Viser treff 187-206 av 212

    • "Tar De livsløgnen fra et gjennemsnittsmenneske, så tar De lykken fra ham med det samme." Intertekstualitet i Vigdis Hjorths Femten år. Den revolusjonære våren (2022) 

      Årvik, Kristine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-12)
      Denne masteroppgaven er en studie av intertekstuelle referanser i Vigdis Hjorths Femten år. Den revolusjonære våren (2022). Bakgrunnen for dette er en tydelig referanse til Henrik Ibsens Vildanden (2019) i romanen. Jeg har villet se nærmere på hva dette innebærer for leserens forståelse av romanen. Jeg foretar en nærlesing av Femten år med fokus på intertekstuelle referanser til dramaet, og jeg ...
    • Tarjei Vesaas’ Vårnatt : en nylesning 

      Grotdal, Hanne (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2011-11)
      Denne mastergradsavhandlingen presenterer en lesning av Tarjei Vesaas’ roman Vårnatt (1954). Analysen problematiserer den utbredte tolkningen av romanen som en initieringsroman, der den unge hovedpersonen Hallsteins møte med de fremmede gjestene fører til en utvikling fra barn til voksen. Jeg mener at mye mer er i spill i Vårnatt, og at et slikt fokus virker forenklende på romanen. Med utgangspunkt ...
    • Teaching and learning English in vocational education programmes in a Norwegian upper secondary school. Some vocational teachers’, English teachers’ and specialized workers’ evaluation of teaching and learning in the school subject English 

      Isaksen, Simon Berg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      The goal for this thesis is to study how teachers and specialized workers evaluate teaching and learning in the school subject, English, through upper secondary school, and, in answering this, to contribute to the question regarding the relevance of English in the workers’ profession. The study has a qualitative research design. Semi-structured focus-group interviews were conducted with the teachers, ...
    • Teaching climate change with young adult fiction: Raising awareness with Alexandra Kleeman’s Something New Under the Sun 

      Svastuen, Renate Kristin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      This thesis focuses on Alexandra Kleeman’s novel Something New Under the Sun (2021), a work of climate fiction, and explores ways to teach it. The thesis investigates how capitalism and privatization are drivers of climate change in light of the novel, and how the issue serves as ideas for integrating climate change into the English curriculum (ENG01-04). The thesis asserts that teachers of all ...
    • "Tegnets tilsynekomst" : ekfrase og poetologi i Astrid Hjertenæs Andersens lyrikk 

      Moen, Karina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05-15)
      I dei fleste norske litteraturhistorier blir Astrid Hjertenæs Andersen omtala som ein av dei viktigaste etterkrigsforfattarane saman med mellom anna Paal Brekke og Gunvor Hofmo. Samstundes blir det like ofte nemnd at ho har ein tendens til å bli litt borte i skuggene. Ikkje mange av dikta hennar blir lesne i dag, og berre nokre få av diktsamlingane blir omtala som betydelege. Vidare blir ho gjerne ...
    • Tekstens nytelser : en lesning i og omkring Oscar Wildes roman The Picture of Dorian Gray 

      Skjoldbjærg, Finn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1993)
    • Telling stories : invasion and isolation in J.M. Coetzee's In the heart of the country and Waiting for the barbarians 

      Solhaug, Sigrid Ingeborg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-05-15)
      In this thesis the themes of isolation and invasion are explored in J. M. Coetzee's novels In the Heart of the Country and Waiting for the Barbarians. Issues concerning the ambiguity of meaning, identity as problematic, and authorship and history writing as questionable, are central for Coetzee's writing. Coetzee deconstructs the myth of the Other and other binary oppositions. As a postcolonial ...
    • The theme of the Double in Ian Rankin´s Knots & Crosses and Hide and Seek. 

      Nordjord, Hilde O. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      Ian Rankin´s two first crime novels Knots & Crosses, published in 1987, and Hide and Seek published in 1990, have the Double as the main theme. Robert Louis Stevenson´s classic Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde inspired Rankin. The thesis statement is that Ian Rankin has developed the theme of doubling with great weaknesses since he has chosen to place the characters so closely together in both novels. To prove ...
    • These Monstrous, Decadent New Women. Exploring the Death of Dangerous Femininities in the Fin de Siècle 

      Jupiter, Michael Xavier Andrew (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2022-05-15)
      Engagement with the Gothic often brings readers into the realms of the unknown and that which is difficult to represent. In this thesis, I intend to convey to you the fin de siècle’s fascination with representing powerful women as monstrous, something that was analogous with the representations of the New Woman. Whilst there has been much research and discussions around the subject of gender in late ...
    • "This odd mix up" : intersectional spaces in Virginia Woolf’s Between the acts 

      Oboza, Alina (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-11)
      This thesis sets out to examine the physical, private/domestic and public/national space, as well as the complex interrelations between them, as represented in Woolf’s last novel, Between the Acts (1941). My method involves a gradual broadening of the perspective. I begin by studying the representation and symbolism of physical objects and spaces of Pointz Hall – the novel’s setting, before moving ...
    • To make and unmake souls: Fiction as a tool for dehumanisation and rehumanisation 

      Sve, Henrik A. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      This thesis investigates the dehumanising and rehumanising power of literature, illustrating the points with examples from novels, most prominently Philip Roth's 2004 novel The Plot Against America. It argues that the kind of fiction we consume influences how we think, and that we must be critical readers in order to not get swept away by a dehumanising narrative. Antisemitism will be a major focus, ...
    • Tradition and novelty in Stepan Pisakhov`s tales 

      Johansen, Larissa A. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-04-27)
      The topic of the present thesis is “Tradition and Novelty in Stepan Pisakhov`s Tales”. It is aimed at examining various literary features, typical to the style of mentioned above author. The readers are acquainted with the writer and artist Stepan Pisakhov (1879 -1960) from Arkhangelsk, Russia and his tales. Special attention is given to examining of traditional elements in Pisakhov`s writing style, ...
    • Turning her life into fiction : autobiography, narrative perspectives and memory in Doris Lessing’s The Memoirs of a Survivor. 

      Arntsen, Ann-Christin (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-12-17)
      In this thesis Doris Lessing’s experimental autobiography The Memoirs of a Survival is explored, and I aim to show that Lessing has experimented with the combination of autobiography and fiction in a rather complicated manner; by testing of the relationship between identities and characters, by reconstructing her childhood memories as if experienced by someone else, by exploring possible consequences ...
    • Uncovering the Obscene in Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita and John Irving’s The Hotel New Hampshire – A Critical Analysis of Cultural Divisions 

      Bergstad, Evita Lill (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-11)
      This thesis examines the obscene, particularly through three taboo motifs present in John Irving’s The Hotel New Hampshire, and Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita. I will explore the effect and treatment of issues like incest, rape, and sexual dissidence. Through this analysis of the obscene, I wish to illuminate that there exist inherent similarities between these novels in how the obscene is made conspicuous ...
    • Using learning stations to develop student literacy for L2/L3 English learners in upper-secondary school in Norway 

      Løfaldli, Sveinung Benjamin Søberg (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-15)
      This study investigates the use of learning stations as a teaching method for developing student literacy for L2/L3 English learners. The study takes place at an upper-secondary school in Norway. The case study follows two groups of students: one group of vocational students and one group of academic specialization students to find whether learning stations is an effective tool for these groups. The ...
    • "Uten min mor har jeg ingen". En analse av Linnéa Myhres roman Evig søndag, med vekt på fortellerens samspill med ulike karakterer og objekter. 

      Nilsen, Marte Josefine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-18)
      I denne oppgaven har jeg analysert Linnéa Myhres roman, Evig søndag (2012). Jeg har gjennomført en narratologisk analyse av virkemidlene som brukes i romanen. Jeg har forholdt meg til nykritikkens nærlesningsmetode. I analysen har jeg et særlig blikk på romanens karakterer. I oppgavens karakteranalyse er det relasjonene som framstår som sentrale i romanen som blir analysert. Disse er jeg-fortelleren, ...
    • Variations on a theme : the role of music in Toni Morrison´s Jazz 

      Berre, Tone (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-11-17)
      African American music and contemporary African American literature are connected both thematically and structurally. This thesis examines the various ways in which Toni Morrison draws on the cultural traditions of her ancestors, especially blues and jazz music, in creating her sixth novel, Jazz. My analysis includes the important contexts of the history and culture of black Americans from slavery ...
    • "Váikkuheapmi - hástaleapmi - ovdáneapmi" Vuoi dan Kárenina ja Mu ártegis eallin váldopersovnnaid ovdáneapmi sosiála oktavuođain 

      Partapuoli, Maret Kare-Elle (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-11-17)
      Dutkamušastan guorahalan Vuoi dan Kárenina ja Mu ártegis eallin váldopersovnnaid ovdáneami. Dutkančuolmma juogán golmma váldooassái; váldopersovnna-, váikkuheaddji- ja ovdáneami guorahallamii. Váldopersovnna guorahallamis geahčadan persovnnaid siskkáldas ja olgguldas iešvuođaid. Guktuid teakstadujiin lea váikkuheaddji, nu gohčoduvvon katalysáhtor, guhte váikkuha sihke persovnnaid ja muitalusa juona. ...
    • «Vi har inget värde alls i samhällets och folks ögon alls. Vi är sämre än djur.» Ei nærlesing av Lars Norén sitt drama Skuggpojkarna (1999) 

      Åse, Siren Julianne Jensen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-15)
      Denne masteroppgåva er ei etisk perspektivert tolking av Lars Norén sitt drama Skuggpojkarna (1999). Dramaet er skrive i den politiske perioden av forfattarskapet, der Norén sitt uttalte mål er å gje menneska som på ein eller anna måte finn seg på utsida av samfunnet, ei stemme. Metoden eg har nytta, er nærlesing. Gjennom døme frå dramaet, vil eg utforske kva grep Norén nyttar for å gje ‘skuggpojkarna’ ...
    • Via negativa. Del I: En lesning av Vladimir Makanins "Stol, pokrytyj suknom i s grafinom poseredine". Del II: J. S. Bachs "Goldbergvariasjoner" og "Stol, pokrytyj" 

      Nymo, Torbjørn (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2006-12-08)
      I denne oppgaven er det lagt vekt på å fremstille to hypoteser. For det første at Stol, pokrytyj er fundamentert i en negasjonspoetikk. Dette er i tillegg et forsøk på å bidra til en systematisering av Makanins poetikk; det gir en fremgangsmåte for lesning som kan prøves i forhold til andre fortellinger av Makanin. Negasjonsaspektet kan være med på å forklare de sprikende lesningene som blir gitt ...