Now showing items 141-160 of 389

    • The bear-berry connection: Ecological and management implications of brown bears' food habits in a highly touristic protected area 

      García-Rodríguez, Alberto; Selva, Nuria; Zwijacz-Kozica, Tomasz; Albrecht, Jörg; Lionnet, Clement; Rioux, Delphine; Taberlet, Pierre Robert Michel; De Barba, Marta (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-11-08)
      Diet studies are essential to understand animal ecology and ecosystem dynamics, especially in the case of large omnivores. These studies are particularly relevant in areas where human disturbance is intense and, thus, species dietary patterns might change due to the easy accessibility of food resources of human origin, which may hinder the ecosystem services these species provide. We assessed the ...
    • Ancient DNA, Lipid Biomarkers and Palaeoecological Evidence Reveals Construction and Life on early Medieval Lake Settlements 

      Brown, Antony; van Hardenbroek, Maarten; Fonville, Thierry; Davies, Kimberley L.; Mackay, Helen; Murray, E; Head, Katie; Barratt, Phil; McCormick, F; Ficetola, Fransesco Gentil; Henderson, Andrew; Crone, Anne; Cavers, G; Langdon, Peter G.; Whitehouse, Nicki J.; Pirrie, Duncan; Alsos, Inger Greve; Gielly, L (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-03)
      Direct evidence of ancient human occupation is typically established through archaeological excavation. Excavations are costly and destructive, and practically impossible in some lake and wetland environments. We present here an alternative approach, providing direct evidence from lake sediments using DNA metabarcoding, steroid lipid biomarkers (bile acids) and from traditional environmental analyses. ...
    • Soil organic carbon stabilization mechanisms and temperature sensitivity in old terraced soils 

      Zhao, Pengzhi; Fallu, Daniel; Cucchiaro, Sara; Tarolli, Paolo; Waddington, Clive; Cockroft, David; Snape, Lisa; Lang, Andreas; Dötterl, Sebastian; Brown, Antony; Van Oost, Kristof (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-08)
      Being the most common human-created landforms, terrace construction has resulted in an extensive perturbation of the land surface. However, our mechanistic understanding of soil organic carbon (SOC) (de-)stabilization mechanisms and the persistence of SOC stored in terraced soils is far from complete. Here we explored the factors controlling SOC stability and the temperature sensitivity (<i>Q</i>< ...
    • Røtter, spor og samifisering – å se seg tilbake for å skape fremtid 

      Schøning, Eli-Anita Øivand (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-10)
      Árran julevsáme guovdásj og Várdobáiki sámi guovddáš er samiske kultursentre med museum. Med utgangspunkt i utvalgte forsknings- og dokumentasjonsprosjekter ved Árran og Várdobáiki drøftes hvordan museene bruker fortellinger om fortiden som ressurs for å ivareta og utvikle kunnskaper om samisk kultur, historie og samfunnsliv til nytte for nåtid og fremtid. Artikkelen presenterer Árrans og Várdobáikis ...
    • Stone Age dwellings, sites and environment in coastal northern Norway: surveys and documentation of house-pit sites 

      Skandfer, Marianne; Damm, Charlotte Brysting; Gjerde, Jan Magne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The northernmost parts of Europe has a large number of sites with Stone Age house-pits, the majority of which date from c. 5000 BC onwards. Remarkably, the remains of these dwellings are many places still visible on the surface. In northern Norway, such dwellings concentrate in the coastal areas, with a more limited number found on inland sites. In order to use these in analyses of settlement duration, ...
    • The medieval stockfish trade: a maritime perspective from northern Norway 

      Wickler, Stephen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Life in northern Norway has been dependent on the sea and marine resources since initial settlement following the retreating ice at least 11,500 years ago. Small islands have played a significant role for maritime communities since the Mesolithic when occupation of offshore islands reflected the maritime orientation of hunter‑gatherer settlement. Although settlement along the coast, including ...
    • Twilight foraging enables European shags to survive the winter across their latitudinal range 

      Moe, Børge; Daunt, Francis; Bråthen, Vegard Sandøy; Barrett, Robert; Ballesteros, Manuel; Bjørnstad, Oskar; Bogdanova, Maria I.; Dehnhard, Nina; Erikstad, Kjell E.; Follestad, Arne; Gíslason, Sindri; Hallgrimsson, Gunnar Thor; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Newell, Mark; Petersen, Aevar; Phillips, Richard A.; Ragnarsdóttir, Sunna Björk; Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Åström, Jens; Wanless, Sarah; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-10-14)
      Species breeding at high latitudes face a significant challenge of surviving the winter. Such conditions are particularly severe for diurnal marine endotherms such as seabirds. A critical question is therefore what behavioural strategies such species adopt to maximise survival probability. We tested 3 hypotheses: (1) they migrate to lower latitudes to exploit longer day length (‘sun-chasing’), (2) ...
    • Hemispheric asymmetry in ocean change and the productivity of ecosystem sentinels 

      Sydeman, William J.; Schoeman, David S.; Thompson, Sarah Ann; Hoover, Brian A.; García-Reyes, Marisol; Daunt, Francis; Agnew, Philippa; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Barbraud, Christophe; Barrett, Robert; Becker, Peter H.; Bell, Elisabeth; Boersma, P. Dee; Bouwhuis, Sandra; Cannell, Belinda; Crawford, Robert J. M.; Dann, Peter; Delord, Karine; Elliot, Graeme; Erikstad, Kjell E.; Flint, Elizabeth; Furness, Robert W.; Harris, Michael P.; Hatch, Scott; Hilwig, Kara; Hinke, Jefferson T.; Jahncke, Jaime; Mills, James A.; Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Renner, Heather; Sherley, Richard B.; Surman, Christopher; Taylor, Graeme; Thayer, Julie A.; Trathan, Phil N.; Velarde, Enriqueta; Walker, Kath; Wanless, Sarah; Warzybok, Pete; Watanuki, Yutaka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-28)
      Climate change and other human activities are causing profound effects on marine ecosystem productivity. We show that the breeding success of seabirds is tracking hemispheric differences in ocean warming and human impacts, with the strongest effects on fish-eating, surface-foraging species in the north. Hemispheric asymmetry suggests the need for ocean management at hemispheric scales. For the north, ...
    • Amphipods and sea anemones, an update 

      Vader, Wim; Tandberg, Anne Helene Solberg (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-02)
      We present an updated survey of the Amphipoda that live in association with sea anemones. These amphipods can be divided into four groups: 1) symbiotic amphipods using sea anemones mainly for protection, but feeding largely independently; 2) amphipods feeding on sea anemones, but not permanently associated; 3) symbiotic amphipods living permanently among the tentacles of the sea anemones; and 4) ...
    • Ti momenter til en (g)lokal kunstkritikk 

      Stien, Hanne Hammer (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2020-11-27)
      «Ti momenter til en (g)lokal kunstkritikk» er et forsøk på å gjentenke Dag Solhjells «Ti teser om kunstkritikk i et regionalt perspektiv», publisert på ArtScene Trondheim i 2009. De ti momentene er basert på kunsthistoriker Ruth B. Phillips argumentasjon i artikkelen «Taking the local seriously», publisert i World Art i 2014, og forskning gjort i forbindelse med arbeidet med boken Kunst som deling, ...
    • Onisimus turgidus (Sars, 1879) (Amphipoda, Uristidae), an overlooked amphipod from sea anemones in Northern Norway 

      Vader, Wim; Johnsen, Jan Roger; Tandberg, Anne Helene S. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-18)
      Two Norwegian uristid amphipods, obligate associates of sea anemones, have for a long time been confused sub nomine <i>Onisimus normani</i> Sars, 1890. In reality this species only occurs in south Norway, while the north-Norwegian material belongs to <i>O. turgidus</i> (Sars, 1879), described from the Barents Sea and for a long time forgotten. This paper fully illustrates both species, gives a key, ...
    • The lichen Allocetraria madreporiformis in high-arctic steppes on Svalbard: a result of out-of-Tibet migration? 

      Elvebakk, Arve; Bjerke, Jarle W.; Nilsen, Lennart (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-29)
      <i>Allocetraria madreporiformis</i> is a small, finger-like, fruticose lichen with isolated occurrences in the inner fiord section of the long, straight fiord Wijdefjorden in Svalbard. Several new localities are added and mapped here, and we show that the species is confined to exclusive high-arctic steppe habitats on finetextured, moderately alkaline soil, exposed to wind erosion and aeolian transport ...
    • Genomic Evidence of Widespread Admixture from Polar Bears into Brown Bears during the Last Ice Age 

      Cahill, James A.; Heintzman, Peter D.; Harris, Kelley; Teasdale, Matthew D.; Kapp, Joshua D.; Soares, Andre, E. R.; Stirling, Ian; Bradley, Daniel; Edwards, Ceiridwen J.; Graim, Kiley; Kisleika, Aliaksandr A.; Malev, Alexander V.; Monaghan, Nigel; Green, Richard E.; Shapiro, Beth (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2018-02-20)
      Recent genomic analyses have provided substantial evidence for past periods of gene flow from polar bears (<i>Ursus maritimus</i>) into Alaskan brown bears (<i>Ursus arctos</i>), with some analyses suggesting a link between climate change and genomic introgression. However, because it has mainly been possible to sample bears from the present day, the timing, frequency, and evolutionary significance ...
    • Sápmi100? Saamelaishistorian vastanarratiivejä Suomi100-tapahtumassa Sajoksessa 

      Nyyssönen, Jukka; Keskitalo, Pigga Päivi Kristiina; Kinnunen, Tiina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-19)
      Suomen Historiallinen Seura, Oulun Historiaseura ja Saamelaisarkisto järjestivät 21. syyskuuta 2017 Suomi 100-seminaarin Inarin Sajoksessa. Tilaisuuteen kutsuttiin kolme saamentutkijaa esitelmöimään saamelaisten historiasta itsenäisessä Suomessa. Artikkelimme käsittelee sitä, millaisia narratiiveja saamelaisten historiasta tilaisuudessa artikuloitiin ja millaisia vastanarratiiveja Suomen historiaan ...
    • Hr. Kaptein Jacobsen og hans arbeid for Bergens national-ethnografiske forening 

      Baglo, Cathrine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2017)
      I mars 1892 ble Bergens national-ethnografiske forening dannet med formål om å opprette et norsk folkemuseum i byen, enten som egen institusjon eller tilknyttet Bergens Museum. Museet hadde da en mindre samling norske "bondegjenstande". Nå ønsket man å sette i gang et større samlingsarbeid, med vekt på Vestlandet. Allerede fra starten var foreningen tydelig på hvem de ønsket skulle utføre arbeidet, ...
    • New information on the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition in the Vestertana Group, Finnmark, northern Norway, from trace fossils and organic-walled microfossils 

      Högström, Anette; Jensen, Sören; Palacios, Teodoro; Ebbestad, Jan Ove R. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      The Vestertana Group on the Digermul Peninsula, Finnmark, northern Norway, presents one of the few, potentially continuous Ediacaran– Cambrian sections in Scandinavia. Trace fossils provide the main age constraint, with the boundary traditionally placed at the base of the Breidvika Formation. Here, we provide trace-fossil evidence to show that this boundary is at least as low as the third cycle of ...
    • Miljø-DNA: Tar pulsen på naturen 

      Mellegård, Hilde (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      DNA i vannprøver og jordprøver kan gi verdifull informasjon om hvilke organismer som er til stede i økosystemene i dag, og hvordan livet har utviklet seg over tid.
    • Paradulichia spinifera gurjanova, 1946 (Amphipoda, dulichiidae), a valid species? 

      Johansen, Per-Otto; Vader, Wim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-11)
      Examination of Paradulichia-material collected from the Barents Sea during the Mareano cruises indicated that there are clear morphological differences between Paradulichia typica Boeck, 1871 from the Hardangerfjord, W. Norway and Paradulichia spinifera Gurjanova, 1946 from the Arctic. Based on our material and the original descriptions, these differences are the acute ventral parts of the body ...
    • Clitellate worms (Annelida) in late-glacial and Holocene sedimentary DNA records from the Polar Urals and northern Norway 

      Lammers, Youri; Clarke, Charlotte; Erséus, Christer; Brown, Antony Gavin; Edwards, Mary Elizabeth; Gielly, Ludovic; Haflidason, Haflidi; Mangerud, Jan; Rota, E; Svendsen, John-Inge; Alsos, Inger Greve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-26)
      While there are extensive macro‐ and microfossil records of a range of plants and animals from the Quaternary, earthworms and their close relatives amongst annelids are not preserved as fossils and therefore the knowledge of their past distributions is limited. This lack of fossils means that clitellate worms (Annelida) are currently underused in palaeoecological research, even though they can provide ...
    • Evenskjer Syd, Skånland k. Dokumentasjon av dyrkingslag fra Førromersk Jernalder og Vikingtid 

      Sjøgren, Per Johan E; Oppvang, Janne; Kjellman, Erik; Kirchhefer, Andreas; Lind, Keth Elisabeth (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2018)
      De arkeologiske undersøkelsene fant sted i slutten av mai og varte i to dager. Det ble sjaktet maskinelt for å få fram profiler av dyrkningslagene. To arkeologer og en gravemaskinfører åpnet sjaktene. Paleobotaniker var én dag i felt og stod for prøveuttakning. I profilen identifiseres tre dyrkingslager. Et ble datert til førromersk jernalder, 400–150 f.Kr., et til vikingtida / tidlig middelalder ...