Now showing items 61-80 of 1407

    • Criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities with a special focus on the legal significance of the technical screening criteria under the EU Taxonomy Regulation 

      Kvamme, Erik Midtbø (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-26)
      The present master thesis seeks to understand what is legally required to substantially contribute and do no significant harm to the environmental objectives, of the newly adopted EU Taxonomy Regulation. A particular focus was to understand the legal significance of compliance with the technical screening criteria meant to supplement the general conditions to substantially contribute and do no ...
    • Regulating shipping under conditions of uncertainty: The Arctic Ocean and knowledge-based decision-making. 

      Henriksen, Tore (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      This paper discusses the role of scientific research in regulating shipping in Arctic waters. Scientific research is a major provider of knowledge relevant to environmental protection, including that of the marine Arctic. Put bluntly, scientific research is essential in identifying an environmental ‘problem’, in providing an adequate diagnosis, and in prescribing solutions to the problem. In other ...
    • Children’s Health Matters in Custody Conflicts: Best Interests of the Child and Decisions on Health Matters 

      Haugli, Trude Margrethe; Sigurdsen, Randi Helene (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      This chapter addresses conflicts of interest that might arise when there are ongoing custody disputes and, in particular, how legal instruments can be used where parents disagree regarding a decision concerning a child’s health. When a child is younger than 16 years, their parents must, as a rule, give consent regarding health matters. The child has a right, however, to be heard, and the parents ...
    • Achieving a Common Future for all Through Sustainability-Conscious Legal Education and Research Methods 

      Poto, Margherita Paola; Murray, Emily Margaret (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-21)
      This contribution explores ecological literacy as a critical facet of legal inquiry, focusing on expanding knowledge and practices oriented towards nature protection. Evolving to encompass interdisciplinarity and a systems-thinking approach, ecological literacy is crucial for achieving environmental sustainability. The study argues that integrating an approach promoting eco-responsible behaviors ...
    • Vern av minoriteters kultur etter SP art. 27. Skillet mellom vern mot inngrep utenfra og tiltak som samlet er ment å være til fordel for minoritetsgruppen 

      Hole, Mathias (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2021-02-08)
      Temaet for denne avhandlingen er vern av minoriteters rett til å utøve sin kultur etter Den internasjonale konvensjonen om sivile og politiske rettigheter artikkel 27.1 I oppgaven vil jeg undersøke om det ved vurderingen av om artikkel 27 er overtrådt, må skilles mellom inngrep utenfra og tiltak som samlet er ment å være til fordel for minoriteten. Et sentralt spørsmål er om kravene som er innfortolket ...
    • Legal pathways towards sustainable blue food systems in the aquaculture sector : Interdisciplinary workshop and roundtable discussion 10 January 2024 

      Poto, Margherita Paola; Morel, Mathilde Daasvatn; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny; Fauchland, Ole K.; Eskeland Schütz, Sigrid; Quist, Sofie Elise; Schøning, Lena (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-02-01)
      The workshop, organized by Mathilde Morel on January 10th 2024, as a part of her PhD project and preparatory work for her PhD midway presentation, aimed to convene experts within the realm of blue food systems with the overarching objective of exploring viable pathways toward sustainability transitions. The reason for this inquiry stems from the escalating recognition that contemporary food systems ...
    • Dis-empowering Gender Stereotypes 

      Porrone, Arianna; Poto, Margherita Paola (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023-04-12)
      This chapter explores how Western higher education (HE) can benefit from the adoption of illustrated storytelling as a methodology to simultaneously dis-empower gender stereotypes and empower persons in academia. Drawing from indigenous law and methodology and participatory approaches as an essential part of the legal methodology, we explore how critical role-playing developed through storytelling ...
    • Forkjøpsrett ved fusjon og fisjon 

      Mæhle, Peder (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-03)
      En selskapsrettslig analyse av forkjøpsrettens stilling ved fusjon og fisjon.
    • The Application of Teachings by the International Court of Justice, 2016–2022 

      Helmersen, Sondre Torp (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-13)
      This article examines the application of teachings by the International Court of Justice between 2016 and 2022. The Court did not cite teachings in its majority opinions during this period. It did cite works from the International Law Commission, which suggests that these are considered different from teachings and possibly have more weight. Judges cited teachings in their individual opinions. Judge ...
    • Three Perspectives on Marine Life in International Disputes 

      Helmersen, Sondre Torp (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-07)
      This article charts three different approaches that international courts and tribunals have taken to marine life. Some have viewed marine life primarily as an economic resource, worthy of conservation only in order to ensure future exploitation. Others have seen marine life as an object of conservation in its own right. Yet others have tried to balance the two perspectives. The article also examines ...
    • Utviklingen av det dualistiske prinsipp i norsk rett 

      Helmersen, Sondre Torp (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Denne artikkelen kartlegger utviklingen av det dualistiske prinsippet i norsk rett. Artikkelen finner et skille ved avgjørelsen i Rt. 1997 s. 580 OFS, og prinsipputtalelsen om at norsk rett går foran folkeretten ved motstrid. Denne ser ut til å ha avklart av rettstilstanden. Før avgjørelsen var det usikkerhet og uenighet rundt folkerettens stilling i norsk rett, mens etter avgjørelsen fremstår dette ...
    • Kommentar til HR-2023-491-P Snøkrabbe II 

      Frostad, Magne; Helmersen, Sondre Torp (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-08-10)
      Høyesterett har endelig tatt stilling til den geografiske rekkevidden av Svalbardtraktaten. Rettens konklusjon er at traktaten ikke gjelder utenfor territorialfarvannet. Dommen er grundig og pedagogisk oppbygd og vil egne seg vel som introduksjon til folkerettslig metodelære. Høyesteretts dom avgjør imidlertid ikke tvisten rundt traktatens anvendelsesområde, fordi en slik nasjonal rettsavgjørelse ...
    • Innsynsrett og forvaltningens arbeidsbyrde 

      Aulstad, Johan Greger (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-04)
      Artikkelen redegjør for hvordan synet på allmennhetens innsynsrett og behovet for å redusere forvaltningens arbeidsbyrde har endret seg over tid. I dag kommer spenningen mellom innsynsretten og forvaltningens arbeidsbyrde opp i form av spørsmålet om hvilke krav som stilles til forvaltningens saksbehandlingstid for innsynskrav. I Norge er reglene som regulerer kravene til forvaltningens saksbehandlingstid, ...
    • Fosen-saken og meklingen 

      Ravna, Øyvind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-12-06)
      På nytt er vi minnet om regjeringens manglende evne til å følge opp Høyesteretts dom i Fosen-saken. Den 11. oktober markerte forsvarere av rettsstaten og samiske rettigheter at det er gått to år siden Høyesterett i storkammer kom til at vindkraftverkene på Fosen krenket samenes rett til reindrift, uten at dommen er etterlevd. Etter initiativ fra regjeringen, og i regi av riksmekleren, pågår det for ...
    • The Survey of Use and Ownership Rights in Finnmark – A Change of Direction? 

      Ravna, Øyvind (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-08)
      In 2008, the Finnmark Act initiated a process of surveying land rights the Sámi and others may have in Finnmark, the core Sámi area of Norway. The Finnmark Commission, which was established to conduct the survey has completed six investigations. The assessments and conclusions in the first five reports are so similar in terms of collective rights appears as cut from the same cloth. In December 2019, ...
    • ‘One Map to Rule Them All’? Revisiting Legalities Through Cartographic Representations of the Northwest Passage 

      Tsiouvalas, Apostolos; Solski, Jan Jakub (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-08)
      In the legal conceptualization of space, cartography has always been a fundamental tool narrating, representing, generating, or even (re)claiming territory. In this article, we examine the relationship between cartography and international law by looking at different cartographic representations of the area covering the disputed “Northwest Passage” (NWP). In an attempt to discuss how mapping may ...
    • Did an Alleged Ukrainian Attack against the Nord Stream Pipelines Violate the Law of Armed Conflict? 

      Lott, Alexander (Others; Andre, 2023-11-21)
      Preliminary Western intelligence reports have emerged about a purportedly pro-Ukrainian group of six divers conducting the sabotage against the Nord Stream pipelines in September last year. The Ukrainian Government denies any involvement in such an alleged operation. Nonetheless, recently, the Washington Post and Der Spiegel published a joint report which reached the unequivocal conclusion that: ...
    • The relevance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to vibrant, viable and sustainable Sámi communities 

      Åhrén, Jon Mattias (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      The chapter departs from that domestic legislators have demonstrated that they are either incapable of or unwilling to cater for vibrant, viable and sustainable Sámi communities. Indeed, they may counteract this objective. International law on Indigenous rights, on the other hand, is a normative framework promising to be conducive to sustainable Sámi societies. Thus, allowing the international ...
    • The survey of property rights in Sámi areas of Norway—with focus on the Karasjok case 

      Ravna, Øyvind (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      In recognition that the Indigenous Sámi have rights to land and natural resources and that Norway is obliged to identify these rights, Norway has commenced a process of surveying such rights through the 2005 Finnmark Act. The purpose of the survey is to investigate and recognise use and property rights in Finnmark, the core Sámi area in Norway. As of today, six investigations are completed. The ...
    • Arbeidstid eller arbeidsfri? En analyse av arbeidstidsbegrepet i lys av nyere rettspraksis 

      Lenes, Maiken (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-01-02)
      Avhandlingen behandler arbeidstidsbegrepet i lys av nyere rettspraksis. Den tar sikte på å analysere arbeidstidsbegrepets innhold etter gjeldende rett og undersøke begrepets rekkevidde i tvilstilfeller der skjæringspunktet mellom arbeidstid og arbeidsfri er uklart. Sentralt i oppgaven er vurderingen av om nyere rettspraksis har ført til en klargjøring eller utvikling av begrepsforståelsen, herunder ...