Viser treff 321-340 av 1283

    • The third age On old age in a comparative anthropological perspective 

      Schackt, Jon (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-17)
      dag regnes uttrykket «den tredje alder» gjerne som ensbetydende med pensjonisttilværelsen, selv om forestillingen om at menneskelivet kan deles inn i tre aldre er svært my e eldre enn pensjonsinstituttet. Denne forestillingen kan spores til tidlig i menneskeslektas utvikling, da behovet for «reservemødre» nødvendiggjorde sosial integrering av tre (snarere enn bare to) generasjoner. Denne integreringen ...
    • Diversity Policies as Tools to Increase Participation and Encounters. 

      Nyseth, Torill (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-02)
      Informed by the concept of diversity, this article discusses the issue of municipalities’ facilitation of ethnic diversity and integration in two cities in northern Norway. Municipalities are in a position to accommodate ethnic diversity in more pragmatic ways than the nation-state through local policies. We explore diversity policies in three different areas: democratic participation, urban planning, ...
    • Den tredje alder: Om alderdommen i et sammenliknende antropologisk perspektiv 

      Schackt, Jon Ragnvald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-17)
      I dag regnes uttrykket «den tredje alder» gjerne som ensbetydende med pensjonisttilværelsen, selv om forestillingen om at menneskelivet kan deles inn i tre aldre er svært mye eldre enn pensjonsinstituttet. Denne forestillingen kan spores til tidlig i menneskeslektas utvikling, da behovet for «reservemødre» nødvendiggjorde sosial integrering av tre (snarere enn bare to) generasjoner. Denne ...
    • Living With Difference – Interventions for Just Cities 

      Aure, Marit; Førde, Anniken (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-02)
      Most cities, including small and medium ones, experience diverse multicultural populations. The sustainability of such diverse cities requires them to be capable of living with differences and diversity without producing new social inequalities and sustaining old ones. We argue that there is a need for a new conceptualization with which to approach cultural diversity, differences and similarities ...
    • Everyday Hospitality and Politics 

      Kofoed, Lasse; Simonsen, Kirsten; Førde, Anniken (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-02)
      The article explores everyday hospitality and politics through inclusive forms of integration initiatives in everyday life and urban communities in Denmark and Norway. It investigates how local initiatives and creative social strategies by local actors can empower and include refugees and immigrants in local communities. This article is based on participant observations of urban communities in ...
    • Approaching the boundary problem: Self-determination, inclusion, and the unpuzzling of transboundary conflicts 

      Spitzer, Aaron John (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-03)
      In recent decades, decisionmakers have increasingly faced conflicts juxtaposing demands for self-determination and inclusion. Political theorists term this juxtaposition “the boundary problem.” They have offered normative solutions, especially for “just inclusion,” proposing what states owe to exogenous individuals like migrants and refugees. Meanwhile, as I show, legal scholars have developed ...
    • Stitching People Together: The Art of Cross-Cultural Encounters in an Embroidery Workshop 

      Aure, Marit; Al-Mahamid, Marsil Andjelov (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-02)
      This article discusses how to live with differences while maintaining differences in an international embroidery workshop in Tromsø, Norway. It explores the role of art in enabling interactions between strangers, showing how individuals become part of collectives and facilitate social change. This collaboration between artist and researcher draws on data from arts-based participant observations and ...
    • Meeting Places and Integration: Participatory Mapping of Cross-Cultural Interactions in Norwegian 

      Taff, Gregory; Aure, Marit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-02)
      Increased immigration into Scandinavia warrants the need for knowledge about differential uses of urban spaces by populations with various cultural backgrounds and the conditions that support cross-cultural interactions in these spaces. Immigrants and native Norwegians in Tromsø and Bodø were encouraged to log information about locations where they spend time on online participatory maps, along with ...
    • Strategic partnership setting for Sino-Russian cooperation in Arctic shipping 

      Kobzeva, Mariia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-28)
      This article analyses the cooperation policies between China and Russia in the development of shipping in the Russian Arctic. This process is analysed as a part of a comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, able to significantly affect the development of the Global Arctic. It is necessary to study the principals and opportunities of this partnership format which allows for mitigating ...
    • Making the smart grid through pilot projects. Insights, lessons and ways forward 

      Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Henriksen, Ida Marie; Kristoffersen, Berit; Hojem, Johannes Fjell; Stoychova, Iva (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2021)
      This report analyses 30 pilot and demonstration projects that advance smart grids with flexible consumption and high levels of renewable energy production in Norway.<p> <p>• We see pilot and demonstration projects as key sites in the production of future societies.<p> <p>• Such projects are usually evaluated based on techno-economic criteria, while their contribution to broader societal processes ...
    • Corporatization in local government: Promoting cultural differentiation and hybridity? 

      Berge, Dag Magne; Torsteinsen, Harald (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-06)
      Corporatization implies disintegration of public authority, leading to not only structural but also cultural differentiation of government, transforming it into a fragmented and hybrid governance system consisting of an authority and multiple autonomous or semi-autonomous operators. This article addresses corporatization at the local government level in Norway, exploring if and how this change ...
    • Sustainable Tourism Planning in Copenhagen; How Copenhagen uses a sustainable tourism model to create a liveable city 

      Magrane, David Reimers (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2021-11-01)
      This research focuses on Copenhagen’s tourism planning. Over the past decades, the number of tourists in this city have grown exponentially. This trend expects to continue, with many experts believing tourism numbers to double by 2030. Therefore, the importance of a sustainable tourism model is of utmost importance. There is a necessity to re-imagine tourism and this study investigates how the city ...
    • Energy and security in transition - Insights and lessons from the Nordic region 

      Evensberget, Solveig (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-11-15)
      This thesis explores how renewable energy sources can affect and thus potentially change the conceptualization of energy security through an empirical investigation of the Nordic region. To explore the energy security concept, energy and security of renewables in the Nordic countries is analysed by employing the wide framework designed by Bengt Johansson. The analysis reveals that renewable energy ...
    • Open Access - Eit gode eller eit hinder for juniorar i akademia? Ein diskursanalyse av korleis doktogradsstudentar snakkar om Open Access 

      Alvsvåg, Kristin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-11-19)
      I dette masterprosjektet har eg undersøkt korleis doktorgradsstudentar snakkar om Open Access. Dette er ei kvalitativ studie der diskursanalyse er nytta som analysemodell. Målet har vore å få eit innblikk i kva tankar, haldningar og tankar haldningar som finnast blant ferske forskarar ved universitet i Norge. Problemstillingane eg har nytta er: Korleis snakkar doktorgradsstudentar om Open Access? ...
    • Implementering av Trygghetssirkelen i Stavangerbarnehagen 

      Schei, Sølvi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-12-01)
      Denne studien handler om implementeringsarbeid i Stavangerbarnehagen tilknyttet tryggehetssirkelen, som er en del av kvalitetsprosjektet Stavangerbarnehagen. Oppgavens problemstilling er å undersøke i hvilken grad barnehagene i utvalget har implementert trygghetssirkelen, og hva som kan forklare implementeringen. I en tid med høy endringstakt i barnehager har jeg også undersøkt om barnehagene som ...
    • Material Methods for a Rapid-Response Anthropology 

      Magnani, Natalia; Magnani, Matthew (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-13)
      Sudden crises frustrate anthropological methodologies. Our discipline aspires to engaged scholarship in dialogue with community and public concerns. Yet timely social analysis must address the ephemeral and unpredictable, running against the rhythm of anthropological fieldwork and publication. When social distancing precludes typical ethnographic engagements, how may we adapt anthropological approaches?
    • Space Science & Technology in the Arctic: Promises of Cooperation and Development amid New Security Challenges 

      Bertelsen, Rasmus Gjedssø (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-12)
      Space science and technology (S & T) holds great potential for international scientific cooperation in the Arctic, especially concerning climate change. Space-based earth observation, navigation/positioning and communication is of great value to Arctic local and indigenous communities. Space-based S & T is also a prerequisite for development of Arctic shipping and natural resources.<p> <p>At the ...
    • A methodology for mapping co-benefits of climate adaptation. Participatory GIS in consultancy 

      Florea, Andreea-Alexandra (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-11-08)
      This thesis seeks to broaden the research of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the context of citizen engagement and co-benefit mapping, by bringing forth consultancy perspectives and demands towards the uptake of new methods. The process is anchored in the Action Research methodology, as the empirical material is produced through a collaboration with the Ramboll consultancy. The thesis follows ...
    • How to Record Current Events like an Archaeologist 

      Magnani, Matthew Walker; Venovcevs, Anatolijs; Farstadvoll, Stein; Magnani, Natalia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-10-19)
      Global crises drastically alter human behavior, rapidly impacting patterns of movement and consumption. A rapid-response analysis of material culture brings new perspective to disasters as they unfold. We present a case study of the coronavirus pandemic in Tromsø, Norway, based on fieldwork from March 2020 to April 2021. Using a methodology rooted in social distancing and through systematic, diachronic, ...