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Journal articlePeer reviewed
Nurses experiences of health promotion with patients in somatic outpatient clinics
The aim is to describe and understand nurses’ experiences of health promotion with patients,
who have been recommended to change their lifestyles when cared for in outpatient clinics.
Semi-structured in-depth interviews were carried out with a sample of 7 nurses, who cared
for patients, suffering from diabetes, obesity and COPD. A qualitative content analysis was
used. The findings highlight the importance of creating trust to gain insight into the patient’s
way of living, which is referred to as ‘the patient’s private health space’. The change
interventional dialogue between the patient and the nurse was created by mapping out the
patient’s potential for change, and by trying to make the patient responsible for their lifestyle
by continuous follow up, long-term support and guidance. The nurses viewed individual
adaptation of health promotion in relation to each patient as essential. The patients are
challenged to use their own resources and are guided in regard to their own goals. The
nurses role as the activator of change is important
Septentrio Academic Publishing / Universitetsbiblioteket i TromsøMetadata
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