Now showing items 481-500 of 2062

    • A Constructicon for Russian: Filling in the Gaps 

      Janda, Laura Alexis; Lyashevskaya, Olga; Nesset, Tore; Rakhilina, Ekaterina; Tyers, Francis Morton (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018)
      The Russian Constructicon project currently prioritizes multi-word constructions that are not represented in dictionaries and that are especially useful for learners of Russian. The immediate goal is to identify constructions and determine the semantic constraints on their slots. The Russian Constructicon is being built in parallel with the Swedish Constructicon and will ultimately model the entire ...
    • Of Monsters and Men: Forms of Evil in War Films 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018-08-21)
      The present chapter engages with the formal framing of friend and foe in the war genre. Asserting the significance of film for cultural forms of memory and a politics of the past, I sketch out the generic conventions through which particular notions of self and other are inscribed, before I conduct an analysis of Clint Eastwood’s <i>American Sniper</i> (2014) to flesh out what I term a cosmologic ...
    • "Aber, was ist eigentlich ein Substantiv?" 

      Andreassen, Hedda Gade (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-09-15)
      Durch ein mehrmethodisches exploratives Forschungsprojekt wird versucht herauszufinden, welche Kenntnisse sieben Schüler*innen in der achten und neunten Klasse (DaF-Anfängerniveau) über Metasprache und Grammatik besitzen. Diese Methoden bestehen aus Aktionsforschung mit schriftlichen Interviews mit den Schüler*innen, intensivierter Grammatikunterricht als Intervention gefolgt von einer zweiten Runde ...
    • Mitt navn er…/ My name is…/ Mein Name ist… Mehrsprachigkeit als Ressource in DaF-Lehrbüchern an norwegischen Schulen 

      Schanche, Cathrine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-15)
      Flerspråklighet er et relevant tema etter innføringen av begrepet "Flerspråklighet" som kjerneelement i den nye læreplanen, LK20 - Fagfornyelsen, i 2020. I denne masteroppgaven ser jeg på hvordan flerspråklighet kommer til uttrykk i den forrige læreplanen, LK06, og den nye, LK20, og hvordan dette blir implementert i to ulike læreverk for tysk som fremmedspråk hos 8. klasseelever som lærer tysk for ...
    • Generative Approaches to Second Language (L2) Acquisition and Advanced L2 Proficiency 

      Rothman, Jason; Bayram, Fatih; Kupisch, Tanja; Lohndal, Terje; Westergaard, Marit (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2018-06-22)
      Child first language acquisition (L1A) and adult second language acquisition (SLA) have observably different outcomes. Considering how distinct the two acquisition contexts often are, divergence is perhaps not surprising. Only adults acquiring a second language (L2) (i) are typically not surrounded by high quantities of native input, (ii) receive and must filter through significant amounts of ...
    • Merge and features: The engine of syntax 

      Svenonius, Peter (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-04)
      Merge is the central engine of syntax, in Chomsky’s Minimalist Program. In this chapter I discuss Merge, which is relatively well understood, and formal syntactic features, which are much less well understood, and their relation to each other in Chomsky’s work and related efforts.
    • Prediction in bilingual sentence processing: How prediction differs in a later learned language from a first language 

      Schlenter, Judith (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-27)
      This review provides an update on what we know about differences in prediction in a first and second language after several years of extensive research. It shows when L1/L2 differences are most likely to occur and provides an explanation as to why they occur. For example, L2 speakers may capitalize more on semantic information for prediction than L1 speakers, or possibly they do not make predictions ...
    • Cross-linguistic Influence in L3 Acquisition of English by Persian Heritage Speakers in Norway 

      Abdollahi Dehooei, Farnoosh (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-09-14)
      Aims and objectives: This thesis investigates cross-linguistic influence (CLI) in child third language (L3) acquisition. The main objectives are to find the source of CLI, whether it is L1, L2, or both, and to find out whether CLI occurs on a property-by-property basis or as a wholesale phenomenon. Methodology: Persian-Norwegian heritage bilinguals acquiring L3 English are compared to L2 English ...
    • The case for case in Putin’s speeches 

      Janda, Laura Alexis; Fidler, Masako; Cvrček, Václav; Obukhova, Anna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-25)
      Vladimir V. Putin has banned the use of the word ‘war’ to refer to the conflict in Ukraine. While one’s choice of words is deliberate and conscious, grammatical categories are obligatory and pivotal to signaling the roles notions have in a discourse. Over- and underrepresentation of grammatical cases can be identified by Keymorph Analysis, which measures deviations from corpus norms analogously to ...
    • Word order and finiteness in acquisition: A study of English and Norwegian wh-questions 

      Westergaard, Marit (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2016-08-25)
      Children acquiring languages such as English, German or Dutch typically go through a phase where they produce non-finite root clauses, often referred to as the Optional Infinitive (OI) stage. But there is a difference between English on the one hand and the other Germanic languages on the other with respect to the occurrence of non-finite wh-questions: while there is a high number of OIs in English ...
    • Jüngere Tertiärsprachenlerner, gleiche Tertiärsprachenlehrerausbildung? Nachdenken über Anforderungen an die Ausbildung von norwegischen Fremdsprachenlehrern und -lehrerinnen für die Primarstufe (1.-7. Klasse ) 

      Lindemann, Beate (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013-04-28)
      Die Erfahrungen von Probeläufen an zahlreichen norwegischen Grundschulen (1.-7. Klasse) in den letzten Jahren deuten darauf hin, dass man den Unterricht in der 2. Fremdsprache (nach Englisch als 1. Fremdsprache ab der 1. Klasse) bereits früher als bisher in der 8. Klasse anbieten sollte. Ein solcher “Früher Start” wiederum stellt gewisse Anforderungen an die Fremdsprachenlehrerausbildung. Vor ...
    • Wh-less degree questions 

      Vangsnes, Øystein A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
      As described in Endresen (1985) and Bull (1987) Norwegian dialects in Trøndelag and North Norway have a way of forming degree questions without the use of a wh-expression and without the syntax that normally accompanies wh-questions. Taken at face value the construction takes the form of regular yes/no-questions. Consider the pair in (1) showing a Standard Norwegian degree question (1a) compared to ...
    • 'I know the world in two languages': Sámi multilingual citizenship in textbooks for the school subject Norwegian between 1997 and 2020 

      Johansen, Åse Mette; Markusson, Elin Furu (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      This article presents how Sámi multilingual citizenship is represented in four textbooks for the school subject Norwegian in junior high school (school years 8–10). The books were published between 1997 and 2020. Based on insights from critical discourse analysis as well as research on language ideologies and multilingual citizenship, the study shows how textbooks gradually present a more detailed ...
    • Monolingual comparative normativity in bilingualism research is out of “control”: Arguments and alternatives 

      Rothman, Jason; Bayram, Fatih; DeLuca, Vincent; Di Pisa, Grazia; Dunabeitia, Jon Andoni; Gharibi, Khadij; Hao, Jiuzhou; Kolb, Nadine; Kubota, Maki; Kupisch, Tanja; Laméris, Tim; Luque, Alicia; van Osch, Brechje; Soares, Sergio Miguel Pereira; Prystauka, Yanina; Tat, Deniz; Tomic, Aleksandra; Voits, Toms; Wulff, Stefanie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Herein, we contextualize, problematize and offer some insights for moving beyond the problem of monolingual comparative normativity in (psycho)linguistic research on bilingualism. We argue that, in the vast majority of cases, juxtaposing (functional) monolinguals to bilinguals fails to offer what the comparison is supposedly intended to do: meet the standards of empirical control in line with ...
    • Are translation equivalents really equivalent? Evidence from concreteness effects in translation priming. 

      Chaouch Orozco, Adel; Gonzáles Alonso, Jorge; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Translation equivalents intuitively seem to overlap in meaning. Moreover, the models of the bilingual lexicon often represent the meaning shared between two translations as a holistic node in the semantic network. However, research on semantic representation and processing questions this holistic approach. For instance, abstract words are assumed to be more language-dependent, while concrete ...
    • Ich weiß ja, was im Plan steht, aber was genau soll ich eigentlich im Unterricht machen – Bericht über eine erste Pilotuntersuchung hinsichtlich des Fort- und Weiterbildungsbedarfs bei norwegischen Deutschlehrern 

      Lindemann, Beate (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-28)
      Norwegische Deutschlehrer unterrichten seit 13 Jahren nach dem geltenden Lehrplan K06. Ein neuer Lehrplan wird 2020 eingeführt. Welchen Fort- und Weiterbildungsbedarf sehen Fachlehrer nach langjährigen Erfahrungen mit dem Lehrplan K06? Dieser Frage geht die vorliegende Pilotstudie nach. Sie liefert ein erstes Datenmaterial, das eine wichtige Grundlage für eine zukünftige umfassende Bedarfsanalyse ...
    • Einleitung in den Themenschwerpunkt: DaF-Lehrerausbildung in Europa außerhalb der D-A-CH-Länder 

      Lindemann, Beate (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-28)
      Der DaF-Unterricht in Europa außerhalb der D-A-CH-Länder steht großen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Während ‚man‘ früher einfach auch Deutsch an west-europäischen Schulen lernte, halten mehr und mehr SchülerInnen es heute für überflüssig, weitere Sprachen neben Englisch zu lernen. Auch die Konkurrenz von anderen zweiten Fremdsprachen wie Spanisch, Chinesisch und Arabisch macht sich bemerkbar. ...
    • Experience-Related Differences on Attentional Control in Cognitive Ageing: An Investigation of Bilingualism Effects on Flanker Conflicts in TFRs 

      Thomsen, Hilde Kristin Øien (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-09-15)
      Bilingualism has been argued to help maintain cognitive functioning in ageing by contributing to the cognitive reserve, the brain’s functional adaptability and resilience against cognitive decline. Within this, the constant engagement with bilingual mechanisms to monitor multiple languages arguably leads to neurocognitive adaptations of attentional systems. Examining bilingual experience as a spectrum, ...
    • Long Distance Binding 1: complement clauses 

      Lundquist, Bjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
    • "Bliva" and "varda" 

      Lundquist, Bjørn (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017-08-22)
      In this chapter, we discuss the use of the auxiliaries (or copulas) bliva and varda in the Nordic varieties. The phenomenon investigated is slightly different from the other phenomena discussed in NALS Volume 1 in that it is not really a syntactic phenomenon, but rather a lexical one. Bliva and varda are used as auxiliaries in periphrastic passives (followed by a passive participle), but they ...