Now showing items 21-40 of 1075

    • 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide-induced oral epithelial lesions exhibit time- and stage-dependent changes in the tumor immune microenvironment 

      Sellæg, Kjersti; Schwienbacher, Ruth; Kranz, Mathias; Engan Aamodt, Anna; Wirsing, Anna Maria; Berge, gerd; Hadler-Olsen, Elin Synnøve; Norvoll Magnussen, Synnøve (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-15)
      Oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) is the most common cancer of the oral cavity and is associated with high morbidity due to local invasion and lymph node metastasis. Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are associated with good prognosis in oral cancer patients and dictate response to treatment. Ectopic sites for immune activation in tumors, known as tertiary lymphoid structures ...
    • The inflammation repressor TNIP1/ABIN-1 is degraded by autophagy following TBK1 phosphorylation of its LIR 

      Rasmussen, Nikoline Lander; Zhou, Jianwen; Olsvik, Hallvard Lauritz; Kaeser-Pebernard, Stéphanie; Lamark, Trond; Dengjel, Joern; Johansen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-09)
      The inflammatory repressor TNIP1/ABIN-1 is important for keeping in check inflammatory and cell-death pathways to avoid potentially dangerous sustained activation of these pathways. We have now found that TNIP1 is rapidly degraded by selective macroautophagy/autophagy early (0–4 h) after activation of TLR3 by poly(I:C)-treatment to allow expression of pro-inflammatory genes and proteins. A few hours ...
    • Atg8 family proteins, LIR/AIM motifs and other interaction modes 

      Rogov, Vladimir V.; Nezis, Ioannis P.; Tsapras, P; Zhang, Hong; Dagdas, Yasin; Noda, Nobuo N; Nakatogawa, Hitoshi; Wirth, Martina; Mouilleron, Stephane; McEwan, David G.; Behrends, Christian; Deretic, Vojo P.; Elazar, Zvulun; Tooze, Sharon A.; Dikic, Ivan; Lamark, Trond; Johansen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-19)
      The Atg8 family of ubiquitin-like proteins play pivotal roles in autophagy and other processes involving vesicle fusion and transport where the lysosome/vacuole is the end station. Nuclear roles of Atg8 proteins are also emerging. Here, we review the structural and functional features of Atg8 family proteins and their protein-protein interaction modes in model organisms such as yeast, Arabidopsis, ...
    • LC3B is a cofactor for LMX1B-mediated transcription of autophagy genes in dopaminergic neurons 

      Kournoutis, Athanasios; Johansen, Terje (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2023-04-10)
      It is becoming increasingly clear that the Atg8 family of autophagy proteins have roles not only in the cytoplasm, but also in the cell nucleus. In this issue, Jimenez-Moreno et al. (2023. J. Cell Biol. <a href=></a>) report that nuclear LC3B binds to the LIM homeodomain transcription factor LMX1B and acts as a cofactor for ...
    • Dritbra» hvis ungdom gir oss avføringen sin 

      Pettersen, Veronika Kucharová; Kloos, Julia Maria (Others; Andre, 2024-02-17)
      En forskningsgruppe ved UiT samler inn avføring fra barn og unge for å studere tarmbakterier. Målet er å utvikle bedre diagnoser for sykdommer og oppdage lidelser tidligere, ifølge medisinstudent Ole Martin Ellingsbø Nilsen. Prosjektet har fått økonomisk støtte fra Barnekreftforeningen og rekrutteringshjelp fra Tromsø kommune. Ungdommer som deltar får en «kit» for å samle inn prøvene, samt ...
    • The first tigecycline resistant Enterococcus faecium in Norway was related to tigecycline exposure 

      Hegstad, Kristin; Pöntinen, Anna Kaarina; Bjørnholt, Jørgen; Paulsen, Else Quist; Sundsfjord, Arnfinn Ståle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-19)
      Objectives - We describe the first tigecycline resistant enterococcal isolate in Norway and the mechanisms involved.<p> <p>Material and methods - The Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance (K-res). received in 2022 an Enterococcus faecium blood culture isolate with decreased susceptibility to tigecycline from a hospitalized patient in the South-Eastern Norway ...
    • Homology Modeling of Transporter Proteins 

      Sylte, Ingebrigt; Gabrielsen, Mari; Kristiansen, kurt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-24)
      Membrane transporter proteins are divided into channels/pores and carriers and constitute protein families of physiological and pharmacological importance. Several presently used therapeutic compounds elucidate their effects by targeting membrane transporter proteins, including anti-arrhythmic, anesthetic, antidepressant, anxiolytic and diuretic drugs. The lack of three-dimensional structures of ...
    • Climate Change Causes Molecular-Level Stress Responses 

      Urbarova, Ilona (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2019)
      Anemones are abundant in an acidified ocean. But are they thriving? New genomics research shows that ocean acidification puts these animals under considerable stress. The good news is that some marine animals can tolerate the impacts of increased carbon dioxide levels in seawater.
    • Biochemical and Cellular Characterization of the Function of Fluorophosphonate-Binding Hydrolase H (FphH) in Staphylococcus aureus Support a Role in Bacterial Stress Response 

      Fellner, Matthias; Walsh, Annabel; Ahator, Stephen Dela; Aftab, Nadia; Sutherland, Ben; Tan, Eng W; Bakker, Alexander T; Martin, Nathaniel I; van der Stelt, Mario; Lentz, Christian Stephan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-12)
      The development of new treatment options for bacterial infections requires access to new targets for antibiotics and antivirulence strategies. Chemoproteomic approaches are powerful tools for profiling and identifying novel druggable target candidates, but their functions often remain uncharacterized. Previously, we used activity-based protein profiling in the opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus ...
    • Emergence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci from vancomycin susceptible enterococci in hospitalized patients under antimicrobial therapy 

      Janice, Jessin; Wagner, Theresa Maria; Olsen, Karina; Hegstad, Joachim; Hegstad, Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-19)
      Objectives: Enterococci are opportunistic pathogens with plastic genomes that evolve, acquire, and transmit antimicrobial-resistant determinants such as vancomycin resistance clusters. While vancomycinresistant enterococci (VRE) have emerged as successful nosocomial pathogens, the mechanism by which vancomycin-susceptible enterococci (VSE) transform to VRE in hospitalized patients remains ...
    • The first vanE-type vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecalis isolates in Norway – phenotypic and molecular characteristics 

      al Rubaye, Mushtaq Talib Shawi; Janice, Jessin; Bjørnholt, Jørgen; Löhr, Iren Høyland; Sundsfjord, Arnfinn Ståle; Hegstad, Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-27)
      Objectives - We aimed to characterize the vanE cluster and its genetic support in the first Norwegian vanE-type isolates and assess genetic relatedness to other vanE isolates.<p> <p>Methods - Two vanE-type vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecalis (vanE-VREfs) isolates (E1 and E2) recovered from the same patient 30 months apart were examined for antimicrobial susceptibility, genome sequence, ...
    • Phosphorylation of Human Polyomavirus Large and Small T Antigens: An Ignored Research Field 

      Moens, Ugo; Passerini, Sara; Falquet, Mar; Sveinbjørnsson, Baldur; Pietropaolo, Valeria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-09)
      Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are the most common post-translational modifications mediated by protein kinases and protein phosphatases, respectively. These reversible processes can modulate the function of the target protein, such as its activity, subcellular localization, stability, and interaction with other proteins. Phosphorylation of viral proteins plays an important role in ...
    • Grazing incidence to total internal reflection fluorescence structured illumination microscopy enabled by a prism telescope 

      Ortkrass, Henning; Wiebusch, Gerd; Linnenbrügger, Jochen; Schürstedt, Jasmin; Szafranska, Karolina Joanna; McCourt, Peter Anthony; Huser, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-13)
      In super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM) the separation between opposing laser spots in the back focal plane of the objective lens affects the pattern periodicity, and, thus, the resulting spatial resolution. Here, we introduce a novel hexagonal prism telescope which allows us to seamlessly change the separation between parallel laser beams for 3 pairs of beams, simultaneously. ...
    • Genomic insights into Enterococcus faecium isolates from marine bivalves highlight One Health concerns and healthcare linkages 

      von Barner Tvedegaard Heim, Amalie; Janice, Jessin; Bjørnholt, Jørgen; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Hegstad, Kristin; Svanevik, Cecilie Smith (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-12)
      Enterococci, especially Enterococcus faecium, are one of today’s leading causes of multidrug-resistant infections in hospital settings. The marine environment may harbour enterococci, but its role as an evolutionary niche and as a vector for the spread of enterococci is sparsely investigated. Hence, by applying enterococci in bivalves as a sentinel tool, this study aimed to describe the prevalence ...
    • The population structure of vancomycin-resistant and -susceptible Enterococcus faecium in a low-prevalence antimicrobial resistance setting is highly influenced by circulating global hospital-associated clones 

      al Rubaye, Mushtaq Talib Shawi; Janice, Jessin; Bjørnholt, Jørgen; Kacelnik, Oliver; Haldorsen, Bjørg C; Nygaard, Randi Monsen; Hegstad, Joachim; Sundsfjord, Arnfinn Ståle; Hegstad, Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-19)
      Between 2010 and 2015 the incidence of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREfm) in Norway increased dramatically. Hence, we selected (1) a random subset of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) from the Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (2010–15; n=239) and (2) Norwegian vancomycin-susceptible E. faecium (VSEfm) bacteraemia isolates from the national surveillance ...
    • Identification of a core EMT signature that separates basal-like breast cancers into partial- and post-EMT subtypes 

      Knutsen, Erik; Sajib, Saikat Das; Fiskaa, Tonje; Lorens, James Bradley; Gudjonsson, Thorarinn; Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari; Johansen, Steinar Daae; Seternes, Ole Morten; Perander, Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-04)
      Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a cellular plasticity program critical for embryonic development and tissue regeneration, and aberrant EMT is associated with disease including cancer. The high degree of plasticity in the mammary epithelium is reflected in extensive heterogeneity among breast cancers. Here, we have analyzed RNA-sequencing data from three different mammary epithelial cell ...
    • pH-dependent structural transitions in cationic ionizable lipid mesophases are critical for lipid nanoparticle function 

      Philipp, Julian; Dabkowska, Aleksandra; Reiser, Anita; Frank, Kilian; Krzysztoń, Rafał; Brummer, Christiane; Nickel, Bert; Blanchet, Clement E.; Sudarsan, Akhil; Ibrahim, Mohd; Johansson, Svante; Skantze, Pia; Skantze, Urban; Östman, Sofia; Johansson, Marie; Henderson, Neil; Elvevold, Kjetil; Smedsrød, Bård; Schwierz, Nadine; Lindfors, Lennart; Rädler, Joachim O. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-06)
      Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are advanced core-shell particles for messenger RNA (mRNA) based therapies that are made of polyethylene glycol (PEG) lipid, distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC), cationic ionizable lipid (CIL), cholesterol (chol), and mRNA. Yet the mechanism of pH-dependent response that is believed to cause endosomal release of LNPs is not well understood. Here, we show that eGFP (enhanced ...
    • The Computed Sinusoid 

      Boninsegna, Matteo; McCourt, Peter Anthony; Holte, Christopher Florian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-11)
      Hepatic sinusoids are lined with thin endothelial cells with transcellular pores, termed fenestrations. These fenestrations are open channels that connect the sinusoidal lumen to the underlying Space of Disse (SoD) and the hepatocytes of the liver parenchyma. Fenestrations range from 0.05 to 0.35 µm in diameter and cover 5–15% of the sinusoidal endothelial surface area, depending on their location ...
    • Enterococcal Membrane Vesicles as Vaccine Candidates 

      Wagner, Theresa Maria; Romero-Saavedra, Felipe; Laverde, Diana; Johannessen, Mona Susan; Hübner, Johannes; Hegstad, Kristin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-07)
      Enterococcus faecium is a leading cause of nosocomial infections, particularly in immunocompromised patients. The rise of multidrug-resistant E. faecium, including Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE), is a major concern. Vaccines are promising alternatives to antibiotics, but there is currently no vaccine available against enterococci. In a previous study, we identified six protein vaccine ...
    • Highly oxidized albumin is cleared by liver sinusoidal endothelial cells via the receptors stabilin-1 and -2 

      Holte, Christopher Florian; Szafranska, Karolina Joanna; Kruse, Larissa Dorothea; Simon-Santamaria, Jaione; Li, Ruomei; Svistounov, Dmitri; McCourt, Peter Anthony (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-05)
      Oxidized albumin (oxHSA) is elevated in several pathological conditions, such as decompensated cirrhosis, acute on chronic liver failure and liver mediated renal failure. Patient derived oxidized albumin was previously shown to be an infammatory mediator, and in normal serum levels of oxHSA are low. The removal from circulation of oxidized albumins is therefore likely required for maintenance of ...