Artikler, rapporter og annet (Handelshøgskolen): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 615
The relationship between personal values and preference for novelty: conceptual issues and the novelty–familiarity continuum
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-20)The search for novelty when going on vacation is a prominent theme in the literature. Still, empirical research exploring the antecedents of this preference is limited. This study investigates the impact of two opposing personal value dimensions – openness to change and conservation – on individuals’ preference for novelty and familiarity. Data was assembled from a representative sample of 493 UK ... -
Investment and endogenous efficiency in a contest
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-01)Contests are ubiquitous but do not happen in a vacuum. Rivals can prepare themselves for the contest to improve their ultimate chance of victory. Two contestants with different prize values play an all-pay auction and can invest to improve the efficiency of their own effort in the contest. We show that at most one player will invest, and that two asymmetric pure-strategy equilibria exist depending ... -
Altruisme versus egennytte: Motivasjonen bak sykepleierstudenters studievalg
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-13)I denne artikkelen undersøker vi hva som, tross lave søkertall og negativ medieomtale, motiverer unge mennesker til å studere sykepleie. Studien setter søkelys på skillet mellom altruistisk og egennyttig motivasjon, og sammenligner dessuten sykepleiestudenter på bakgrunn av deres kjønn, alder, tidligere arbeidserfaring og hvilken prioritet de ga studiet da de søkte. Kvantitative data ble samlet ... -
Beyond Green Promises: How Concrete Information Sparks Pride and Drives Sustainable Fashion
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-05)This study examines the relationship between trust and pride and their collective influence on sustainable consumption within the fashion industry. We hypothesized that concrete marketing communications would enhance consumer trust, which in turn would directly, and indirectly via increased pride, encourage sustainable consumption intentions. Through an experimental design involving 199 participants, ... -
Game-based learning for more sustainable tourism businesses
(Peer reviewed; Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)There is an urgent need to promote a sustainable entrepreneurial mindset in Higher Education (HE) across fields and disciplines, to address the deficit of new and innovative value creation activities and bring about necessary transformations towards sustainability. This can be strategically achieved by educating new generations of entrepreneurs in tackling the sustainability challenges of our times ... -
The becoming of online students’ learning landscapes: The art of balancing studies, work, and private life
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-24)How do online students manage to balance studies, jobs, and private life – and yet succeed with their studies? Online studies typically attract students in jobs who seek to formalize their competence. Based on qualitative research design, this article sheds light on the academic learning of online students who attend a full-time program. Our focus narrows down to the inaugural class of online ... -
Who skis where, when? – A method to enumerate backcountry usage
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-22)Backcountry skiers, travelling in avalanche terrain, account for a large proportion of avalanche fatalities worldwide. Despite this, the exact count of the number of recreationists exposed to avalanches (also known as the background information), is poorly documented in most countries. Without detailed background information on temporal and spatial backcountry usage, making well-reasoned decisions ... -
Lyden av Skallelv er en snekker i arbeid
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-04)Stadig færre er bosatt på det stedet de vokste opp. Likevel kan slike steder være viktige for folks identitet og deres integrering i ulike fellesskap. En slik tilknytning kan analyseres som en form for slekting, der individer gjennom relasjoner og praksiser vedlikeholder og knyttes til fellesskap som for eksempel det kvenske. Materielt sett tar slike prosesser ofte utgangspunkt i en allmenn forståelse ... -
What Drives the Design of Startup Competitions? A Conceptual Framework and Future Directions
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-11)Startup competitions serve as essential platforms where innovative solutions to grand challenges can emerge and evolve. Owing to their substantial implications, startup competitions are gaining attention in both academia and practice, but knowledge about them remains limited. This study aims to synthesize previous unconnected streams of literature on startup competitions, by exploring the key ... -
A modus operandi for sustainable-tourism transformations
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-11)In this article, we identify and discuss unifying principles to co-design transformational sustainable-tourism interventions through participatory methodologies. We conduct a meta-ethnographic synthesis of the emerging relevant tourism literature (14 articles), and we propose five methodological requirements that underpin effective interventions for sustainable tourism transformations. The requirements ... -
Veien mot en digital fremtid: bruk e-bøker i høyere utdanning
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-16)E-bøker har blitt et stadig viktigere element i høyere utdanning, og forståelsen av hvordan studenter oppfatter og bruker disse ressursene er avgjørende for å videreutvikle pedagogiske strategier. Til tross for bred tilgjengelighet via databaser og konsortier som BIBSYS er faktisk bruk av e-bøker ofte lav. Dette gapet mellom tilgjengelighet og bruk kan håndteres gjennom målrettede tiltak. Artikkelen ... -
Public sector entrepreneurship: an integrative review
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-23)Public sector entrepreneurship (PSE) has emerged as a vital field, exploring how public servants leverage opportunities to create public value amidst unprecedented and unpredictable challenges in governance. This article navigates the expansive landscape of PSE literature, consolidating diverse theoretical perspectives and fragmented knowledge into a cohesive framework. Through an integrative and ... -
Tourism mobilities and climate crisis dilemmas: Tourists traveling towards a climate apocalypse?
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-18)Framed by a multidimensional approach to dilemmas, this qualitative study focuses on Norwegians' views on tourism mobilities and climate change dilemmas, contextual aspects, coping strategies, and consequences. Despite being situated in ideological and moral landscapes where the climate crisis is largely ignored, all participants acknowledge the dilemmas. However, the unconcerned deny personal ... -
Humour and comics for academic change and well-being
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-28)Considering recent calls for change towards a more liveable tourism academia, we combined critical participatory action research with duoethnography to develop The Academic Line—a humorous comic project about academic life. We used traditional theories of humour to leverage the effectiveness of comics as communicative devices and explored how and to what extent our project promoted solidarity, ... -
Towards decolonial research in the Arctic: Recommendations for ICARP IV, the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning
(Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2023-03-21)A decolonial approach is needed to fulfil IASC’s (International Conference on Arctic Research Planning) commitment to recognizing that Traditional Knowledge, Indigenous Knowledge and academic scientific knowledge are co-equal and complementary knowledge systems that all can and should inform its work (website ICARP IV, 2023).<p> <p>This document summarizes key recommendations for actions regarding ... -
The Arsenal of Democracy? An Examination of Political Regime Types’ Success in the Global Sporting Arms Race Following the Collapse of the Iron Curtain
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-08)Over the years, international elite sport has developed into an 'arms race' with the success of national elite sport systems becoming a symbol of regime superiority. During the Cold War, the Eastern and Western Blocs battled for success in various sports disciplines. The former nations were dominating in terms of medals, symbolising the force of the socialist autocratic system. However, because of ... -
Tiers of Engagement: Achieved Learning From Business Simulations Reflected in Economics Students’ Experiences
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-07)This article investigates the impact of a business simulator in an online economics course, focusing on the relationship between student engagement and reflections on learning. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, our study analyzes responses from 328 students who used the "Hubro Business Simulator" in a flexible online bachelor's program in economics and administration. Students provided reflections ... -
Putting an artificial intelligence‐generated label on it comes naturally
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-10)Climate change and the advent of artificial intelligence-generated content are reshaping wine marketing. The interplay between consumer focus on naturalness and sustainable farming practices and the proliferation of artificial intelligence-generated content represents a particularly salient area of research. However, the extent to which the presence of fictitious artificial intelligence-generated ... -
Destination design: identifying three key co-design strategies
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-27)Collaborative approaches to destination design require conscious and reflexive stakeholder involvement in activities and decision making. Design science studies such participatory processes by observing design teams in practice. From these observations, scientists have identified design strategies and processes that design teams use to support their work in identifying problems and developing ... -
Impact evaluation with process tracing: explaining causal processes in an EU-interreg sustainable tourism intervention
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-11)Drawing from the field of complex evaluations we discuss a novel application of process tracing for the evaluation of complex tourism interventions. We argue that to better evidence impact of tourism interventions and facilitate policy transfer we ought to adopt approaches to evaluation that allow us to deepen our understanding of causal mechanisms at play in an intervention. We adopt process ...