed to circumstances in and around the isles to explain the king’s acknowledgement of ...
    • A Thorny Past: The After-War Life, and Beyond, of Nazi World War II Barbed Wire in Norway 

      Farstadvoll, Stein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-20)
      Conflicts have legacies beyond peace treaties and armistices. This article focuses on one example of such an enduring heritage, namely barbed wire left after the Nazi occupation of Norway during World War II. This barbed wire has persisted up to the present day and thus presents a case that can illuminate nuances of a material legacy that is harmful but also an important source of insight and ...
    • Vojennyj dnevnik M.I.Starostina. 1941-1945 gg. 

      Nielsen, Jens Petter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This article seeks to shed light on the diary of Maksim Ivanovich Starostin (1902–1948), First Secretary of the Murmansk Provisional Committee of the Communist Party and Chairman of the Murmansk Defense Committee, and written during the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945). As a colonel and later major-general, Starostin was a member of the Military Council of the Soviet Northern Fleet and the Military ...
    • The Ural Population Project. Demography and Culture From Microdata in a European-Asian Border Region 

      Glavatskaya, Elena; Borovik, Julia; Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-07)
      The Ural Population Project (URAPP) is built from individual level data transcriptions of 19th- to early 20th-century parish records and mid-19th-century census-like tax revisions manuscripts. This article discusses the source material, the contents, the history of creation and the strategy of the URAPP database and the outcome of the main research topics so far, including historical demography, ...
    • Gerüchte, Klatsch oder Propaganda? Der florentinische Herrscherwechsel im Jahr 1537 

      Lentz, Christina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-16)
      Dieser Beitrag zeigt an einem historischen Fallbeispiel, wie sozialwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über die Entstehung, Verbreitung und Funktion von Gerüchten für die historische Forschung fruchtbar gemacht werden können. Die Ermordung des ersten florentinischen Herzogs Alessandro de’ Medici und die Thronbesteigung Cosimo de’ Medicis im Jahr 1537 waren von einem Cluster von Gerüchten begleitet. Im ...
    • Monstrous things: horror, othering, and the Anthropocene 

      Godin, Geneviève (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-09-15)
      This article approaches the masses of discarded things washed ashore and roaming waterways as the new monsters of the Anthropocene. It explores the ways in which monstrosity and archaeology intersect, and how the genre of horror simultaneously emerges from and informs the current epoch. As they embark on their post-abandonment journey, things’ immense scale, spread, and refusal to serve as proxies ...
    • Is Finitude Original? A Rereading of “Violence and Metaphysics” 

      Rolfsen, Theodor Sandal (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-21)
      This article seeks to challenge what may seem to be an obvious assertion: that finitude is original in the sense that it must be presupposed that any possible meaning can only be thought beginning from this finitude. I do this through a rereading of Derrida’s epochal essay “Violence and Metaphysics,” which perhaps is the most decisive interpretation of the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. In the ...
    • Despina Stratigakos Hitler’s Northern Utopia. Building the new order in occupied Norway Norsk utgave: Hitlers norske drøm. Nazismens ariske utstillingsvindu Princeton University Press, Princeton og Oxford 2020, 352 s. Vega forlag, Oslo 2021, 327 s 

      Hatlehol, Gunnar D. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-14)
      I minnelandskapene etter den tyske okkupasjonen av Norge stiller først og fremst sporene i betong og jern seg til skue for oss. Festningsverkene og jernbanene har særlig hatt evnen til å fange forfatteres interesse når studiet av okkupasjonsmaktens byggeprogram står på dagsordenen. I sin siste bok, som nå også foreligger i norsk oversettelse, bemerker den kanadiske arkitekturhistorikeren Despina ...