Indicators of food and water security in an Arctic Health context - results from an international workshop discussion
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Nilsson, Lena Maria; Berner, James; Dudarev, Alexey A.; Mulvad, Gert; Odland, Jon Øyvind; Parkinson, Alan; Rautio, Arja; Tikhonov, Constantine; Evengård, BirgittaSammendrag
In August 2012, a literature search with the aim of describing indicators on food and water security in an
Arctic health context was initialized in collaboration between the Arctic Human Health Expert Group,
SDWG/AHHEG and the AMAP (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme within the Arctic Council)
Human Health Assessment Group, AMAP/HHAG. In December 2012, workshop discussions were
performed with representatives from both of these organizations, including 7 Arctic countries. The aim of
this article is to describe the workshop discussions and the rational for the 12 indicators selected and the 9
rejected and to discuss the potential feasibility of these. Advantages and disadvantages of candidate indicators
were listed. Informative value and costs for collecting were estimated separately on a 3-level scale: low,
medium and high. Based on these reviews, the final selection of promoted and rejected indicators was
performed and summarized in tables. Among 10 suggested indicators of food security, 6 were promoted:
healthy weight, traditional food proportion in diet, monetary food costs, non-monetary food accessibility,
food-borne diseases and food-related contaminants. Four were rejected: per-person dietary energy supply,
food security modules, self-estimated food safety and healthy eating. Among 10 suggested indicators of
water security, 6 were promoted: per-capita renewable water, accessibility of running water, waterborne
diseases, drinking-water-related contaminants, authorized water quality assurance and water safety plans.
Four were rejected: water consumption, types of water sources, periodic water shortages and household water
CoAction PublishingSitering
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 72(2013)Metadata
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