Now showing items 240-259 of 294

    • Prevalence of nptII genes in three different soil fields in Tromsø 

      Steffensen, Andreas Ellingsen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2015-05-13)
      The main goal has been to establish methods to be able to study the rate of nptII in soil in Tromsø, in aerobe cultivation of bacteria and in soil DNA. Soil is a complex and diverse environment for bacteria, and it has all the qualities required to be a potential reservoir for antibiotic resistance genes. In collaboration with Bioforsk Tromsø we have gathered soil samples from soil where it has been ...
    • Prisforhandling for nye legemidler i spesialisthelsetjenesten Er det sammenheng mellom fremforhandlet rabatt og prisforhandlingstid? 

      Rafiq, Sania (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-16)
      Bakgrunn: Kostnadseffektive legemidler er en forutsetning for offentlig finansiering av nye legemidler til bruk i spesialisthelsetjenesten i Norge. Prisforhandling med leverandørselskapene utføres av Sykehusinnkjøp HF på vegne av de regionale helseforetakene. I en prisforhandling tilbyr leverandørene en konfidensiell tilbudspris, og dersom den ikke regnes som kostnadseffektiv kan det resultere i at ...
    • Process optimization of albumin-stabilized mitotane nanoparticle preparation by dual centrifugation and first lyophilization study 

      Zhang, Cindy Jia Ru (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-13)
      Albumin-stabilized mitotane nanoparticles intended for intravenous application can serve as a potential formulation for the treatment of adrenocortical carcinoma. However, the particle size of a nanoparticle-based formulation is crucial for the in vivo behavior of the nanoparticles following an intravenous injection. Prior to this project, the particle size of this nanoformulation had a mean of ...
    • The productivity gain by preventing first and subsequent hip fractures in osteoporotic patients as a result of optimal treatment 

      Aamodt, Martin Arvin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-11)
      Background: Preventing hip fractures could prevent patient disability and premature death, and lead to substantial societal savings in terms of productivity gains. However, the Norwegian government has decided against emphasizing productivity gains in prioritization decisions for financing pharmaceutical drugs. The question, however, remains whether including productivity gains could lead to better ...
    • Push and pull factors for migration of foreign pharmacists to Norway 

      Iqbal, Saleem (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-05-12)
      Migration of foreign pharmacists to Norway has increased considerably in recent years. Data from the Directorate of Health shows that 1592 foreign pharmacists received authorization in Norway from 2013 to 2021 as compared to 1952 Norwegian pharmacists. There are several theories of migration, but “push and pull theory” is the most widely used approach to learn about reasons of migration. According ...
    • Quantification of absolute and relative fitness in Acinetobacter baylyi under varying growth conditions 

      Rasmussen, Viktoria Emily (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2009-08-28)
      Natural transformation is one of three ways for bacteria to acquire genetic material (DNA) horizontally. Several hypotheses exist for why some bacteria have this ability to take up DNA, and what the incoming DNA is used for. These include use of DNA for recombination, repair or as nutrients. This master study focuses on the “food hypothesis”. This hypothesis implies that the exogenous DNA is ...
    • Quantitative Phosphoprotein Analysis in Adipose Tissue 

      Assignon, Edmund Theodore Fiifi (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-13)
      Background: Mass spectrometry-based proteomics has increasingly been the choice of method for the global analysis of the composition, modification and dynamics of proteins. Quantitative analysis of the proteome with tandem mass tag is a technique for calculating the relative abundance of the proteome in tissues and organelles. In this thesis, present a novel bottom-up method for the quantitative ...
    • Regulation of ERK3/4 Function via Specific Protein-Protein Interactions 

      Luong, Bao Quoc (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2016-05-12)
      The mitogen-activated protein kinase 5 (MK5) binds to extracellular signal-regulated kinase 3 and 4(ERK3 and ERK4) through a unique FRIEDE motif in ERK3/4. 100 amino acids C-terminal in MK5 is sufficient for this binding. MK5s subcellular localization and activity is regulated by the atypical MAP kinase ERK3 and ERK4. In this project we wanted to express and purify full-length and different domains ...
    • The regulation of steroid receptor coactivator-3 (SRC-3) activity by ERK3-MK5 signal pathway. A study in lung cancer cells 

      Almahi, Eslaem (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-05-19)
      Background: Protein kinases and phosphatases persistently regulate various signal pathways that mediate many cellular processes. The mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are key components in the transduction of extracellular stimuli to biological responses. The dysregulation of MAPKs activity promotes the occurrence of diverse diseases, including cancer, making MAPKs signaling pathways attractive ...
    • Reseptpliktige legemidler og samtidig bruk av lavdose naltrekson (LDN) hos pasienter med kronisk inflammatorisk tarmsykdom. En kvasieksperimentell reseptregisterstudie 

      Simonsen, Pia (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      BAKGRUNN: Naltrekson er en ikke-selektiv opioidantagonist som tradisjonelt brukes til å behandle opioid- og alkoholavhengighet. Lavdose naltrekson (LDN), 3-5 mg/dag, har senere blitt brukt som «off-label» tilleggsbehandling i flere autoimmune sykdommer, inkludert kronisk inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (IBD). FORMÅL: Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke om det er en assosiasjon mellom bruk av LDN og ...
    • Reverserbarheten av antibiotikaresistens: Evolusjonære prinsipper for antimikrobiell resistens og reverserbarhet – en oversikt basert på oppdatert tilgjengelig litteratur 

      Hansen, Åmund (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-03-24)
      Høye resistensfrekvenser i bakteriepopulasjoner, kombinert med en nedgang i antall nye antibiotikalanseringer og nye strukturer under utprøvning, gjør undersøkelser av forutsetningene for reverserbarheten av resistens mer aktuelt. I tillegg til generelle likheter blant ulike antibiotika i prosessene som styrer reversering, vil det også for nye antibiotika være viktig å skaffe redskaper som kan hjelpe ...
    • Review and development of referral criteria used to identify patients with diabetes who would benefit from attending a pharmacist-led cardiovascular out-patient clinic 

      Westerhus, Ingvild Risan (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-05)
      Abstract Development and validation of new referral criteria: a triangulation study at the Pharmacist-led Diabetes Cardiovascular risk Reduction Clinic, Edinburgh. The Pharmacist-led Diabetes Cardiovascular risk Reduction (DCVR) clinic has been running at the Western General Hospital (WGH), Edinburgh, for 8 years. It was decided to review the referral process of patients and the referral criteria. ...
    • Rollen til urokinase plasminogen aktivator reseptoren (uPAR) for uttrykk av molekyler involvert i celle adhesjon, migrasjon og invasjon 

      Haustreis, Stine-Mari (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2010-05-20)
      Urokinase-type-plasminogen activator reseptor (uPAR) er funnet overuttrykt i organer som har omfattende remodulering av vevet. uPAR har flere ligander, blant annet serine proteasen urokinase plasminogen aktivator uPA, ekstracellulær matrix proteine vitronectin og integriner. uPA aktiveres ved binding til uPAR. Aktiv uPA aktiverer ved binding til uPAR og kan deretter aktivere plasmin som kan degradere ...
    • Samtidig bruk av warfarin og smertestillende legemidler 

      Pettersen, Merethe Harjo (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2008-06-06)
      Sammendrag Bakgrunn På grunn av sitt smale terapeutiske vindu har warfarin et stort interaksjonspotensiale med både mat og andre legemidler, noe som kan øke risikoen for blødninger. Det er kjent at uselektive NSAIDs kan interagere med warfarin, men også tilfeller med økt INR og blødninger ved bruk av andre smertestillende legemidler som paracetamol og tramadol er observert. Formål: Beskrive ...

      Fayia, Emmanuel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-20)
      The aims of this study were to obtain a circular map of a pLG1 replicon type plasmid in E. faecium (TUH 56-32), derived from the trans-conjugation between E. faecium (K60-39), donor and (BM4105-RF) recipient strains and also to detect the presence of and describe the prevalence of selected open reading frames (ORF) from a clinical and non-clinical collection of E. faecium and E. faecalis strains. ...
    • A search for miRNAs that regulates the expression of the atypical kinases ERK3, ERK4 and MK5 

      Dyrseth, Torny (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2013-11-27)
      In 2010, there were 2839 women and 13 men diagnosed with breast cancer in Norway, which was equivalent to an increase of almost 50% since 1956. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, and will affect one in ten women during their lifetime. Despite a substantial increase in the number of early-stage breast cancers detected due to screening-programs, there is still a need for new and ...
    • The search of new negative allosteric GABAB receptor modulators using in silico and in vitro approaches 

      Hadi, Ali Muataz (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-05-14)
      γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. GABA exerts its function on both ionotropic ligand-gated GABAA receptors and metabotropic GABAB G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Disruption in the GABAergic system has been associated with numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders in humans. These include developmental dysfunctions, epilepsy, sleep disorders, ...
    • Sosioøkonomisk status og bruk av kosttilskudd blant middelaldrende kvinner – Kvinner og kreft-studien 

      Larsen, Hanne Næsvold (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2012-06)
      Bakgrunn: Bruken av kosttilskudd i Norge har hatt en økning over de siste 20 årene, og man har liten oversikt over forbruket. Det har kommet fram av flere amerikanske studier at bruken av kosttilskudd varierer med enkelte sosioøkonomiske variabler, som at kvinner med høyskoleutdannelse bruker mer kosttilskudd enn kvinner med lavere utdannelse. Det er også vist at forbruket av kosttilskudd er høyere ...
    • Stability of analgesic admixtures. Degradation and compatibility of common compounds in singular and binary admixtures in use for palliative treatment 

      Koveland, Anne Christine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-05-15)
      Analgesic admixtures are given subcutaneously using patient-controlled analgesia devices and are often used in palliative care. The admixtures contain in most cases several compounds to treat multiple conditions. Despite the wide use, there are few data on the physical and chemical stability of the different admixtures. In this preliminary study, we investigated the stability and compatibility of ...
    • Stability of Pharmaceuticals in a Simulated Marine Environment 

      Smellror, Kine Johansen (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2014-05-20)
      In the past few decades there has been an increasing awareness of pharmaceuticals in the environment and pharmaceuticals as environmental pollutants. Pharmaceuticals find their way to the aquatic environment mostly through sewage treatment plants. The potential toxicity of pharmaceuticals is of great interest as they have been discovered in air, water, soil, sediment and biota. The aim of the ...